The researchers were all on time, and when all the seats were filled, the academic exchange had begun.

This academic exchange can be said to be the largest academic exchange in the elf world in the past few years, covering all well-known doctors and researchers in the six regions currently under the control of the alliance.

Dr. Oki is in charge of hosting this academic exchange.

and various well-known Ph.D.

The content of the exchange is to introduce one by one the research I have done during this period and the results obtained.

After the exchange meeting started, Zhenmo still did not stop communicating with Xia Yan.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Xia Yan, every time your paper is published, I pay attention to it." Zhenmo's face was flushed, and it did not seem to be flattering.

"Really? It's really an honor." Xia Yan echoed with a smile.

"It's a pity that my research direction is relatively unpopular, and there are not many substantive results."

When talking about himself, Zhenzhu inevitably showed a little loss.

A study of fairy dreams.

Although this thing is also a very meaningful research direction, it is not an easy task to produce results.

But Xia Yan didn't think it was useless.

Combining with Darkrai to send messages to himself through dreams.

And through the dream created by Darkrai, he saw Giratina, that kind of substantive feeling, just like being there.

If they are used, letting the elves fight in the dream will undoubtedly increase their combat experience.

not only that.

Through dreams, you can also get some unobtainable information.

For example, Xia Yan solved the quasi-king-level trainer who tried to assassinate him before. If her elf falls into the hands of someone who is good at controlling elves' dreams, they may learn some information about Xia Yan.


Go ahead and explore a little deeper.

If it is possible to inject humans or elves with dreams that are very close to "real" through dreams, it is not impossible to change the thinking of a person or an elf.

Previously, with the joint efforts of the Shield Sword Monster and his own superpowers, Xia Yan quietly changed Joanna's way of thinking to a certain extent, which is similar to the way dreams inject thoughts.

It is all guided by the subconscious to change the thinking of a person or an elf.

It has a lot to do with the willpower of the elves and whether there is a gap in the mind that can be drilled.

Of course, the difficulty in this aspect is relatively high, and it should not be the research direction that researchers of an alliance should do.

In any case, this is very useful research.

Xia Yan tried to use some of his own understanding to comfort the lost Zhenmu.

But although Zhenmo was lost, her mentality was very good.

Blinking his eyes, he looked at Xia Yan with some surprise, "I didn't expect Mr. Xia Yan, did you also do some research on fairy dreams?"

Xia Yan said frankly: "After trying to understand a little bit, I think there are many good research topics in this direction. Unfortunately, I have limited energy and have not conducted in-depth understanding."

Makoto's eyes lit up.

"Really? If you are free, Mr. Xia Yan, you can come to Sanyo City in the Hezhong area. I can show you something that many people don't believe."

"If there is a chance, I will." Xia Yan did not refuse.

Fairy dream.

It is indeed a direction that has not been explored by many people.

Then the two turned their attention to this academic exchange.

Among them, Xia Yan paid the most attention.

The research on the "egg group" is jointly narrated by Dr. Kongmu and Dr. Yamanashi.

Judging from what they said, it is estimated that the "egg group" theory will be available soon.

This is another study of great significance to the entire elf world.

"When it comes to this research, one person has to be mentioned. He inspired me and Kongmu a lot and is an indispensable part of this research."

Dr. Yamanashi, who was holding a microphone, told everyone with a smile.

When many people speculated about who could provide inspiration to the two well-known doctors, Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Soraki, Dr. Yamanashi didn't let it go.

"He is Xia Yan, also known as the 'dodo bird' before."

Surprised, amazed, and unexpected gazes fell on Xia Yan.

Xia Yan sneered at these gazes, nodding his head one by one.

"I heard from Sakuragi that Xia Yan recently put forward a very bold conjecture. Let us listen to his conjecture. What exactly is it?"

After finishing speaking, Dr. Yamanashi motioned for Xia Yan to come up.

That's how this exchange is going.

One by one, tell about the results of your own research, or the research you are going to conduct.

Amid applause, Xia Yan in a white coat stepped onto the stage.

Sitting in the side auditorium, Du and the others couldn't help sighing a few words when they looked at Xia Yan in a white coat.

"Not to mention, Xia Yan wears a research uniform, which is so interesting." Dawu said.

"I just don't know what new things Xia Yan will bring us this time. I'm a little curious." Sirona expressed curiosity about what Xia Yan would say next.

Xia Yan, who stood on the stage, looked at the big shots in the research field below.

It is estimated that when he was still thinking about writing papers to make money in Jinhuang City, he would never have imagined that he would have a meeting with so many bigwigs one day.

The role of this academic exchange is beyond doubt.

Let him know a lot of bigwigs in the research world.

It can also be regarded as making him one of the top group in the research field of the elf world.

Although the actual status has not been improved.

But the influence is not the same.

"Ahem." Xia Yan patted the microphone lightly.

Not stage fright.

"To save everyone some time, let me announce the results of my latest research before expressing my bold conjecture," Xia Yan said.

Hearing this, many people sat up straight.

This is also one of the contents of the academic exchange meeting.

Xia Yan wiped his waist with his palm, red light flickered, and the huge stage was instantly curled up by a huge elf.

Big rock snake.

Xia Yan continued: "Big Steel Snake, a steel-type and ground-type elf, evolved from a big rock snake."

There was a lot of whispering immediately below.

One of them stood up directly after raising his hand.

"Mr. Xia Yan, it's no secret that the Big Steel Snake is an evolution of the Big Rock Snake. Do you know how the Big Steel Snake can evolve into a Big Steel Snake?"

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded calmly.

Although the results of this research are not as influential as the "egg group", they have troubled many researchers in the research community.

"Xia Yan, tell me."

Dr. Oki opened the notebook.

He was not the only one who did this, many people also opened their notebooks one after another, preparing to make some records.

Xia Yan pondered for a while, and didn't speak directly, but asked Dawu behind him: "Dawu, have you brought a 'metal film'?"

Dawu, who was sitting on the seat, was stunned for a moment, then stood up and said: "Bring it."

"Then come up and help me."


After taking the stage, Dawu handed him the load-bearing metal film.

At the same time, he approached and asked softly: "Xia Yan, do you mean that the big rock snake can evolve into a big steel snake through the 'metal membrane'?"

"Almost." Xia Yan nodded.

"It's not like no one has tried that."

"Of course we need to add some special methods." Xia Yan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Dawu had a thought, as if he had made some decision, and said solemnly: "Then why not let my big rock snake come?"

Xia Yan looked at him, looking at the solemn look on his face.

He shook his head and said, "No, your big rock snake shouldn't be used in this way. You will understand after I finish speaking, this is for your big rock snake's good."

Dawu was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded: "Okay."

For Xia Yan, Dawu still believed very much. He said that for the good of the big rock snake, Dawu had no doubts.

Then, under everyone's gaze, Xia Yan and Dawu worked together to apply the metal film on the big rock snake.

at first glance.

The original gray-yellow appearance of the big rock snake has turned into a metallic color.

But the appearance has not changed because of this.

Just when everyone expressed their doubts, Xia Yan summoned the elf again, which was the big needle bee.

After the big needle bee came out, she understood what Xia Yan meant.

The wings vibrated rapidly, and the fine flocculent current turned into a magnetic field, covering the entire rock snake.

Streams of electricity like spider silk jumped on the metal coating on the big rock snake's body.

"Xia Yan's big needle bee is carrying more and more current, so you must take a good look at it when you find a chance."

When Dr. Oki saw Xia Yan's big needle bee, he couldn't hold back his desire to observe.

"Is this...a special magnetic field covering the big rock snake?" Dr. Yamanashi murmured.

Dr. Yamanashi, who is an authority on the evolution of elves, expressed curiosity about Xia Yan's approach.

But soon.

Under the stimulation of the needle wasp's magnetic field, the metal-coated giant rock snake glowed with an evolutionary white light.

As the dazzling white light illuminated the entire hall, many people's eyes widened.

"Really. Evolved." Dawu murmured looking at the big needle bee that had withdrawn its magnetic field.

The evolution time is not long.

Not long.

When the white light of evolution dissipated, a big steel snake appeared on the stage.

That is to say, this table has been specially treated, otherwise the weight of the big steel snake would easily crush the table.

It was also the first time Xia Yan saw the big rock snake evolve into a big steel snake.

But looking at the big steel snake who had just evolved and was quite excited, Xia Yan couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

This big steel snake looked pretty good, but compared to the one he caught, it was still a lot worse.

Whether it is the color of the metal, the weight of the body, or even the density of the metal, they are all different.

At this time, someone stood up again, quite excitedly said:

"Mr. Xia Yan, what do you mean, the 'metal film' is indeed the material needed for the evolution of the rock snake, but it must be matched with a special magnetic field?"

It’s not that no one has done the method of coating metal on the rock snake in order to make it evolve. At that time, many people paid attention to this research, but it failed.

Xia Yan then began to explain.

"As far as I know, there are two ways for the big rock snake to evolve into a big steel snake. One of them is what I just showed you, applying a 'metal film' and adding a magnetic field to stimulate the metal layer and the big rock snake to stimulate them to fuse."

This is the so-called "communication evolution".

But in fact, "communication evolution" is not necessary.

However, the requirements for elves and "metal film" materials are not low.

As far as ordinary big rock snakes are concerned, the special magnetic field can replace the magnetic field influence of "communication", which can make it evolve.

This is also the main reason why the evolution of the big rock snake into the big steel snake is still a secret so far.

This is indeed a good discovery.

Although it is not as sensational as Xia Yan's discovery that the ugly fish can evolve into Menus, it is still a good research result.

"Wait, Xia Yan, you said two ways?" Dr. Yamanashi asked.

Xia Yan nodded, "Yes."

Looking back at Dawu who was sighing next to the big rock snake, he gently tugged him, motioning him to listen carefully.

"It is difficult for ordinary big rock snakes to come into contact with the 'metal membrane', let alone the magnetic field stimulation."

After a short pause, he continued: "According to my observation and investigation, rock snakes like to bury themselves deep underground, and the stronger rock snakes drill deeper, and they are deep in the ground that is rich in metals and minerals.

Because in this way they can, with themselves as raw material and the earth as a hammer, a little bit"

Then Xia Yan narrated how the wild big rock snake evolved into a big steel snake.

Dawu, who was listening next to him, showed a sudden look.

He looked at Xia Yan gratefully.

He finally understood why Xia Yan said it was for him and his big rock snake.

Because this second evolution method can indeed make the evolved steel snake even better.

"Mr. Xia Yan, what you said is very reasonable, but do you have any basis and evidence?" Someone raised an objection at this time.


Xia Yan was not surprised that someone raised an objection, he threw the elf ball.

Another big steel snake appeared on the stage.

Everyone already thought that the big steel snake that had just evolved was pretty good.

But when they saw the big steel snake Xia Yan summoned, they all closed their mouths.

The gap is too obvious.

It is clear at a glance.

After showing it for a while, Xia Yan took the big steel snake back.

He smiled and said: "I believe that you should know more about the gap between the two big steel snakes than I do, so I won't go into too much detail."

Enough is enough.

Nothing is more convincing than showing the gap between two steel snakes that have evolved in different ways.

After everyone has accepted the result.

Xia Yan began to tell what he really wanted to tell.

"Just as there are two ways for a big rock snake to evolve into a big steel snake, I think there should be two ways for an ugly fish to evolve into a Menus."

While speaking, Xia Yan looked around the venue.

This time, no one raised any objections, but each of them showed a thoughtful look.

One of the best points to prove this theory is how did the first Menus appear?

If it is said that the other Menus are ugly ugly fishes who were lucky enough to get the "beautiful scales" to complete the evolution, then how did the first Menus appear?

After confirming that no one raised any objections, Xia Yan continued: "So I put forward a bold guess. The ugly ugly fish evolved into Menus, and the 'beautiful scales' are not necessary. They have a more difficult way."

Although there are few people in the world of elves who have mastered telepathy or communicated with elves, it is not impossible.

Has no one tried to communicate with the evolved Menus and ask how they evolved?

I really can't say no.

But so far no one has come to a conclusion.

It can only be explained that most of these rare Menus did not evolve through "beautiful scales".

In fact, for ugly ugly fish, what is the difference between picking up a "beautiful scale" and finding a needle in a haystack?

And those evolved Menus probably didn't know how they evolved or what conditions were triggered, they just evolved in a daze.

With the Big Steel Snake as a reference, when Xia Yan said that there are two ways for Menus to evolve, everyone's acceptance immediately increased.

"Meinas is called the 'most beautiful elf', but evolved from an ugly ugly fish. This reminds me of a rather interesting story, the story of 'Ugly Duckling'. So I made a bold guess, which I call 'beauty'.

Whether the ugly fish can evolve into Menus after reaching a certain threshold through its own "beauty".


Whether all the elves have a value of "beauty" to affect each other's judgment of "beauty". "

When he said these words, most people fell into deep thought.

Only a few people's eyes were slightly brightened, and they felt that this was indeed a possibility and a good guess.

And the reaction is the most obvious.

It was the league officials who were watching.

They looked at each other slightly excitedly.


If it is really possible to confirm the existence of this thing, wouldn't it mean that the Gorgeous Competition finally has a more authoritative numerical basis in addition to the intuitive feelings of the audience and judges?

With a keen sense of politics, they clearly sensed the connection between this "beauty" and the gorgeous contest.

Today, the Alliance is promoting the Gorgeous Contest with little success. One of the key factors is that people's judgments on beauty are influenced by their own subjective consciousness, and they do not have an accurate concept and standard.

However, if an authoritative "beauty degree" is introduced as an intuitive value for display, combined with the reactions and feedbacks of the judges and the audience

They saw the possibility of the grand contest being widely accepted and embraced.

And the key to this is whether the "beauty" that Xia Yan said can really be proven to exist?

We will have to wait for Xia Yan's research results to know.

However, since they saw the possibility, coupled with Xia Yan's ability and results shown in the previous few times, they felt that they could support it.

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