The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 650 Infinite Energy?

After simply treating the injuries of the elves and ensuring that no hidden dangers were left, they handed over the rest of the treatment to Qiai Doll.

Xia Yan came to the side of the three evil dragons.

Looking at the three-headed dragon lying on the ground, the wounds all over the body were a bit horrible.

It was hard to imagine that it could fight for so long with such an injury.

In the end, if all the elves didn't work together to control it, it might be able to kill one or two more elves in that state.

Even now.

It fell to the ground and had already lost its ability to fight, and was quite embarrassed with injuries all over its body. When it approached, it could clearly feel the fierce aura rushing towards its face.

From the blood-stained black hair under the necks of the three evil dragons, Hu Di took out the spar with a faint colorful halo.

The spar the size of a thumb gave Xia Yan a completely different feeling from those ordinary spar.

Holding it in your hand, it seems that there is a mysterious energy in it, circulating in an extremely peaceful way.

Xia Yan didn't know how these crystals were born in the different space where Liekong sat, and he didn't know what other functions they had besides enabling the elves to break through the obstruction of convection.

I have no plans to study it for the time being.

After pondering for a while, he took out a black and yellow high-grade ball.

Compared to those Poké Balls that increase the chance of catching under certain circumstances and conditions, Premium Balls do not have those features.

But in terms of firmness, the advanced ball is probably one of the elf balls second only to the master ball.

The value of this one is not low either.

Knocking on the body of the three evil dragons, the red light took them in.

With the continuous shaking of the advanced ball, the red dot in the center continued to flash for a while, and finally ended with a "boom".

This is probably the longest time Xia Yan took to subdue the elves who lost their fighting ability.

And this truly represents the official end of this battle.

Pick up the advanced ball.

Looking at the three evil dragons lying quietly in it, Xia Yan released it again.

Its injury is not serious, if it is not treated, it may leave some bad old injuries.

Needless to say the value of these three evil dragons.

Xia Yan stayed in the different space where Lie Kong sat for so long this time, and all the elves he captured could not compare to these three evil dragons.

With the strength of a heavenly king and the status of a quasi-god elf, if it is auctioned, no one may really be able to afford it.

Xia Yan didn't even think about selling it.

He wanted to tame the three-headed dragon if he could.

At that time.

Whether it is used as a gym guard or as a hunter, it is a very good choice to try to compete for the highest seat.

In fact, based on Xia Yan's thinking, coupled with the character of the three-headed dragon, it is estimated that the elf as a hunter should be the most suitable.

But as long as you think about its fierce and brutal appearance before, and Xia Yan used more than a dozen elves to defeat it, it will definitely not be convinced.

Taming it is no easy task.

Take out a "full compound medicine" spray, and do an all-round spray treatment on the three evil dragons.

Especially the wound that Pokkisi pierced through with the horn of Zernias.

The surrounding scales have all cracked, and the flesh and blood under them are also blurred. It may take a lot of time to fully recover.


After Xia Yan finished processing, the three evil dragons spewed out a stream of white turbid air from their noses, and slowly opened their tired eyes.

The ferocity and anger are gone.

With some doubts.

His eyes fell on Xia Yan.

I have to admit that the dragon elves are really powerful.

Suffering such a serious injury, the effect of the "Quan Fu Yao" spray could not be fully exerted, and the three evil dragons woke up.

Seeing Xia Yan, the originally confused eyes were instantly replaced by anger.

It's just that it just opened its mouth, and before it could do anything, Xia Yan put it away.

Then lock the poke ball.

The high-level ball kept shaking in Xia Yan's hand, and it lasted for a while before the movement slowly subsided.

"What a bad temper." Xia Yan shook his head helplessly.

"The high-level ball should be enough for it to toss for a long time. If you can't tame it when you go back, find a master to make a poke ball for it to make sure it's safe."

"Xia Yan. Were those three evil dragons just now?" Ono's weak voice sounded behind him.


Xia Yan looked back at her.

At this time, Ono looked very embarrassed, his "Dragon Power" was exhausted, and finally went crazy with the stick-tailed scale armored dragon.

That is to say, her physique is different from ordinary people, otherwise it would be a question of whether the three evil dragons could survive the last "Ni Lin" slap.

Receiving an affirmative answer, Ono grinned and showed a big smile.

"We made it!"

"Yes, it worked." Xia Yan reached out to support her.

I couldn't help but recall the picture of Ono's eyes turning red and falling into madness at the end when the Ankylosaurus wandtail used "Reverse Scale" to go crazy.

I just don't know if this is caused by the combination of her "dragon power" and the energy of the staff-tailed scale armored dragon, or because of something else.

Why Ono was born in the different dimension of Ray Kongza has always been a mystery.

"Then we can leave here?" Ono blinked hopefully.

Xia Yan looked at the Tianzhu looming in the hazy clouds in the distance.

After pondering for a moment, he slowly said: "It is probably almost the same."

"Hmm." Ono never doubted Xia Yan's words.

"Let's take a break first."

After the three evil dragons were defeated, this area became the safest place. Although it was barren, it did not affect their rest.

Night falls.

Sitting around the bonfire were Xia Yan, Ono and a group of elves.

Snorlax, Brimwen, Big Steel Snake, and Stafftail Scale also regained consciousness.

Although it is still a bit inconvenient to move, eating has no effect.

When they learned that with their efforts, the three evil dragons were defeated, they showed proud smiles on their faces.

Especially Brimwen, Steel Serpent, and Rodtail Scale.

Only the elves living here understand what defeating the three evil dragons means to them.


Big Needle Bee and Pokkisi are also very happy.

Defeating the three evil dragons was their biggest goal some time ago, and now that they have achieved it, it is a great milestone on their growth path.

Xia Yan also finally after a long time.

From a low-level resident who has to live in fear in Golden City, step by step, he has grown into a trainer who can now defeat a king-level elf.

Thinking back, it's kind of embarrassing.


A large number of multicolored crystals were poured out.

Among them are those he collected during this period, and those that Ono kept consciously or unintentionally over the years, totaling more than a thousand.

Looking at the spar jumping everywhere in the firelight, Xia Yan took out the colorful spar obtained from the three evil dragons.

Then he looked at Ono, "How?"

Ono blinked.

Xia Yan: "."

Looking at her like this, she knew that she only heard what Aunt said about the colorful spar, but she didn't know how to operate it.


At this moment, Latios flew out from Xia Yan's side.

What is reflected in the eyes are all those big and small spars.

Including the one in Xia Yan's hand.

"Latios, do you know?"

Seeing Latios flying out, Xia Yan thought about it and asked.

I remember that when he entered the different space where Liekong was seated, it was only under the reminder of Latios that he noticed the spar on the arm of the blocking bear.

And only then began the path of collection.


Latios seemed a little hesitant.

However, with the help of superpowers, Xia Yan slowly brought the colorful spar in front of him.

He pursed his lips and looked serious.

Immediately afterwards, a milky white light spit out from Latios' mouth and shone on the colorful spar.


The seven-color spar, which already exudes a faint halo, bursts out with even more dazzling light.

And the multicolored spar on the ground seemed to have been inspired by something, and shook violently.

next second.

One of the nearest spars flew into the colorful spar and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, more and more multicolored crystals were like moths to a flame, repeating the same thing one after another.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan and all the elves showed surprise.

Even Duolong Baruto, who hadn't shown up in the fierce battle just now, emerged in outline.

"Pure light?" Xia Yan murmured.

But he quickly denied his judgment.

"No." Looking at Duolong Baruto, it seemed that he was asking for confirmation, but it seemed that he already had a firm answer in his heart.

"Infinite energy?"


PS: It's another 1.3w day, so if you convert it, it's six chapters, right? Ask for a monthly ticket~~ (kneel down.jpg)

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