A giant whose body was mostly covered in black appeared before everyone's eyes.

There are some green hexagonal patches on the body, and there are four black satin strips behind it, two of which have red patterns on them, and the other two have blue patterns, representing the colors of the two cores.

The most eye-catching thing is the chest. It seems that 50% of Zygard's form is the head of a cobra, but there is an extra mouth with a gap, and in this gap, the colors inside are colorful.

At first glance, it looks like a human being magnified several times.

Or should they be called giants.

Coupled with its hexagonal structure with distinctive technological characteristics, it is reasonable to say that it is the "Gundam" in Xia Yan's mouth.

Ziggard, in full body form!

Strands of green ripples centered on Kigard and spread towards the surroundings.

The forest, which was originally withered due to the destruction of Yveltal, is faintly showing signs of recovery.

And those huge vines that rose from the ground driven by the black and red Ziggald quietly dissipated at the moment when the green waves passed by, turning into lush green plants, embellishing the dilapidated forest with a little green. meaning.


Under the fluctuation of this green represents the energy of order.

The space crack created by the collision between Yveltal and Reshiram in the sky that day was also healed instantly.

But the biggest change is the dense dark clouds in the sky that bred thunder.

Under the control of the perfect Kigard, the "dark aura" that Yveltal relied on quickly dissipated.

It wasn't until a ray of golden sunlight pierced through layers of clouds and shone on the ground that it gave people a real feeling of seeing the sun through the clouds.

As soon as this appeared, it changed the mighty power of the entire region, enough for anyone to stop and look up.

"This is the patron saint of order in the Kigard Carlos region."

Doracena couldn't help muttering as she looked at Ziggard bathed in the golden sunlight.

Zygard is a dragon and ground elf.

Its vigorous dragon elf breath is almost as strong as its essence.

Yan Kai also sighed: "It turns out that there is such a beast in the Carlos area."

This is estimated to be the first gathering of Zygurd in hundreds of years.

Perhaps it is also the first appearance of the complete Ziggard in thousands of years.

Karuna also looked at the powerful elf with a complicated expression.

However, unlike Doracena and Yankai, her attention mainly fell on the shoulders of the powerful elf.

A young man dressed in black and wearing a black hat was sitting on his shoulder with a full smile on his face, and his palm was quite casually grabbing the silk extending from Zygurd's back.

Xia Yan!

As the first person to open Gundam in the elf world.

Xia Yan's shoulders have always been one of the elves' favorite places.

Unexpectedly, he would sit on the elf's shoulders and have a bird's-eye view of the world.

The people or elves around were all forced by Kigard's invisible aura, but Xia Yan, who was sitting on Kigard's shoulder, looked like a normal person.

Pay attention to him as well.

And Fradari on the Flare plane in the distance.

He clenched his fists tightly, staring at Xia Yan in mid-air and Kigard in full body.

Rao is his ancestor who is the brother of AZ. He has mastered a lot of little-known secrets in the Kalos area, but it is also the first time he has seen the complete Kigard, and the first time he knows that Kigurd actually has Stronger form.

The legendary "God Z".

It's just that Kigard hasn't used his full strength yet.

If if he took charge of this Ziggard

Fradari's eyes twinkled.

There was unwillingness in his eyes.

But it also has the meaning of chasing Kigard.

Compared with the complete Ziggard, Yveltal is not so important.

Fradari felt hysterical at the thought of his plans being completely ruined.

He pushed away the members of Team Flare who were stunned there.

Then, under their horrified eyes, they pressed the last and most important button on the plane.

"Representative! That's"

It's just that Fradali has completely ignored other people's words.

see you.

After the firefight with Team Rocket's spaceship, the aircraft, which was already somewhat damaged, shot out a final scarlet beam.

It's just that this light beam didn't attack Kigurd or Xia Yan, but directly locked on Yveltal, who was fluttering in the sky.

Thick malice filled the beam of light.

This was originally the final preparation for "Project Y" to capture Yveltal, and it was also the last hand that was not regarded as a regular hole card by Fradali.

see you.

The beam of light was set towards Yveltal at an extremely fast speed.


There seemed to be some kind of traction between this light beam and Yveltal, even if Yveltal wanted to dodge, it would follow firmly.


The scarlet light completely sank into Yveltal's body.

After finishing all this, Fradali showed a carefree and satisfied look.

Then, under the amazed gaze of all members of Team Flare, he put on his backpack, opened the hatch, and fell directly to the ground under the weight of the jetpack.

He didn't even intend to leave.

He just raised his hands and flew in the direction of Doracena and Yankai.

Under their scrutinizing eyes, Fradali said to the two calmly and calmly:

"Two, arrest me."

This set of operations immediately stunned Doracena and Yankai.

What do you mean?

However, the two quickly subdued the unresisting Fradali and put on special metal handcuffs.

Karuna next to him watched silently with a complicated expression from the beginning to the end.

She and Fradali have known each other for a long time, and their relationship is considered very good.

Carunai knows Fradari's ambitions, and she has always believed in Fradali.

Even though Xia Yan had already handed over the Fradali Research Institute, Carunai was skeptical until he actually saw Fradali.

But when she saw Fradari come out of Team Flare's plane majestically, Carunai was silent.

Fradali just glanced at her and didn't speak.

His expression was unusually calm.

Only occasionally when his eyes glanced at a few divine beasts in the sky, there would be slight changes in his eyes.

Xia Yan, who was sitting on Kigard's shoulder, naturally also saw this scene.

He frowned.

Not sure what Fradari did to Yveltal.

I don't even know why Fradali ran off the plane so easily and was arrested by the two kings on his own initiative.



In the original book, Fradari had no intention of stopping even at the end.

It is impossible for him to surrender himself.


He has a way of clearing those charges against himself.

He also has support in the upper echelons of the Carlos League.

He is confident that he can clear himself of the charges in this incident.

In this case.

The alliance, or the two current four heavenly kings, has become his biggest protection umbrella.

"Is he preventing me from 'missing' him?"

This "absurd" thought flashed through Xia Yan's mind.


He did contemplate having Zygurd or Reshiram "miss" a shot at Team Flare's plane.

It's just that he didn't expect Fradali to disarm before he could make a move.

Now Vladali is under the care of the two Four Heavenly Kings, Doracena and Yankai.

Although the elves of the two were recalled by them very tiredly because of the fierce battle.

But unless Xia Yan is willing to turn against the Carlos Alliance and even the entire alliance, there is no reason to attack a person who has completely lost the power to resist.

When Xia Yan looked at Fradali, Fradali's eyes just met him.

The lion's eyes are full of profundity.

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

Carlos Union. No, has the entire Union been infiltrated that badly?

Fradali actually has such great confidence?

【I can feel that Yveltal is about to go berserk. 】

Kigard's voice suddenly interrupted Xia Yan's thoughts.

"Huh? Is that the light just now?" Xia Yan asked subconsciously.

[I felt the power of three thousand years ago in that light. 】

"Three thousand years ago."

The ultimate weapon?

The "∞ energy" of the ultimate weapon?

∞ energy is a special energy transformed from the life energy of elves in the elf world, also known as "living energy" or "infinite energy".

For this kind of energy, in fact, some institutions in the elf world are already conducting research.

The most famous of them is the Devon company where Xia Yan's good friend Dawu works. They have developed many things with "∞ energy", such as Devon's rockets or submarines.

It is precisely because of this energy that the Devon Company and the "Meteor People" faced each other. Finally, under the guidance of the "Destined Child" Sijana of the Meteor People, Rayconza was summoned to deal with the Devon Company. The offensive was launched.

Of course, these are things for later.

Since the German company can obtain "∞ energy", it is not surprising that Fradali, who knows the existence of the ultimate weapon, obtained this energy.

Cruel——! !


As Ziggard's words fell, Yveltal, who was hesitant and wandering in the sky because of Ziggard's appearance, shook his wings, and a scarlet storm raged around it.

The dark cloud that had completely dissipated under the control of Ziggard's characteristics actually showed signs of gathering again.

[Xia Yan. 】

Reshiram also noticed Yveltal's strangeness, and flapped his wings to Zygurd's side.

Bright eyes like sapphires scanned Zigold up and down.

And Kigard's gaze also passed over Bai Long's handsome body.

Is this the double ponytail?

This is Gundam?

This thought flashed through the minds of the two elves at the same time.

"Reshiram, Kiggard, we're doing chatting, the bird over there is already restless, why don't you press it first?"

Xia Yan coughed and said.

heard the words.

Reshiram and Kigurd looked back at the same time.




Just after they unified their directions, Yveltal rushed out a dark energy beam restlessly.

But Zygurd and Reshiram have been watching it all the time.

The response speed is still very fast.

Seeing Kigard propped up his arm, the pitch-black energy immediately scattered in all directions after touching its palm.

Ziggard's body stepped back for a distance, frowning.

Yveltal's strength is much stronger.

Seeing this, Reshiram next to him took advantage of the gap between Yveltal's attacks and leaned on Yveltal's body with a hot "green flame".

for a while.

The scorching flame has a very strong burning effect.

Yveltal's body was scorched black.

But after a wave of energy in its body brushed past, the wounds on its surface immediately healed.

See this scene.

Whether it was Xia Yan, Kigurd or Reshiram, they all raised their eyebrows in unison.


【Should I call my stupid brother over? It has been waiting for a long time over the sea outside the Carlos area. 】

Rahim suggested.

"Need not."

Xia Yan directly rejected its proposal.

When he decided to flip the table, Xia Yan called Reshiram and Zekrom, just in case.

But now that the complete Kiggard is here, can a "Y Bird" be turned upside down?


[Zernias is here. 】

Kigard reminded.


Not far away, a deer-like elf with dexterous movements appeared in Xia Yan's sight.

The forked branches above its head exude multicolored luster.

And when the multicolored luster brushes the ground.

The dead trees germinated, the grass seedlings broke through the ground, and the breath of life once again filled the whole forest of dead trees.

The appearance of Xernias is the greatest restraint on Yveltal.

Zernias, who appeared in the center of the dead tree forest, stopped.

Circles of rippling rainbow light spread towards the surroundings, and the wave of energy fluctuated higher and higher, and the dilapidated plants could not help but revive. All the elves and objects swept by Yveltal's "Death Wing" were all Slowly faded away the appearance of stone.

Xia Yan thought about it.

He threw the fairy slate in his hand towards Xernias.

With the help of the goblin slate, Xernias' recovery ability was enhanced by several degrees.

A ray of moonlight followed by falling from the sky.

When it hit Yveltal, it dispelled the strong malice and "∞ energy" on him.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Suddenly my heart moved.

Use telepathy to contact the three beasts.

"Everyone, do me a favor."

【Um? 】

The three divine beasts were taken aback.

But without hesitation for long, they all agreed.

after all.

Either they have a relationship with Xia Yan, or they owe Xia Yan a lot of favors, so what's the point of doing a favor?


Reshiram flapped his wings.

Appeared behind Yveltal.

With a huge impact force, the huge body knocked Yveltal directly from the sky.

boom--! !

The ground trembled wildly, and a huge crater was accompanied by a large cloud of dust.

Coincidentally, the place where Yveltal landed was not far from Doracena, Yankai and the bound Vladali.

Large swaths of dust covered the sky.

Seeing this, Doracena and Yankai hurriedly prepared to take Vladali back.


Xerneas' quadrupeds were as deeply rooted in the soil as plants.

Immediately afterwards, countless dense roots emerged from the ground, and thick and hard vines bound Yveltal to the ground.

It accidentally involved Doracena and the others.

Their elves have all been put away, and the injuries are serious, some of them have already fallen into a coma.

The expressions of several people changed.

It was a little hard to break free for a while.


Xia Yan, who was sitting on Kigurd's shoulder, quickly fell from the sky with Kigurd.

Kigard accumulated energy in the air, seized the opportunity created by Xernias, and prepared to kill Yveltal with one move.

Xia Yan jumped directly to the ground.

Hastily helped several people break free from the shackles of "rooted".

But see.

in the dust.

A thick black air quickly filled the air.


Doracena, who had seen this move more than once, changed her face suddenly.

Can't help shouting: "Xia Yan, go away! Leave us alone! Protect yourself!"

But Xia Yan gritted his teeth and remained unmoved. He just kept driving his superpowers and separated the roots that bound them.

"Xia Yan."

Caroline also wanted to persuade.

"Shut up!"

But Xia Yan stared back "viciously" without hesitation.

But Carunai wasn't angry, but her expression was more complicated, with all kinds of complicated emotions.


All the roots were cut off, Xia Yan pushed them away one by one, and under the support of superpowers, they slid on the ground for a long distance.

First Yankai, then Doracena, and then Karune

In the end Fradari remained.


When Fradali was still left, the black light in the dust had already surged out.

While leaving a deep ravine on the ground.

It raised more dust.

"Xia Yan!!!"

Seeing this scene, the three of Karuna cried out in horror.

Almost at the same time, the elves were summoned to try to help.

But they are not actually used.

It's not just them who are paying attention to this side, but also Xia Yan's elves, two in the sky and one on the ground.

Fradari twisted wildly.

The dust quickly covered him and Xia Yan.

Xia Yan's nimble and quick movements when he was originally rescuing others became very slow at this moment.

There is even time to look at Fradali with a half-smile and look at his shocked look.

Via telepathy.

Xia Yan and Fradali had their first conversation, but it was also their last conversation.

"I don't know how much power you still have in the Carlos League, and I don't know what method you can use to clear your charges after you are arrested, but all I know is that I don't feel at ease if you are alive."

At this moment, Xia Yan expressed his truest thoughts.

Seeing that Fradali chose to "surrender himself", Xia Yan felt terrified.

He knows why.

Worried about Fradali's revenge.

So he simply chose to nip this threat in the bud.

Vladali's eyes widened when he heard Xia Yan's real words.

Full of disbelief and resentment.

He clearly planned it.

He did have the means, ability and resources to get himself out of this incident.

Because from the beginning to the end, except for getting off the plane at the end, he never showed up.

Even to control Kigard, a spokesperson was chosen.

But because of Xia Yan's words "I'm not at ease".

Completely, completely defeated.

Mainly because of his preconceived notions.

He thinks that since Xia Yan is a direct descendant of the alliance, he will definitely not attack a person who has given up resistance.

But don't know.

For Xia Yan, who has climbed up from the bottom step by step, nothing is more important than his own life and safety.

There is a threat.

I will get rid of it!

Without hesitation, without thinking.

This is the most instinctive judgment and choice.

boom--! !

Under Fradali's widened unwilling eyes.

"Deathwing" swept across.

Under the impact, the dust comes and goes quickly.

It was seen that Xia Yan avoided the sweeping center of "Death Wing" with the support of several superpowers.

However, he was "accidentally" swept into the palm by the aftermath.

Completely petrified.

Xia Yan had a look of pain on his face.

After seeing Xia Yan's curtain call and exiting in such a perfect posture, Kigard, Reshiram, and Xernias, who were ready to rescue at any time, retracted their gazes at the same time.

next second.

The "Core Punisher" draws a huge "Z" centered on Yveltal.

"Blue Flame" annihilated all surrounding areas like a scorching sun.

The cunning light beams that fell from "Earth Control" all tilted towards the center of the ruins.

This is also their curtain call ceremony.

With the perfect curtain call ended.

This event is almost over.

Xia Yan couldn't help but want to bow.


PS: This chapter is 5.5k words, today is 1.2w, almost this incident, just waiting for a real ending. Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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