The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 818 Disordered emotions (three in one)

When Xia Yan communicated with two unknown totems in the alley.

In the streets, residential areas, gardens, and battlefields, some changes finally appeared.

At first a few people and a few elves fell.

When others noticed them, they were taken aback at first too.

But after getting closer, I found that they were just asleep, and they looked at each other and smiled and didn't disturb these sleeping people and elves.

Just thought it might be exhausting.

But they didn't notice.

The faces of these people and elves showed fear and ferocity from time to time.


More and more people and elves fell asleep.

Only then did someone finally realize that something was wrong.

Also found the fear on the faces of these sleeping people and elves.

"It's the Nightmare God!"

I don't know who yelled.

It's like the plague.

The sound spread among the lively crowd in the square.

Nightmare God!

This is a legend that has been circulated in Baiyang Town a long time ago.

Legend has it that there lives a nightmare god in Baiyang Town, who likes to make people have nightmares and feeds on the fear brought by nightmares.

That's why Baiyang Town has a lot of trinkets and decorations about "Feather of the New Moon".


After all, legends are just legends. It has been countless years since no one has realized the existence of the Nightmare God, so they simply regard this legend as a legend.

Just like in other regions, parents always compile some bad guys in order to appease noisy children.

Occasionally someone has a nightmare, and they don't think about it on the Nightmare God.

But this time the situation is obviously different. A large number of people and the elves suddenly fell asleep, making them realize that it is very likely that the legendary nightmare god is playing tricks.

For a time, the residents and tourists on the square were all in danger.

They looked around vigilantly, for fear that the Nightmare God would appear suddenly and make them fall into a deep sleep.


Their vigilance did not bring much change.

Still people fell down one after another.

The hazy mist spread, covering the entire Baiyang Town, covering the street lamps on the side of the road, and the surrounding light became dim.

"Imperator Napoleon, water cannon!"

A trainer couldn't bear such an environment and atmosphere, so he commanded his elves to attack the darkness not far away.

Unfortunately, it didn't have any effect.

Some, just completely ignited and detonated the panic that was already brewing.

The Emperor Penguin's attack failed to find the Nightmare God, but made the trainers in the square become irritable at the same time.

"Taitai Turtle, Flying Leaf Quick Knife!"

"Flame monkey, spray flames!"

More and more voices sounded.

Amidst the noise and panic, there were roaring sounds one after another.

These trainers seem to be in the dark at this time, and they regard all darkness as enemies.

"It's Darkley! It must be Darkley!"


A determined voice sounded from the crowd.

A man in gorgeous clothes and pink hair combed back stood at the top of the square steps.

his appearance.

Slightly diverted everyone's panic, and turned their attention to him.

The man looked arrogant, with a confident smile of "knowledge like the palm of his hand" on his face.

There is something called "anger" spreading faintly in his eyes.

"Albert, it's Baron Albert!"

Someone recognized the man standing on the steps and shouted.

A hereditary baron, his strength is unknown, but his identity cannot be ignored.


Albert lowered his hands.

The noise in the square became a little less, and everyone finally suppressed their fear a little.


Another more important reason is that after Abbott appeared, no one fell down and fell into a deep sleep for the time being.

This allowed Albert's shout to gain enough attention.

And Albert seemed to enjoy the attention.

He continued loudly:

"I know Darkley is responsible for all of this, and it is the Nightmare God you call!"


This can be regarded as finding an outlet for the panicked crowd.

"Although I don't know why Darkrai did what he did."

"Does the Nightmare God need a reason for doing this?! It just wants to create more nightmares!"

Before Albert finished speaking, someone immediately took over.

"That's right! The name Nightmare God doesn't exist as a friendly elf! Do evil elves need a reason for what they do?"

"Find the Nightmare God and defeat it!"

"beat it!"


For a moment, everyone in the square was filled with righteous indignation.

"Perhaps... we just need to leave Baiyang Town."

At this moment, a timid boy suddenly spoke.

Although the sound was not loud, everyone in the square could hear it.

"That's right, it is said that the Nightmare God lives in Baiyang Town, we just need to leave."

"Although it is an evil elf, it is a 'god' after all."

"Brand, how can you say such a thing? Are you actually scared?!"

Next to the boy who spoke before, another person who seemed to be a companion looked at him in disbelief.

You know, in their eyes, this boy is a fearless existence, very courageous.

Are you scared at this time? !

It doesn't make sense.

"Aiken, are you still talking about me? You are always submissive, why are you so daring today?"

The boy named Brand blushed.

I don't know if it's because of being exposed by my companions, or because of so many people watching.

The quarrel between the two made the square noisy again.

There was a quarrel over the two options of finding Darkley and leaving Baiyang Town.

hard to imagine.

Just a few minutes ago, they were partners laughing shoulder to shoulder with each other.

Even Albert couldn't stop this quarrel.

The anger in Albert's eyes became more obvious.

He shouted angrily:

"Big tongue licking, destroying the light! Let this group of people calm down the baron!"

"Lick lick—!!"

It was said that a pink round elf standing beside him spit out a golden-red beam of light.

The huge movement brought about by the "destruction of light" finally forced the square to become quiet again.

"Don't think about it, you can't get out."

At this time, several trainers who came together came to the center of the square with dark faces.


someone asked.

"I don't know when a thick white fog suddenly rose outside Baiyang Town. It couldn't be dispelled, and it couldn't be passed through. Even if you walked in, you would return to the original point in a while."

The visitor looked very ugly, and explained something angrily.

"Darkley must have done it!" Baron Albert affirmed.

His words won the approval of most people.

Those who were determined to leave now have no way out.

If you don't want to be captured by Darkrai into a dream, then you just need to find Darkrai and defeat him.

"Everyone, follow me!"

Albert waved his hand.

With the crowd filled with righteous indignation, they walked towards the garden behind the Tower of Time and Space.

He knew that Darkley spent most of his time in the garden.

Of course, the noise in the square also attracted Xia Yan's attention in the alley.

when he walked out of the alley.

I saw that the square, which was originally full of people, became extremely deserted.

Some sleeping people and elves lay on the ground.

"Do it?" Xia Yan frowned.

Immediately afterwards.

He saw a big-tailed raccoon flying past his eyes.

It's like swimming, wagging its tail happily in front of its eyes, sneaking into the building next to it from the street light here, like a ghost, very unhappy.

After the big-tailed raccoon appeared, more and more phantoms of elves appeared in Xia Yan's sight.

"The space is disordered, and the dream space and the real space have converged."

This is the best proof that Palkia, the god of space, has begun to radiate and affect Baiyang Town.

"over there!!"

far away.

Xia Yan heard some urgent shouts from under the Tower of Time and Space.


Turned over and jumped on Latios' back, and flew towards the Tower of Time and Space with Pokkisi.

As it got closer, there was a constant roar.

Then see.

A group of trainers filled with righteous indignation, commanding their elves, launched an attack on a shadow somewhere in the square in front of the Tower of Time and Space.

And the speed of Sombra is very fast.

The color of the night seems to be its best reliance.

After avoiding several attacks with the help of the shadow, the black shadow emerged from the ground.

The arms that were surging in the pitch-black mist swung out impressively.

Inky black holes emerged out of thin air.

And all the people or elves who were hit by these black holes fell to the ground without any accidents, and fell into endless nightmares.

Such a sight not only did not frighten the crowd, but further aroused their anger and increased their disgust and rejection of the shadow.


Xia Yan frowned.

Looking at the black shadows shuttling back and forth in the square, he said the elf's name.

But Xia Yan didn't go down immediately.

He sensitively noticed that something was wrong.

Whether it was the wanton attacking Darkley or the furious crowd, everything revealed that something was wrong.

Their emotions are not right.

Although Darkley must have made people feel fear, there is nothing wrong with them targeting Darkley.


Most of the trainers present are trainers who live under the sun of the alliance. They have different strengths and goals, but they have one thing in common, that is, they love elves.

Even if it is an elf with a bad reputation like Darkley, at most they want to defeat Darkley to save others and help themselves.

But definitely not a dead hand.

Just look at what they look like now.

All of them had hideous faces, with anger and hostility fully interpreted on their faces.

Under the command of Baron Albert, Darkley was completely regarded as the most heinous criminal in the world.

And Darkley?

It's also in a very bad situation.

Xia Yan knew Darkley's character. Although he was withdrawn and arrogant, he was actually not bad.

Even if it needs nightmares as the nourishment for its survival, it will often control its own strength so as not to cause the people who have fallen into the nightmares to struggle.

can now.

All the people or elves who were hit by its "dark hole" in the square were lying on the ground with painful expressions, and their wrinkled faces were not just as simple as nightmares.

"Like, someone deliberately amplified their emotions."

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

Glancing at Pokkisi and Latios beside him, they were not affected.

boom--! !

A huge roar erupted in the square again.

Although most of the trainers gathered in Baiyang Town are relatively weak, there are still a few relatively powerful ones.

During a collision with Darkrai, a huge explosion occurred.

Xia Yan restrained his thoughts, knowing that he couldn't wait any longer.


Don't say anything else.

When this incident is over, Darkley's reputation may never get better.

"Stop! Darkrai!"

Xia Yan jumped from the air and appeared in front of Darkley, standing between it and the group of trainers.

"Cha Ke Yi!"


With his sudden appearance, the group of trainer elves had no time to stop.

Fortunately, Pokkisi and Latios shot at the same time.

The arc-shaped air blade collided with the flame and scattered sparks like fireworks, and the pure white beam met the water column and splashed faint ripples.

"It's you?!"

When Albert, the leader, saw Xia Yan, he immediately remembered that they met once in the basement of the Tower of Time and Space.

It seems to have a certain relationship with that weak Dong Niou.

It's just that his eyes were all on Alice before, and he didn't care about the existence of Xia Yan and the others.

Seeing Xia Yan's sudden appearance now, interrupting their conquest against Darkley, an expression of displeasure immediately appeared on his face.

"Who are you!" He shouted loudly.

"Mr. Xia Yan?!"

But without waiting for Xia Yan to answer, people who knew him called out his name.

"It's really Mr. Xia Yan?! 'Master Tactician' Mr. Xia Yan!"

"Is Mr. Xia Yan here to help us?"

"With Mr. Xia Yan, it would be easier to defeat Darkley."


Albert frowned as he heard the constant shouts from the crowd.

I just feel that Xia Yan has snatched away the eyes that originally fell on him.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you see that he came to help Darkley?" Baron Albert shouted, his face a little hideous.

"Mr. Xia Yan is here to help Darkley?"


"But Pokkisi and Latios did stop our attack just now."

"Mr. Xia Yan and Darkley are in the same group?"


Under the guidance of Albert, the crowd who were originally delighted by Xia Yan's appearance became indignant again.

They can't figure it out.

Xia Yan is a celebrity, an amazing young trainer, why would he mix with such an "evil" elf like Darkrai?

Just because this Darkley is strong?


Pokkisi's small face was wrinkled, and it didn't turn around and shouted at Xia Yan.

As a blessed Pokémon, when Pokkisi was in Pokby, he felt very clearly the kindness and malice of humans and elves.

At this moment, it could clearly feel the strong malice spreading from the opposite crowd.

Xia Yan wiped his waist with his palm.

Flame Monkey and Fairy Ibrahimovic also appeared beside Pokkisi and Latios.

"Stop them."

Xia Yan's voice came.

Of course he also knew that Pokkisi spoke out to explain the seriousness of the matter.

But to him, the anger of these people can only be regarded as a small trouble.

The real big trouble was still before his eyes.

The elf in the turbulent black mist has a handsome appearance and appearance, and the most important thing is its eyes.

The eyes that were originally azure blue were now filled with streaks of red lines.

He stared at Xia Yan who suddenly appeared.

It seems to be hesitating, but also seems to be struggling.

[Let's go! 】

The voice that was extremely suppressing the anger in his heart came to Xia Yan's mind.

When Darkley saw Xia Yan, he resisted the urge to make a move, suppressing all kinds of negative emotions in his voice.

Xia Yan was unmoved.

He just looked at Darkley, who was struggling, and the black mist that was constantly surging on his body, and his posture was getting more and more surging.

Only now did he understand.

Darkley avoided seeing him, not because of Liu Bo's second guess, in order to accumulate strength alone to fight against the impending disaster.

But because of the first guess!

It is controlled or influenced by some temporarily unknown ability.

Dark energy?

【Walk--! ! 】

Just when Xia Yan was thinking quickly.

Darkley's voice sounded again, roaring, suppressed, and restrained.

There are more and more red threads in the eyes, and the breath of rage is getting stronger and stronger.

at the same time.

The crowd on the other side, led by Baron Albert, also started attacking again.

Not just Darkrai, they were also affected.

It seems that there is an invisible energy that enveloped the entire Baiyang Town before the chaos of time and space arrived, manipulating the will of the people and the elves, and affecting the thoughts of the elves.

Amplify the negative emotions in their hearts.


After two reminders, Xia Yan remained unmoved, and Darkley could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

Opening his arms, amidst the continuous turbulence of the black turbid mist, a mass of malicious energy quickly condensed, converging into a mass of dark and sticky matter, and threw it towards Xia Yan.

Waves of Evil!


But see.

The elf ball on Xia Yan's waist opened by itself.

In the red light, a swift figure vibrated its golden wings as thin as a cicada's wings, leaving golden lines in the dark night, quietly appearing in front of the oncoming "wave of evil".

The speed was so fast that Darkley's attack was intercepted before it reached Xia Yan.

The cyan insect-type energy burst out suddenly at the tip of the sharp long needle, and the impact power brought by the extremely compressed energy was not small at all.

boom--! !

Violent explosion.

The energy collision brings about the interweaving, tearing, and annihilation between the two energies.

"Sizzling beer?"

Hovering in front of Xia Yan, the big needle bee, which was half the size, had a surprised face, and shook the long needle that had just attacked, relieving the slightly paralyzed touch.

Darkley's attack was stopped, but it didn't feel very good.

Compared with Darkley, the strength of the big needle bee is still a lot worse.


This was blocked, which was somewhat beyond Darkley's expectation.

Although it has been dazzled by anger now, it still retains the impression of Xia Yan and his elves.

In its cognition, although Xia Yan's big needle bee is not bad, it is far from this level.

It's been a long time since I saw him, has his big needle bee grown enough to barely withstand his own attack?

At the moment Darkley was stunned by the appearance of the big needle bee, Xia Yan strode forward with his arms raised horizontally.

The quaint gloves shone brightly.

The power of waveguide resides in the heart!

After experiencing the incident between Mengmeng and Rogia, Xia Yan already has some experience in the incident of divine beasts being maliciously influenced.

In his opinion.

It is very possible that Darkley was also corroded by the dark energy that he did not know where it came from.

And according to his current ability, the only thing that can fight against dark energy is the power of waveguide.

Azure energy overflowed from his hands.

Shrouded the astonished Darkrai.

The waveguide force full of goodwill continuously transmits Xia Yan's consciousness to it.


But Xia Yan, who was approaching, was stunned when he used the power of waveguide.

"No dark energy?"

He didn't feel the dark energy, let alone the familiar malice.

What happened to Dackley?

But fortunately.

Although the dark energy that was Xia Yan's target did not appear, the power of waveguide still played a role again.

Under Xia Yan's deliberate drive, the gentle energy suppressed the negative emotions in Darkley's heart.

The bloodshot eyes slowly faded away.

【Xia Yan.】

Darkrai's voice sounded again, and it briefly regained control of the body once again.

And together with Xia Yan, he worked hard to suppress all kinds of negative emotions in his heart.

Xia Yan's waveguide power is like the last weight on the balance, and it has become Darkley's greatest support.

"Calm down first, and then speak slowly."

Xia Yan passed on this idea.

Darkley nodded slightly, and stopped talking.

Close your eyes, and fight hard with the other self in your body.

It's like seeing two little people in your own consciousness.

One was as black as ink, but his eyes were blue.

A ball of dark red thread was wrapped around his body, his eyes were red, and he was full of a tyrannical aura.


The villain wrapped in red thread balls was already affecting the pitch-black villain, but as wisps of blue threads came from all directions, they entangled those red threads and relieved the pressure on the pitch-black villain.

It swells rapidly, absorbs the energy of the red thread villain, and rapidly grows itself.

He regained control of his consciousness and body.

But no matter how hard it and the blue thread tried, they couldn't completely erase the red thread, at most they could only suppress it in the deepest corner.

The red silk thread finally fell silent.

But it wriggled from time to time, as if it was still looking for how to regain control of its body.

The eyes under the cloudy white mist opened again.

The depth of azure blue restores the look.

Seeing that Darkley's malice was minimized, Xia Yancai finally stopped using the waveguide power, and opened his eyes to look at this old friend in front of him.

One person and one elf looked at each other for a long time.

Suddenly they all laughed.

【You came. 】

Xia Yan nodded.

He turned around and glanced at the group of people who were still attacking despite being stopped by the four elves of Pokkisi.

When he looked again at this time, Xia Yan seemed to see something more than what he saw just now.

Behind everyone, there is a dark red silk thread, like a marionette, manipulating them, affecting their consciousness, and magnifying their negative emotions.


Everyone is affected by some invisible force.

"What's going on?" Xia Yan asked.

He doesn't have so much waveguide power to help these people.

Seems like letting them sleep might be the best option.

Hearing Xia Yan's question, the smile on Darkley's face gradually calmed down.

【Originally, I wanted to find a place to wait for you. If you can't catch up, I will try to devour the nightmares of everyone in Baiyang Town and accumulate strength to fight against those two guys. 】

Darkley did not hide anything from Xia Yan, and revealed his original plan.

Xia Yan was not surprised by this either.

Originally, he and Liu Bo also guessed it.

[But after finishing communicating with you in the dream, I suddenly felt a strange throbbing in Baiyang Town. 】

Xia Yan's expression gradually became serious.

He knew that what Darkley said next was likely to be the real reason for the current situation.

After Darkley took a deep breath, the voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind again.

[I sensed an aura that shouldn't have appeared in Baiyang Town. 】

"What is it?"

Xia Yan looked directly into Darkley's eyes.

It also stared at Xia Yan, and said in a deep voice:

[Gods of the lake! 】

"How can it be?!"

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Almost subconsciously blurted out.

Da Clay did not change his opinion because of his doubts.

And Xia Yan also gradually understood, knowing that Darkley was not joking.

As the gods of the lake who brought "wisdom", "emotion" and "will", Yuxi, Emridor and Yaknom do have the ability to manipulate other people's will, emotions and thinking.

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