The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 669: The Beginning of the Civil War (Two in One)

The battle between Xia Yan and the others failed in the end.

Because by the end of the academic exchange meeting, it was completely dark.

After a day of mental activities, and Xia Yan who didn't sleep all night, he really lost the energy to continue fighting.

But since Dr. Oki revealed that they will participate in an inevitable competition in the near future, the few people have no regrets about this match.

two days later.

Xia Yan returned to Random Town.

Along with it was Sirona.

When he first arrived in Shuran Town, Xia Yan was also taken aback by the excitement of Shuran Town.

Although the start time of the "German Small Cup" is not far away, random town will inevitably see a surge in the flow of people, but the surge to this extent is somewhat beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

Sirona couldn't help showing surprise.

"I haven't been here for a few months, and Random Town has developed into something I don't know at all."

Xia Yan said with a smile: "This is thanks to Devon's spare no effort in development and support."

But Sirona doesn't think so.

"I think your influence is the key. Devon's company is not irreplaceable, but you, the current brand of Random Town, are the most critical part. Besides, Devon is willing to invest because he saw your potential."

As he spoke, he pointed to a building under construction in the distance.

That's the Devon Commercial Building.

Once completed, it will become the largest commercial building in Shuran Town and one of the landmark buildings of Shuran Town, which can greatly stimulate the economic development of Shuran Town.

Most importantly, a huge banner poster was posted outside the building under construction.

There is also a picture of Xia Yan holding his hat on it.

The banner reads, "Ibrahimovic expert, one of the authorities on elf evolution, Mr. Dodo, runner-up of Lily of the Valley, Xia Yan, the owner of the random dragon gymnasium!"

The professionally retouched poster and the several titles written on it made Xia Yan feel a little embarrassed.


After Xia Yan announced that he was the "Dodo", Devon Company paid more attention to him, and Chi Guoguo's overtures were self-evident.

Presumably, the reason why Random Town is so popular these days has a lot to do with the announcement of his identity.

One of the representatives of the younger generation in the training family, and even more so in the elf research world, the younger generation is unmatched. The overlapping of these two identities has created Xia Yan's inestimable influence even now.

"Ahem, it's a bit exaggerated." Xia Yan pressed his hat down a little embarrassedly.

"No exaggeration." Sirona nodded approvingly, "Each of these titles is already owned by you. In fact, I think you can also add 'intimacy' and 'beauty', as well as Menus, Big Steel Snake, etc."

As he spoke, he raised his fingers and counted Xia Yan's achievements.

"That's Miss Sirona!"

"The one next to him is the owner of Xia Yan!"

"It's really Mr. Xia Yan!"

"Mr. Xia Yan, I am your fan!"

"Mr. Xia Yan."


Sirona didn't hide herself, so she was recognized right away.

Even Xia Yan was recognized.

With Xia Yan's current influence in Random Town and his influence among the younger generation, it will be troublesome if this is surrounded.


Xia Yan really slipped away.

Hirona covered her mouth and chuckled a few times, and followed Xia Yan to the gym.

She has more experience in dealing with this than Xia Yan.

After all, she has been famous for a long time, and she has many fans in the entire elf world, which is the first time for Xia Yan.

The two trotted back to the gym.

Come to the office.

Before he could catch his breath, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Xia Yan, you are back. There are a lot of people signing up these days, and it is even more popular than before. I am a little uncertain."

Yamato, who is now the steward of the gymnasium, immediately found him chatting with Sirona in Xia Yan's office after learning that Xia Yan had returned.

"There are enough people."

Xia Yan, who was panting slightly, frowned.

"Then don't accept registration for the time being, and Mr. Xia Yan, please take a look at this." Yamato handed over a list.

All the brands listed above are big and small, and there are even some companies that Xia Yan finds very familiar.

"These are companies that have called us suddenly in the past few days, hoping to invest in advertising space, and even...even toilets have been sponsored."

Xia Yan: "."

The pattern is small.

The scale of the construction of this gymnasium was still small.

"That's just part of it. I really can't find a place to post an advertisement for the other part." Yamato said helplessly.

This is also the first time he has encountered this situation.

In the past, I only heard that in the competitions held by the alliance, all the advertising spots would be sold out and there would be competition for them.

I didn't expect that a small cup competition held by one of their gymnasiums could also win such an honor.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

"If you really can't post it, just push it."

At this time, Yamato showed an embarrassed look.

"This...I'm afraid it won't work. Some companies have already sent the money directly, the full amount."


Xia Yan was stunned.

Still have such operation?

Yamato these days is also like him, feeling the troubles of happiness.

"The income of the gymnasium in this competition may far exceed my previous expectations. Mr. Xia Yan is really amazing." Yamato couldn't help but sigh.

Xia Yan pressed his hat.

Mainly because it happened to collide with his public identity.

Coupled with the chain reaction brought about by the Menus he announced a few days ago and the evolution of the big steel snake.

"Look at the arrangement, it's really not good, you can stick it on the wall." Xia Yan said helplessly.

Anyway, people have already sent the money.


Until Yamato left, Xia Yan couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.

Looking at the smiling Sirona sitting on the sofa, Xia Yan said, "Sirona, I want to ask you to do me a favor."


a week later.

The much-watched "German Cup" has finally begun!

On the lawn at the entrance of the random town gymnasium, people went to the hot sea.

There are a large number of customers crowded in front of the trolleys with all kinds of snacks, snacks and souvenirs.

On the door of the "torii"-like gymnasium designed by Xia Yan, a huge screen was hung.

At this time, the scene of the competition in the gymnasium is showing on the top.

Because Xia Yan's gym is not big, the space is limited.

Compared to the bustle outside, the inside of the gymnasium is relatively deserted.

However, looking at all kinds of cameras in all directions, we can still see the degree of attention this cup has received.

In the middle of the venue was an impassioned host with a microphone.

He is a professional host sent by Devon Company and has rich experience.

Facing such a hot cup game, they are still able to handle it with ease.

"Let us welcome now, Gym Master, Mr. Xia Yan!"

Amid the cheers, Xia Yan walked out of the passage representing the gymnasium owner.

"And Miss Sirona!"

Amidst more exclamations, Sirona walked out of the passage representing the challenger.

This is the opening ceremony of this cup.

An exhibition contest participated by the Gym Master Xia Yan.

It's just that no one thought that the person who had an exhibition match with Xia Yan would be Sirona.

And this is what Xia Yan asked Sirona to help.

It can be said.

The companies that invested in the competition advertising this time are definitely making a lot of money.

The exhibition match held by Xia Yan and Sirona, two young trainers with considerable reputation in the Sinnoh area, will definitely attract more attention.

Since it was an exhibition match, there was no need to take it too seriously.

And as the owner of the Dragon Gym, Xia Yan was doomed to use only dragon elves in this exhibition match.

Therefore, the object of the exhibition match must find an acquaintance.

Otherwise, if the other party doesn't give face and directly comes up with a series of threes, wouldn't Xia Yan's accumulated reputation for the gymnasium be ruined?


In the "Lily of the Valley Youth Contest", Xia Yan and Sirona did not actually fight in the final championship battle. In the end, Xia Yan voluntarily abstained to determine the outcome.

This was the first time the two met, even if it was just an exhibition match, it was enough of a gimmick.

What Xia Yan sent was the aluminum steel dragon that has almost become one of the hall's signatures.

And Sirona sent Pokkigu, who joined the team later.

Both are house master-level elves.

Sirona lacks a top-quality Stone of Light, which is not easy to find, even in the capacity of Sirona, it is not easy to find a top-quality evolutionary stone.

So the state of Pokkigu is still maintained.

Moreover, Sirona's Pokkigu has not awakened the fairy system, and the restraint effect on the dragon-type elves is not strong. It has not evolved into Pokkisi and has not learned the highest "air cut" that is more compatible with the "Heaven's Grace" characteristic.

At this time, Pokkigu was in Sirona's team, just like Xia Yan's Pokkigu back then, and he still assumed more auxiliary duties.

Of course.

Even with these reasons, this Pokkigu still cannot be underestimated.

Let's talk about Xia Yan and Aluminum Ganglong.

This aluminum-steel dragon can't be regarded as his elf, and there is basically no tacit understanding, just acting according to orders.

It has cultivated a certain tacit understanding with Linghua.

Xia Yan has already promised Linghua that when she doesn't want to be the master of this gym, she can let her take this aluminum-steel dragon away.

Because it's an exhibition game.

So Xia Yan and Sirona tacitly focused on showing the elves, and performed some gorgeous-looking moves, which attracted exclamations from the audience again and again.

In fact, the number of collisions between the two sides is not many.

In the end, the two did not decide the winner, and ended the exhibition match with a draw.

But they also set a good tone for the following games.

Because the arena is not big, only one match can be allowed at a time, but because there are really too many people signing up, in order to hurry up, after Xia Yan and Sirona leave the field, the follow-up matches will start soon.

Xia Yan estimated that the competition would last at least half a month.

Player waiting room.

"Xia Yan, Sirona, the fight between you two is too fake." Seeing the two coming in, Daye was the first to express his opinion.

Sirona smiled and said nothing.

Xia Yan gave him an angry look.

"If you think it's fake, you can give up the game, no one makes you have to participate."

Daye grabbed Xia Yan's shoulders and pushed his explosive head next to Xia Yan's.

"Look at what you said, this is also the first event held by your gymnasium, how can we not join in?"

Seeing his "awe-inspiring righteousness", Xia Yan couldn't complain.

"However, Xia Yan, if the winner challenges you, can he ask you not to stick to the spirits of the gymnasium?" Daye said again.

Hear this sentence.

Wu Song, who was reading with his head down, adjusted his glasses and raised his head, and Ah Liu, who was teasing a small bug on his fingertips, also raised his head.

have a look.

This group of people was just here to challenge him.

It's outrageous.

Before Xia Yan could answer, a communicator in his inner pocket vibrated.

Feeling the shock, Xia Yan's face changed slightly.

"I have a call."

After speaking, he strode outside.

Daye raised his hand, looked at Xia Yan who was leaving, opened his mouth and finally couldn't speak.

"Master Xia Yan will not refuse our request." A Liu said in relief.

"I hope." Daye pouted.

He just wanted to have a passionate battle with Xia Yan.

At the end of the competition between the two last time, Daye still felt the passion from Xia Yan.

"But have you all heard about it? Master Xia Yan is that 'dodo bird'." A Liu said with admiration.

"The Dodo? Who is it?" Daye was stunned.

"A very remarkable researcher. I didn't expect that person to be Xia Yan. My Sun Ibrahimovic was trained according to his thesis." Wu Song couldn't help sighing.

"But don't you think the name is strange? 'Dodo'." Daye scratched his head.

"I only know that Xia Yan and Mr. Du have a very close relationship." Wu Song said intentionally or unintentionally.

"Do, 'dodo', uh."

Looking at Daye who was stunned, Sirona next to her couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

This meme has already started spreading.

Walked out of the player waiting room and came to his office.

After summoning Hu Di to make sure there was no one there, he pressed the answer button.

"It's me." His voice became a little hoarse.

This is the voice of his hunter identity.

And it was Miss Q's voice that came over the phone.

"N, Hunter S, is dead."

Hearing this, Xia Yan's heart trembled.

Some stared in disbelief.

Hunter S, one of the six highest seats in the Hunter Guild.

He has the same status as Ms. Q and Mr. Z, and the area he is in charge of is the Hezhong area.

This was the first time Xia Yan encountered the death of the highest seat after joining the Hunter's Guild.

After a while, he suppressed the surprise in his heart and said in a deep voice, "Who did it?"

"Not sure, but."

Ms. Q didn't continue to say the following words, but Xia Yan understood what she meant.

She suspected that it was Tom Luqi who did it.

In fact, Xia Yan's first reaction was the same.

"S is dead, and the Hunter's Guild in the Hezhong area is in complete chaos." Ms. Q continued.

"What do you need me to do?"

"This is an opportunity for you, but how to grasp it depends on your own willingness and ability." Miss Q said meaningful words.

Emphasis has been placed on the word "ability".

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dangerous light shining in them, "The highest seat"

"None of them can leave, and now the five of us are sitting together."

Miss Q looked at the other four people sitting at the round table, and spoke softly to Xia Yan on the phone.

Just sit together?

Xia Yan's heart shuddered.

In other words, when Miss Q notified him, the others also knew about it.

But they didn't stop it.

Just explain.

Today's Hezhong area, in their eyes, may have become a big cake.

As for who did it and what the purpose was, it doesn't matter now.


Who can get more benefits.

Get the benefits first, and when the dust settles, it's not too late to discuss who did it.

"I understand." Xia Yan hung up the phone.

After a little hesitation, he called Juzi again.

"Teacher, the biggest civil strife you have been waiting for is coming. Hunter S, the leader of the Hezhong area, has died."

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