The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 735 Xia Yan VS Dawu (two in one)

On both sides of the huge battlefield.

Standing were Xia Yan and Dawu.

It was also the first time that Xia Yan and Dawu stood opposite each other alone.

This is their battle, and it is also the battle that Dawu has been looking forward to for a long time.

In Dawu's opinion, the final victory or defeat is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he and Xia Yan will have their first all-hands battle here.

for this.

Dawu was still quite excited.

"Two players, please summon their respective elves!"

Under the signal of the referee, the two held poke balls in their hands.

The game has already started from this moment.

The first game of the battle largely determines the arrangement and direction of tactics.

The red light is flashing.

Boom—! !

Shiny and reflective thick metal armor, under the heavy and stocky body hides a terrifying and brutal power.


The roar of raising arms to the sky shocked the audience.

"Dawu's Boss has won more games!!"

With a body length of more than two meters, it looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex wearing hard armor.

Boss Kedora, among Dawu's elves, is definitely a very representative one, second only to his shining golden monster.

And when they came up, Boss Kedora was sent.

It undoubtedly shows that Dawu attaches great importance to this battle.

Seeing such a mighty Boscodora, the audience burst into cheers.

Compared with the elves summoned by Dawu, the one that appeared in front of Xia Yan was relatively small.

But the battle of elves is not a contest of size, nor is it a theory of momentum.

Xia Yan raised his mouth, he was not very surprised by Dawu's choice to summon Boss Kedora.

After seeing Xia Yan's elf, the commentator couldn't help shouting, "Flame Monkey! The first elf sent by Xia Yan is the Flame Monkey!"

This is the first time Xia Yan has sent a flame monkey in this competition.

Although it wasn't Pokkisi that made the audience more or less regretful.

But they are also looking forward to what kind of "excellent" tactics Xia Yan will use in the battle with Dawu.

A flaming monkey dressed in dark red hair, the flame above its head fluttered in the field without wind.

Flame Monkey's eyes flickered with fire.

Obviously, its heart is definitely not as calm and calm as it appears on the surface, and its heart is full of fighting spirit.

From the property point of view.

The flame monkey has an absolute advantage.

But from the perspective of strength and momentum, it is obvious that Boss Kedora has the most obvious advantage.

This battle.

Still very interesting.

As the referee's flag fell, the two began to direct almost at the same time.

"Boss Kedora, rock blockade!"

The speed of the flame monkey is definitely faster than that of Boscodora. It is an excellent choice to reduce the speed of the flame monkey and prevent it from being kited.

"Flame monkey, trick!"

Xia Yan's voice also sounded.

Immediately afterwards, he continued: "A high-five surprise attack."

The king of the island and the queens of the island who were sitting in the auditorium watching the game all showed surprise.

This trick.

Isn't Merdan the best?

It wasn't just them who were surprised, many people were surprised by it.

Has Xia Yan learned this trick after only fighting Merdan once?


Boss Kedora smashed his tail fiercely on the ground, and under the terrifying force, the ground cracked, and rocks of different sizes formed two surrounding rock chains almost instantly.

Go towards the flaming monkey.

And the flame monkey also moved at this time.

The black light in the eyes suddenly appeared, and the footsteps kept moving.

I saw a dark red light flickering past.

Boss Kedora's "rock blockade" could hardly lock the position of the flame monkey, so it was ignored by the flame monkey.


The crisp sound rang in Boscodora's ears.

There seemed to be a strong deterrent force in the voice, which caused Boss Kedora to fall into a "cowardly" state.

"Close combat!"

Xia Yan's voice reached the flame monkey's ears almost at the moment of the "surprise attack of high fives".


Flaming monkey with sword eyebrows and star eyes, fists like raindrops, crazily tilted on Boss Kedora's body, and the sound of "bang bang" was endless.

As a steel-type and rock-type Boscodora, although he is not afraid of fire-type moves, he is restrained four times by fighting-type moves.

of course.

Boss Kedora's powerful defense allows it to withstand these powerful fists to a certain extent.

"Wake up! Boss Kedora!"

Dawu stood calmly on the edge of the field and shouted loudly.

What surprised Xia Yan was that Boss Kedora actually regained control of his body amidst Dawu's shout.

Is it really all about roaring?

actually not.

The reason why Dawu is so calm is because he has enough confidence in Boscodora's will.

Ever since I saw Xia Yan's Pokkisi's almost abnormal control ability, not only Dawu, Xia Yan and his small group have been deliberately cultivating the elves' ability to resist the "cowardly" state.

in order.

It was to give him a "surprise" when he played against Xia Yan one day.

Otherwise, is Xia Yan only allowed to "backstab" them?

This is not.

The surprise is coming?

"Boss Kedora, grab it! Earthquake!" Dawu didn't hesitate at all.


see you.

Excitement flashed in Boscodora's eyes when he woke up, and he was punched by the flame monkey. Even if it had such a thick metal armor, it would be a lie to say it didn't hurt.

And after such a beating, Boscodora also avoided the most embarrassing point for it.


The distance is shortened.


The flame monkey is right in front of you.

boom! boom!

Boss Kedora's two powerful fists swung out at an extremely fast speed, and precisely grabbed the flame monkey's arms.


The slowness of movement has nothing to do with the speed of shooting.

"Flame monkey, break free from the flame wheel!"

Bear--! !

Dark red flames rose from the flame monkey's body, and the scorching flames instantly reflected Boss Kedora's body red.

Facing the surging flames, Boss Kedora was not afraid at all.

Even, there is still a little contempt in its eyes.


What it fears the most is flames!

For these steel spirits of his own, what Dawu exercises the most is fire resistance.

It's the same even for Boss Kedora, who is not restrained by fire moves.

So Boss Kedora raised his feet without hesitation.

As long as this foot falls, the earthquake centered on it will definitely cause huge damage to the flame monkey at the center of the earthquake.


The premise of all this is that Boss Kedora can tightly restrain the flame monkey.

But in Boss Kedora's eyes, a look of astonishment and pain soon appeared.

The terrifying burning pain from the hand was something it had never experienced and felt before.

Why is its flame temperature so high?

Rise so fast?

It is completely different from the fire elves it faced during training and training.

Dawu also noticed Boss Kedora's hideous face suddenly locked.

I saw Boss Kedora's arms that were burning red.

The terrifying high temperature that seemed to melt Boss Kedora's carapace in an instant is frantically stimulating Boss Kedora's nerves.

Dawu couldn't help looking at Xia Yan.

But Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

He didn't say anything else, but the flame of the flame monkey is definitely its biggest reliance.

Why does the flame monkey keep exercising and honing his fighting skills?

But not so persistent on the flame?

Because the flame monkey's talent in flames is much higher than its fighting talent.

The carapace fragments of the original Gulardo endowed the flame monkey with a strong fire talent.

Reshiram's teaching made the flame monkey's control over this special flame soar.

this moment.

The flame monkey who also has the quasi-king level, finally showed his edge on the flames!


Boscodora, who was in pain, couldn't bear the burning pain. Even though he gritted his teeth and persisted, he finally let go.

But that's okay.

The "earthquake" was right in front of our eyes, even if the flame monkey backed away, it couldn't hide.

With the extremely large attack range of the "Earthquake" move, the flame monkey couldn't dodge it.

"Flame monkey, return quickly."


Hearing a crisp sound, the flame monkey used Boss Kedora's body as a springboard, and after kicking it hard, its body turned into a green light and retreated rapidly.

It disappeared in Xia Yan's waist.

"Turn back quickly! Contestant Xia Yan once again used this kind of move similar to 'taking over the baton' to avoid the 'earthquake' that should have been inevitable!"

During the host's commentary, the battlefield exploded.

Just looking at this destructive power, you can feel how strong the "earthquake" of Boscodora is.

Once the flaming monkey is hit, it will inevitably suffer heavy damage.

Dawu also looked at Xia Yan in surprise.

Fire-type and fighting-type flame monkeys, do you want to learn a "rapid return"?

Xia Yan noticed Dawu's gaze, and grinned.

Insect monkey, understand?

Red light reappears.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

Pokkisi, as light as a bird, spread his triangular wings like a glider, easily gaining air superiority.

"It's Poksky who replaces the flame monkey! I don't know how Xia Yan will make Pokkisi fight Boss Kedora?"

"Poksky?" Dawu looked at Xia Yan and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Dawu is quite familiar with Pokkisi.

Absolutely don't give it the chance to "air slash" first!

"Boss Kedora, sharp rock attack!"

Rhombus-shaped sharp rubble cones surrounded Boskodora's body out of thin air, and driven by thoughts, they poured towards Pokkisi in the sky.

"Take over." Xia Yan said softly.

Immediately, Pokkisi turned into white light and returned to the poke ball again.

"'Take the baton'?! Xia Yan's Pokkisi just appeared on the stage and didn't even perform any moves, and then he was called back again? What kind of tactic is this?" The host expressed doubts and confusion.

Not only him, but almost all the audience were puzzled by this.

Only Du and the others who knew Xia Yan better seemed to sense something.

Dawu, who was standing opposite Xia Yan, felt this most clearly.

next second.

In the red light of the poke ball, the flame monkey surrounded by flames reappeared in the field.

"Lie, Flame Monkey?! Contestant Xia Yan summoned the Flame Monkey again. The rotation just now was just to avoid the attack"

The host was full of doubts and incomprehensions, but immediately said: "But helping the flame monkey avoid the deadly 'earthquake', this hand rotation is very reasonable."


Xia Yan couldn't help chuckling.

Then he yelled again: "Flame Monkey, high-five surprise attack."

"High-five surprise attack?!"

this moment.

Those with good tactical literacy can react almost instantly.

Especially crossing them.

Du shuddered, and kept stroking his arm, but couldn't get rid of the goosebumps.

"This is the insect monkey that senior Xia Yan said?" Ke Na murmured, holding his glasses.

There was a little astonishment on Sirona's face.

Insect monkey?

They had heard of Xia Yan's name for the flame monkey before.

It's just that they have never understood why a good flame monkey is called an insect monkey?

Has something to do with the worm system?

Now they understand.

Flame Monkey's "high-five surprise attack" and "rapid return", as long as the opponent's speed is not as fast as it, it is an insect monkey!

Against Dawu, who is mostly steel-type or rock-type elves, who are relatively slow, Flame Monkey has an absolute advantage in speed.

That is to say

As long as the flame monkey and Pokkisi cooperate well.

It can always rely on "high-five surprise attack" and "rapid return" to torture without thinking?

That's why Du had goosebumps all over his body.

So dirty!

It's really dirty!

It's just that the elves who catch Dawu are better at defensive counterattacks, and lack the weakness of active quick attack.

Just to torture!

Boom! !

And when Boss Kedora was hit by the "high-five surprise attack" again and fell into a "cowardly" state, the host and the audience also understood.

What is it called?

This is called flexible use of the effects and characteristics of moves.

Xia Yan always had a smile on his face, and facing Dawu's astonishment, the smile on his face became even bigger.

"Flame Monkey, fight melee again."

Bang bang bang bang—! !

The wind and rain, the sharp fists are like bullets, attacking the thick armor that Boscodora is proud of again and again.

Fine cracks gradually emerged on the armor.

The pain and injuries suffered during this process are also multiplying.

This scene should have been an uplifting and shouting picture and moment.

But the audience fell into an eerie silence, only the sound of the flaming monkey's fist slamming down here and there.

The host opened his mouth, and his voice was stuck in his throat, unable to come out.

And online.

For the audience watching the live broadcast, the barrage and comments also plummeted at the same time.

until the next second.

Comments exploded.

"Damn it! Now I finally understand why Mr. Xia Yan is called a 'Master Tactician'!"

"It's so dirty! But I like it so much!"

"Increased knowledge, increased knowledge!"

"Sure enough, every time I watch Master Xia Yan's battle, I can always gain something! I am the trainer of the flame monkey, from now on... hehe."


The audience at the scene also reacted.

In theory, this tactic is not too difficult.

But in fact, the requirements for the elves are not low in operation.

It can be imitated, but it is estimated that not many people succeed in imitating.

Dawu's reaction speed is of course the fastest.

In fact, the brief astonishment before had little effect on his battle with Boss Kedora.

Because it is controlled.

But the moment Boss Kedora woke up, Dawu also reacted.

"Boss Kedora, double-edged head hammer!"

Boom—! !

The huge sharp horn formed by the hard top of the head and surrounded by thick boulders accurately hit the flame monkey and sent it flying.

In fact, Xia Yan can avoid this situation.

As others have guessed.

As long as he keeps making the flame monkey repeat the "high-five surprise attack" and "quick turn back", even if he wins a little slower, Boss Kedora's physical defense is stronger, and he can slowly grind to death.

But Xia Yan didn't have that choice.

The opponent is Dawu.

This good friend with "money money ability".

Xia Yan really didn't want to be so "dirty".

Although it is a bit "dirty" now, I don't want to be "dirty" so thoroughly.

Otherwise, Xia Yan has serious doubts, and the door will be blocked at the end of the game.

It's really blocking the door, the kind that uses a wall to block it.

So he "converged" a little.

Backstabs are fine, but not so thorough.

Just like Dawu and the others are also exercising their ability to resist "retreat" and prepare to backstab Xia Yan.

Good friend, if you don't use it for backstabbing, what's the point?

Of course, this also gave Dawu and Boss Kedora a little chance.

And Dawu and Boss Kedora also seized this opportunity.


The result.


Boscodora's heavy body fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

The reaction force of the "Double-edged Head Hammer" exhausted the last bit of stamina it retained under the "Strong" feature.

"Bo, Boss Kedora lost the ability to fight! The first one to win is the flame monkey!"

Flaming Monkey staggered a few steps and stood up, grinning.

The flames covering the whole body gradually dissipated.

Although it took precautions, it still suffered some injuries, and said that its arm hurts a little.

However, compared to Boss Kedora, the injury of the flame monkey is not too exaggerated.


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