Double tail?

Kigard couldn't help being stunned when he heard such a title.

But soon.

It also felt strange.


As the guardian of order in the Carlos area, its sense should have been more sensitive than Xia Yan's.

I should have noticed the abnormality in the sky earlier, but because I was busy recruiting cells, I didn't pay much attention to it.

Follow Xia Yan's line of sight.

I saw that it had already firmly occupied the sky, completely covering all the surrounding areas with the "dark aura".

But now a surge of blue flames appeared in the sky, rendering the sky, just like the afterglow of the setting sun rendering the sky.

And this glow erodes the dark clouds at an extremely strong speed.

In just a few seconds, the dark cloud was compressed, and the coverage area was completely reduced by half.

Under the gorgeous sunlight, a snow-white elf vibrates its wings, and the flowing hair on the back of its head is divided into two strands. Under the sunlight, the ends are also rendered with a faint halo, just like two Flowy ponytail.

But it's not the twin ponytails.

The pure white dragon.

Dragon of truth.



Noticing Reshiram's approach, he felt his "dark aura" being suppressed.

Yveltal ignored the three people below who kept pestering him, as well as their elves.

Roared at Reshiram.

Layers of corrugated sound waves rolled up endless air currents, engulfing the breath of destruction and death, and the "dark aura" was also blessed to a certain extent, showing a posture of counterpressure.


Facing Yveltal's rebound, Rehiram was not to be outdone.

Respond with a loud dragon roar.

Crimson flames erupted from the torch-like tail, and the momentum suddenly increased, without any weakness.

The "flame turbine" characteristic belonging to Reshiram also checks and balances with Yveltal's "dark aura", and it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

"That is."

Looking at the pure white dragon that suddenly appeared in the sky, Dorasena and Yankai, who had a chance to breathe, couldn't help asking while they breathed out.

"The Dragon of Truth, Reshiram." Karunai said with a slightly complicated expression.

She reminded like this.

Doracena and Yankai remembered it.

Among Xia Yan's many titles, there is also the identity of "true hero".

And as a "true hero", of course there is a matching real dragon.

However, Reshiram should belong to the Hezhong region.

They also didn't expect that Xia Yan would call Reshiram over.

After all, the Carlos area is not close to the Hezhong area. No matter how fast Reshiram is, how much time has passed since Yveltal recovered from the outbreak of the incident.

can only say.

Xia Yan planned for a rainy day, and was ready to call Reshiram early.

"Of course, otherwise, do you think I was joking when I said flipping the table?"

Facing Kigard's hesitant eyes, Xia Yan patted it as a matter of course.

I didn't know that Kigard didn't care about this.

I saw it staring at Xia Yan, and the sound of each word rang in his mind.

【Leshram, you call it twintails, what are you going to call me? 】

Xia Yan was taken aback.

He didn't expect that Kigard's focus was so special.

But he didn't want to hide anything.

Truthfully said: "You, of course it's Gundam."

After all, that boy didn't have a Gundam in his dream.

Still want to be able to ride the kind.

[Gundam? 】

Regarding the word "double ponytail", Ziggard said that he still understands it, but he is really not very clear about the word "Gundam".

"The kind that reaches the sky." Xia Yan said nonsense.

【Yeah? 】

Kigard said why he didn't believe it so much.

Xia Yan nodded seriously.

Then look to Reshiram in the sky.

And Reshiram's gaze just happened to meet Xia Yan.

The bright eyes under the pure white hair revealed helplessness.

This is the Carlos area, and it stands to reason that a beast belonging to the Hezhong area should not come here.

But there is no way.

Who let Xia Yan choose it by itself.

If it's a "big fart" thing, even if it's against a strong opponent, Reshiram will hesitate and consider whether to come or not.

But the opponent is Yveltal, and even it feels very difficult to exist, so there is no way to shirk it.

after all.

At the beginning, whether it was it or Zekrom, what they promised Xia Yan was to help him become a legend and leave a legend behind.

And this time, it will also be the process of Xia Yan leaving a strong mark in the history of the elf world.

part of his legend.


This incident, Reshiram believes, is an important step for Xia Yan to leave a legend.

It and Zekrom consider the conditions for the shot.

Whether it can affect the legend left by Xia Yan.


it comes.

The reason why it looked at Xia Yan helplessly was because it heard Xia Yan's "love name" for it.

Should the title "Twin Ponytails" be applied to a cute boy?


Xia Yan's mouth shape changed, and he passed two words.

Rashiram nodded.

Taking a deep breath, it exploded with full force in the overclocking state, and the turbo flame in the tail surged and rotated rapidly, as if turning on a precision instrument with the highest speed.

Immediately afterwards.

A mouthful of cyan flame spewed out from its mouth, instantly burning up the air it passed through, splitting the "dark aura", and shooting towards Yveltal.

Facing the monstrous "green flame", Yveltal looked stern.

Just as Reshiram could feel the threat from it, Yveltal naturally felt a good sense of oppression from it.

Flapping the scarlet wings, the "Y" pattern on the chest surged with pure black energy, directly meeting the cyan flame.

boom--! !

for a while.

Cyan flames and black energy collided, intertwined, tore and collided with each other.

The surrounding space seemed to have fallen, and fine cracks appeared above the sky.

Behind the crack, there is an endless chaos.

[Their energies are too destructive, and they cannot be allowed to fight like this, otherwise the entire Carlos region may be lost in the turbulent flow flowing out of the broken space. 】

Looking at this scene, Kigard couldn't help but said to Xia Yan.

In fact, there is no need to say it.

Xia Yan also saw it.

Yveltal is originally the "God of Destruction", and there is no doubt that energy has destructive power.

And the flames used by Reshiram also had a strong annihilating aura.

Two completely opposing energies collide, and it is inevitable that this space cannot carry it.

"So you have to get rid of your 'companion' as soon as possible." Xia Yan said.

Both Zygard and Xia Yan looked at the black-red Zygard opposite him and Aspley beside him at the same time.

at the same time.

The three of Dorasena, who no longer had to entangle with Yveltal, also came to Xia Yan's side.

Although the pressure from Yveltal was too great, fortunately they have not completely lost their ability to fight.

Looking at the three people rushing over, Xia Yan said in a deep voice:

"The two heavenly kings, and Carunai, I will explain some things to you after the end. Now I must help Ziggard defeat the out-of-control Kigurde opposite.

Only the perfect Zygurd can completely prevent the destruction of Yveltal. "

Doracena and Yankai looked at each other.

They had no doubts about Xia Yan's words.

"True Heroes" Lying?


"Okay!" The two replied in deep voices.

Then Xia Yan looked at Karunai.

"Miss Carunai, Team Flare has blocked some of Kigard's cells. It has already told me the location. I will send it to your mobile phone now. Please rescue those cells."

Cells can break free by themselves, but it takes a lot of time.

Team Flare did make a cell-specific container by researching "Z2".

Carunai didn't hesitate either, after glancing at the phone, she nodded to Xia Yan.


Say it.

Together with Xanadu, they left quickly.

"Ziggard, it's time to go." Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and said.


Ziggard's green eyes flickered, his snake-like head came up slightly, and a gap slowly opened.

Immediately afterwards.

Colorful energy gathers in it and shoots straight to the ground.

After touching the ground, the energy didn't just disappear, but spread and climbed rapidly on the ground, appearing at the feet of Heihong Jigurd.

If you look from bottom to top, you can find that the trajectory that this energy moves actually happens to form a huge "Z".

Core Punisher! !

boom--! !

All the places that had been smeared by the energy surged with strong cyan dragon energy, instantly enveloping the opposite black-red Kigard and Asprey beside him.

This is the strongest exclusive move "Core Punisher" that belongs exclusively to Zygard.

But it is the most powerful when the full body of Ziggard is cast, right now.

At best it is a semi-finished product.


Before the raised dust dissipated, an energy beam similar to the one before was shot from the opposite side, sliding on the ground.

The same "Core Punisher"!

"Get out of the way!"

Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly.

Pull back quickly.

Doracena and Yankai have also seen the destructive power of the "Core Punisher" without hesitation.

But unlike Xia Yan, they also gave orders to their elves.

"Qixi blue bird, dragon wave!"

"Giant pincer mantis, air slash!"


boom! !

The red and rich dragon energy surged up in a "Z" shape.

Fortunately, Xia Yan reacted quickly.

He patted Victini's head lightly, signaling that he didn't need to pull his collar anymore, he had already avoided the attack.


Victini let out a long breath.

Xia Yan looked to the other side.

Under the joint efforts of the big needle bee and them, Fradali's tyrannosaurus was so soft that it fell to the ground, and it had already lost its fighting ability.

Although the elves were panting heavily, it was obvious that they were in good condition and excited.

Reggie Locke's entanglement with the Flame Lion continues.

However, Xia Yan stopped the big needle bees who were going to help, and now the most urgent task is to solve the black red Ziggard and help Ziggard fully recover his strength before he can hold down Yveltal.

After all, Xernias's recovery speed was still slow, otherwise Xia Yan wouldn't have to use Reshiram's trump card.

But the energy collision between Reshiram and Yveltal was too fierce.

If it was Xernias, the energies of Yveltal and Yveltal just restrained each other. Although attacking each other would cause damage to the surrounding environment, at least it would not affect the space.

Their energies can cancel each other out.

But now that we have come to this point, we need to think of a solution as soon as possible.

Xia Yan needs the help of the elves.

To this.

Naturally, the elves would not refuse, even if the opponent was the divine beast Ziggard.

"Dorasena Heavenly King, Yankai Heavenly King."

Xia Yan who came back shouted to the two heavenly kings while using the goblin slate to help Kigard recover his strength.


The two were taken aback.

They are still concentrating on commanding the elves.

"I want to control all the elves, can I?"

Without hesitation, Xia Yan expressed his intention.

Hearing this, Doracena and Yan Kaicai finally stopped directing and looked at Xia Yan in surprise.

Total command?

Although Doracena's red-faced dragon and Yankai's shield sword monster have lost their ability to fight, there are still ten elves in total.

Adding Xia Yan's six, that's a total of sixteen elves.


Xia Yan didn't know the system of the two of them, and he didn't understand it, so he must be unable to fight according to their original system.


Looking at Xia Yan's serious eyes does not seem to be joking.

Doracena and Yankai glanced at each other again.

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the flickering roar in the sky, and the two Kigards wrestling together.


They all nodded anyway.

Trust needs to be built slowly.

But no matter Xia Yan's warning before, saved their lives.

Still successfully completed the plan to hold Ziggard.

Or the scene of the big needle bee killing the head of the crow in seconds.

And Laishi Ram who arrived last.

They have already built up a lot of confidence in Xia Yan.

"Then." Xia Yan took a deep breath, "Two heavenly kings, please help me."

As he said that, a halo of superpower appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

Hu Di and Latios also had the same halo in their eyes, and the threads of super power surged.

And with the help of Xia Yan and the two elves, whether it was Doracena, Yan Kai, or their elves, they were all pulled into the same "channel".

Xia Yan is about to start controlling the field.

He uses himself, Latios, and Hu Di as the three cores.

Control the other fourteen elves except for the two of them.

This is something Xia Yan has never shown.

But it is a model that he conceived a long time ago and made several basic attempts.

The object of reference is his teacher Chrysanthemum "Ghost Army".

At the same time, it is also a derivative of the "unlimited defense" system tactics.

Infinite Legion!

As Xia Yan, who is the center, issued orders one after another, or Hu Di, or Latios, or Doracena and Yankai, they all served as secondary hubs under Xia Yan, the center.

The sixteen elves, like a war machine, began to operate.


Xia Yan, who tried this for the first time, also made many mistakes and failed to consider many aspects, but as the battle continued, he gradually adapted to this mode and state, and became more and more handy.

The surprise on the faces of Doracena and Yankai became more and more intense as Xia Yan's progress was visible to the naked eye.

Although Xia Yan is a superpower, that's why he can operate like this.

But this ability.

"Xia Yan is qualified to be a legion commander of the alliance army." Dorasena said with a sigh.

Union Army.

This is a secret armed force of the alliance that only the top leaders of the alliance know about.

Yan Kai did not object to this, he just said:

"He may not even need an alliance, he can form a legion by himself."

The appearance of Chrysanthemum flashed in the minds of both of them at the same time.

Until now, they finally saw a little shadow of his teacher Chrysanthemum in Xia Yan.

No matter what Ju Zi said or what Xia Yan said before, in the eyes of others, this pair of master and apprentice seemed very incongruous.

The attributes do not correspond, the tactical system does not correspond, and even the area of ​​​​the activity does not correspond.

How can I be regarded as a master and apprentice?

But this time, the two finally saw where they overlapped.

Why is Chrysanthemum so old and has a good status in the Kanto Alliance and even the entire Elf Alliance?

Even if she wanted to back down, the alliance begged not to back down.

It is because of Chrysanthemum's ghost army.

That is a derivative of the all-hands-on-hand combat system.

The demands on trainers are too high.

Just understanding and analyzing the characteristics, moves, abilities, and personalities of these elves is enough to make a normal person's brain shut down.

Even if Xia Yan is a superpower, his complexion has already turned pale at this time, his forehead is covered with sweat, and he doesn't even know it has slipped down the tip of his nose, and his back is completely soaked.

But his eyes were extremely bright, like those two stars in the vast starry sky.

Bright and eye-catching.

Although only a prototype.

It completely failed to bring out the real ability and role of the army.

But I have to admit that after the elves are fully integrated, the cooperation with each other is indeed better, and the strength that erupts is also stronger.

The suppression of the black and red Zygurd was also achieved.

Even with the lack of 5% of the cells, with the help of Xia Yan, Kigard successfully suppressed the black-red Kigard.

The final turning point.

Appeared when a group of green energy beams shot from a distance and submerged into Ziggard's body.

Xia Yan passed away the turbid sweat that had lingered on his eyelashes for a long time, and shouted to Ziggard in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Go! Wake it up!"

At the same time, I added a sentence in my heart.

I want to drive a Gundam!


PS: Does anyone remember "Infinity Legion"? I mentioned this idea before. Then today’s 1.1w words, ask for a monthly ticket~~

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