The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 747 I'm Simply Interested in Research (Two in One)

The match between Xia Yan and Sirona is over.

But the entire "Islands Contest" is not over yet.

Because after the competition for the championship and the second place, there is still the competition for the top three, the ranking of the top eight.

There was no such competition system in the previous competitions.

But since there are matches to be played, these players will naturally not be left behind.

Du, Dawu and Kona began to prepare for their top three competition and ranking competition.

Others don't know why, but Xia Yan knows a little bit.

Because his teacher, Chrysanthemum, and Dr. Oki made Xia Yan strive for the top three, and if he had a chance, he would fight for the championship.

The specific reason is that Xia Yan is not yet clear, but when he comes to wait for the awards and distribution of prizes, it will be clear.

Sirona was pulled by Dawu and the others to be a sparring partner.

Because there are three people, Du, Dawu and Kona, and Sirona happens to be paired to play a simulated battle.

Of course they also invited Xia Yan, but Xia Yan refused.

There are legitimate reasons.

Lusamina, the chairman of the Ethereum Foundation, wants to talk to him.

Sitting in the special car sent by the Ether Foundation, sitting beside the well-behaved Lillie, and Gladion who seemed to be thinking about something.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao didn't come together.

But looking at Gladion's appearance, it seems that he is familiar with Xiaozhi and Xiaomao.

Of course, this kind of familiarity is not a very positive kind.

As their teacher, Xia Yan, instead of stopping, "encouraged" this kind of internal competition.

Even Xiaozhi and Xiaomao don't have elves yet.

But it won't be long before I think about it.

Gladion and Xiaomao are considered to be "right". One is good at actual combat and the other is good at theory. Both have strong personalities.

Instead, it was Xiaozhi.

He regarded both of them as opponents, but neither of them took him seriously.

The main reason is that every time the two of them quarreled, Xiaozhi was there to disrupt the situation like a fool.

They probably wouldn't have thought that Xiaozhi would be their biggest competitor in the near future.

Thinking of this, the corners of Xia Yan's mouth kept rising while holding the phone.

No matter how noisy they were, the label "Xia Yan's student" could not be removed once it was pasted on.

"Teacher Xia Yan, what are you laughing at?"

Liliai raised her head, looked at Xia Yan who had a weird smile, and couldn't help asking.

"No." Xia Yan restrained his expression, "Looking at others praising me online."

"Is it is it?"

Lillie was excited all of a sudden.

Lying on Xia Yan's hand, staring at his phone screen.

What is presented is the official website forum of the alliance.

Now it's so lively that almost every post can't be found in the blink of an eye, and every post has a lot of replies and likes.

Most of the people are playing Xia Yan, and some are playing Sirona, Dawu, and Du.

In short.

The blows are basically those who rank relatively high.


Fans of some good things also ranked these players based on their own personal opinions.

For example, Xia Yan's fans are ranked first, Xia Yan, second Xirona, third Du, fourth Dawu, and fifth Ke Na.

There are also fans of Dawu, who will be ranked first Xia Yan, second Sirona, third Dawu, fourth Du, and fifth Kona.

If you are a fan of Du, you will exchange the positions of Dawu and Du.

Fans of Sirona may rank Sirona ahead of Xia Yan.

There are all kinds of them, completely based on personal preferences and subjective consciousness. The euphemistic name is based on the results of this competition and the previous "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition".

However, Xia Yan ranked first, which belonged to the kind with relatively few disputes.

Even the person who sent Sirona to the first place only said that if the final is a rotation system, Sirona will definitely be the first, and Xia Yan can only be second. It's just that the competition has adopted an unlimited competition system for all members, so Sirona was reluctant to lose.

The "Islands Competition" has received more attention than the "Suzuran Youth Competition" because it covers many regions and the quality of the competition is high.

A large part of it is due to the audience attracted by the fairy department.

It can definitely be regarded as the most watched competition in the past ten years, even the Masters is not so high.

After all, not everyone can understand the Masters.

And Xia Yan, who won the championship, not only completely got rid of the criticism that he abstained from the final of the "Ling Lan Youth Competition" at the beginning, but his reputation continued to skyrocket.

Looking at most of the discussion about himself, Xia Yan twitched his lips.

Where is this?

After the news that he has passed the doctoral application is announced, he must not fry the pot again?

"Teacher, they all said that you are well-deserved number one." Lilia said sweetly.

Xia Yan is their teacher, the higher Xia Yan's achievements, the happier she is.

"The strength of the teacher cannot be questioned by those clowns. If the person who won the competition is not the first, then who is the first?"

Gladion said something draggingly.

In the final, all members of Xia Yan and Sirona couldn't understand the battle against Gladion.

He only knew that when Xia Yan and Sirona fought, Sirona's entire army was wiped out, while Xia Yan didn't lose a single elf. This is the absolute gap in hard power.

Xia Yan pressed the head of this arrogant little guy.

Of course I won't tell him that if Sirona's "sandstorm" that bites the land shark succeeds, the situation may be very different.

after all.

What teacher doesn't like the adoration of his students?

"One, two, three" Lilia snapped her fingers.

"What are you counting?" Gladion asked in a daze.

"Teacher's title." Lillia blinked her eyes and said as a matter of course.

Then I read them one by one according to others' list.

"Ibrahimovic expert, co-builder of intimacy, genius researcher, father of goblins, Interpol police, master of tactics, true hero, runner-up of Lily of the Valley Youth Competition, champion of the Islands Competition."

Listening to Li Liai's chanting, Xia Yan himself didn't realize it.

Already have so many titles?

True Title Master?

This is still the case when he is relatively low-key.

Otherwise, you can't add Regichkas' Blessed One, Blazer Knight, Ideal Hero, etc.?

Recently, he also got involved with the island gods, and Xiao Xingyun was on him.

Wait for Little Nebula to wake up and then evolve.

Don't have anything to do with Solgaleo and Lunala?

Xia Yan thought about it.

Sure enough, keep a low profile.

Otherwise it would be too hateful.

After chatting with the two little guys for a while, the car arrived at the gate of the Ether House.

Judging from the progress of the ranking competition, the awards will be presented either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and I don't know what Lusamine is looking for.

He said hello to Bi Ke who greeted them at the door, and came to Lusamine's office, ignoring Zaobo's two-fifth to eighty-thousand expression.

"Chairman Lusamine, what must be said in person?"

Handing over the two little ones to Bi Ke, Xia Yan and Zaobo pushed open the door of the office.

"Mr. Xia Yan, congratulations." Seeing Xia Yan, Lusamine said with a gentle smile without putting on any airs.

Zaobo poured a glass of water for Xia Yan who was sitting opposite Lusamine with a face full of reluctance.

Then he stood aside very blindly, with his ears turned sideways.

"Zaobo, please go out first, I want to talk to Mr. Xia Yan alone." Lusamine said.

"Yes" Zaobo kicked his shoes, strode away with his head held high.

Get rid of Zaobo?

Xia Yan was a little interested in what Lusamine wanted to say.

She took a sip of coffee and said slowly: "The congratulations just now are not just congratulations to Mr. Xia Yan for winning the championship."


Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, but recovered quickly.

Lusamine didn't give a damn either.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xia Yan, for successfully applying for a doctorate."

Xia Yan, who lowered his head, looked at her in surprise.

Most people don't know this yet.

It was Dr. Oki and Juzi who really had access to the high-level members of the Alliance that informed him.

There are also people from the Ethereum Foundation in the General League?

And the status is not low?

Thinking in my heart, there was not much surprise on my face, I just smiled and said: "The chairman's news is really well-informed."

Lusamine pretended not to understand what Xia Yan said.

"I don't know if I should call Mr. Xia Yan or Dr. Xia Yan in the future?"

Xia Yan waved his hand, "It's all the same, if the chairman finds it troublesome, you can call him Xia Yan."

Lusamine nodded, "Then I'll call you Xia Yan from now on?"

Xia Yan: "."

You will really go downhill.

Then I saw Lusamine pushing a document and handing it to Xia Yan, and said in a flat tone:

"Xia Yan, you are the teacher of my two children. In terms of seniority, we are considered the same generation. You can even call me sister, and I will stop playing around with you. I hope you can join our ether foundation."

elder sister

The kind that sits on the bow?

Glancing at the document handed over, Xia Yan shook his head.

He knew what Lusamine meant, and he also understood that she had this idea when she asked him to accept Gladion and Lillie.

But the Ethereum Foundation is different from Silver Company and Devon Company, and it is not easy to join.

The biggest resistance to the Alliance's entry into the Alola region is the Aether Foundation.

Although for the stability and development of the Alola region, the Alliance will not do anything to the Ethereum Foundation.

After all, the Ethereum Foundation can at least solve the employment problem of tens of thousands of people.

But if you want to say what kind of support and help the Ethereum Foundation can get, for example, like Silver and Devin, it is unrealistic for the alliance to arrange for the development of tools such as mobile phone illustrations.

Seeing Xia Yan shaking his head, Lusamine didn't say much, just smiled and said:

"Open it and have a look."

Xia Yan glanced at her again.

He pursed his lips.

I still couldn't hold back my curiosity and opened it to take a look.


The position, the head of the special research department, is at the same level as Zaobo.

The kind that doesn’t have to follow the steps step by step, you can go to work or not, that’s not bad.


Xia Yan chooses to skip.

Salary is really not attractive to him now.

The announcement of the Fairy Department meant that he was destined to make a lot of money.

Now that he has published about the effect of the goblin-type berries, the value of the berries he has hoarded has multiplied dozens of times.

The goods that were posted at home at the beginning have become very valuable now.

It’s hard to say, just start with a few or even a dozen small goals.

Coupled with the hoarding of goblin-type elves, Xia Yan thinks he can get thirty or forty small targets, right?

Even if the top energy cubes burn more money, it is absolutely no problem to maintain the normal growth of the main elves.

After all, it's not like Xia Yan won't make money anymore.


Xia Yan, who skipped over the salary column, looked back again.

When I saw what was written on it, my heart trembled slightly.

2% of shares.

She looked at Lusamine in surprise.

She just smiled and motioned Xia Yan to continue looking down.

Don't underestimate the 2% stake.

What is the concept of a 2% stake in the Ethereum Foundation?

Xia Yan is not very clear about how large-scale the Ethereum Foundation is.

Not to mention purely profitable companies like Devon and Silver, the Aether Foundation is a semi-profit organization under the guise of friendly relations between humans and elves.

But it will definitely not be smaller than Devon and Silver.

That gives a 2% stake?

Is it too bold?

look further down.

Provide all the equipment and base expenses of the "UB Countermeasure Department" for free. Is this to please the alliance or to please yourself?

10% share of the "Ultimate Ball" project.

"Ultimate Ball?" Xia Yan finally spoke up.

Not for anything else, just for this ultimate ball, this item.

Lusamine explained: "We have decided to cooperate with Devon to carry out the 'Ultimate Ball' project."

Xia Yan pursed his lips and said nothing.

She continued: "But it's just a start-up project for the time being. We want to find someone who is capable, knowledgeable and well-known enough to host the project. People, but neither side is very satisfied.

Until Xia Yan was proposed, they agreed. "

Before Xia Yan could speak, Lusamine fiddled with her hair and smiled.

"All the costs of the project will be borne by us and Dewen. If you agree, Xia Yan, we will fully equip our staff regardless of the general direction of the project."

"Then why do you still need me?" Xia Yan frowned, "Although I have a good relationship with Dewen, and I have a good relationship with Lusamine and you, but I don't think I'm needed at all. .”

Became a younger brother for a while for no reason.

Xia Yan is still a little unaccustomed to it.

Hearing "Miss Lusamine", Lusamine suddenly smiled slightly.

"Because whether it's us or Dewen, we need a trustworthy person as a bond."

As she spoke, Lusamine's smile slowly subsided, and she sighed softly.

"I know your concerns. The Ethereum Foundation does not have a good reputation in the alliance now, and the alliance has a lot of things to consider."

"But these are all for the sake of the Alola region. You wrote an article calling for the protection of the natural environment of the Alola region before, you should understand what I mean?"

Xia Yan was silent.

He agreed to write that article for Tapu Mingming, but protecting the natural environment from excessive development by the Alliance coincides with the same purpose as the Ethereum Foundation.

The Ethereum Foundation doesn't like the presence of a large number of large and small forces in the alliance.

It's okay to drop a high-level person from above, but if there are so many brats below, the Ethereum Foundation will inevitably face various problems.

As for Xia Yan, it's not just the bond between German and the Ethereum Foundation.

It is also a bridge for the alliance to communicate with the Ethereum Foundation.

If Xia Yan was simply allowed to join, he would most likely not agree.

But when it comes to German company, the meaning is different.

At least, if the alliance is looking for a job, it must first look for German.

"I will think about it."

After a long silence, Xia Yan's voice was slightly hoarse.

"12% share." Lusamine said with a smile.

"It's not a question of how much."


"Miss Lusamine"

"18%, my limit, plus a trial version of our 'Ultimate Ball' for you to try first."


Xia Yan took a deep breath.

"Well, as a researcher, I'm simply more interested in the 'Ultimate Ball' project that can benefit the entire Alola region."

Wait until Xia Yan leaves.

The smile on Lusamine's face has not dissipated.

Press the button on the table.

"Bike, go tell Dewen that Xia Yan agrees, and they don't have to worry about anything, the cooperation can proceed."

"Okay, Chairman."

Bi Ke's gentle voice sounded.

Picking up the already cold coffee, Lusamine walked to the window, looked at Xia Yan who was slowly leaving below, and murmured, "I have already made concessions and shown my sincerity in the alliance, so you don't have to be so stingy and hold back." Let it go?"

Xia Yan left.

After confirming that it disappeared from the ether foundation's field of vision.

Take your phone out of your pocket.

The screen was actually on, showing a call.

Xia Yan smiled and put the phone to his ear, "Teacher, did you hear everything?"


PS: Thank you "Drunk Love Geki" for the rewards, 1.1w asking for a monthly pass! !

PPS: What quasi-god do you want to see?

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