The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 736 Tragic Collision (Three in One)

Boss Kedora was "yin" to death by Xia Yan using a more "reasonable" tactic.

It's not a surprise that Xia Yan won the first place first.

I just didn't expect it to end this way.

Dawu took a deep breath.

Immediately, he shook his head helplessly.

Xia Yan can always "surprise" them more or less in some places.

this hand.

It was indeed something Dawu didn't think of.

But it's okay.

It's not that there is no need to fight.

Taking a deep breath, Dawu flipped his palm and threw the poke ball again.

Cruel——! !

Vibrating sharp wings, the same thick and shining metal armor, in an instant, a strong wind blows.

"Dawu's second elf is a steel-type and flying-type armor bird!!"

The Armor Bird was also one of the earliest beings to become one of the Dawu elves.

It's just that it is not as outstanding as the flashing golden monster and Boss Kedora.

"Armor bird, Sa Ling!"

Dawu gave the order when the armor bird appeared.

To deal with Xia Yan's "take over" system, throwing rocks and throwing nails is one of the restraint methods, which has almost become a consensus.

I saw the armored bird's huge metal wings flipping and vibrating.

Countless small nail-like things with metallic luster were scattered all over the field where Xia Yan was.

And these nail-like things quickly disappear invisibly after landing.

For the flame monkey who was on the field at this time, it would not have the slightest impact.

But once the elves are exchanged.

Then the elves that appear on the stage will be affected by these nails and will be hurt.

This is one of the more practical "nail-spreading" tactics in elf battles.

And when Dawu commanded the armored bird to "spread water" to guard against Xia Yan and then use "reasonable" tactics, Xia Yan was not idle.

"Flame Monkey, Hot Wind!"

The armored bird, which has air superiority, is at a disadvantage to the flame monkey.


As a steel elf, the armor bird's weakness is also obvious.

Bear--! !

Terrible dark red flames rose from the top of the flame monkey's head, and waves of orange heat spread wildly.

Wherever the heat wave passed, the air was distorted to a certain extent.

Moreover, "Hot Wind" is a large-scale indiscriminate attack, and the armored bird cannot dodge.

The scorching temperature instantly burned its metal armor and turned red, and wisps of white mist emanated from the armor bird's body.

This undoubtedly made it extremely uncomfortable.

"Armor bird, use the invisible rock!" Dawu ordered again.

Xia Yan: "."

First the nails, and then the rocks.

Dawu was too obvious.

Not to mention these two moves, they were not prepared to deal with his Ibrahimovic "take over" tactics.

See you later.

Pieces of rocks of different sizes surrounded the body of the flame monkey.

Like "Sa Ling", these rocks disappear after forming, and have no effect on the flame monkey, but they are not a small threat to the elves who will play later.


The successful deployment of the two moves that Dawu was chasing also required a price.

A pillar of fire shot up from the ground, and the mighty flames covered the armored bird in an instant, dyeing its already extremely hot armor red.

Painful screams rose and fell in the flames.

Accompanied by that, there was the sound of metal being calcined in the flame.

"Armor bird, hold on!"

Through the cover of the flames, Dawu's voice reached the armored bird's ears.

next second.

There was a milky white luster on the armored bird's body.

Although the flames spewed by the flame monkey caused huge damage and great pain, the armor bird still managed to persist.


Dawu's eyes flickered slightly.

"Armor bird, blow away!"

for a while.

There was a strong wind, and the straight pillars of fire scattered in an instant. Along with it, there was the flame monkey in front of Xia Yan.

This is Dawu's plan to deal with Xia Yan's "take over" tactics. Cooperating with the nails and rocks that have already been cast, it can bring unexpected results.

Blow Fly: Force the opponent to replace the elf.

In this way, the increase and achievement of "taking over" will be interrupted.

The elves who are replaced at the same time will face the damage caused by throwing nails and throwing rocks.

have to say.

In order to deal with Xia Yan's tactics, Dawu really worked hard.

"Xia Yan's flame monkey was forcibly replaced, and the remaining two moves on the field will cause considerable damage to the replaced elf. Although the state of the armored bird is already extremely poor, it cannot be said that Xia Yan Already have the upper hand!"

In this battle, it didn't take long for the audience to see the tactical game between Xia Yan and Dawu in this battle.

This is the wonderful match that can only be presented by two people who have a certain degree of research on elves, moves, and tactics.

at the same time.

Before, people were still immersed in the "dirty" of Xia Yan's "insect monkey" tactics.

In the next second, Dawu showed them how to deal with it correctly, and even how to restrain it.

Xia Yan dumbly put away the flame monkey's elf ball.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, and immediately a high-level ball appeared in his hand.

throw out.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

While flapping his wings, Pokkisi made his debut again.

Directly on the stage is to lift off.

As a flying elf, although it doesn't need to be hurt by existences like "Sa Ling".

But the dense "invisible rocks" around it gave Pokkisi a lot of bumps and blows.

The rock-type "invisible rock" even caused twice as much damage to the flying-type Pokkisi.

This made Pokkisi grin his teeth as soon as he came out, obviously in pain.

Dawu smiled and ordered: "Armor bird, Yuqi."

heard the words.

The armored bird flapped its wings and fell from the sky amidst its chirping.

As long as it touches the ground and temporarily abandons the attribute of flying, the armored bird can greatly recover its physical strength and continue to have a certain combat effectiveness.

Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly.

"Pokkisi, speed!"

There was a little anger in the eyes of the painful Pokkisi, which turned into a white light, and instantly brushed a short distance from the armored bird, and before it fell to the ground completely, it fiercely pounced on it.

Boom! !

A solid and dull sound, accompanied by the clang of metal.

After all, the armor bird failed to use the "feather perch", and was knocked out of the field by Pokkisi, and fell hard to the ground.

"The armored bird loses its ability to fight!" the referee announced.

Dawu was not surprised, but silently took back the armored bird with the elf ball, and said softly: "Armored bird, you did a good job."


Before he could summon the elf again, Dawu's face turned dark when Xia Yan's voice came.

"Pokkisi, clear the fog."

While spreading his wings, Pokkisi instigated a fierce and surging airflow, covering the entire field in an instant.

Strong airflow.

All the invisible nails and rocks all over Xia Yan's side were revealed.

And under the air current of Dazuo, it was blown away and smashed into pieces.

for a while.

The nails and rocks that Dawu made the armor bird pay a huge price were all burned by Pokkisi so lightly.

Meet Xia Yan's faint smile.

Dawu suddenly felt his teeth a little sore.

Xia Yan didn't expect Dawu to prepare so much to deal with him.

But as a user of the "take over" tactic, wouldn't Xia Yan know the shortcomings of this tactic?

Sprinkle nails and rocks, Xiaodaoer.

It's a pity that Dawu didn't fully utilize the tactics of the existence of armored birds.

If the armored bird learns to be "extremely poisonous", and finally uses "extremely poisonous" to deal with the flame monkey, and then takes the opportunity to "feather rest" and then blow away instead of directly blowing away, perhaps the situation will be better.

Seeing that all his nails and rocks had been removed, Dawu took a deep breath.


He was really at a disadvantage.

Summon the spirit again.


It has a ferocious and ferocious appearance, a terrifying figure nearly 10 meters in length, and its whole body is covered with a bright silver luster. The roar is full of power.

"Dawu's third elf is the Big Steel Snake!"

After the host's voice fell, he looked at Xia Yan with a strange expression.

How did the elves like the Big Steel Snake evolve from the Big Rock Snake? The master who developed this method stood opposite Dawu.

Is there anyone who understands Big Steel Snake better than Xia Yan?

Dawu looked serious, and waved his big hand, "Big steel snake, attack with sharp rocks!"

The craggy rocks condensed instantly, and suddenly appeared with the sound of piercing through the air.

"Take the baton."

Xia Yan didn't choose to let Pokkisi pick it up hard. As the voice sounded, Pokkisi turned into white light and disappeared from Xia Yan's waist.

For the method of using these alternative moves to avoid dangerous attacks, Xia Yan has already entered the room.

Rocks and rubble scurry by.

"Big steel snake, curse!"

It was no accident that Pokkisi was recalled to Dawu again, he just seized this gap and let the big steel snake strengthen it.


The black glow filled the air and suddenly dissipated.

The big steel snake's physical attack ability and its already strong physical defense ability have been improved, and its weak speed has been reduced.

Without any hesitation, Xia Yan summoned again.


The flame monkey is back on the scene.

However, the big steel snake has seized the opportunity to complete self-strengthening.

"Big steel snake, dig a hole!"

Seeing the appearance of the flame monkey, Dawu did not hesitate to let the big steel snake go deep into the ground to avoid the most troublesome "high-five surprise attack" of the flame monkey.

Accompanied by the roar and the violent tremor of the ground, the huge body of the big steel snake disappeared into the field in an instant.

A huge hole was left.

And Xia Yan really didn't intend to let the flame monkey "high-five surprise attack" again.

Just quickly ordered: "Trick, use jet flames on that hole!"

Double-tasking again.

Although it is far from the level of true dual-purpose that Merdan said, there is even a big gap from the meow boss shown by Merdan.

But it did buy the flame monkey a lot of time.

And these times are particularly important in the race against time.

The Flaming Monkey moved quickly, and it didn't care when the big steel snake would suddenly burst out from the ground.

With black light in his eyes, he appeared at the entrance of the huge cave in three steps at a time. He held his breath, and a roaring flame aimed at the ground and tilted wildly.


Roaring can be heard from the ground as the flames pour in.

Dawu clenched his fists and frowned slightly, just counting silently in his heart.

next second.

"It's now, Big Steel Snake!"

At the same time as his voice sounded, the ground under the flame monkey's feet quickly cracked, and the huge head of the big steel snake was slightly reddish, and it stood up from the ground.

The terrifying huge mouth was glowing with a fine lightning luster, biting towards the flame monkey.

The flame monkey's movements are very sensitive, and when it senses the abnormal trembling of the ground, it is ready.

At the moment when the big steel snake soared into the sky, it jumped up to avoid the attack.


Once in the air, the flaming monkey completely became fish on the chopping board.

The speed and height of the big steel snake's ascent exceeded the expectations of the flame monkey.

Boom! !

The impact wrapped in strong ground-type energy directly hit the flame monkey.

The painful flame monkey can only resist the attack of "thunder teeth".

But see.

A huge phantom passed by.

The huge steel snake's huge tail was shining with a metallic luster, and it drew on the flame monkey's body.

Boom—! !

Another thrashing.

The flame monkey was pulled out directly, rolling on the ground.

"Big Steel Snake, take advantage of the victory and pursue! Bind!"


The huge body squirmed on the ground.

Although slow.

It can be said that the 10-meter-long body of the big steel snake and its slow moving speed are only relative.

The tyrannical body covered with metal rolled up unreasonably, with the flaming monkey and all the rocks around the flaming monkey tightly bound in the middle of the curled up body.

The flame monkey seemed to have lost the power to fight back and was restrained.

After this set of combined moves, Big Steel Snake Flowing Clouds and Flowing Water, it is obviously not the first time to use it, and it is already quite proficient.

"burrowing" is both for evasion and for luring.

When the flame monkey ran to the side of the cave to attack, it had already stepped into the trap of Dawu and the big steel snake.

This is a flaw they deliberately sell.

In the latter set of combined attacks, the flame monkey can only parry but has no power to fight back.

Flame Monkey fell into an absolute disadvantage.


Xia Yan on the sidelines just watched, didn't direct, and didn't try to struggle.

He gave up?

Of course not!

Noticing Xia Yan's expression, Dawu's heart tightened.

"Big Steel Snake, Falling Rock!"

heard at the same time.

"Is it burning, flame monkey?"

Xia Yan raised his head and met the flame monkey bound by the big steel snake.

The flame monkey also opened its eyes at this moment.

Like two groups of red flames.

Xia Yan did not expect to fall into Dawu's trap.

The subsequent set of coherent combined attacks made the flame monkey, who was already in the air and had nowhere to rely, lost the opportunity to evade.

The so-called "thunder teeth" are not for attack.

It's to prevent the flame monkey from having a place to leverage.

Dawu even counted this.

Therefore, the attack on the flame monkey was unavoidable.

But as long as the big steel snake can't kill the flame monkey with a set of combinations, then the opportunity belonging to the flame monkey will come.

Bear--! !

Flames ignited all over the flame monkey's body, and the flames above its head swelled even more, reaching a height of several meters in an instant.

Dark red flames rose from the ground.


The big steel snake suddenly showed a look of horror.

The body that was dyed red in the blink of an eye told the bound flame how terrifying the temperature was at this moment.

Not to mention that pair of fiery fists pressing against its tail to prevent the bondage from continuing.

"Oh oh oh!!!! The flame monkey's" fierce fire "characteristics were triggered! This flame. It's terrible." The host gave his face with one hand and explained with a microphone with one hand.

"Big steel snake, one hundred thousand horsepower!"

Dawu's face was solemn, the flame of Xia Yan's flaming monkey made him feel that it was not easy.

He has special training for his elves to resist fire, but when facing the flames of the flame monkey, he still doesn't have much power to parry.

"Flame Monkey, Hot Wind!"

The stirring scorching air current and the galloping and raging big steel snake created a very chaotic scene for a time, and the movement was not small at all.


in hot dust.

When all the dust settled, a heavy sound was heard.

"Big Steel Snake! Flaming Monkey! Lost the ability to fight at the same time!!"

The host immediately announced the results he saw.

Xia Yan and Dawu looked at each other.

Both saw seriousness in each other's eyes.

The big steel snake is Dawu's third elf, and he has lost three elves.

However, Xia Yan only lost the flame monkey. In terms of the number of elves, Xia Yan had the advantage. This was the source of Dawu's pressure.

And Xia Yan's pressure comes from the fact that his strongest opponent against Dawu is the flame monkey.

After the flame monkey lost the ability to fight, Xia Yan's other elves could no longer restrain Dawu's elves, and they would fall into a weak position.

Although he gained the advantage of the two elves, it can be seen that Dawu's strength, coupled with the powerful flashing golden monster, is not the result of his failure to turn the tide.

Even when Sirona and Daye were fighting, Daye's flame monkey defeated Sirona's three elves in one fell swoop and gained the upper hand, and in the end, he would still drink hatred under Sirona's biting land shark.

The combat effectiveness of a fully evolved quasi-god elf cannot be underestimated.

The two took back the elves at the same time.

After their respective deliberations, they threw the poke ball at the same time.


Dark gray strong body, majestic cattail wings soaring.

"Dawu's fourth elf is a fossil pterosaur!!"


Metal luster, round shield blade.

"And Xia Yan summoned a sword monster with a strong shield!"

One air and one land, one flight and one metal.

The identities of Dawu and Xia Yan seem to have been exchanged.

"Fossil pterosaur, spray flames!" Dawu waved his palm and shouted sharply.

The fiery breath came out casually, and the fiery red Stanley poured down.

"King Shield!"

The sword monster with a strong shield looked dignified, and raised its shield to meet it.

The thick shield is its strongest protection, and all the raging flames are intercepted outside the shield.

But the attack of the fossil pterosaur did not stop.

Vibrating its wings and breathing out flames, it galloped towards the Shield Sword Monster while attacking.

was suppressed.

Violence suddenly appeared in the sword monster's eyes.

With the shield on, he bullied himself and approached him not to be outdone.

The two elves meet in the air.

"Fossil pterosaur, meteor beam!"

"Sword monster with a strong shield, the holy sword slashes!"

The huge imaginary blue long sword faced the fossilized pterosaur that had been completely enveloped in rich brown energy.

The fossil pterosaur, which was supposed to be accumulating energy, finished accumulating energy in the blink of an eye.

It carries "Strong Vanilla"!

Xia Yan made a judgment instantly.

The blue giant sword collided fiercely with the meteorites all over the sky, and the flames splashed in all directions, just like the moment of the end.

boom--! !

Huge roar, the aftermath of the explosion.

The protective film of the auditorium vibrated continuously.

"Tsk, these two guys are so serious." Du couldn't help but sigh.

Even Dawu, who has a habit and is good at playing defensive counterattacks, uses the "meteor beam" when he comes up. This is definitely in full swing.

No longer stick to your original tactical system, and seek ways to break the situation.

"No way, the difference in strength between them is not that big. Anyone who is not serious may lose. Dawu has a lot of pressure on the number of elves. Senior Xia Yan is very afraid of Dawu's giant golden monster." Kona couldn't help it. opened the mouth.

"Not only these, Dawu also has a steel-type 'Z-movement' that is useless. Xia Yan's Ibrahimovic is obviously not suitable for playing in such a battle, and it is easy to become a breakthrough for Dawu. The fairy-type 'Z-movement' is not good for Dawu. The threat is not great.

So Xia Yan was at a disadvantage in terms of cards. "Sirona analyzed rationally.

This battle, until the end, they really dare not judge who wins and who loses lightly.

Xia Yan's tactics are very good, but Dawu also conducted some research and dismantling analysis, Xia Yan's tactics are more difficult to work.

In a collision where the audience couldn't help standing up to watch, the fossilized pterosaur managed to gain the upper hand.

The "Meteor Beam" sank the Shield Sword Monster.


The consumption of the "Meteor Beam" on the fossil pterosaur is also very obvious.

Even with the help of "powerful vanilla", it still consumes the energy of the fossil pterosaur.

Moreover, there is no possibility that the Shield Sword Monster will be defeated in one move.

After all, the damage caused by rock-type moves cannot be fully fulfilled.

"Shadow sneak attack, continue to slash with the holy sword!"

Xia Yan will not let go of such an opportunity.

The Shield Sword Monster who fell on the ground didn't get up, but turned into a shadow and quickly appeared behind the fossil pterosaur.

The blue long sword slashed straight down amidst the glistening green light.

Boom—! !

Like a meteor falling, sinking the earth.

The ground cracked in an instant, and rocks and rubble were scattered everywhere.

The fossilized pterosaur was smashed to the ground.

"Fossil pterosaur, crush it!"

In the dust.

The fossilized pterosaur, which regained control of its body, ignored the great pain caused by the giant sword.

struggled to get up.

The huge mouth wrapped in black awn bites towards the sword monster with a strong shield.


The sword monster with a strong shield can only raise its shield for defense.

When the sharp and sharp teeth collided with the thick shield, there was a piercing "creak" sound.

"Come again!"

Xia Yan's voice came again.

The virtual blue giant sword rises again, and the green light on it has covered the entire sword body.

This sword is also the strongest sword of the shield sword monster.

"Fossil pterosaurs, an eye for an eye!"

The dark and foul air covered the whole body of the fossil pterosaur.

Meet and bear the most violent sword.

With the sharp edge of the giant sword, it splits the evil energy package.

When it fell heavily on the body of the fossil pterosaur, the body of the fossil pterosaur suddenly drooped, and the already sunken and collapsed ground continued to crack and sink.

Along with it, there is the roar of the fossilized pterosaur.

His eyes were red, and his teeth were clenched after roaring.

"Hold on! Fossil pterosaur, hold on!" Dawu shouted.

It seemed his voice, his encouragement, made the difference.

Resisting the pressure of the sword monster's giant sword, the fossilized pterosaur supported the ground with its wings, and rushed forward with its head, hitting the sword monster's shield.

But this time's attack made the Shield Sword Monster's face change.

Fly out in the next second.

It slammed hard on the wall of the stand, and was eroded by the evil energy package.

The audience was silent.

This tragic collision made everyone clenched their hands tightly.

The walls collapsed and the ground sank.

"The Shield Sword Monster has lost the ability to fight!"

The referee was the first to see the situation of the sword monster and raised the flag representing Xia Yan.


That's not the whole story.

The dust in the field dispersed, and the fossilized pterosaur lay quietly among the debris on the ground.

"The fossilized pterosaurs also lost their ability to fight!"

Both flags were raised simultaneously.


The audience is boiling.


Once again, the two sides lost their combat capabilities at the same time, which is definitely the best embodiment of evenness.

Dawu and Xia Yan couldn't help but look at each other again.

They looked at each other and smiled.

The climax of this battle is just approaching.


PS: Although the update was a bit slow during the Chinese New Year period, but I looked back and found that 31w words were updated in 28 days of this month. In the past two days, there are plans to explode the update, and the monthly pass is about to expire, so don’t hide it. ~~

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