The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 820 Destroy, this filthy world! (triple)

Outside Baiyang Town.

hundreds of meters high.

A helicopter with the Union logo on it appeared here.

As the hatch opened, Kikuno, the Four Heavenly Kings, leaned out in a brown sweater and scarf.

The messy wind blew away her hair and shook her scarf, and the biting air slapped her face, but it didn't affect her in any way.

Her brows were furrowed and her face was heavy.

"Juye, have you arrived in Baiyang Town? How is the situation now?"

Dr. Kazilan's voice came from the headset with the characteristics of a helicopter.

"very bad."

Ju Ye looked at the thick white mist in front of him, which had completely enveloped the entire Baiyang Town, making it difficult for people to see the situation inside.

Although the high-altitude wind is strong, the white mist that can spread to the same height does not seem to be affected by these air currents at all.

"It won't blow away."

A few flying elves dispatched by the alliance.

No matter how you flap your wings, you can't change the white mist in the slightest.

Even, a Bi Diao carrying equipment rushed into the white mist.

But in just a moment, the Bi Diao flew out from the same path.

Its eyes were full of doubts, and it didn't understand why it rushed out again even though it was flying inward.

This scene was all captured by the camera on the helicopter, and it was presented on the screen of the high-level alliance executives who were concerned about this matter.

"It's space. These white mist completely distort the space around Baiyang Town and change the surrounding rules."

Dr. Yamanashi's voice also came from Kikuno's headset.

There was exclamation in the voice, but also unconcealable awe.

Although human beings have used space technology in many ways, such as elf balls, portable backpacks, etc., these trivial skills are so insignificant in front of the real master of space.

This is a mighty force that completely distorts the space of an entire town.

"It seems that what Xia Yan said is correct, Palkia, the god of space, is about to come to Baiyang Town." Juye said slowly with a sullen face.

Looking at the gradually thickening white mist, she felt a trace of depression from the depths of her soul.

"So we can't get in."

Another voice came from the headset.

It is a man's voice, full of magnetism, which can make those who hear it feel comfortable.

"That kid, you brought my Sirona in too."

Dr. Mustard Lan said with gritted teeth.

As old friends, there are a few people who want to tease the relationship between Sirona and Xia Yan.

But considering the current situation, making a joke might really annoy Dr. Kale, so he wisely kept silent.

"Although I haven't had much contact with him, he is definitely not a person who will push his friends into the fire pit without thinking."

Xia Yan's appearance flashed in Juye's mind, and he seemed to have an inexplicable trust in him, so he said.

"Fortunately, when the incident happened, some of us also went in. I hope they can help each other to solve this crisis."

The gentle male voice sounded again.

Help each other?

As long as Juye thinks of the person who went in together, helplessness emerges in his heart.

Are you sure you can help each other?

Instead of fighting each other?

"I'm going to take a closer look for myself."

Kikuno said so, motioning for the helicopter to get closer.


But before the helicopter flew over, I heard the siren from the headset.

"King Juye, leave quickly!"

Dr. Yamanashi sounded anxiously, "Spatial fluctuations have become violent, and the cracks in time and space are penetrating the world of elves. If you stay there, you will be involved."

Seeing that, Juye suddenly became irritable, and a white mist surged up like a ferocious giant beast, spreading wildly towards the surroundings.

His eyes were full of shock.

"How can it be?!"

"Juziziju, Juye? Can Juye still hear you?"

It seems that spatial fluctuations affect the transmission of force signals, and Dr. Zilan's voice became intermittent.

It wasn't until the helicopter had moved a sufficient distance that the sound resumed again.

"can hear."

Juye felt as if a big stone had been pressed on his chest, and his breathing was not smooth.

"What happened? The screen suddenly disappeared?" Dr. Zilan asked a little anxiously.

"Baiyang Town has disappeared!"

Juye paused for a long time before saying this heavily.

at this time.

In front of her eyes, there is no shadow and outline of Baiyang Town.

The mountains that carry Baiyang Town are like ice cream, with a round pit dug out with a spoon.

The huge town disappeared out of her sight.

All that was left was a pitch-black opening, like a huge mouth slowly closing.

Through the not-closed gap, Juye saw the colorful space-time turbulence inside, and a handful of shadows densely packed like sesame seeds, converging towards a certain direction.

Baiyang Town disappeared? !

This is the first time the alliance has encountered a situation since its establishment.

This is the power of the god of space?

"Xia Yan."

According to the address provided by Xia Yan.

Du and Sirona met Xia Yan in a corner of Baiyang Town.

"Have you found Darkrai?"

Du asked, looking back and forth at Xia Yan's side.

Finally, he stayed in the hazy shadow behind Xia Yan.

"Things are headed for the worst."

Xia Yan did not explain Darkley's situation to them.

"Worst?" Sirona frowned slightly.

Isn't the situation bad enough?

Dialga, the god of time, and Palkia, the god of space, are coming to Baiyang Town.

And hazy white mist rose around Baiyang Town.

This white mist seems to have some kind of strange spatial ability, people outside can't come in, and people inside can't get out.


It wasn't just the town that was cut off, it was everything that was cut off.

Includes signals and networks.

It shows that the coming of Dialga and Palkia may become a reality at any time.

At that time, if they cannot be stopped, the entire Baiyang Town will be destroyed.

"Diya Luka and Palkia came early?" Du couldn't help asking.

The helplessness on Xia Yan's face was even worse.

"If only that was the case."

"What's the meaning?"

Is it a good thing to come early?

But for Xia Yan, this is really the best situation.

Because he understands the plot and knows that Dialga and Palkia are powerful, he deliberately made multiple preparations.

He has prepared at least three hands, front, middle and back.

To prevent the collision of the two gods.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to Baiyang Town resolutely, and even called out Du and Sirona, two good friends.

As Ju Ye said, he is not the one who drags his friends into the water knowing that there is a threat of life and death.

But the premise of all this is that there is no other external influence.

Xia Yan pursed his lips and said after a little hesitation:

"I suspect that the Gods of the Lake are still hidden in Baiyang Town."

"The gods of the lake?"

Du was taken aback.

Sirona was also stunned, but the reason for her stunned was different from Du.

Du didn't know what "Gods of the Lake" represented, but she understood what Xia Yan's words represented.

But looking at Du's confused look, Sirona still briefly introduced the legend of the "Gods of the Lake" in the Lower Sinnoh area.

As a scholar of ancient studies, Sirona still has a relatively right to speak about legends in this regard.

After listening, Du rubbed his chin.

"According to what you say, the gods of the lake, Yuxi, Emrido, and Aknom are relatively friendly beasts, right?"

"That's where the problem lies."

Then Xia Yan focused on what happened to Darkley and what he encountered in the square.

For some unknown reason, the gods of the lake began to channel the negative emotions of humans and elves.

This is absolutely contrary to the duties of the gods of the lake.

In the end, Xia Yan expressed his guess.

"I suspect that Baiyang Town has been mixed with third-party forces before we arrived."

third party forces.

And it is very likely to be an unfriendly third-party force.

Even the gods of the lake may be controlled by them.

In fact, Xia Yan already had some guesses in his heart.

All sorts of things point to an organization.

Team Galaxy!

This is an organization that is not visible in the Sinnoh area, and not many people know and understand it.

They usually have very little activity.

But the first time it appeared, it made such a big fuss.

Xia Yan even has reason to suspect that the Galaxy team or the leader of the Galaxy team, Chiri, is targeting Dialga and Palkia.

Du and Sirona looked at each other.

It was only now that they finally understood what Xia Yan was worried about.

"Do you want to call Mr. Liu Bo?" Du asked hesitantly.

time does not wait.

Although he also wanted to solve it by himself, but in the face of big right and wrong, Du was not a brave person.

Calling Liu Bo out at this time should be the best and fastest way.

Xia Yan glanced at him and paused.

Finally shook his head.

"No, the teacher's task is more important. He is the key to preventing the collision of the two gods. We can't consume too much power at this time."

Du didn't say any more.

He knew what Xia Yan said was right.

Although I don't know what the goal of the third-party force is.

But all of them are not as important as preventing the collision of the two gods.

If one is not handled well, not only Baiyang Town will be destroyed, but the entire Sinnoh.

Xia Yan, who lowered his eyes, actually didn't tell the whole truth.

Although he relied on Uncle Liu's strength.

But for some reason, he who originally trusted Uncle Liu had a little doubt about Uncle Liu's motives.

Nothing else.

The main reason was that he didn't know enough about Uncle Liu in the current world, and he was a little uncertain about the real reason why Uncle Liu appeared here.

Especially after learning about the involvement of Team Galactic and the Gods of the Lake.


This suspicion only accounted for a very small proportion, and it was also hidden in the deepest part of his heart.

And he also felt that the possibility was very small.

The reasons He Du said indeed accounted for a very large proportion.

"Then it's up to us."

Sirona gently stroked her hair that was messed up by the rush.

He pursed his lips and raised the corners of his mouth.

There was confidence on his face.

Absolute confidence.

It seems to be infected by her self-confidence.

Watanabe grinned, showing a big smile.

"I think so."

Xia Yan's eyes swept over the two of them.

Slowly, he also put on a smile, and said with a smile, "I think so too."

The three of them are no longer the little guys they were back then.

They are already sprinting towards the Four Heavenly Kings.

"So, is the position locked?" Du asked.

Xia Yan pouted.

He pointed to a not-so-large quaint building in front of him.


"Dakeley's initial feeling came from here, and I think this is the most likely place. Although I didn't notice any strange mood swings after I approached here." Xia Yan said.

"Then go in and have a look."

Sirona turned and walked towards the house first.

Xia Yan and Du looked at each other.

Sirona is really not worried at all.

Immediately followed.

tuk tuk.

Green onion jade fingers gently knocked on the door.

As the sound echoed in the room, all three of them took out the poke balls at random.


The wooden door opened slowly.

A middle-aged man with a square face and drooping eyelids slowly opened the door.

Seeing the three of Xia Yan who appeared at the door, they were obviously taken aback.

"You are"

Xia Yan took out his ID.


Looking at the ID card with the rank of "Deputy Interpol Police Officer", the middle-aged man opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

It is Xia Yan's super power.

After experiencing the Sanshen Island incident, Xia Yan's super power has been greatly improved.

If it really counts, his super power at this time can barely compare to a super power elf at the master level.

Compared with monsters like Nazi and Cattleya, there is still a big gap, but it is no longer something ordinary humans can resist.

A look of panic flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

With a lunge, he walked past the man into the room.

The two elf balls in his hand were thrown out.

The fire-breathing dragon and the double-axe war dragon immediately occupied most of the room.

There was a little doubt in Sirona's eyes.

But she didn't speak, and followed her in.

Xia Yan saw her doubts, and opened the mouth while closing the door.

"Wearing pajamas, but the pajamas are not wrinkled."

Du, who had already entered the room, added:

"The clothes don't fit well and the sleeves are too short."

Both of them just said two simple reasons casually, but Sirona's eyes showed a sudden look.

No wonder one of them is Interpol and the other is a senior investigator.

In terms of strength, Sirona is similar to them, but in terms of facing criminals, her experience is much worse.

"Tell me, where is the entrance?"

Xia Yan looked at the middle-aged man and asked in a deep voice.

Slightly loosened the shackles of its superpowers.

The middle-aged man didn't expect Xia Yan and the others to move so fast, he didn't even have time to sound the alarm.

But when he looked at the indifferent-looking fire-breathing dragon and the two-axe fighting dragon who were getting closer and closer to him, he couldn't help swallowing, and said tremblingly:

"Yes, under the cabinet."

Xia Yan gave Du a look.

cross understanding.

I saw the Double Ax War Dragon, whose head was almost touching the ceiling, walking to the cabinet.

Use a little force.

The huge cabinet was moved away.

A dark passage appeared in their sight.

"Go to sleep."

Xia Yan said something lightly, and threw the middle-aged man on the bed, and the other party soon fell into a deep sleep.

"Don't ask anymore?" Du looked at Xia Yan.

"You don't need to ask, it's the Galaxy team, and this fits their style very well." Xia Yan said firmly.

"Team Galaxy?"

Du and Sirona frowned at the same time.

Xia Yan walked to the passage first.

"Get ready, it's going to be a tough fight for sure."

Although he had also cleaned Team Flare's secret base before.

But the situation back then was completely different than it is now.

At that time, he obtained the map and information provided by the real bird of the Rockets, and determined that the leader of the Flame team, Fradali, was not at the base.

And made adequate preparations.

can now.

In the underground base, it is very likely that a large number of Galaxy team elites have gathered, and it is estimated that there are many cadres and top cadres among them.

Possibly even the red sun of Team Galactica.

But Xia Yan is not without cards.

The existence of Darkley is their reliance.

It's just that Darkley's state is unstable, and Xia Yan doesn't want him to make a move unless necessary.

The three walked cautiously down the tunnel.

"Remember our main purpose this time is not to defeat the Galaxy team, nor to destroy them. Our purpose is to find the gods of the lake and liberate them." Xia Yan said using telepathy.

As long as the gods of the lake can be released, the mission will be completed.


Both Du and Sirona responded.

However, with the importance of the gods of the lake, it is impossible for the Galaxy team to let them approach easily.

The final result may still collide with the entire Galaxy team.

The tunnel is long and dimly lit.

The three of them climbed down the stairs little by little.

I don't know how long it has been.

You know it's almost over when you see a faint halo of light appearing ahead.

The three also raised their vigilance to the highest level.

Walking to the entrance of the passage, Xia Yan leaned against the wall, and Sirona and Du followed behind him.

Then see.

A shadow slowly floated out from under Xia Yan's body.

at the same time.

A faint halo of superpowers appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

The strands of superpower threads gradually presented the appearance of the room in his mind.

"Six people, ten o'clock direction, one o'clock direction, five o'clock direction, one person on each side, a quick battle."

After making sure that both of them understood what he meant.

Xia Yan was the first to walk out of the passage.

At the same time, two red lights lit up in his hand.

next second.

Latios and Pokkisi appeared.

Boom—! !

Surveillance in the four corners of the room.

It was blasted for the first time.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of several people in the room.

Six people in the uniform of the Galaxy team flashed to the wrong side.

"who are you?!"

There was an exclamation of astonishment.

Pokkisi shot two "air slashes", and a big-mouthed bat and a tank skunk fell into a cowering state without any suspense.

Immediately afterwards, Latios's superpower controlled the two of them for the first time.

bang bang——

the other side.

There were several muffled sounds.

The eyes of the three met in the room.

Du has a wealth of experience and handles it quickly.

It was the first time for Sirona to participate in this kind of thing, and Xia Yan and Du were a little surprised by her swift and neat actions.

But that's a good thing.


After controlling the six people, Xia Yan and the others did not stay.

The alarm upstairs did not go off, and the surveillance in the room was compromised. The Galaxy team would react immediately.

But since the sirens aren't sounding, the Galaxy certainly won't be out in force.

This time period is their opportunity.

Must hurry up.

"Where are the gods of the lake imprisoned?" Xia Yan carried a person in his hand and walked quickly into the passage.

"I-I don't know."

The member of the Galaxy team caught by Xia Yan is still a little confused, unable to fully react from the horror of being quickly raided at the first checkpoint of the base.

Xia Yan frowned.

This did not exceed his expectations.

It would be strange if you could tell where the gods of the lake were imprisoned by just catching anyone. Xia Yan would even wonder if it was a trap.


After a few steps, they encountered a metal gate.

A simple identity card cannot open the door, and a specific password is required.

It can be seen how careful Chiri is.

"3, 3515."

After the man finished speaking, he fell into a coma.

Xia Yan swiped his ID card on the door and entered the password.


The metal door opened slowly.

the other side.

In a room somewhere underground.

"Boss, the monitoring in Room 1 is malfunctioning."

The members of the Galaxy team who were in charge of monitoring the entire base appeared here and reported to the middle-aged man sitting in the first seat staring at the computer screen.

"Did the alarm go off?"

The cold voice of the middle-aged man came without any emotion.

"No, no."

As if feeling the pressure, the Galaxy team member's eyes were full of awe.

The leader nodded slowly, pondered for a while and said:

"Zhenxing, take someone to have a look. Either the eyeliner outside was pulled out, or she fell asleep. I want to know the result immediately."

Leaning against the door, a young man with dark blue hair grinned.

"Boss, it might really just be asleep."

Zhenxing didn't seem to want to make a trip for such a trivial matter.

The Galaxy team was supposed to act covertly, and not many people knew of their presence in Baiyang Town.

Besides, the alliance should be worrying about the collision between Dialga and Palkia right now, so there's no reason to notice them.

The leader is good at everything, but he is too careful, Zhen Xing thought to himself.

If the leader hadn't been so careful, the entire Sinnoh region would have fallen into the fear brought by their Galaxy team at this time.

After being silent for so many years, being careful in every step and managing every step of the way made Zhen Xing, who likes excitement, feel a little aggrieved.

"Go if the leader tells you to go, how can there be so much nonsense?"

Sitting not far from the leader, a pretty woman with red hair frowned and said dissatisfiedly.

For the leader, she is definitely the most admired and respected one in the whole room.

Even if the leader asks her to commit suicide now, it is estimated that she will only hesitate a little at most.

Zhen Xing folded his hands on his chest, curled his lips and said:

"My buddy, you speak nicely."

Although he said so in his mouth, he turned around and walked out, and began to gather his men.

The leader didn't show any dissatisfaction with Zhen Xing's attitude.

He just pondered again and said:

"Guy Xing, you should go and have a look together."

Highlight a word.


If Xia Yan was here, he might wonder if this leader traveled through a certain novel.

"Leader, someone needs to stay and protect you."

The leader gave her a sideways look.

Bu Xing immediately understood what he meant.

As a leader, do you still need protection?

stood up and said:


After the two cadres left, the leader continued:

"Contact Suixing and Pluto to see how they are preparing."


The Galaxy team members who were operating the communication hurriedly dialed the communication number of the cadre Sui Xing.

Although because of the collision between Dialga and Palkia, the signal in Baiyang Town was cut off.

But the Galaxy team is clearly ready for such a long time ago.

So their communication devices are special, and they can still function in Baiyang Town.


The communication was quickly connected.

Listening to the woman's voice coming from inside, and the howling sound like a strong wind, the leader's expression remained unchanged.

He just asked lightly, "How's it going?"

"Boss, Baiyang Town has been completely isolated, Dialga and Palkia may come at any time."

The voice of Pluto, the chief researcher of the Galaxy team, came.

Hearing that Baiyang Town was cut off and that the two gods were about to descend, the leader finally showed a blunt smile on his face.

But the smile quickly subsided.

"Ask the Alliance, besides him, who else has been sent into Baiyang Town this time."

"Alliance?" Sui Xing's voice was a little puzzled.

However, considering the character of their leader, she still responded: "Understood, I will ask him now."

End communication.

The leader still sat firmly in his position.

Stare at the screen.


The screen shakes suddenly.

Two blurred outlines appeared on the screen.

Seeing this scene, the leader finally stood up from his chair.


Hearing his words, the members of the Galaxy team in the room all showed fanaticism.

The existence that has been chasing for so long is finally about to appear.

Everyone looked at the leader in unison, the admiration in their eyes could not be suppressed.

Only the leader is qualified to control the two divine beasts.

And as long as Dialga and Palkia are in hand, their Galaxy team can completely destroy the current world, and then establish a new order that belongs to them.

As if seeing a bright future beckoning to them, each of them became more motivated.

The leader's eyes were fixed on the two blurred figures on the screen, and his body trembled slightly.

Destroy, filthy world!

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