The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 651 Infinite Stories (5200+)

Latios, infinitely cute.

As for whether the word "infinite" refers to infinite lifespan, infinite energy, or what it refers to, Xia Yan is not clear.

But he was almost certain that what Latios used to trigger the colorful spar should be infinite energy.

An energy originating from Latios itself.

And this kind of action shows that no matter it is the colorful spar or the colorful spar, they are inseparable from Latios.

Originally, Xia Yan was still guessing whether these spars were spilled on purpose by Lie Kongzai.

Thinking about it later, with Lie Kongzao's haughty personality, he probably wouldn't do such a boring thing.

Xia Yan even wondered whether these colorful and multicolored crystals might have something to do with the meteorite that fell to the elf world and brought about super evolution.

After all, most of the super-evolutionary origins of the elf world come from that meteorite, and with the help of that meteorite, Lie Kongzao also became super-evolutionary.

But then Xia Yan denied it.

The super-evolution of Raykuza actually relies on a special organ in its body called the "Emperor's Organ", which can store the energy in the meteorite that Raykuza swallowed in the atmosphere by instinct.

When ray kuzai undergoes super evolution, the emperor's organ acts as ray kuzai's super evolution stone and resonates with the key stone, thus completing the super evolution.

did not expect.

After going around in a circle, it still fell on Latios.

After hearing Xia Yan say "infinite energy", Duolong Baruto, who was next to him, also slowly showed a look of surprise.

Just say, why is there still a lot of dragon energy in it?

With the continuous output of Latios' infinite energy, more and more crystals were integrated into the colorful crystals.

And as the number of fusions increases, the radiance it emits will be more dazzling.

I don't know how long it lasted.

After the last piece of colorful spar on the ground melted and disappeared, the light emitted by the colorful spar even illuminated the night in this area.

No one noticed that Xiaoye, who was standing beside Xia Yan at this time, tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and looked at the dazzling spar in front of Latios with some strangeness.

this thing.


Latios stopped and took two heavy breaths.

The light emitted by the spar also subsided in an instant, and slowly returned to calm.

Xia Yan reached out to catch it.

Surprise flashed in his eyes.

Good weight.

The thumb-sized one didn't show much change in scale, but its weight seemed to combine the weight of all spars.

Spread it in the palm of your hand, and looked at it carefully for a moment.

Still can't see any difference.

"Latios." Xia Yan handed the spar to it.

Lattios exhaled again, understanding Xia Yan's meaning, nodded, and took the spar.

Then he showed a serious look, and folded his wings.

Like a sharp arrow, it rushed vertically toward the sky.

Whether it works or not depends on this.

Looking at Lattios rushing forward, Xia Yan murmured: "The speed is faster."

I see.

Latios was hardly hindered, broke through the convection barrier in the blink of an eye, and flew to an extremely high altitude.

And there, flying freely, very freely.

"It's done."

Both Xia Yan and Ono secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know if there is any difference between the height of Latios and the top of the Tianzhu, but when the elves recover, you can try it.

It can break through the limitation of convection. After flying at high altitude, the distance from here to Tianzhu doesn't take much time.

It is much more convenient than hitting from the ground a little bit.

If the height is not up to the standard, just collect some ordinary crystals, which is not troublesome for Xia Yan now.


After circling in the sky, Latios came back excitedly, the excitement in his eyes hadn't completely dissipated.


Xia Yan smiled and touched Latios' neck.

"Xia Yan, when are we leaving?" Ono couldn't wait.

"Rest for the night first, I still have something to do tomorrow. Let's try it when we're done." Xia Yan looked at the dark and desolate canyon at the moment.

"All right."

Ono responded.

Nothing to say all night.

next morning.

When the sky was just slightly bright.

Xia Yan tucked the fur on Ono's body, and then gave the stick-tailed scale armored dragon a look when he heard the sound.

Signal him to leave for a while and come back soon.

The staff-tailed scale armored dragon blinked to show that it understood.

He continued to watch Ono and fell asleep.

Both it and Ono were seriously injured yesterday, so Ono slept soundly and even snored slightly.

After Xia Yan left the camp, he led the elves towards the canyon.


It is the place where the three evil dragons flew out yesterday, that is, the lair of the three evil dragons.

If nothing else, it should have some good stuff in its lair.

Xia Yan deliberately remembered the locations where the three evil dragons came out.

Discovered when approached.

It is a cave in the cliff of a canyon.

As soon as he stood at the entrance of the cave, Xia Yan almost couldn't hold back the stench that came to his face.

Immediately opened the superpower to block the smell, but his complexion was still blue and white.

Obviously, the three evil dragons didn't have such a strong smell yesterday, so why does the place where it lives have such a strong smell?

Hudi propped up the spoon to release the "flash", illuminating the cave.

Dive deep into the wide cave.

There should be no wild elves in the cave where the three evil dragons lived, so Xia Yan walked very fast.

After a while, we came to the deepest part of the cave, a cave with a wide view.

In the middle, there is a bird's nest-like place made entirely of stones. The stones on it have been completely polished and look very smooth.

Go to the lair of the three dragons.

Xia Yan saw two lacquered palm-sized scales with strange patterns on them.

No, is the harvest coming?

"The 'Dragon Scales' of the Heavenly King Dragon Spirit." Xia Yan picked up the two dragon scales with a smile.

Under normal circumstances, dragon elves would not take the initiative to shed their dragon scales.

Because all scales that can form the props of "Dragon Scales" must be the reverse scales of dragon spirits.

Actively shedding the reverse scales will cause great damage to them.

But if it comes off naturally, that's a different story.

I don't know how long this three-headed dragon has lived here, and it's normal to shed two reverse scales.

The "Dragon Scale" of the Heavenly King Dragon Spirit is still very valuable.

"This is."

After picking up the two dragon scales, Xia Yan saw two palm-sized pure black spar-like things underneath.


Hu Di gave Xia Yan an answer.

"Is it evil pure crystal?"

Similar to the props that allowed Sirona's Eevee to evolve into Ice Eevee in the Frozen Bird's Nest in Tianguan Mountain.

It can be regarded as a pure malignant energy crystallization.

It can be used by some evil elves to improve their energy purity.

Or more simply, hand it over to some elf prop forging masters, who can create a few pairs of "black glasses" that can enhance the power of evil elf moves.

are good choices.

After walking around for a while, apart from the skeletons everywhere, there are still some things of some value.

But the main thing is these two "dragon scales" and two "evil pure crystals".

The harvest was pretty good, but it was a little worse than Xia Yan expected.

Originally thought that there would be something more valuable hidden in the lair of the king-level dragon elves.

"Let's go."

Hu nodded, wrapped in superpowers, and left here in an instant.

And after Xia Yan left, under the dark shadows in the corner, a vague figure emerged. After looking at the three evil dragons' nests with blue eyes, they turned into a black shadow and disappeared in place.

"so high"

Latios' back.

Ono sat on Latios' shoulders, holding his neck tightly with both hands.

A very curious, but very scared look.

Xia Yan stood on Latios's back, looking at the Tianzhu that was getting closer.


Xia Yan is also worried that the little guy Latios is not willing to carry humans other than Xia Yan.

But did not expect.

Lattios didn't reject Ono at all, and even showed closeness. He was the second human being close to Xiao Ye besides Xia Yan.

Even Du, who also possesses the "power of the dragon", did not get the same treatment as Ono when he came into contact with Latios.

Xia Yan can only understand it as.

Ono's "Dragon Power" is much stronger than Du's.

Latios is fast.

Passing through the layers of cloud and mist, the huge pillar of heaven soon appeared in their sight.

This is already the highest height that Latios can reach, but compared to the height of the entire sky pillar, it is still a little bit short.

I don't know how the huge gray-white sky pillar was formed. It looks like a round stick, a thicker stick, with some strange patterns carved on it.

And the top of the Tianzhu is still in the cloud and mist, and it is not neat.


Latios yelled happily, and it found that at the highest place it could reach, there was actually a platform on which to stand.

Most importantly, on this platform, there seems to be an entrance leading to the interior of the Tianzhu.

"Does the remaining distance have to be walked?" Xia Yan thought silently in his heart.

Immediately, he signaled Latios to settle down there.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Xia Yan always felt that this Tianzhu seemed to be somewhat similar to the high tower built and excavated by Gulardo's "Sword of the Cliff" in the different space of Gulardo it had entered before.

Latios was suspended on the platform.

When viewed from a distance, it seems that the Tianzhu is very slender.

After getting closer, I realized that it was completely an illusion.

Xia Yan's existence, compared to this Tianzhu, seems too insignificant.

Looking at the entrance in front of them, the two of them walked in without hesitation.


Ono couldn't help but exclaim after entering.

In fact, there is nothing special inside the Tianzhu, there is only a spiral staircase that goes straight to the top of the Tianzhu after an unknown number of circles.

And when standing at their angle and looking up.

It can be seen that the top of the Tianzhu is open, and there is a magnificent starry sky outside, as if reaching out to the universe.

That's why Ono couldn't help but exclaim.

Xia Yan was also somewhat surprised.

But it's not a big surprise.

Raykuza likes to live in the ozone layer, and beyond that is the vast universe.

Lift your foot up the stairs.

The muscles in the face twitched.

Such a long ladder, will walk the dead, right?

But soon he was fascinated by some patterns painted on the wall.

Climb up the stairs.

Ono's attention was all on the starry sky, while Xia Yan's attention was completely attracted by the murals sprinkled on the inner wall of the Tianzhu.

The descriptions on it seem to be all related to Rayquaza.

The first murals were so vague that it was almost impossible to see what was being described.

But as it continued to go up, the content on the mural became clearer and clearer, and some of the scenes described also appeared what Xia Yan knew.

Among them.

Thousands of years ago, a meteorite landed on the elf world, causing turmoil in the entire elf world, such as the recovery of the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, and the two elves fought fiercely for the competition between the ground and the sea.

And Rayquaza appeared, and with the help of meteorites, the "Emperor's Organ" mutated, and Rayquaza could super-evolve freely.

and so on.

But slowly.

Xia Yan saw something he didn't understand.

At some point, two vaguely carved figures appeared beside Ray Kong.

They accompanied Lie Kongzao for a long, long period of time, and they appeared more or less on many murals after that.

The more you go up, the images of these two figures become clearer and clearer.

They are brothers and sisters Latios and Latias!

Although Xia Yan somewhat expected this, he felt that the reason why he came here should have something to do with his Latios, but he was still surprised when he confirmed it.

Eager to know the result, Xia Yan couldn't help speeding up his pace.

"Xia Yan, wait for me."

Ono found that Xia Yan was walking faster, and immediately chased after him. At the same time, because of Xia Yan's behavior, he noticed the content on the mural.


However, Xia Yan stopped in front of a mural, looking at the human beings depicted on it, his heart surged.

And it's not just one person, it's a large number of people.

Around them, there are many elves.

The crazy harvesting of resources and the capture of elves began to be carried out in the different space of Raykonza.


Liekongzuo fell into a deep sleep because he destroyed a huge meteorite that might have affected it and the world of elves.

This group of people seemed to have seized this critical moment before they dared to invade here.

But be aware that if what the murals describe is true, it was thousands of years ago.

Did humans at that time already have the ability to open space barriers?


It was Latios and Latias who followed Lie Kongzao and stood up.

They led the elves in the different space to fight back.

But the strength of this group of humans does not seem to be weak at all, and they have treacherous abilities.

As if they were not ordinary human beings at all, but a group of people with superpowers? !


Latios and Latias forced this group of humans back at the cost of their own fall.

At the last moment, as infinite elves, all their energy burst out from their bodies and turned into crystals scattered all over different spaces, bringing the broken forests, grasslands, rivers, and mountains back to life again.

Most of the crystals were consumed, but some remained.

And Latios and Latias turned into two elf eggs.

As infinite elves, they will not die.

They have a long lifespan, and death is more like a new beginning for them.

"Elf Egg"

Xia Yan stared blankly at the two elf eggs in the mural.

Latios beside him also looked at the two elf eggs carved on the wall, a little at a loss.

keep going up.

There are many more murals after that.

However, the elven eggs of Latios and Latias seemed to be completely silent, with no sign of breaking the shell.

Even if Liekongzai tried to use his own strength, he couldn't make them break out of their shells.

Without any choice.

Liekongzu gave Latios' elf egg to the "Meteor People" who believed in it, hoping that they could find a way to make Latios hatch.

"That is to say." Xia Yan looked at Latios beside him and took a deep breath, "Lattios, are you the Latios in the mural?"


Latios also had a complicated face.

Because it doesn't have the slightest memory about the past, it has followed Xia Yan since its birth and never left.

He gently rubbed Xia Yan with his head, seeking comfort.

Xia Yan hugged it to calm its emotions.

"This is Latios, what about Latias?" Xia Yan suddenly thought of this.

Continue walking briskly up.

On the contrary, Ono was still standing there in a daze, looking at the elf eggs in the mural.

Lost in thought.

"Ono, let's go."

It wasn't until Xia Yan's voice came that Ono came back to his senses.

"oh oh."

But Xia Yan was disappointed.

In the subsequent murals, there is no content about Latias, not even a description of the elf egg.

It wasn't until they walked up an unknown number of steps that a brand new mural that seemed to have just been carved appeared in front of them, Xia Yan was once again shocked by the content of the mural.

Because the mural depicts what he experienced and encountered after entering the different space where Lie Kongzao was.

These include the first time entering a different space to fight against the blocking bear, the encounter with Ono, the battle against the three evil dragons, etc.

It was as if everything after he entered the different space was under the watchful eyes of someone.

When he came to the last mural, Xia Yan's heart trembled as he looked at the content on it.

engraved above.

That's exactly what they are doing now, entering the Tianzhu and watching the murals inside the Tianzhu.

The one wearing a hat is Xia Yan, and the one wearing baggy clothes with his hair tied up is Ono.

Flying beside Xia Yan is Lattios.

But what he couldn't understand was that beside Ono, there was also a vague figure.

Confirm after careful identification.



Ono looked at the above content, looked around, and did not see the shadow of Latias.

Xia Yan's breathing missed half a beat.

He looked at Ono who was looking around curiously.

A thought appeared in his mind that made him feel absurd.

But combined with what happened to Ono before, the terrifying physique hidden in the thin and small body, the powerful "dragon power", and the staff-tailed scale armored dragon fell into the "reverse scale" rage, especially

Her eyes, which are almost always pure and free from any dust, made Xia Yan have to look sideways the first time he saw her.

Are you kidding me?

Without waiting for him to continue to think deeply.

Ka Ka Ka——

on the mural.

Suddenly there was movement, lines began to move by themselves, and slowly a silhouette appeared behind Xia Yan and Ono.

Hanging in the air, like a ghost.

Follow them? !

"There's another one?" Ono was also surprised.

With the depiction of murals gradually clear.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

Some turned around helplessly.

"Darkley, how long have you been following?"


PS: The inspiration for this story comes from the classification of Latias and Latios as "Eon". In fact, "Eon" means the eternal life (Aeon) in Gnosticism. It means spending an infinite (extremely long) time with God.

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