The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 708 Alola is open! (triple)

The Rockets trio.

Xia Yan rested his forehead and looked at the excited two people below meowing.

In fact, the three members of the Rockets, except for the skin god who has been fighting against the mentally retarded and can't catch them, their abilities are more or less good.

For example, meow.

It was once raised by Sakagi.

The combat power is stretched, but the translation skills are full.

For those who cannot communicate directly with elves, the effect is absolutely immeasurable.

As for Kojiro, although he doesn't like it, it is undeniable that his family has a lot of influence in the Kanto area.

Even in other areas, it has radiated to a certain extent, and it can be seen that even Sakagi attaches great importance to their family.

It is rumored that the kennels of Kojiro's Katy dogs are larger than Lillie's house.

But its authenticity is questionable.

Moreover, Kojiro is also the one with the deepest relationship with the elves among the trio, and the one who builds the best bond.

said with no exaggeration.

If he didn't know Musashi and didn't join the Rockets, according to his original life trajectory and with the strong support of his family, the position of the future four heavenly kings of the Kanto Alliance may not be without his place.

And Kojiro's intelligence gathering ability is also very good.

Every time there is a major discovery in the trio, or what kind of elf is unknown, it is basically Kojiro's popular science.

He is a man who looks indifferent on the outside, but is actually very gentle on the inside.

Let's talk about Musashi.

Her mother, Miyamoto, was one of the top cadres of the former Rockets, and Sakagi's mother relied heavily on her.

Outstanding contribution to the early Rockets.

The dream that made Sakagi so passionate was first discovered and recorded by Miyamoto.

Even Miyamoto actually saw Mengmeng and showed off his newborn daughter to him.

You know, dreams are not something anyone can see if they want to.

In the later period, Dream secretly ran to meet the trio, and there was a reason for it.

It can be said that Musashi is the one who has received the favor of the fantasy part.

Musashi also inherited part of her mother's talent and took on the role of combat power in the trio.

Even if the mechanism of the gorgeous contest was added later, Musashi still won several ribbons with the help of a few unremarkable elves.

not to mention.

The hands-on ability of the trio is invincible.

Xia Yan suspects that if you throw them a team of junk, they can make you a Gundam.

at last.

The trio's ability to make money is also good. Every time they yell and can't afford to eat, they can always take out some unexpected equipment every time.

Among them, Miaomiao has the strongest hands-on ability.

the last.

It is also the most important point that Xia Yan thinks.

This trio has a physique comparable to a "super newcomer" with a mental retardation.

Let them rush out to block the knife at the critical moment, so there is no need to worry about them dying.

of course.

These are Xia Yan's conclusions based on the original works he has read. Whether their physiques are really so perverted is still open to question.

But Sakagi threw these three guys to himself, and Xia Yan also roughly understood what Sakagi meant.

This is a redirection protection.

Although Sakagi is the leader of an evil organization like the Rockets, he is still very good to his subordinates.

When Xia Yan faced the tornado cloud, he considered whether to call the big needle bee for support.

As for the trio, this one is the daughter of a former capable cadre, the other is the young master of a friendly family, and there is nothing to say about a meow that he raised himself.

It can be seen from this.

It is not without reason that Sakagi can firmly control such a huge organization as the Rockets with his personality charm, and the cadres under it are still desperate.

This care for the offspring of cadres alone is enough to win the approval of many people.

Therefore, it is impossible for Xia Yan to really let them do some particularly dangerous things.

Simply put.

Sakagi asked Xia Yan to be their nanny.

This is where he really has a headache.

"Why does this cadre seem to have a headache? Is it because we are too good to make him a little bit embarrassed?" Musashi whispered.

"It's possible. But I think he's more like worrying about something. Maybe that's why Boss Sakagi sent us here."

Kojiro's voice was lowered, and he still spoke seriously.

"Then this is definitely our chance meow~~ As long as this cadre is approved, let him give Boss Sakagi a few good words"

"Promote to become a cadre! Pay a raise and buy a luxury house!" ×3

The three of them rubbed their hands in unison, all giggling "hehe".

Xia Yan supported his head.

Although the voices of the three of them were soft, to Xia Yan who possessed superpowers, it was no different from saying it directly, let alone the last sentence, which was almost all shouted out.


The three of them were still somewhat measured and conscious. After shouting the last sentence, they quickly covered each other's mouths.

He stared, shook his head, as if nothing had happened.

"Do you guys have elves?" Xia Yan finally spoke.

Hearing this, the three immediately stood upright.

Then they shook their heads at the same time and said in unison:

"No!" ×3

"Oh, no, we have Meow Meow!" Musashi suddenly realized.

"I'm not a battle elf, meow!" Meow jumped up and emphasized.

"I also don't think Miaomiao can be considered an elf, how can an elf speak?" Kojiro muttered softly.

"Although I can't fight, I'm also an elf, meow!"

"I think it is, too."


Xia Yan pressed along the bridge of his nose.

Boss Sakagi, how did you put up with these three guys?

"Master, do you want to give us elves?" Kojiro was the first to respond.

After Team Rocket members join, they will be assigned initial elves by the organization.

Musashi quickly covered Kojiro's mouth again.

Trying to lower his voice, he said:

"Don't talk nonsense, the girl with watermelon skin eyes said that the person in front of you is Boss Sakagi's current celebrity, don't push yourself too hard! Being able to work under him is the best affirmation for us!"

"It's Meow!" Meow Meow echoed.

Xia Yan directly ignored their "broken thoughts".

He waved his hand and said, "How about this, you go and get the two elves first, just say... N asked you to come."

After thinking twice, Xia Yan decided to give them two elves.

Without elves, no matter how outstanding their physique is, they will not be opponents of elves.

And when he reported his name "Hunter N", the members of the Hunter Guild would also understand his intentions, and he would not fool him with ordinary elves.

Give them two elves with good talents, and it's up to them to see how well they can be cultivated in the future.

Hearing this, the trio's eyes lit up instantly.

"As expected of a cadre, the elves will give it away as soon as they say it!"

"After collecting the elves, you go to the Alola region to stand by."

After speaking, Xia Yan got up and left directly.

It was also a decision he made after consideration to let the Rockets' trio go directly to the Alola region.

The three of them are still in the same area as him, so they feel more at ease.

Maybe, after going to Alola, they met the real Kapoo again?

Also a big help.

"Yes!" The three of them excitedly took the order.

After Xia Yan left, Musashi couldn't help asking: "Where is the Alola region?"

Kojiro took out his tattered but seemingly complete atlas from his pocket, and after searching carefully twice, he finally found the content in a certain corner.

"It is said that it is a relatively remote area. Recently, the alliance is preparing to open it. There are many rare elves that have never been seen before."

"New area!" Meow Miao's eyes lit up.

"Rare elves!" Musashi's eyes lit up.

Looking at each other, the three of them were surprised.

"It turns out that the goal of the cadres is to find the new elves in the new area. This is the ultimate secret mission of our rocket team!"

"Dominate Alola and wipe out all the rare elves!" ×3

After shouting, Kojiro rubbed his chin hesitantly and said:

"But, without funds, how do we go?"

"Stupid!" Musashi patted Kojiro on the back of the head.

"We are needed only if it is difficult! This may be the test of the cadres!"

"It makes sense~~" Kojiro nodded thoughtfully.

Then they saw that Miaomiao was lying on the ground and drawing something without saying a word.

"Meow, what are you doing?" Musashi asked.

"Of course it's drawing drawings, meow." As he said, he took out the sketches he had drawn in a short period of time and presented them in front of the two of them.

With a proud face, he said: "King Carp Submarine Meow. It can both disguise and lead us to swim there, but we can't let the thighs that have finally hugged us look down upon us."

"Then what are you waiting for! Go get the elves first, and then earn money!"

As he said that, Musashi strode towards the outside in high-spirited strides.

at the same time.

After leaving the reception room for three people, Xia Yan made a video call.

"Officer Yan Xia, the leader is in a meeting."

The person who answered the phone was Sakagi's Mystic Matori, who was very friendly while pushing his glasses.

"Then please tell Boss Sakagi that I have sent Musashi and Kojiro to Alola, and I will go there in a few days." Xia Yan said hoarsely.

"Understood, don't worry, I will tell the leader as soon as the meeting is over." Makoto said seriously.

Xia Yan nodded, ready to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute, Officer Yan Xia." The True Bird Alliance called to stop him.


Zhenniao hesitated for a while, but still said: "Officer Yan Xia, the leader will be very busy during this period, and the Rockets may not be able to spare many people for the affairs in the Alola area."

very busy?

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Is Chaomeng coming soon?

But he still said calmly: "I know, don't worry, going to Alola is not a big deal."

Makoto nodded again and again, "One more thing, the leader said that if you are going to Alola as a cadre, there is something I want to let you know."


"Last time, the materials you sent were all true. The leader asked me to tell you this."

Xia Yan was slightly taken aback, nodded and said, "I see."

hang up the phone.

Xia Yan held the phone and fell into deep thought.

The black spar powder given is actually Necrozma's!

More precisely, at least it has something to do with Necrozma.

Xia Yan had to pay attention to this.

What was the purpose of Tapu Momoo who gave the black spar to him in the first place?

Just thinking about it is incomprehensible.

I'm afraid he can only find out when he goes to the Alola region to investigate in person.

Fortunately, he now has the status of the deputy director of the "UB Countermeasures Department", so no matter what investigation he does, it is reasonable.

He looked down at the time.

"Alola is already semi-open, and the alliance's flights have officially started operating."

After dealing with the Rockets trio, Xia Yan returned to Shuran Town again.

For more than a month, he hardly went out.

He didn't take care of any trivial matters, whether it was the gymnasium or the hunter's guild, they were all handed over to the people below.

When the elf was training, he tried to simulate the top-level energy cubes sent, trying to learn a little bit from them.

Or write a dissertation.

With the strong support of the alliance, the "Beauty Degree" paper is almost over, and the only thing left to do is to publish it.

For the "beauty" thesis, because the alliance wanted to launch a beauty contest, it gave a lot of support.

Xia Yan also received a lot of resource support.

Among them, the one that benefited the most was undoubtedly the ugly fish brought back by Xia Yan and Menus.

Just like Ibrahimovic at the time, Ugly Ugly Yu also slowly accepted Xia Yan's existence and carried out a certain degree of training.

Although its strength is not very good, its talent is still quite good, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

And a week after dismissing the Rockets' trio.

Xia Yan knew that it was almost time.


Sirona completely put down the "egg group" research of Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Kongmu, and returned to Sinnoh.

And found Xia Yan immediately.

In a well-decorated cafe in Random Town.

The two sat by the window.

Xia Yan looked at the pretty lady in front of her, leaning her head and looking out the window.

Silence is maintained in the strong aroma of coffee.

It took a while.

Sirona said slowly: "The changes in Random Town are really big."

With a little exclamation.

Xia Yan lowered his head and took a small sip of his coffee, then said with a smile, "This is thanks to the alliance's policy support and Dawu's investment in their German company."

Sirona nodded noncommittally.

The one who benefited the most from the development of Shuran Town is undoubtedly Xia Yan, the gymnasium owner.

But he and Random Zhenben are a way of mutual benefit, and profit is a matter of course.

Walking on the street, can you still hear a lot of words of praise for Xia Yan, among which the meaning of worship accounts for the most.

"You know Alola's 'Islands Contest'?"

After sighing, Sirona asked.


"Are you ready?"

"Seven seven eight eight."

Sirona took a small spoon and gently stirred the coffee in the cup, as if hesitating for something.

Xia Yan saw her hesitation, and took the initiative to ask: "What's wrong?"

Sirona raised her head and glanced at Xia Yan.

This glance made Xia Yan's heart tremble immediately.

Then she took out her mobile phone, and slender green fingers swipe the screen twice casually, presenting a photo on the screen.


It is a picture of a young man wearing a small black suit with his hat on, riding a pure white dragon while holding his hat on.

It was the picture of Xia Yan being recognized by the white dragon Reshiram when he was in Ain Okedor.

"Tsk, he's pretty handsome."

Xia Yan smacked his mouth with a little narcissism.

But see, Sirona's finger swipe.

The picture on the screen changes.

The quality of the second photo is relatively not so clear, but after special zoom-in processing, you can still see the action of holding the hat in the thick black fog.

The only difference is that the giant dragon below him has changed from a white dragon to a long dragon with emerald green body.

Raykong sits.

Xia Yan's smile suddenly became slightly stiff.

Sirona had been staring at Xia Yan's face closely after the photo passed by, and when she saw the unnatural look on his face, a look of "it really is so" flashed in her eyes.

"It's pretty cool, isn't it?"

"Ahem! Um. Yes, it's not bad."

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Sirona showed a triumphant smile like a little girl.

"Is it you?"

"How is it possible?!" Xia Yan firmly denied.

He just raised his head to try to pretend, but he just met Sirona's sight.

In almost a second, Xia Yan was defeated.

Lying while looking directly into Sirona's eyes is simply hell.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't dare to look at her, Sirona was almost 90% sure.

Wan'er covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her eyes were crescent-shaped, with a hint of a little devil.

"Hmph, I'll let you dive."

Xia Yan helped his forehead.

Is he trying to dive?

He doesn't dare to show his head in the group, okay?

Every time I saw the chat content in the group, especially when Wu Song marked the similarities in several pictures.

Xia Yan just wanted to say to Wu Song, it is really a shame to ask you to be the Four Heavenly Kings, you should be a detective, the kind that will die wherever you go, and never work overtime.

"Okay, okay." Xia Yan disarmed.

Raising his hand, he said seriously: "But this matter really doesn't do me any good."

Sirona agrees with this.

Recently, Xia Yan's influence has been a little too big.

Even though there are many speculations on the Internet, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to admit it, it will be just speculation after all.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything." Sirona stirred the coffee.

Xia Yan was slightly relieved.

Sirona is still believable.

Then she asked again: "Have you told Du and Kona?"

"No." Xia Yan shook his head decisively.

Sirona's mouth outlined a charming arc.

"Back to business." The light red lips touched the snow-white porcelain cup lightly, and after putting down the coffee cup, he said seriously: "Do you know about Z Pure Crystal?"


Then I saw Sirona take out a small box, which was the same as the box Adek gave Xia Yan before, with the logo of the Ether Foundation printed on it.

Opening the box, Sirona said softly: "This is our Shen'ao's share, King Kikuno means to let the two of us make our own choices."

Another orange Z pure crystal.

But Xia Yan knew this one.

In the crystal crystal, a black clenched fist was engraved in it.

Fighting Z.

Didn't the Ether Foundation give all the exclusive Z pure crystals?

think carefully.

Among the outstanding young people in the Hezhong area, it seems that no one uses Ibrahimovic. Even if there are, they have evolved long ago after their strength has reached a certain level.

And their Shenao, whether it is Sirona or him, or Daye, Wusong, Aliu, etc., are rarely dominated by fighting elves.

There are only Ali from Curtain City.

It is indeed a strategy to give you Z pure crystals, but not to give you Z pure crystals that can find suitable users.

Sirona pushed the box in front of Xia Yan.

"Dr. Oki said that if you want to use the Z pure crystal, you must match it with the Z bracelet. It is said that you must obtain some kind of approval. If you want to give it to any of us, you will not be able to use it. I will leave it to you for safekeeping."

Xia Yan is an excellent researcher, maybe he can figure out how to use Z pure crystal as soon as possible.

"No." Xia Yan pushed the box back again, "This thing is in our Shen'ao, I'm afraid only you and Daye are more suitable, it's useless for me."

"Huh?" Sirona was taken aback.

"As far as I know, this is the Z pure crystal of the fighting system, that is, fighting Z. Only your Lucario and Daye's flame monkey are suitable, and the rest of us have no matching elves." Xia Yan explained .

"Fighting Z?" Sirona murmured looking at the orange pure crystal in the box.

"However, if you want to use the Z pure crystal, you really need the Z bracelet. You can only go to the Alola region and find a way."


"I have."

With that said, Xia Yan took out the Ibrahimovic Z pure crystal in his hand and showed it in front of Sirona.

"This is."

Afterwards, Xia Yan simply told what happened.

finished listening.

Sirona sighed: "As expected of a 'true hero'."

Xia Yan was dumbfounded.

Then he said: "I think there should be a piece in the hands of the major regional leagues, and it will definitely fall among the players participating in this competition. It is necessary to do a popular science for everyone after going to the Alola region. You can't do it here. lost."

"You seem to know a lot?" Sirona blinked.

Xia Yan smiled and took out a certificate.

"Deputy Director of Interpol's UB Countermeasures Department? Deputy Police Department?"

Sirona looked at the identification above in surprise.

Why didn't we see each other for a while, Xia Yan not only became a "true hero", but also became the deputy police officer of Interpol?

This is changing too fast.

"The 'UB Countermeasure Department' is a special department of Interpol targeting the Alola region. It has been operating in the Alola region for several years. I also have the right to access some information, so I understand it better."

It has to be said that this identity gave Xia Yan a good excuse for dealing with the Alola region.

This explanation is very useful, and Sirona didn't continue to struggle in this regard.

In fact, Xia Yan also wants to see, if Sirona uses the Z move, coupled with that strange movement

Tut tut.

I guess the picture will be beautiful.

I don't dare to think about it.

During this period of more than a month.

In fact, Xia Yan has also been trying to figure out the use of Z pure crystal and Z moves.

Although what he has in his hand is only the "Bright Stone" instead of the Z bracelet, but the Z bracelet is only for carrying more conveniently, making it easier for the trainer to use the power in it to unlock the special energy in the Z pure crystal.

Xia Yan tried.

Even if he didn't make the "Bright Stone" into a Z bracelet, he can use the super power as a link to use the energy in it to open the energy in the Z pure crystal.

this point.

It's similar to the Mega evolution of the super evolution stone.

He has some experience.

As for the movement of using Z moves in conjunction with the Z pure crystal, it is actually to better match the release of energy in the Z pure crystal.

So Xia Yan was thinking. Is it possible to make the action more concise to a certain extent, or even use no action.

After his trials, he discovered that movement is also a critical step, and it is the same for every ordinary trainer.


This is for ordinary trainers.

Xia Yan is a superpower.

After trying it a few times, he found that the movements are for the trainer to relax physically and mentally, to be more in tune with the Z pure crystal, and closer to the heart of the elf, so that the energy of the Z pure crystal can act on the elf.

So he was wondering if he could use superpowers to replace these actions.

With his continuous simulation and testing.

It is found that when carrying Z pure crystal and "bright stone" to perform these actions, there will be special changes in the frequency band of the brain, and the Z pure crystal will be opened with special spirit and will.

Although he still couldn't skip the action, having the superpower control his own consciousness and spirit to simulate the frequency band can simplify the action to a certain extent.

At least, it can save him from feeling so ashamed.


As the experiment continues to deepen, it is not impossible to completely omit the movement.

It's just that these results are only suitable for him, for those with super powers.

It is not applicable to ordinary people who cannot control their mind and will.

If Sirona wants to use it, she still needs to move.

This is probably one of the reasons why most trainers prefer to use super evolution even after Z pure crystals and Z moves are popularized to a certain extent in the future.

After all, there is shame.

Especially when the status reaches a certain level, there is still more or less shame.

No one wants to dance for a while in a grand competition under the eyes of everyone, right?

The two continued to chat about something.

Including the Alola region, the importance of this competition, etc., and finally slowly talked about the training and battle of elves.

"There are still a few days left, let's rehearse the battle?" Sirona suggested.

After Xia Yan thought for a while, he didn't refuse.

There are still a few days left in the end. It is also a good choice to rehearse the tactics temporarily.

He also wants to see how Sirona has progressed during this period, so that he can have a general understanding of the opponents in this competition and be mentally prepared.

And in the training of the two against each other.

The Alola region was finally presented on TV and the Internet by the Alliance.


The long-awaited Alola region is completely open!

Countless trainers and tourists from various regions flocked towards the Alola region.

What followed was the promotion of the "Islands Contest" jointly organized by the newly established Alola Alliance and the Ether Foundation, which also spread overwhelmingly throughout the entire alliance.

Countless trainers were thrilled when they heard the news.

Contest covering seven regions.

This heat is even more lively than the original "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition".

The economy of the Alola region was greatly stimulated at once.

Regardless of the final result of the contest.

The Alola Alliance won first.

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