The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 745 Doctor, is it really a side job? (two in one)

Xia Yan looked up, and the "high-five surprise attack" of the flame monkey failed to interrupt Xanadu after all.

Lucario appeared in time and failed to block the flame monkey, but briefly blocked the speed and direction of the flame monkey.

In the end, the "Frozen Beam" shot by Ice Ibrahimovic successfully stopped the flame monkey.

Fortunately, the flames of the flame monkey did not cause much damage.

It was just that after glancing at Lucario angrily, the flame monkey decisively chose to withdraw and retreat, avoiding the situation of being besieged.

Xia Yan and Sirona's first trial ended with the flame monkey pulling back.


Sirona is well aware of Flame Monkey's ability, and is prepared to deal with it.

Xanadu successfully "copied" Hu Di's "magic defense" feature, and transferred it to Ice Eevee and Flower Rock Monster through "character swap".

The characteristics of Ice Ibrahimovic can't play a role in Sirona's lineup, and the "oppression" of Huayan Monster is even more tasteless.

After replacing the feature

Xia Yan glanced at Sirona and had a guess in his heart.

"Bite the land shark, sandstorm!"

"Hu Di, it's sunny!"


At the same time as Sirona's voice sounded, Xia Yan's voice sounded only a second later.

So the "sandstorm" that bit the land shark had just raised a little dust, and it disappeared instantly.

replaced by the scorching sun.

Sirona looked at Xia Yan with some surprise, with surprise in her eyes.

Xia Yan also happened to look at Sirona, couldn't help grinning, and smiled with a little "satisfaction".

The main reason is that Sirona's goal is too clear.

So many great features.

Pokkisi's "Heaven's Grace", Big Needle Bee's "Sniper", and even Flame Monkey's "Fire" are also good.

He chose Hu Di's "magic defense".

When she didn't carry the "Life Orb" and Xia Yan didn't have a field control tactic similar to the "Three Fans", Sirona chose this feature.

Combining the biting land shark that has not been converted and Lucario of the steel system, the purpose is too clear.

And the move of "Sunny Day".

In a competition of this level, it is normal to meet a few trainers who can use weather.

Xia Yan simply asked Hu Di to learn "Sunny Day" in order to snatch the weather in case of emergency.

I haven't been able to use it before, but I didn't expect to use it when I was fighting Sirona.

"It's the first reading again!! In the all-hands battle, Xia Yan was able to complete the first reading, using the 'Sunny Sky' move to overwrite the 'Sandstorm' move that bit the land shark!"

The host roared excitedly.

Finally, there was a topic he could understand and brag about.

The battle between Xia Yan and Sirona, the competition between the twelve elves was too complicated, and it was too difficult for him as a small host.

This is typical weather rush.

Those who shoot later will have a weather advantage.

For Xia Yan, it doesn't matter if it's sunny or rainy, but it's right not to let Sirona win the sandstorm.

Is this what it feels like to fight Xia Yan? Sirona sighed secretly in her heart.

The pressure is indeed not small.

Xia Yan seemed to know a little about all kinds of tactics, and he knew a lot about Sirona. Even the appearance of Xanadu did not affect his judgment.

But Sirona felt excited.

The desire to belong to the "battle madness" hidden in the body rose again.

After the first round of probing was over, both Xia Yan and Sirona tacitly slowed down a little bit the speed of command, silently thinking about the next move.


Before Sirona had fully decided, Xia Yan took the lead in moving.

This is the pressure Sirona feels.

Aggressive pressure, pressure to suppress combat experience.

The flame monkey and the big needle bee launched an offensive together.

"Flame Fist" locked on Lucario, and "Cross Scissors" aimed at Xanadu.

It's a pity that Xirona's Xanadu came too late, and Xia Yan and the others didn't know about it, otherwise Xia Yan wouldn't mind helping it awaken the fairy system, although it was a big threat to Xia Yan.


It's just Xanadu of the superpower department, and Xanadu who is obviously used by Sirona as the core, is Xia Yan's important target.

Shanaido's eyes flickered with superpowers.

With it as the center, invisible threads of superpowers sway.

Immediately afterwards.

After a burst of space distortion and fluctuation, the enemy in front of the flame monkey turned into a biting land shark, while the enemy in front of the big needle bee turned into a flower rock monster.

Biting land shark "Dragon Claw" swung out, facing the strong wind.

A black glow appeared on Huayan Monster's body, and treacherous and cunning energy enveloped his whole body, "Fraud" quietly waited for the attack of the big needle bee to fall.

Swap venues!

This is the exchange venue that belongs to Xanadu.

It immediately reversed the positions of several elves, switching their positions.

Not only did he guard against the attacks of the flame monkey and the big needle bee, but he also created a chance for himself to fight back.

And the exchange of venues, "copying" characteristics, and the exchange of characteristics, such as the configuration and function of moves, are the core functions of Dudu.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has the same effect as Xia Yan's Hudi.

It really is.

Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Exchange venues! Player Sirona reverses the situation."

The host thought he understood it, and was about to open his mouth to show his sense of existence, but suddenly saw the flame monkey in front of the biting land shark, and the big needle bee in front of the flower rock monster. The provocative shield sword monster and the playful Pokkisi.

Boom! !

Biting Lu Sha evil "Dragon Claw" slapped on the shield of the sword monster.

It didn't even leave a white mark, it just repelled the sword monster with a strong shield.

Not even able to retreat for long, Biting Lu Shark found that the body of the sword monster was extremely heavy.

But Huayan Monster was not so lucky. Pokkisi's "Power of the Moon" quietly fell, not only ignoring Huayan Monster's "fraud" but also smashing it directly to the ground.


The host suddenly choked.

Du couldn't help shaking his head.

"Sirona's idea is very good, using a tactic similar to Xia Yan's to limit Xia Yan, but Xanadu's adaptation of this tactic is obviously not as good as Hu Di's."

"Have you noticed that Xia Yan neither commanded nor used superpowers?" Dawu said in a deep voice.

"The core of command. The senior combat professors of our college have said that the role of the core can not only connect the whole team to play the role of one plus one greater than two, but also take over part of the command of the trainer." Kona said in a low voice.

But Du and Dawu both understand.

Such a command core not only requires long-term training.

For elves, the requirements for every elf in the team are very high.

It is definitely not something that can be reproduced by just grabbing a few elves.

"Aren't we a bit behind in terms of lineup construction?" Dawu smacked his mouth.

"Actually, it's not that we are late, but senior Xia Yan is too early. He knew early on what elves he needed, what tactics to use, and what moves to combine."

Kona shook his head and continued: "Normally, most people should still be immersed in the joy of subduing new elves."

Kona still has a say in this point.

There are many students in Baiyin College.

They have just begun to build a lineup, how can the rest of them have so many conditions and understanding of things.

"Xanaiduo, entangle Hu Di!"

What they saw, Sirona certainly saw it too.

She already knew that with this, she should not be Xia Yan's opponent.

So her original intention was to use the help of the "sandstorm" weather to build a pseudo-dual core to counter Xia Yan's mature lineup.

It's just that Xia Yan saw through her tactics from the very beginning, so she seemed more passive.

Ever since.

Sirona could only settle for the next best thing and choose the second preparatory plan.

Use Xanadu's super power to entangle Hu Di's super power.

Minimize the role that the respective cores can play.

Pull the lineup of the two to the same level, and then she will use her strong individual strength to deal with Xia Yan.

In this case, Sirona thinks her chances of winning are good, at least better than when both cores are present.

Others couldn't see it, but Xia Yan saw it in his eyes.

The invisible superpower threads, the superpower threads spreading from Xanadu and Hu Di, are entangled with each other.

Xanadu took the initiative.

Although Hu Di seemed a little calmer than Xanadu.

But it is estimated that it will be difficult to be distracted in a short period of time.

After seeing the two super power elves being pulled out, Sirona was visibly relieved.

Then he looked serious and quickly commanded.

Lucario took the lead, and the "wave missile", guided by the dense waveguide energy it condensed, shot towards Latios quickly, and then he bullied himself, followed closely behind.

Sirona's Pokkisi swung two "air cuts" and swept towards the big needle bee.

She knew that it was hard to hit at the speed of the needle bee.

But Sirona didn't want to use this to cause any harm to the big needle bee.

What she has to do is to stop the big needle bee and not interfere with Lucario, so the track of "Air Slash" is very particular.

Latios, as far as she knows, Xia Yan's only two elves who have just stepped into the quasi-king level, is her first target!

All-hands battles are very particular about downsizing.

Once one party reduces staff, the disadvantage will be infinitely magnified.

As long as you can operate without making waves, you have a great chance of winning.

Flame Monkey's burning flames swept in. With the evil help of "Big Sunny Sky", the flame power of Flame Monkey has been greatly increased. The red flame is mixed with a little dark red, which seems to be touchable. Hiram's skill with fire.


The venue trembled, the ground trembled.

Accompanied by a crisp "click" sound, mixed with a little dust.

The lifted ground instantly turned red, biting Lu Shark's timely support and defense.

A blue beam of light pierced the void and swept towards Xia Yan's Pokkisi. Bing Yibu was not far behind the rest of the elves.

Sirona either doesn't make a move, this shot is like a thunderstorm, decisive and purposeful.


bang bang! !

Sirona Pokkisi's "Air Slash" turned into phantom bubbles under Xiayan Pokkisi's precise strike.

The Big Needle Bee moved a long time ago, and it didn't even glance at the two round moon curved blades flying for half a second. It fully believed that the rest of the elves would help it block it.

Because the position of the big needle bee in Xia Yan's team is extremely clear.

It just attacks.

All defenses will be surrounded or blocked by companions. It is like an assassin with no taboos, and everything is for attack.

Only offense is the greatest help to the team.

I still remember what Xia Yan said to it, "You must fully trust your younger brothers and sisters, and remember that 'the best offense is defense'."

So when I saw all the elves of Sirona aiming at Latios, I saw the big needle bee that turned into a golden arc and rushed towards Ice Ibra at an extremely fast speed.

Sure enough, it was just as Xia Yan once said.

The rapid approach of the Big Needle Bee forced Ibrahimovic's "Frozen Beam" to be interrupted, which relieved Xiayan Pokkisi's crisis and put pressure on Sirona's defense.


The Huayan monster fought again, lying in front of the big needle bee, repeating the old trick of "deception".

The big needle bee did not flinch as always.

Just keep picking up the pace as if you don't care about the "fraud" at all.

Accompanied by increasingly fierce winds.

the other side.

Lucario received a "scale shot" from Latios, and rushed to Latios in front of the injury.

The biting land shark holding a heavy stone slab is ready to go.

Lucario's attack was just a cover, blocked by stone slabs and dust, he was the real main attacker.

The squinting Lie Bite Lu Shark's whole body tensed up, ready to kill Latios in a single blow. It had such confidence and fully believed that it could do it.


All in all, it seems that Sirona really pulled Xia Yan to the same level.

But with one movement, this illusion was completely broken.


Familiar spatial fluctuations and distortions.

The invisible superpower thread suddenly changed from two strands to three strands.

Biting Lu Shark and Lucario, who had already pounced forward, were stunned.

Latios's seemingly "simple" elf turned into a sword monster with a strong shield holding a "shield of the king" and a smile on his face!

The "wave missile" was directly ignored by the sword monster.

The "Dragon's Dive" that bit the land shark fiercely hit the shield of the sword monster with a dull sound.

It was completely resisted!

What? !

Sirona was obviously taken aback when she saw this scene.

Subconsciously, he looked at Xanadu and Hu Di.

Xanadu frowned tightly. Although he was struggling, he didn't let Hu Di break free.

And Hu Di's expression was indifferent, as if the old god was there, and the slits in his eyes met Sirona's sight, which made her heart skip a beat.

for a moment.

The situation on the field changed almost instantly.

The shield sword monster that was hiding in the shadow before inadvertently approached Pokkisi, so after switching places with it, Latios was already at Pokkisi's side.

Only it didn't stop.

In the next second, Latios turned into a needle bee.

The Huayan monster, which had gathered its strength to perform "deceit", failed again, and Latios turned into a flame monkey without turning his head.

Ibrahimovic, who was hiding behind Huayan Monster, was even more stunned.

But the big needle bee, which had fully accumulated its strength, almost directly touched Pokkisi's body with its long needles glowing with rich purple toxin.

in an instant.

In the astonishment of Sirona's Pokkisi, the severe pain accompanied by terrifying power directly slapped it to the ground.

It didn't count if it was shot on the ground, and it was too late to perceive the spread of the toxin after landing, but saw Latios' figure again.

In the blink of an eye, Latios' figure turned into a sword monster again, still holding a sword in the shape of a sword and shield. The bright silver light on the sharp blade reflected the beam of the sun, stimulating it to close its eyes subconsciously.

But as soon as the eyes were closed, the "iron head" fell down without hesitation.

boom! ! !

It's not over yet.

The flame monkey didn't know when it would appear again, and its arms exploded with hammers.


Flying-type elves are immune to ground-type moves, but it's different when they fall on the ground.

Rumble——! !

The field suddenly collapsed.

All these changes are happening too fast.

Almost to the point that the audience just felt a blur in their vision, and they didn't fully recognize which elf was where.

It felt like all of Xia Yan's elves were like ghosts, they suddenly appeared, and then suddenly they weren't them anymore.

I just feel like my brain hurts.

But no matter what the result is, cheers are right.

The more you can't understand, the more you have to cheer.

That way people don't know they don't understand, which is obviously a good way to cover up.

But they also secretly vowed in their hearts that they must watch the replay when they go back, and then watch it frame by frame, so as not to be able to brag to others in the future.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way.

Du, Kona, and Dawu in the auditorium just jumped up from their chairs.

They stared at each other.

They both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.

"I'm not mistaken, am I?" Kona asked in a low voice.

"Should." Du opened his mouth.

"That's right." Dawu answered.

Then the three looked at each other and said in unison:


They understand, but not the best.

The office where many bigwigs who came quietly in the finals were located.

"Tsk, it's amazing, King Chrysanthemum, this little fellow Xia Yan, even if he is not a real dual-core, he is still close." King Genji smacked his mouth.

"It should be because Lattios' strength has just improved, and he is not yet fully familiar with his own strength." Merdan is also in this office.

"He is indeed very talented. If he has the strength of a heavenly king, it will be a qualitative leap for him."

"Hmph, let's talk about reaching the king level first."


Chrysanthemum sat in the corner with her cane on her back, and didn't reply.

But at this time, Juzi's old face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

The grinning mouth vaguely showed a big smile that was extremely difficult to see on her face.

"This brat. Doctor is really a side job."


PS: 1.1w! Ask for a monthly pass! !

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