The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 746 Prepare to give us

Xia Yan seized the opportunity, and Lattios, who suddenly used the second core to connect the whole team, caught Sirona by surprise.

Xia Yan is very purposeful.

After Latios appeared and discovered that it had certain abilities, it was decided to cultivate it in the direction of the second core.

And when there was still a gap in strength between Lattios, Flame Monkey and Big Needle Bee, Xia Yan tried to bring them together to exercise tacit understanding and adaptation.

So, even if Hu Di was restrained by Xanadu, the "head" of Xia Yan's remaining five elves was still there.

It is still possible to perfectly manage the series connection between elves.

The only difference is.

Before that, Lattios was under the leadership of Hu Di.

But today, Lattios has completely taken over the power of the organization core, organizing his partners to fight for the first time.

The role of Xia Yan's long-term intentional cultivation is reflected.

Although there is still a gap in experience between Latios and Hu Di, they performed well.

And the elves, who had already gained enough tacit understanding in the training, were also very willing and believed in Latios' ability.

Xia Yan's so-called "unlimited defense" system, "playing chess" style of play, defense is mainly targeted.

On offense, the most important step is to find the opponent's weak points.

Forgotten, or completely unaware of, the potentially dangerous points.

Lucario and Lie Bite Lu Shark attack, these two elves will definitely not be the main target.

The Huayan Monster's attributes are doomed to have good resistance, and it is not easy to defeat it instantly.

Ice Ibrahimovic is a very good choice. Flame Monkey has a perfect suppression of its attributes, and it is also the easiest point to become a breakthrough point.

As for Pokkisi, with its agility and air superiority, it should have a relatively low sense of presence.

Therefore, Xia Yan and his elves "saved" Latios by attacking Bing Yibu in a posture of besieging Wei and saving Zhao. In fact, they were targeting Pokkisi, an elf with strong control ability and considerable ability to turn the tables.

The result.

Under Latios's continuous and skillful "exchanging venues" series.

All the spearheads pointed at Pokkisi at the same time.

Unexpectedly, Sirona's Pokkisi naturally became the breakthrough point without a doubt.

"Bo, Pokkisi lost the ability to fight!"

The host couldn't explain this extremely fast-paced and dazzling battle at all.

It just felt that in the blink of an eye, Sirona's Pokkisi lost the ability to fight without even knowing where the elf was.

this process.

too fast.

Sirona's pretty face was tense, and she looked at Xia Yan.

There are surprise, entanglement, thought and a little admiration in the eyes.


Sirona certainly understood what caused this momentary situation.

She knew that Xia Yan's combat ability of all members would be stronger, but she didn't expect to have reached this point.

The dual-core system has been constructed.

Although she is not as good as Juzi and Genji, she can tell at a glance that Xia Yan's dual-core system is still very complete, and Latios has many shortcomings.

But whether it is an incomplete dual-core or a dual-core with loopholes, it is a dual-core.

Sirona tried to use Xanadu as the core, and her tactical thinking was fundamentally similar to Xia Yan's.

So she knows very well how strong Latios's connection ability will be after Hu Di is restrained.

Can't help but take a deep breath.

Forcibly suppress the helplessness in my heart.

Pokkisi has lost the ability to fight, so what should she do next?

Just as she was staring at Xia Yan with various tactics flashing through her mind, she saw a halo of superpowers in Xia Yan's eyes.

He's going to take over the game.

Seriously? Sirona felt a little angry.

But after thinking about it, this is considered a respect for her, and I feel better.

Just, why not use it in the first place?

It's not that Xia Yan wants to hide, or let the water go.

It's because he arranged the tactics very clearly at the beginning. Although he didn't expect Hu Di to be restrained by Xanadu, Latios also presented the tactics well.

So whether he takes over or not, the meaning is the same.

He just needs to give instructions and tips at some critical moments.

For example, after seeing through Sirona's intentions, he directed Hu Di to grab the weather.

This is what a stronger trainer should look like.


Don't talk about others.

Do you really think that Chrysanthemum can completely command her ghost army just by opening her mouth?

And now take over.

It's because the front-end tactics are over, and Latios's experience is not as good as that of Hu Di, so he feels that he needs to take over.

Whether it's for the battle or to mention Latios.

After Pokkisi lost the ability to fight, the two sides separated again.

Sirona's side, which is missing one elf, always makes people feel a little less interesting.

But Sirona is Sirona.

The sudden loss of an elf put her in a disadvantaged position, but she still tried to find an opportunity to open the situation.

Take the initiative to attack again.

Biting the land shark, Lucario is still the vanguard of the attack, fighting with the big needle bee and the flame monkey.

Double needles turned into blades, and the big needle bee seized the gap in the battle to strengthen the "sword dance". While the attack power surged, at the same time, relying on speed and biting the land shark, it actually formed a situation where no one could do anything to anyone in a short time.

Until the long needle returned the carbine unexpectedly, cutting the face of biting Lu Shark in an instant.

Bite the land shark furiously.

Immediately use "Dragon Claw" to turn around and fight back strongly.

However, he met the flame monkey who was full of fighting spirit while clutching the flame.

The powerful flame carried a billowing scorching heat.

Lucario responded quickly, and the "bone stick" formed by the waveguide hit the big needle bee head-on to deal with the sudden attack of the big needle bee.

Compared with the following battle, Pokkisi, who was Xia Yan's air turret, completely occupied the air stage after Sirona's Pokkisi lost his fighting ability.

Several three-color "triple attacks" swept across.

The place where it passed suddenly turned into ashes.

Facing Pokkisi's "unreasonable" attack, Ibrahimovic stepped forward.

The "Frozen Beam" cut through the void, mixed with condensed ice crystal snowflakes all the way, resisting Pokkisi's attempt to intervene.

The Shield Sword Monster transformed into a sword-wielding form also tried to intervene.

However, he was attracted by a "provocation" by Huayan Monster.

"Shadow Sneak Attack" appeared behind Huayan Monster, facing its overly skillful "deceit", he made a feint, turned around and slashed at Bing Eevee with the Void Blue Giant Sword.

Lattios mediates in the middle, using "clean light" from time to time to contain and interfere, and at the same time trying to find the opponent's weakness.

Although Sirona lost an elf, and without Shanaido, she lacked a clear core.

But the individual strength of each of her elves is not weak, and after paying some "small" price, she actually managed to hold on.

Available at this moment.

Xia Yan and his elves showed the audience what the power of a team is.

Before the difference in individual strength has not reached the level of complete crushing, the role of the team is far stronger than the individual strength.

It was Pokkisi who took the lead.

Its pressure is also the least among Xia Yan's elves.

Accumulate your power, the divine bird strikes!

The target is directed at Lucario.

But Lucario was entangled tightly by the big needle bee and the flame monkey.

If it breaks free, it will watch the biting land shark besieged by the big needle bee and the flame monkey, and it may even count Pokkisi.

If it doesn't break free, the biting land shark will stop the big needle bee, but the flame monkey can't stop it.

So it has to choose whether to bear the attack of the flame monkey or the attack of Pokkisi.

This is the choice that must be made after the number is at a disadvantage.

Sirona looked serious.

Strictly speaking, this choice should be made by her trainer.

But the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, so it's really hard to judge for a while.

Pokkisi's "God Bird Slam" is powerful, and the flame monkey has attribute restraint against Lucario.

So Sirona quickly made a decision.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, Ni Lin!"

She chooses none!

She wants to use her own method to break this situation, and the best choice and the biggest reliance is naturally the most powerful biting land shark.

Once the proud and noble dragon family is triggered, it will retaliate against the opponent with the most violent attitude.

Bite Lu Shark's eyes were filled with scarlet in an instant, and his body was full of rich dark red and clear. The violent and ferocious aura instantly overwhelmed the offensive of Big Needle Bee and Flame Monkey.

Every structure in the violently biting land shark is the most terrifying weapon.

It's a very wrong choice to choose and its hard steel front when it's going all out and desperate.

The big needle bee and the flame monkey withdrew at the same time.

This gave Lucario a chance to breathe, facing Pokkisi who fell from the sky, and jumped up to greet him.

The power of the waveguide is concentrated but not released.

Clang! ! !

The trembling trembling god of metal, with the reverberating resonance of "buzz".

Lucario looked at the sword monster with a shield that appeared in front of his eyes in surprise. The touch of his tough fist was harder metal.

Xia Yan pulled the corner of his mouth.

Another major feature of the "unlimited defense" system is that no matter who you think I am going to use as a breakthrough, then you will never know who my real target is.

The more sprites you have, the less guesswork you have.

The Shield Sword Monster felt the pain from the shield, but it didn't seem to feel it, and gave Lucario a smirking look.

Boom—! !

Behind him, Xanadu, who was hanging in the sky and competing with superpowers, was in a bad situation.

Pokkisi's extremely destructive and powerful wings hit Xanadu's stomach.

Almost all the superpower threads it worked hard to maintain and persist were broken in an instant.

Hu Di's eyes, where the old god was present, also changed at this moment.

The recklessly flying silk thread and Latios's thread instantly covered the entire audience.

Within the enveloping range of this superpower silk thread is their territory.

Wherever they want the elf to appear, it will appear at that position, and it can enter from whatever angle and force it wants to use.

Like now.

The moment Xanadu was hit by Pokkisi.

Hu Di appeared behind Xanadu by virtue of "teleportation".

The round and dark "Shadow Ball" appeared behind Xanadu at the right time.

boom! !

Xanadu hadn't fully withstood Poksky's impact, but there was an attack from behind, and his body rushed forward.

It was Latios who met him, and in the next second he turned into a big needle bee.

The halo of "Deadly Acupuncture" was mixed with rich insect energy, piercing Xanadu's chest precisely and sharply.

The harvest is complete!

this moment.

After Hu Di was completely liberated, Xia Yan's dual-core system finally showed its majesty.

After a dizzying "exchange of venues", Xanadu lost his ability to fight.

This is why Hu Di can secure the first core.

Not only because it has more experience than Latios, but also because its "teleportation" has helped the mobility of the entire team to another level.

There is no strength in martial arts in the world that cannot be broken, only speed can't be broken.

As long as I exchange fast enough, any elf may be besieged by all elves in an instant.

At the same time, as long as I react fast enough, I can withstand any attack from the opponent at the smallest cost.

This is what Sirona felt at this time.

It looked like she was in a 6v6 all-hands unrestricted battle with Xia Yan.

But what she really felt was

Any one of her spirits needs to guard against the attacks and attacks of the six spirits at any time. Her attempt to break through the opponent's tight front line will be followed lightly by the defensive team headed by the strong shield and sword monster.

this feeling is like


"Just like facing a legion, every elf in Sirona needs to put too much effort into defense." Du rested his chin, thoughtful.

"It feels so lame. Senior Xia Yan's tactics give people a very lame feeling." Kona was deeply touched by this.

"So this is dual-core?" Dawu's eyes flickered with an inexplicable light.

"No, ordinary dual-core should not be like this." Du shook his head, "Although I don't know the specific situation, the core function is to maximize the advantages of the team elves, but Xia Yan's lineup, It is no longer the biggest advantage.

It feels like every elf in it has played its biggest role. I don't know if this is the role of dual-core. "

"But I always think it's...dirty."

Du still expressed his true feelings.

It has been unanimously approved by several people.

"The core Hudi controls the whole field, and at the same time plays some auxiliary roles. The second core, Latios, accelerates the rationality of the lineup and increases the depth of transformation. The last harvester, the needle bee."

Ke Na snapped his fingers, "Even if the advantage in the early stage is not obvious, as long as the big needle bee harvests it, it is not impossible to come back."

Dawu smiled wryly, "With such a lineup, it's not easy to fall into a disadvantage."

They just looked at it for a while and couldn't find a good breakthrough.


If you go back with the video and study it carefully, you should be able to find some shortcomings of Xia Yan's system.

After all, no system is truly perfect.

Just like the more common weather teams can hedge against weather, space teams can hedge against space.

It was a good choice for Sirona to let Xanadu entangle Hu Di.

If she can have one more elf like Xanadu to limit Latios, it's not like she has a chance to fight.

But everyone just subdued the spirits silently and cultivated them. They were all about the same age. Who had so many spare second team spirits.

This is Xia Yan's advantage.

Others are aware of the lineup, preparing to build the lineup, discovering problems, subduing the second team spirits to make adjustments, and improving the system.

But what about Xia Yan?

Realize the role of the system and build the system.

There are too many steps and tedious processes skipped in the middle.

"Xirona's Xanadu has also lost her ability to fight. It is too difficult to restrict Hu Di and Latios."

Du still reserved the words "lose".

But anyone with eyes can see it.

Six elves on one side and four on the other.

While the system is complete and the dual-core is still alive, the system is gone and the core is gone.

Sirona bit her lip.

Doing the last resistance.

But all she could do was to delay the elves' defeat a little bit.

Ice Eevee was carried away by a "flame jet" from the flame monkey.

The Flower Rock Monster was sent away by Pokkisi's "Moon Power".

Lucario was defeated by Big Needle Bee and Hu Di.

The last remaining biting land shark is very strong. If it has super evolution, maybe it can persist a little longer.

But in the end, two fists are no match for four legs, and the difference in numbers is hard to measure.

Not to mention the quasi-king-level biting land shark now, with one against six, Xia Yan is confident that even a king-level elf can be hardened.

Let a few little guys have a fight with the three-headed dragon at the beginning, I am afraid that there is no need for the assistance of the elf as a hunter.

Boom—! !

The exhausted biting land shark fell heavily to the ground, with the last stubbornness and persistence.

Xia Yan didn't even lose a single elf.

This is what happens in 6v6 unrestricted battles with all members, unless the strength is very close and the tactics are targeted enough, the elves on both sides will fall one by one.

Otherwise, this is the most normal result.

When Sirona lost two elves, if Xia Yan could be defeated by one, it would be his improper command.

It wasn't until the dull sound made by Lie Bite Lu Shark's fall and the dust raised that the audience finally reacted.

Wow -! !

From the beginning of the competition to now, the biggest cheers so far.

Because not only in the arena.

Even the audience who couldn't buy a ticket and watched the big screen outside the arena broke out in cheers.

Facts have proved that the competition party chose to use the rules of the Masters as the rules of the final final, which was unsuccessful.

Because except for a few people, most of the audience can't understand.

Even the host didn't quite understand it.

After all, such a competition system is more suitable for the Masters.


Xia Yan felt that by arranging such competition rules, he seemed to take advantage of the loophole.

It's still a big gap.


This did not hinder the enthusiasm of the audience.

They only knew that the finals of such a grand event were over.

It's right to cheer, it's right to shout.

Until several months later, some "professional" commentaries appeared on the Internet and on TV from time to time, interpreting them in slow motion, over-analyzing Xia Yan and Sirona's inner thoughts, and over-analyzing their tactics. Only when I really understand.

From this point of view, it seems that there is no problem with the adjustment of the rules of the competition.

Because this made the competition, which was already very hot, last longer.

"The six spirits of player Sirona have all lost their ability to fight, so the winner is player Xia Yan!!! The champion of this 'Islands Contest' is—Xia Yan!!!"

boom! !

The fireworks exploded with the host's announcement.

Even in the daytime, the gorgeous fireworks also render the sky into bright colors.

"Golden rain" is scattered all over the place.

fall on everyone.

Increased the "sense of participation" of the audience and players.

In such an atmosphere.

Xia Yan and Sirona walked towards the middle of the venue tacitly.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, Xia Yan smiled lightly, and Sirona smiled lightly in relief.

In short, the mood is not very bad.

A little hug.

Only then did Xia Yan realize that Sirona was really tall.

Without wearing high heels, his head is actually next to his nose, and he might be taller than him in high heels.

Smelling the fireworks that filled the entire arena, and the faint fragrance from Sirona's golden hair.

Xia Yan decisively chose this fragrance.

Take a sip to dilute the unpleasant smell of gunpowder smoke.

Seeing Xia Yan's actions, Sirona's pretty face blushed slightly, and she let go of her hug.

The two looked at each other without speaking.

But he quickly laughed tacitly.

Xia Yan was more presumptuous, grinning loudly.

Sirona was relatively reserved and covered her mouth.

Golden pieces of paper fell on the two of them, most of them slid to the ground, and a few stuck to their clothes and hair.

"Xia Yan."


"You are really strong." Sirona said sincerely.

Almost everyone who was defeated by Xia Yan in this competition would say the same.

Others said that he didn't feel much, but when Sirona said this, he seemed to have a sense of accomplishment.

To ask why.

Maybe it's because Sirona is the one who can become a champion in the future.

And a beautiful champion.

It seemed to understand the doubts in Sirona's eyes, as well as the traces of longing.

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Want to learn? I'll teach you."


Hearing this sentence, Sirona's already crystal clear eyes became brighter and brighter.


She couldn't learn Xia Yan's dual-core system, and it wasn't suitable for her.

Because there is no superpower to organize and command, the dual-core tactical composition cannot be commanded by the reaction speed of ordinary people.

The difficulty of one plus one represents the geometric multiple improvement of collocation and tactics.

But single core does.

Xirona's Xanadu and Xia Yan's Hudi can be said to be the same goal by different routes.

Xanadu can also awaken the fairy department and learn "mist field", which is really carved out of the same mold as Hu Di.

So if Sirona wants to learn, Xia Yan doesn't mind teaching her how to build a single core with Xanadu.

But for dual-core, Xia Yan's model is not suitable for her, and she needs to find a new breakthrough.

But today Sirona's idea is actually very good.

If the "sandstorm" that bites the land shark is played out, this pseudo dual-core will be there.

Pseudo dual-core, that is also dual-core.

Xia Yan can also give Yidian constructive comments and suggestions.

It depends on Sirona herself.

"Tsk tsk, it's decided for the time being. In the future, I would rather play a rotation match with Xia Yan than an unlimited match. He is too far ahead of us. In terms of lineup construction, we are." Dawu looked at the two hugging on the field.

Sirona is like this, he thinks he won't be much better.

"Brother?" Kona added with a smile.

younger brother?

Duo smiled twice.

"My idea is exactly the opposite of yours. The more difficult it is, the more you have to fight. Only by playing more can you understand his tactics and build your own lineup better."

"It makes sense, so let's just play unlimited."

Dawu immediately changed his tone.

Kona: "."

so real?

Kona didn't realize it until he saw Dawu's expression.

Dawu was just joking before, but what he said later is true.

Everyone is not a person who admits defeat, how could he give up because he was so behind.

The more frustrated and braver they are, this is their direction.

Smooth sailing is not a good thing for them, Xia Yan made them clearly aware of their own shortcomings today.

Don't dare to say anything else.

When they become champions and kings, they will definitely not be weaker than the original.

Ke Na clenched his fists, "Well! If you have nothing to do, you can find senior Xia Yan to practice the lineup, and you can't fall behind too much."

Du and Dawu gave her thumbs up at the same time.

Heroes see the same thing.

Xia Yan, are you ready to "make up lessons" for us?

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