The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 819 Speed ​​Contains Rules (Two in One)

The gods of the lake?

Xia Yan briefly went through what he experienced after entering Baiyang Town.

This basically confirms Darkley's words.

Although Darkley is not a divine beast, it is also a phantom beast, and it is not a low-strength phantom beast, a phantom beast that can take a few tricks with Liekong.

This is why Xia Yan feels that there is no existence that can control it.

Unless it's Giratina's shot.

But if it was Giratina, Baiyang Town would not be as "peaceful" as it is now.

Dialga and Palkia just collided in the remote out-of-control gap, which led to such a change in Baiyang Town.

If Giratina, who is one point stronger than them, appears and controls Darkrai, it is estimated that Baiyang Town has now become a part of the destroyed world.

Since it's not Giratina.

Gods of the Lake is a good explanation.

As mythical beasts, the gods of the lake are in charge of "wisdom", "emotion" and "will power".

Although his own strength is not strong, the priesthood he holds is not weak at all.

It is also a reasonable explanation that they can have an impact on Darkrai.

Since Darkley can influence it, it is only natural that these ordinary trainers living in Baiyang Town will be affected.

Who would have thought.

When the evening came, it was still a peaceful Baiyang Town. After the evening, it would turn into the violent appearance it is now.

"He really is with Darkley!"

Seeing Xia Yan and Darkley standing together peacefully, the leader, Baron Albert, immediately shouted.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xia Yan to be such a person?!"

"Bah! Return Mr. Xia Yan?"

"I've already taken pictures of this scene, and I'll upload it on the Internet later!"

"Defeat them!"


The red-eyed crowd erupted into cursing one after another, and many of them held up their mobile phones to take pictures.

Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged.

He doesn't care about the remarks made by those who have been manipulated and amplified their negative emotions when they are out of control.

But he doesn't care, but it doesn't mean the elves don't care.

The eyes of Darkley who stood behind Xia Yan were flickering with coldness.

A certain suppressed emotion in the depths of his eyes seemed to sense its state, and became ready to move again.

The four elves in front of him didn't have very friendly expressions at this time.

Xia Yan is the most important person to Pokkisi, Latios, Flame Monkey and Fairy Ibrahimovic, and they don't allow anyone to say that about Xia Yan.


The golden wings of the big needle bee were also constantly vibrating, and the wisps of current rippled with every flap of its wings. It seemed that as long as Xia Yan gave an order, it would attack without hesitation.

Xia Yan comforted the elves a little bit, letting them control their emotions so as not to be affected by the gods of the lake who didn't know where they were hiding.

Then he, who hadn't put away the power of waveguide, also keenly sensed Darkley's negative emotions that were about to move.

"Don't do anything, leave it to me." Xia Yan said.

Darkley finally suppressed that negative emotion, but it hasn't completely stabilized yet.

If hooked up again.

Xia Yan couldn't guarantee that when Darkley became furious again, he and it could suppress these negative emotions again.

From the performance of these people, it can be seen that the negative emotions are aroused, which is the impact of one wave after another.

Darkley lost control again, and it might not be easy to suppress it.

Being soothed by the gentle waveguide power, Darkrai's eyes calmed down again.

It seems to be able to hear the unwilling groans of those negative emotions in his body.

He nodded towards Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan! I'm going to see who you are today. You deserve to be called a 'Master Tactician'!"

Baron Albert was the first to attack.

"Lick and roll!"


Hearing Albert's order, the big tongue licking beside him with a wrinkled face immediately retracted his body and began to spin at a high speed.

With a huge and round body, Big Tongue Licking looks like one of the elves most suitable for using the "rolling" move.

"Flame monkey, enhance the flame fist."

Xia Yan squinted at it.

When the Flame Monkey heard the sound, the flames on his body surged instantly, and the fiery light split a bright crack under the dark night.

Followed by three steps and two steps, a seemingly unskilled forward punch.

Boom—! !

When the fist touched Big Tongue Licking's high-speed rotating body, the flames burst out immediately, and hot sparks splashed out in the high-speed rotation, falling on the ground and burning black holes one by one.

However, all the real flames, as well as power, were poured on Da Tong Licking's body.

He flew upside down the huge body of Big Tongue Licking, and hit the ground heavily, leaving a dent.

And Big Tongue Licking was already lying in it, unconscious.


"Big tongue lick!"

Seeing Big Tongue Licking being knocked into the air and instantly killed, Baron Albert immediately showed a look of panic, and hurried to Big Tongue Licking's side.

The previous angry and ferocious appearance disappeared, and he became timid instead, not daring to look Xia Yan directly in the eyes.

Xia Yan's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene.


The gods of the lake just magnified the negative emotions in their hearts, they didn't deliberately guide them.

If they are angry.

That's going to get angrier?

If there is fear in their hearts, it is fear.

become more afraid.

Then I have not been affected, is it because I have controlled my emotions well?

Or is it because I have accepted the power of Yaknom, and the superpower comes from the will, so it will not be affected?

All kinds of thoughts and guesses flashed in my mind.

"Let me do it! Imperial Napoleon, water cannon!"

Baron Albert's big tongue fell down and did not make these people flinch, and someone jumped out again immediately.

Emperor Nabo, exuding the aura of a king, swung his arms, and the surging water jet shot out.

"Fairy Eevee, the ultimate shock."

The turbulent water column came rushing in, but there were dots of halos on Fairy Eevee's body, and under the reflection of the special energy of his skin, it was dyed pink.

With dexterous steps and the speed buff brought by "Ultimate Shock", while avoiding the attack, he slammed headfirst into Emperor Nabo's chest.

boom! !

There was a muffled sound.

Emperor Nabo closed his eyes in pain, and slammed heavily on the pillar next to him.

While breaking the solid stone pillar, it also caused the emperor Nabo to collapse on the ground, losing his ability to fight.

"I'm coming! Terracotta turtle, gavel!"

Someone else stood up.

"Pokkisi, air slash."

this time.

Xia Yan almost issued the order together with the visitor.

So when the platform turtle stepped on the ground with both feet, and the wooden branch that rose up halfway with the rumbling sound, two arc-shaped "air cuts" successfully hit the platform turtle, forcibly interrupting the flow of its moves. At the same time, it was pressed to the ground.

The limbs shook weakly.

The Turtle has lost its ability to fight!

Another spike!

"Lie, Flame Monkey, spray."

"Latios, clean the light!"

Xia Yan's command speed even surpassed that of the other party, a young girl commanding the flame monkey.

The milky white light beam swept across the flame monkey, and unexpectedly saw a smear of burnt black on the flame monkey, which was a fire elf.

The flame above his head instantly became much smaller.

He shook twice and fell to the ground.

There is no single enemy!

Four people have already tasted the strength gap between them and Xia Yan.

"Don't be afraid! No matter how strong he is, there is only one person!"

In the crowd, someone growled ferociously.

His voice once again ignited everyone's fighting spirit.

And this time they no longer stepped forward to fight one by one, but directed the elves to attack together.

for a while.

Countless attacks came from all directions.

Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"It made me feel like a big villain, being criticized by people." I couldn't help but slander in my heart.

There was no change on his face, but he said calmly, "Big Needle Bee."


Following Xia Yan's voice fell.

The big needle bee beside him disappeared from everyone's sight like a flash of lightning.

Almost in the next instant.

boom--! !

There was the sound of an elf falling from the corner.

But just now, there was only a flash of golden thunder flashing by his side.

The fall of this elf is like opening a Pandora's box.

More and more elves fell.

They couldn't see the existence of attacking them, only a flash of thunder quickly shuttled between the crowd and the elves.

Darkley, who was standing behind Xia Yan, had a strange look in his eyes.

It was in a state of rage just now, although it was also surprised by the speed of the big needle bee, but it was full of anger and had no time or opportunity to think about too many things and observe too many things.

but now.

In its blue eyes.

A big needle bee with a cold expression, with scarlet compound eyes shining, the double needles are like the daggers of the most skilled assassins, and the blue halo on it is like quenched with the most violent toxin.

Wherever you go.

No elf can stop its footsteps.

Not even an elf could withstand its second attack.

Like a ghost, like a thunder.

The elves are like rice, which fell in pieces in the harvest of the scythe.

[Speed ​​of the Big Needle Bee]

Xia Yan grinned.

This is the result of their special training this month.

Originally, the speed of the big needle bee was already very exaggerated, and there was almost no elf in the same level that could be faster than the big needle bee.

But with the help of the Lightning Birds, the Big Needle Bee has not only gained strength and size, but most importantly, it has gained a stronger current, allowing it to further increase its speed.

It was almost at the end of the day, and the speed gained room for improvement again, that would be a disaster.

In any aspect, being excellent is already very good, reaching the top level is already considered a leader, but if you want to improve after reaching the top level, you can't just rely on hard work.

The more you reach a certain extreme, the harder it is to continue to improve.

And the Lightning Birds helped the Big Needle Bee open the shackles in this regard, allowing it to gain room to rise again.

Although, after Xia Yan's detection, the big needle bee still has two attributes of insect type and poison type, and the existence of electric current seems to be purely to increase its speed.

But if the speed can be improved to far exceed the same level, or even crush the top of the same level, then the big needle bee will be invincible no matter what opponent it faces.

Just like Xia Yan always said in some movies in his previous life, "There is nothing strong in the world that can't be broken in martial arts, but only speed can't break it." This is the advantage of the big needle bee, and it is also the biggest advantage.

"Hurry up?"

Xia Yan glanced at Darkley with pride.

He will not be proud of what he has accomplished, but he will be proud of what his elves have accomplished.

Just like parents are proud of the excellence of their children.

【quick. 】

Darkley nodded.

But it soon showed hesitation again.

"What?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Darkley looked at the big needle bee again, hesitantly said:

【It's not just fast, I seem to smell a little bit of rules. 】

"Rules?" Xia Yan was startled.

Darkley just shook his head.

[I'm not a divine beast, and I don't know as much about rules and things as they do. If you have a chance, you can ask a divine beast. 】

Hearing this, Xia Yan also glanced at the big needle bee that had finished harvesting.

Nodding slightly, he said, "I will."

For the big needle bee, the spirits of this group of people are not strong, and they are useless except for their large number.

But it took less than ten seconds to end the battlefield.

This is the first time it has fully displayed its speed after its special training.

For such a result, Big Needle Bee is still very satisfied.

It has seen its own progress again.

I also saw that there is still room for improvement, which will undoubtedly give it more motivation.

Get rid of these angry people.

At this point their anger has been completely replaced by fear.

The speed and strength displayed by the big needle bee made them unable to raise the slightest resistance in their hearts. Instead, fear replaced anger and was infinitely magnified.

It can no longer pose a threat or cause an impact.

"How is your recovery?" Xia Yan asked.

Darkley closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Nod slightly.

[It's still a little bit worse, but it's already much better. 】

"Then take me to see where you found the gods of the lake."

【Um. 】

Xia Yan ignored the group of people and left straight away with the elves and Darkley.

Dialga and Palkia were getting closer and closer, and there was no time for him to appease these people.

If by the time Dialga and Palkia both arrive, the matter of the Gods of the Lake has not been investigated clearly.

If the gods of the lake amplify their emotions and affect the two divine beasts of time and space, it will not only be as simple as the destruction of Baiyang Town, but the entire Sinnoh region will be annihilated in time and space. Under the collision of forces.


It was much more serious than Xia Yan imagined.

"I called two people over to help"

Xia Yan's last words came from afar.


I don't know who it was, and swallowed, breaking the tranquility of the square.

"Good, so strong."

After the calm was broken, someone finally spoke out again.

"To deal with us, Xia Yan, Mr. Xia Yan doesn't need to use any tactics at all."

"This is, this is the strongest big needle bee I have ever seen."

"I'm afraid it is already the strongest big needle bee in the world."


After being defeated by Xia Yan and their fear disappeared, people seemed to have finally recovered a little bit of reason.

"It's over!"

Suddenly someone was crying.

"What's wrong?"

The man's lips trembled slightly, and his voice sounded like he was about to cry.

"I, I just wanted to delete, delete the video, accidentally, accidentally clicked send."

"Is there a network?"


"Then what are you afraid of? You can't send it without internet, just delete it."

"No, there is no Internet, and there is no way to delete it."

According to the setting of the alliance video portal website, the video will be uploaded as soon as the network is connected.

It can only be deleted after uploading.

"Then you can delete it after you have the Internet. You don't have many fans anyway, so no one will see it."

"Yes, yes."


PS: 1.1w asking for a monthly pass!

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