The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 776 Riding My Beloved Little Gundam (Three in One)

Kigard took a deep look at Xia Yan.

In the confrontation with the opposite black and red Kigard just now, Xia Yan definitely gave him a huge help.

But looking at Xia Yan's exhausted look now, it is clear that he has put in a lot of effort in the command just now.

After solemnly nodding to Xia Yan.

Ziggard rushed towards the black and red Ziggard who was being pinned to the ground by several elves at the moment.

Xia Yan has the goblin slate in his hand, as long as he doesn't get killed in seconds, he can recover his physical strength soon.

It is precisely because of this bug-like thing that it is possible to temporarily suppress Kigard.

After all, as the "God of Order" in the Kalos region, every cell of Kigard contains a lot of energy, and at the same time, they can also recover themselves by absorbing the natural energy of the Kalos region.

It's just that after both sides suffered the "Core Punisher" move, the characteristics of the two Ziggards lost their effect for a short time.

Shrouded in the "dark aura" of Yveltal, surrounded by dead air and wreaking havoc on the surrounding environment, they all need to draw energy from far away.

Or under the characteristics of Reshiram's "Turbo Flame", it is difficult for the characteristics of the two Ziggards to play a role.

Energy can only be drawn from farther away.

There is a time difference in between.

And the real Ziggard is under the influence of the goblin slab, this time difference is its opportunity.

At this time, when the two ziggards meet, it is when kigurd is full of energy, while the black and red kigurdal are exhausted.

see you.

The two ziggards are entangled together.

They are one body, and all the cells are shared, so after being entangled, it is like two pieces of plasticine with completely different colors that are glued and kneaded together.

It was also suffering from those cells, which were controlled by "Z1" for a while, maintaining their original green appearance, and then controlled by "Z2" for a while, turning scarlet.

In short, it seems that it may take a period of struggle to get the result, or it may not be possible to have any result at all.

The only advantage of "Z1" over "Z2".

It is with Xia Yan's help that he has more physical strength.

The "Z2" may be more tired.

But no matter what, if you really want to become the "Gundam" in Xia Yan's mouth, these two most important core cells are indispensable.

[I am here, wake up for me! 】

"Z1" is still engaged in "spiritual" offensive during the entanglement.

But with little success.

Just at this time.

A stealth plane not far away slowly revealed its silhouette.

At the end below the plane, with the opening of the mechanical cabin door, the gears "clicked" and a gun barrel like a launcher slowly extended out of it.

in the cabin.

There are quite a few members of Team Flare standing, even officers.

The most important thing was the tall man sitting in front of the huge projection screen, with a hairstyle like a lion, wearing a neat orange suit, with his hands crossed on his chin, his expression indifferent but his eyes serious.

"Representative, the two Ziggards are entangled."

said Barra, Flame's top officer with short green shoulder-length hair.

This man is the representative of the Fradali Research Institute, the leader of the Flame team, Fradali!

He was in heaven watching everything the whole time.

Hearing Bara's words, Fradari was unmoved.

Just glance across several split screens on the screen.

Among them are the Gyarados who fell to the ground, the head of the crow, and the Flame Lion who was about to be defeated by Reggie Locke.

Fradali didn't care much about the results of his elves.

Even if he is caught by the alliance now.

He also has a way to get it back.

With the movement of the line of sight.

He looked at the screen projecting the sky again.

The picture above is blurry because it was taken from a far distance.

But still can see clearly.

The scarlet bird Yveltal spread its wings under the black sky, and the twin-tailed Reshiram under the sun.

The movement brought about by the collision of the two divine beasts was not small at all, and was even faintly accompanied by the illusion of space being split.

The appearance of Rashiram was the only part of Fradari's miscalculation.

Otherwise, with the destructive power of Yveltal and the existence of Kigard, even if Xernias wakes up, it will not be able to stop it.

The line of sight moved again.

The two Kigards who landed on the ground became entangled, vying for control of the cell.


Fradali's eyes fell on the last screen.

It showed a young man wearing a small black suit and a black bowler hat, with a pale complexion and panting.

It was Xia Yan!

Because of his appearance.

Not only Team Flare's secret base in Miare was exposed, but even the Fradari Research Institute was implicated. Fradali, an important representative of the Carlos League, has also become a member of the Carlos League. Key suspects.

It is because of his appearance.

The plan that should have been carried out was blocked time and time again.

Yveltal was stopped by Reshiram, and Ziggard was entangled by another Ziggard.


Xia Yan on the screen slowly raised his head.

The dark eyes on the pale face seemed to pass through a long distance.

Through the screen, I "see" Fradali sitting on the sofa.


The corners of Xia Yan's mouth rose slowly, outlining a beautiful arc.

For the first time, Fradali's face, which had been calm and unwavering, showed a change of mood.

He frowned slightly.

Under the gaze of the surrounding Flame officers.

stood up.

A deep and magnetic voice sounded slowly.

"Although there are many surprises, fortunately we have made some preparations."

After finishing speaking, he paused, walked to the console, and continued:

"'Project Y' remains unchanged. But now I also want to see what will become of the fusion of the two Ziggards."

Then he opened the cover on the console, and a crimson button appeared under his hand.

Fradali's expression gradually became a little ferocious, and there was madness in his eyes.

He growled, "Then capture them together with the two Ziggards!"

Say it.

His fingers pressed on the switch without hesitation.

next second.

All the instruments on the entire aircraft started to operate almost at the same time.

Immediately afterwards.

A scarlet beam of light spewed out from the gun barrel under the plane, without any destructive power, and swept towards the two entangled Kigards.


Under the illumination of the light beam, the two entangled Kigards suddenly stopped moving.

Countless cells began to tremble and tremble crazily.

In the blink of an eye, the red cells suddenly gained the absolute upper hand when the two groups of cells that were originally on equal footing fought against each other, transforming the green cells quickly.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan frowned.

He wasn't surprised by Team Flare's actions.

If he is Fradali and has a way to control Ziggard, he will also choose to control together at this time.

What surprised him was the sonic beam that came.

There is such a familiar charm.

【Xia, Xia Yan, myself, myself.】

Kigard's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind, with struggle and pain, as well as a trace of disbelief and...anger?

"Wait a minute."

Xia Yan calmed down.

See you soon.


Several bright white light beams appeared out of thin air.

boom--! !

Accompanied by the precise strike, the gun barrel under Team Flare's plane exploded under the attack.

This caused turmoil in Team Flare's planes.

"Representative! Behind us, another stealth spaceship appeared!"

The pilot of the Flame team's plane reported the situation immediately.

Fradali's expression sank.

When he looked at the plane projected on the screen and the logo engraved on the plane, his expression was in a rare astonishment.

"Team Rocket?!"

The fiery red "R" is like a clown's red nose, mocking him mercilessly.

Real Bird Matrix!

In Team Rocket's spaceship, Makoto commanded the overall situation with a serious expression.

"The leader of Team Flare, Fradari, is on that plane! This is the information that the cadres have worked so hard to obtain! We can't live up to the trust of the cadres, and we will sink this plane here ,destroy!"


For Xia Yan, a cadre who is "favored" by the leader of the Rockets Sakagi, Zhenniao has changed from suspicion and jealousy at the beginning to admiration and respect now.

It is estimated that she herself did not feel the change in herself.

Just listen to her continue to shout.

"As long as Fradari is killed, Team Flare will be leaderless, and Team Rocket will be able to enter the Carlos area smoothly!

At that time, the cadres will be the biggest contributors to the expansion of the territory, and we will definitely be valued by the boss of Sakagi.

Such an opportunity must not be missed! "


In the cabin, the elite members of the Rockets "True Bird Matrix" looked excited.

Xia Yan, who was standing below, held his hat and pressed it down involuntarily.

If Fradali and the others don't show up, how can Ziggard return to normal?


That's when they couldn't sit still and wanted to intervene in the competition for Kigard.

Xia Yan knew that Fradali must be nearby, but he couldn't find his location.

But that's okay.

Xia Yan had already arranged for the real bird to wait beside him with the "real bird matrix".

As long as Team Flare dares to show up, it's them!

And for good reason.

Fradali thought that he was sure to win the mantis and the cicada.

Little did he know that Xia Yan had already arranged for a "sorrel" to wait for them.

"Team Flare and Team Rocket?"

Doracena looked at the two planes exchanging fire in the sky with a serious face.

An incident actually involved the Rockets.

"Has our Carlos area also attracted the attention of the Rockets?"

Yan Kai's expression was not much better than that of Doracena.

As the Four Heavenly Kings of the Carlos area, they may be busy next time.

Listening to what they said, Xia Yan couldn't help adding in his heart, "I'm afraid it's not just Team Flash and Team Rocket."

How come that sonic beam from Team Flare looks so familiar.

I am afraid.

Team Flare and Team Plasma in the Uzon area, are they also in collusion?

That was obviously the masterpiece of the plasma team Akromar.


Team Flare and Team Plasma, sharing resources?


That's not the point now.

With Team Flare's controller destroyed, things took another turn for the two Zygards.

The green cells quickly counterattacked, the red halo was fading faster than before, the green cells quickly gained the upper hand, and seemed to be completely out of control in one fell swoop.

Inside Team Flare's plane.

All members of Team Flare are in a mess.

Fortunately, Fradali took control of the field in time.

He has a dark face.

"Barra, Claire, Momiji, go and destroy Team Rocket's spaceship!"

"Yes, representative!"


The hatch opens.

Barra, Claire, and Momiji put on Team Flare's special jet pack, and while leaping out, they threw the elf balls in their hands continuously.

Among the several red lights, elves such as the Arrow Eagle and the Cross-word Bat appeared, and attacked the rocket team's spaceship.

"On behalf of, the controller was, destroyed."

A member who looked like a researcher in a white coat wiped the sweat from his forehead and reported carefully.

"Can it be repaired?" Fradali's eyes were fierce.

"No, you can't."

Seemingly sensing Fradali's anger, the researcher hurriedly explained:

"The instrument is specially made by Kusseloski's cadres combined with some of the existing data, plus the data analysis and improvement of 'Z2'. No one knows the core information when Kusseloski's cadres are away."

He was about to cry.

He is just a small researcher, responsible for the maintenance of the equipment. Now that the rocket team has caused such a large amount of damage, he is still on the plane. Even if Kusseloski comes, there is nothing he can do.

Fradari took a deep breath.

He feels very bad today.

Originally, everything went well according to the plan, and it was settled with Yveltal. As long as it continues according to the plan, not to mention the Carlos region, and even the life and death of the entire world, will be in his hands. under Lee's control.

But with Xia Yan's appearance, everything changed.

Uncontrollable events followed one after another.

But Fradali can still hold on, he still has a hole card.

After exhaling foul air, Evradari looked at the metal controller on his wrist.

That was the control dial of the "E Battlesuit".

There is also a button with a special pattern printed on it.

After just three seconds of contemplation, Fradali made a decision.

"On behalf of, on behalf of, that study it."

When the researcher saw Fradali's actions, he was startled, and almost instinctively wanted to remind him.

That research has only just started, and it is not stable at all, and everything is unknown.

But when he met Fradali's ferocious lion eyes, he shrank his neck and couldn't speak.


Fradari pressed the button anyway.

This is his last normal hole card.

If none of this works

Fradali stared at the screen after pressing the button.

Staring at Aspree, who was standing beside the two Ziggards, wearing a pitch-black "E battle suit".

see you.

The hatch like a small backpack opened behind Aspree.

A crystal-clear conical stone the size of a thumb shot towards Kigurd like a bullet.

Although the stone is not big, it seems to contain infinite energy.

It so happens.

This energy is actually quite similar to that of Kigard.

the most important.

In fact, it was the substantive maliciousness emanating from the stone.

The dark red malicious energy took on a spiral shape as the stone turned, creating a large air current.

But the next moment.


Fradali, who has always maintained his identity, uttered a swear word that rarely appeared.

I saw that the stone that was shot out quickly stopped abruptly when it was about to approach Ziggard, and when they were unprepared and had no time to take care of entering the body.

A white palm.

It's like twisting beans.

Gently secure it between index finger and thumb.

The other hand holding the hat slowly lifted the hat up, and a playful smile appeared on Fradali's screen again.

Boom—! !

Fradari smashed the screen with one punch.

Xia Yan! !

And Xia Yan, who caught Fradali's last "hole card".

Smack your mouth.

"Just say that I always feel like I've forgotten something." He looked at the dark red stone in his hand, "In this kind of battle, you put a person in an expensive combat uniform here, isn't it for watching a show?"

Even if you want to find a spokesperson.

Anyone can't?

He had to wear combat uniform.

Isn't it just telling Xia Yan that I still have a hand of cards hidden here?

"Is this 'infinite energy', derived from the 'ultimate weapon'? Or is it related to the meteorite related to super evolution? Or is it part of the huge sundial in Baike City?"

For a while, Xia Yan couldn't tell the difference.

However, there is nothing to doubt about the strong "maliciousness" surrounding it.

Under Xia Yan's super power package.

That malice rampages.

But after all, he couldn't break free from Xia Yan's shackles.

"Go back and study slowly."

With that said, he put it away.

at the same time.

The two Kigards beside them finally completed their struggle for control of the body.

From the beginning to the end, it completely transformed into two colors of green and black.

Immediately afterwards.

Numerous green silk threads spewed out from their bodies, and the figures of the two Ziggards also decreased rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, only two green cells were seen, lying in the pit of the ruins.

One of them was known by Xia Yan, and it had a red hexagonal structure on its chest, while the other looked a bit decadent and tired, with a blue hexagonal shape on its chest, which was captured by the Flame team." Z2" is up.

Xia Yan waved.

The two core cells are supported in the hands.

Although "Z1" is also tired, it is in a good mood.

[Xia Yan, I succeeded! 】

Xia Yan smiled and nodded.

Although "Z2" is not in good condition, it looks at Xia Yan with hostile and hatred eyes, full of rejection.

Used by Team Flare to do so much research, and even manipulated consciousness, it is normal for it to be hostile to humans.

But Xia Yan didn't care.

He has the gold medal "Little Undercover".


After noticing the state of "Z2", "Z1" launched an "offensive" against it.

Language offensive.

Xia Yan didn't know exactly how to say and how to communicate.

In short, it is nothing more than something like "Humanity can still be saved", "Humanity's future should be controlled by human beings", "There are actually good people among human beings" and so on.

Probably because of getting along with Xia Yan for a while, "Z1" is good at "mouth escape".

The way "Z2" looked at Xia Yan really changed.

From the initial hostility, it gradually turned into scrutiny, then doubt, and finally surprise.

In short, the expression change is obvious.

【Xia Yan, use a slate to help it recover. 】

The voice of "Z1" sounded again.

Xia Yan did not hesitate.

Driving the goblin slate, pure life breath and energy poured into the two core cells.

Their condition quickly recovered.

When "Z2" saw that Xia Yan could control the goblin slate at will, the surprise in his eyes became more intense.

Under the leadership of "Z1", two core cells quickly occupied Xia Yan's shoulders.

Victini could only sit on Xia Yan's head.

Fortunately, this little guy, Victini, doesn't care about everything. If it were replaced by the "stingy" Ibrahimovic, he would probably have grinned.

"How did you tell it? The effect is so good?"

Xia Yan couldn't help contacting "Z1" telepathically.

But "Z1" is a "small scene" expression.

【I just told it. Others may not believe it, but you are trustworthy. You have been recognized by Arceus, truth, ideal, sky, brilliance, etc. 】


Why does Xia Yan feel that it has nothing to say?

"Z1" straightened his chest, quite "righteous".

[I never lie. 】

Just a little twinkle in the eyes.

Xia Yan couldn't restrain his curiosity.

Attempt to contact another Zygurd core.

"What did 'Z1' tell you?"

The other Ziggard core may be due to its own personality, or it may be due to too much torture and abuse in the Flame team.

Appears more indifferent.

However, after hesitating for Xia Yan's question, it still gave an answer.

The sound is also completely different from "Z1", appearing more deep.

【It said, if you want to ride a Gundam, we can't lose to Twintails. 】

Xia Yan: "."


look at the sky.

【What did you do? 】

"Z1" saw Xia Yan's expression and the almost uncontrollable raised corner of his mouth, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's nothing, I just think Yveltal is too noisy, what do you think?"

Xia Yan simply stopped suppressing his smile and spoke truthfully.

The two Ziggard cores looked at each other.

They all nodded.

Although they have not yet been able to reach a unified conclusion on how to deal with the topic of human beings.

But as the "Gods of Order", their duty is to maintain the balance of the Carlos region.

Yveltal has been mad long enough.

The space above this area was almost shattered by Yveltal and Reshiram.

"Then what." Xia Yan said again, his eyes flickering a little, "I want to drive a Gundam, I wonder if you can satisfy me?"

Respond to him this time.

Not a vocal answer.

Nor is it a physical nod.

Instead, there are countless green rays of light coming from all over the world from different directions and corners.

Gathered on the body of the two Ziggard cores, it also wrapped around Xia Yan's body at the same time.

The eyes of the two cores became serious at the same time.

Glorious order.

Clang clang bell run out.

A green glow rose from the ground.

Zernias, who came late in the distance, looked at the light beam and blinked.

The pace under his feet was a little faster again.

It always feels like the "protagonist" has not yet appeared, and the villain seems to be killed.

You must move faster to catch up with the final curtain call.

And Xia Yan's voice rang in the ears of Karunai and the others.

"King Dorasena, King Yankai, and Carunai, Kigard and I will use our fists to exchange feelings with Yveltal to ensure that it is honest."

Karunai and the three had strange expressions.

Exchange feelings.

with fist?

Immediately afterwards.

They saw an elf full of technology suddenly appear in that green beam of light.

If they also had telepathy, they would probably be able to hear Xia Yan's humming in his heart at this moment.

Ride on my beloved little Gundam~~

After riding the Liekong seat and the black and white double dragon, Xia Yan has achieved another achievement.

Ride a Gundam!


PS: I have to get up early to get the vaccine this morning, so I went to bed early yesterday, and I didn’t see everyone’s reply, otherwise I would never give up your monthly pass (crying.jpg), now after the injection, my arm is completely numb, good typing speak slowly.

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