The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 707: Teaching Sakagi (Two in One)

Feel free to town.

Xia Yan returned to Random Town again.

There is still a little time left before the opening of the Alola region, and he also needs to seize this last time node to improve and stabilize the strength of the elves.

Four quasi-kings and two masters, Xia Yan didn't think that with such strength, he would have much advantage in the next competition.

In the "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition", he took advantage of the youth competition, and chose three out of six to fight.

But this "Islands Contest" must require all members to participate in the battle, and even the final decisive victory may use the rules of unlimited battles.

In such a short time, it is unrealistic to expect the strength of Flame Monkey and Lattios to be greatly improved again.

It is even more critical to practice several tactics and increase the cooperation and tacit understanding of the elves.


The training and exercise should not be left behind.

He can't just focus on one big game, but also after the big game.

Random ranch outside of town.

Xia Yan looked at the pink mist that faintly shrouded the forest, and the efforts of the lampshade night mushrooms finally showed initial results.

The scale of the Fairy Forest has begun to take shape.

The energy recovery of the fairy system in the entire elf world is also gradually filling up, and the appearance of the fairy system is getting closer and closer.

This will be an event that will have a considerable impact on the entire elf world.

Fortunately, Xia Yan still has a little time to prepare.

"Xia Yan!"

Ono ran towards him, jumped and hung directly on his body.

The stick-tailed scale armored dragon following behind showed helplessness.

"You've been away for a long time."

Ono rubbed his head against him.

Xia Yan smiled and pulled her off her body like an octopus.

"Did you study hard during this time? I'm going to test you tonight."

Ono stuck out his tongue, but he still said quite complacently: "Of course! I'm very good, and I can learn it as soon as I learn it!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Xia Yan's eyes brightened slightly.

Ono raised his head.

"That is, if I pass your exam, can you let me travel? I heard from those who came to challenge the gym that traveling is fun."

"Okay, if you really learned everything, you should go out for a walk."

Xia Yan has a developing attitude towards this.

After all, he couldn't keep Ono by his side all the time.

Regardless of whether she is human or Latias, she should go out and meet the world.


The excited Ono took the staff-tailed scale armored dragon to the side to exercise.

The euphemistic name is to prepare for the trip.

Xia Yan summoned the elves and told them about the possibility of participating in the competition in the future.

The attitude of the elves is very uniform.

To sum it up in Pokkisi's words, it's their fault!

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.

"And these."

Sitting on the ground, surrounded by elves, Xia Yan carefully took out a few boxes.

"Cha Kei?!"

Pokkisi's eyes lit up immediately after smelling the smell, and his index finger moved.

Energy cube.

But not ordinary energy cubes.

It's a top-quality energy cube!

Xia Yan has long wanted to change them, but has been delayed by various matters.

So, Xia Yan directly asked Dawu and Sirona, and through their relationship, he contacted several cultivators who had a good reputation in the entire alliance.

Pass some data of the elves to them, and according to the characteristics of the elves and the direction Xia Yan needs to strengthen, these valuable top-level energy cubes are customized.

each one.

Both are expensive.

But Xia Yan can still afford it now.

But if you can afford it, you can afford it, and what should hurt is still hurt.

The most expensive.

In fact, it is still the cost of researching the formula for these master cultivators to customize the energy cube according to the elves.

According to them, it is not the best ratio yet, and continuous research and production requires a steady stream of funding.

And as the strength and abilities of the elves change, the formula needs to be constantly adjusted.

That is.

To customize top-level energy cubes, not only need to bear the cost and consumption of production, labor costs, etc., but also bear the cost of their formula development.

In short.

Not only is the price high, but it's an ongoing expense.

With the Hezhong area still not stable, Xia Yan could only bear the consumption of the main elves.

at the same time.

Xia Yan himself also needs to improve his ability to produce energy cubes, and it also needs to consume a lot of resources.

Fortunately, his super power has been greatly improved, and he has a great advantage in this aspect of learning.

When he can make top-level energy cubes by himself, the pressure will be much less.

He also makes super energy cubes, of course he knows how big the benefits are.

"These are all prepared for you, the most suitable energy cubes for you at present."

Xia Yan handed boxes of energy cubes to the elves.

In Xia Yan's explanation, after understanding its value, the elves ate carefully, for fear of wasting it.

Even Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic are the same.

after eating.

Xia Yan rolled up his sleeves and started training the elves.

After witnessing the battle between Sakamu and Diyun, Xia Yan deeply felt the difference in strength between him and the real top trainer in the world.

The more you know, the more you can understand the changes brought about by the slight gap after the strength reaches a certain level.

Just like in a game.

A little more speed can crush the slower sprites to death.

Although the real world is not as rigid as the game.

But in a high-level elf battle, the effort required for a little advantage is unimaginable.

The big needle bee and their foundation, Xia Yan, played fairly well, and now their advantages are gradually being brought into play.

Even after reaching the quasi-king level, the progress in strength has obviously slowed down, but the improvement is still accumulating little by little.

The speed and attack power of the big needle bee are its advantages, and it is also the direction in which it needs to continue to improve.

Hu Di's super strength and quick thinking.

The shield and sword monster's terrifying defensive power, and the ability to switch between offense and defense.

Pokkisi's dexterity and control.

Latios and Flame Monkey learned something from Reshiram.

Although it is not possible to calculate all the things in Reshiram's signature, Reshiram's experience and the use of energy have given them a lot of inspiration.

There is one point to make.

After the strength of the elves reaches the quasi-king level, the use of energy becomes crucial.

Whether it is the amount of energy, the accuracy of use, the control of output, etc.

According to Xia Yan's observation, he learned from the communication with the three evil dragons and Duolong Baruto.

If the elves want to cross the threshold of the quasi-king level and enter the level of the king, energy is probably the key.

This is also the reason why he has to replace the top energy cubes for the elves even if he bears this huge pressure, which will help them to a certain extent.


During this period of time, in addition to practicing tactics, Xia Yan arranged more training tasks, which were all energy-related training.

Keep trying and making adjustments to find the most suitable method for each elf.

And at this time.

The relationship Xia Yan established in the alliance over the years has played a big role.

His cheap teacher Kikuko, Fengyuan's Four Heavenly King Genji, Sinnoh's Four Heavenly King Kikuno, Hezhong's champion Adek, Shi Lan from the Battle Frontier Zone, and Lila, the head of the UB Countermeasures Department

These people have provided Xia Yan with a lot of experience.


Xia Yan also called Sakagi.

He is also one of the few cadres in the Rockets who knows Sakagi's private phone number.

"Boss Sakagi."

Holding the communicator, Xia Yan stood on a certain cliff on Tianguan Mountain, feeling the howling cool wind.

"Yan Xia, what's the matter? Are you in trouble in Hezhong?"

Sakagi's voice was quite peaceful, but with a little surprise of calling Xia Yan.


Immediately Xia Yan raised some of his doubts.

And in the underground base of the Rockets in Tokiwa City, Sakagi, who was training Tu Yun with his sleeves rolled up, blinked twice before he realized what Xia Yan said.

Can't help but dumbfounded.

to be honest.

For so many years as the leader of the Rockets.

It was the first time he met someone who took the initiative to ask him how to train elves.

I, Sakagi, when did I become so talkative?

After receiving the towel handed over by his assistant, Matori, he waved his hand at Land Cloud, signaling it to take a rest first.

Sitting on the lounge chair, he sipped his red wine.

"You mean bug-type elves? I'm a ground-type trainer"

Sakagi smacked his mouth.

Listening to Xia Yan's explanation on the communicator, Sakagi's expression gradually became serious, and he narrowed his eyes slowly.

"Did you notice that day?"

At that time, Sakagi wanted to summon the Big Needle Bee.

"Okay, I can teach you something, but since you are a partner, you should show some sincerity, right?" Sakagi said indifferently.

"You don't need to pay anything. I will give you a task. It is not a difficult task, but it will last longer."

The assistant Matori who stood behind Sakagi stared.

When did a Rockets cadre chat with Sakagi like this?

in a friend-like way.

She actually saw the corner of Sakagi's raised mouth.

Yan Xia on the other side of the phone, what is it that makes Boss Sakagi pay so much attention to it?

Even Nazi, who is known to everyone in the Rockets, is admired by Sakagi and even indulged a little, she can rarely talk to Sakagi like this, right?

Zhenniao silently wrote down the word "Yan Xia".

After Nazi, another popular person in the eyes of Boss Sakagi appeared in the Rockets.

When doing things in the future, you have to pay attention to it.

After a while.

Sakaki frowned slightly.

"Who said that speed is not energy? Don't just focus on insect-type energy or poison-type energy. Although this may not be the key to the Uranus-level, if you want to continue to go up, you must never let the inherent thinking shackled."

After a long life, Boss Sakagi is actually teaching. Makoto feels sore in his heart.

"What is the advantage of energy? For example, will the power of the "Bug Bite" move be different between a Heavenly King-level elf and a quasi-Heavenly King-level elf?"

"Since it's different, what caused the gap? Proficiency? Strength? Speed? Energy? Every point is critical. Aside from proficiency, energy is the most important thing, do you understand? There is no worm-type energy , how do you cast 'bug bite'?"

"Some of my methods are not suitable for you, but even as I said before, you must pay attention when training. Not all elves can undertake this level of training. It will easily hurt the root and cause an irreversible root cause."

For over an hour.

Boss Sakagi managed to take time out of his busy schedule to train the newly conquered Land Cloud, so he was willing to spend so much time teaching one person?

As Sakagi's assistant, Matori knows how precious Sakagi's time is.

Finally hung up the phone.

Sakagi didn't say anything yet, but the assistant, Matori, breathed a sigh of relief first.

Seeing the increasingly intense smile on Sakagi's face, Makoto couldn't help but reminded:

"Boss, Time"

Sakagi looked down at his watch and laughed dumbfoundedly.

"It's okay, it's a good seedling with good abilities, I'm happy to see Liexin."

Said, picked up the suit.

Quite domineering and handsome to wear.

in mind.

What emerges is that when he was still young, even though his mother was the leader of the Rockets, which was considered an underground organization at that time but was not large in scale, he devoted himself to the alliance, pestering those alliance executives in search of answers.

"It's really similar."

Tianguan Mountain.

Xia Yan, who hung up the communicator, stood silently on the cliff, recalling the content of the exchange with Sakagi in his mind.

He has learned a lot of experience from every elder.

But no one spoke as intuitively as Sakagi.

It's not that they didn't teach seriously and comprehensively enough, but that only Sakagi's teaching was accurate enough.

Because Sakagi really used his big needle bee as a reference sample to explain to Xia Yan.

Although Xia Yan only revealed that he has an insect-type elf, and did not accurately disclose the big needle bee, Sakagi still used his big needle bee as a reference.

Sakagi possesses the "Forbidden Power", so some of his methods are not suitable for Xia Yan and his big needle bee, but there are still many things worth learning from.

It was precisely because of these that Xia Yan felt suddenly enlightened.

comprehend by analogy.

After understanding the problems of the big needle bee's progress and training, the rest of the elves combined with several other professors, and Xia Yan gradually got some clues and directions.


After Sakagi retired, it was a good choice to become a teacher at the Elf Academy.

Because if you want to teach, you must first understand everything.

And Sakagi is undoubtedly the one who has the most thorough knowledge among the people Xia Yan asked for advice.

His strength is not only due to the accumulation of endless resources.


The leaders of Team Lava, Team Ocean, and Team Plasma, such as Chi Yansong, Water Indus, and Quecchis, although their resources are not as good as Sakagi's, but if they insist on targeting individual elves, they are similar.

Why couldn't they cultivate a few particularly outstanding elves?

Not to mention the shoulder-to-shoulder needle bee, from Xia Yan's point of view, none of the Nido kings and Nido queens sent by Sakamu before.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.

Knowledge, he has learned.

But trouble, he also received.

a month later.

Xia Yan, who was in the black market of Jiayuan City, looked at the three people in front of him with quite a headache.



It's two people and a cat.

The famous Rockets trio!

White hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for their guy.

When Xia Yan heard the task that Sakagi gave him, he really refused in his heart.

He never thought that Sakagi would throw these three guys to himself.

I didn't expect that either.

The little mentally handicapped hadn't even started traveling yet, but the trio had already started to "stir up the wind and rain" in the Rockets.

"My lord! Team Rocket recruit, Musashi!"


"Meow! Report to you! Meow~~"

Xia Yan, who was sitting on a chair, pressed his forehead.

These three guys who have "privileges" in the Rockets, Xia Yan can't just dismiss them.


"My lord! We will definitely help you occupy the Sinnoh area and open up territory for the Rockets!" Musashi was the most excited.

Boss Sakagi said they were excited when they were sent to assist a cadre who was out alone.

What's this?

This is the trust of Boss Sakagi!

Xia Yan: "."

Counting them, even including myself, there are only four Rockets in Sinnoh. Oh, three and a half people.

Also occupy Shenao.

What Xia Yan wants to do most now is to call Dr. Oki.

Ask, how old is the little mentally retarded person this year, and when will he start traveling.


PS: Have a good Valentine's Day! get up hi! 1.1w~~Ask for a monthly ticket~

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