The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 821 It's just a big needle bee (two in one)

Xia Yan slowly opened his eyes with a solemn expression.

After seeing his expression, Du and Sirona, who were waiting next to them, felt a little heavy again.

Xia Yan shook his head.

"I can't feel it."

It stands to reason that the power of waveguide has the most obvious perception of emotions.

And the gods of the lake are such a distinct existence, even if they are controlled or imprisoned, there shouldn't be any fluctuations at all.

This is very unreasonable.

But they've scouted a lot of rooms in Team Galactic's underground base.

Not to mention seeing the shadow of the gods of the lake, even the slightest news about the gods of the lake was not collected.

The members of the Galaxy team cleaned up a lot with a thunderous momentum.

There are even cadres among them.

But alas.

Even the cadres don't know the news about the gods of the lake.

"Will it be transferred?" Du frowned and asked.

"It's not impossible."

After thinking for a while, Xia Yan expressed his approval of this conjecture.


He is Chiri.

From Chiri's point of view, simulate his way of thinking.

It is impossible for him not to know Darkley's approach.

Although Darkrai is affected by emotions, the threat posed by Darkrai still exists.

With the strength of the Galaxy team, it might be possible to deal with Darkley, but the cost would be too high, and there would be no benefit, so the gain outweighs the gain.


It is a very good choice to transfer away the gods of the lake.

But this way.

For Xia Yan and the others, it was troublesome.

The Galactic team, which has experienced the appearance of Darkrai once, will definitely guard the gods of the lake more closely.

Baiyang Town is neither big nor small.

With Dialga and Palkia likely to descend at any time, it is too difficult to find the Gods of the Lake among them.

Attached to Xia Yan's body, the trembling feeling of the two unknown totems "P" and "D" tightly attached to his shirt became clearer, indicating that in the gap between time and space, Dialga and Palkia are not far from Baiyang Town. up.

"What should I do?" Sirona looked at Xia Yan.

Du also looked at Xia Yan.

In the team of three, Xia Yan seemed to have become the backbone of the two.

It has nothing to do with strength, nothing to do with ability, it's all about trust.

They have only two options.

One is to continue to search for information about the gods of the lake here.

But no matter how fast they moved, they had already cleaned several rooms, and they would definitely attract the attention of the Galaxy team.

Perhaps the highest cadre or even the leader of the Galaxy team is already on the way.

The second is to leave and go out to look for it. It would be best if you can find it. If you can’t find it, you have to think about how to deal with Dialga and Palkia.

It is still possible that Dialga and Palkia were affected by the gods of the lake.

This is definitely not something the simple song "Orazion" can alleviate.

Xia Yan was right not to put all his hopes on this song.

Lower your eyes.

Xia Yan supported the hat and pressed it down, covering his obscure eyes.

"There's no way, you might not be able to find it if you go out and look for it, so you can only die."

After a while, he raised his head again and said.

"Then go on to the next room and try to meet someone who has enough weight." Du shook his cloak.

Now that you have decided, don't hesitate.

Hesitating will only make it harder to lose.

"Need not."

Xia Yan stopped Du who was about to leave.

Looking down the dark passage.

"Here they come."

As his words fell, dense footsteps sounded in the passage.

Immediately afterwards.

Two figures appeared in their line of sight, and behind them were a large number of members of the Galaxy team.


Zhen Xing, the top cadre of the Galaxy team, and partner Xing walked into the room.

Seeing the three of Xia Yan in the room, Huo Xing frowned, while Zhen Xing raised his eyebrows.

Slightly frivolous said:

"It turns out that there were really three mice mixed in in the base."

"It's not a simple mouse." Huo Xing said in a deep voice.

Zhen Xing also slowly put away the smile on his face, nodded in agreement and said:

"'Dragon Envoy' Yulong Du, 'Genius Scholar' Sirona, and 'Master of Tactics' Xia Yan are all remarkable figures."

"The highest cadre of the Galaxy team, the town star and the partner star."

Xia Yan took a step forward and said slowly.

He was revealing each other's information to Du and Sirona.

After hearing the words, Du and Sirona looked at each other.

I understood what Xia Yan meant.

Since ordinary cadres do not know the information of the gods of the lake, then the top cadres must know.

So to simplify it is actually a meaning.

Fuck them!

Zhen Xing and Huo Xing were also a little surprised when they heard Xia Yan reveal their identities so bluntly.

The Galaxy team has always been conspicuous, and its two top cadres don't show up very often. How did the other party know?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Just as the three of Xia Yan had mentioned their desire to fight, so did they.

Just get rid of the three of them.

"Do it."

The two parties acted almost simultaneously.

Dozens of red lights flashed, and dozens of elves appeared in the room.

Fortunately, this is not the first room No. 1, it is relatively spacious, and it is also a relatively important place for the Galaxy team, and it can barely be used for them to display.

But it's those members of the Galaxy team, it's a little difficult to intervene.

Three against two.

I have the advantage!

Xia Yan activated telepathy without hesitation, connecting Du and Sirona.

And this kind of behavior also means that he has taken over the highest command.

The first to attack.

It was Xia Yan's side.

The flame monkey strode forward vigorously, the flames spread all over his body and wrapped around his fists.

Accompanying it was Du's fire-breathing dragon, unable to fly high, it flew close to the ground, and sent all the surrounding seats, cabinets, and computers flying away, and swept away with the flaming monkey with its fiery breath.

"Imperator Napoleon, water cannon!"

Facing the overwhelming flame infestation, Huo Xing responded.


The collision of the water flow and the flame instantly filled the entire room with thick white mist, and the visibility plummeted.

"Hu Di, bronze bell!" Zhen Xing shouted.

Hu Di, who was beside him, knocked on the spoon, and the crisp sound of "clang, clang, clang" sounded from the bronze clock.

He wanted to dispel the fog.

"Hu Di!"


The voices of Xia Yan and Sirona also sounded at the same time.

The two super powers of the two sides strangled together in a not too big space.

The invisible superpowers intertwined and tore each other, not only did not let the dense fog dispel, but became more turbid under the stirring.

The reduced visibility is Xia Yan's advantage.

"Forked Bat, clear the fog!"

The partner glanced at Zhen Xing dissatisfiedly, and took over the task.

But in the next second, a black shadow sprang out of the ground from the haze, and the sword monster with a strong shield appeared behind the forked bat.

Shadow attack!

"Ma Yula, a surprise blow!"

Huo Xing was not surprised by the appearance of the Sword Sword Monster.

Ma Yula, with a strong figure, jumped up, and with a cruel smile, went straight to the sword monster.


Before it could surprise the sword monster with a surprise attack, it saw the sword monster with a blurry figure. When he blinked his eyes and looked again, there was no shadow of the sword monster. It had become Sirona's flower rock monster .

Latios' "swapping grounds".


Sirona, who has entered the fighting state, is like a completely changed person, and her momentum in fighting is not inferior to Du.

The Huayan monster raised a thick black mist, and its cunning power allowed it to take advantage of Ma Huanla's attack power and return all of it back.

However, the gap between Xia Yan's three people and the two major cadres on the opposite side was also reflected at this time.

Zhen Xing and Huo Xing are genuine Heavenly King-level trainers. Although the system is not perfect, the individual elves have reached the Heavenly King level, surpassing most of Xia Yan's elves.

Huo Xing looked coldly at Ma Yula who was "frauded" and returned the damage.

Ma Huanla was injured, but the flower rock monster was more seriously injured.

"Poison Skeleton Frog, highly poisonous! Dong Shi Meow, the ultimate impact! Tank Skunk, poisonous gas! Dragon King Scorpion, Thunder Fang!"

After a brief trial, Zhenxing launched an offensive in all directions.

"Forked Bat, continue to clear the dense fog, Dong Shi Meow, you are also the ultimate impact! Dragon King Scorpion, Flame Fang! Blizzard King, Blizzard!"

After Zhen Xing, Huo Xing no longer hesitated, gave up the temptation, and launched a full-scale attack.

The three of Xia Yan immediately felt the pressure, and each of them looked solemn.

But in the face of such pressure, they were not timid, let alone backed down.

Choose the most straightforward way.

"Create opportunities for me."

Xia Yan said this.

Sirona and Du launched an offensive according to his wishes.

Kuailong agitates the dragon energy in his body, the surging energy sweeps across, and the "dragon wave" pours out.

The surrounding walls collapsed piece by piece just by being affected by the dragon energy.

Bite the land shark not to be outdone, take a big step forward, and the ferocious fangs and rough shark skin all cling to the thick ground energy.

With one step, there was a loud roar, and the whole ground began to tremble violently.

A huge crack, wrapped in terrifying ground-type energy, confronted it head-on.


This underground room made a sound of being overwhelmed after the two sides started a real contest.

Those members of the Galaxy team who couldn't intervene showed fear one by one.

What kind of power is this?

Will the house collapse?

The house will absolutely collapse!

Terrifying power swept across, and the aftermath of the collision almost destroyed all the facilities in the room in an instant.

Faced with this situation, the five people who were fighting could not be distracted.

Both Zhen Xing and Partner Xing had to admit it.

They still underestimated the three "celebrities" on the opposite side.

But it's okay.

The advantage is still on their side.

But these advantages in their cognition began to tilt after Xia Yan's arrangement was completed.


The sound of the golden wings vibrating seemed insignificant in the roaring room.

But what it did next attracted the attention of many people.

With the blurring of the body of the big needle bee.

It suddenly appeared in the center of all the elves on the opposite side.

So fearlessly appearing in the center of the twelve king-level spirits of Zhen Xing and Huo Xing? !

Moreover, the cold appearance of the big needle bee, not only did not show the slightest timidity, but a trace of contempt could be seen from its scarlet eyes.


Big Needle Bee used "Sword Dance" in front of them.

Contempt? !

"How dare!"

Zhenxing's eyes were sullen.

It's fine if they can't solve Xia Yan and the others quickly.

To be so provoked by a big needle bee?

He immediately commanded the Dragon King Scorpion and the Poisonous Skeleton Frog, trying to get rid of the Big Needle Bee in the first place.


Just at this time.

"Quick Dragon, Dragon's Dive!"

"Bite the land shark fiercely, and we will also dive into the dragon!"

Du and Sirona provided the strongest support immediately.

Two huge and terrifying dragon-type energies are wrapped around the two quasi-god elves, and the threat and momentum they bring cannot be compared with a mere big needle bee.

Dragon head and body.

All revealed a ferocious color.

Faced with this threat, Zhenxing had to grit his teeth and change his strategy, and resisted with all his strength.

As long as Kuailong and Biting Land Shark attack like desperately, take advantage of the short moment when they are exhausted, burst out the strongest attack, and kill them in seconds, then everything will be a foregone conclusion.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the two quasi-god spirits have put Zhen Xing and Huan Xing under the greatest pressure.

Get rid of them, how big a storm can a mere big needle bee stir up?


As agreed.

When Kuailong and Biting Land Shark broke out, the big needle bee also moved.

So fast!

Huo Xing's eyes narrowed, with a little astonishment.

She didn't even have time to blink, the big needle bee hovering in the center of the elf, only left wisps of electric current.

Where did you go?

The partner's eyes moved with the golden current.

Ma Yula, who was accumulating ice-type energy and was about to give Kuailong and Biting Land Shark a fatal blow, suddenly trembled.

The ice energy that had just been accumulated dissipated uncontrollably.

As the top hunter.

It knows this feeling best.

That was the feeling of being watched.

It is a top hunter, but it has become a prey in the eyes of others?

Ma Huanla didn't even have time to raise her anger in her heart, the instinctive reaction made her hastily pump up her energy, she turned around and swung her sharp claws with metallic luster behind her.

But instead of heaving a sigh of relief when it counterattacked and fell, the hair all over its body stood on end, its heart stopped suddenly, and its condensed eyes moved slowly following the golden thread floating in front of it.

The muscles in the back tensed almost subconsciously, the legs curled up, and they ejected regardless of everything, regardless of the direction, regardless of the result.

Intuition tells it.

To suffer!

Deadly threats have locked it firmly.

What makes it desperate is that everything it does seems to be in vain.

It just ejected, not only did not feel the danger is far away, but felt that the danger was getting closer and closer like a shadow.

Just when its whole body was stretched to the tightest, the premonitioned attack.


Knowing that the attack will come, even knowing where the attack will come from.

It has no way to dodge.

Clothed in a dark red air current, the big needle bee was rising in momentum, and the sharp long needle became the sharp death sickle in Ma Yula's eyes.

A little bit of starlight on it seems to be the last urging talisman.

The starburst is getting bigger and bigger in its sight.


Boom—! !


Why did I collide with the ground even though I was jumping upwards?

Ma Yula whose head is in contact with the ground.

A trace of doubt flashed through his mind.

next second.

The tearing pain from the back pulled it back to reality, and then quickly sent it into the darkness.

boom--! !

A huge pit was smashed into the ground.

Layers of chapped muslin.

The big needle bee, which used the "deadly needle stab" to complete the knife, hovered in mid-air.

And under him is Ma Yula who has lost the ability to fight and has lost consciousness!

Just, just like that, instantly killed Ma Xunla? !

Huo Xing's mouth was slightly opened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Her gaze followed the golden flash of light, knowing that the big needle bee had pounced on Ma Huanla, who was in the worst condition, and she also saw Ma Huanla's reaction and the movement of preparing to flee.

But Ma Yula, who was already good at speed, lost like this?

Except for the last movement, didn't even touch the big needle bee?

"What speed is this?" Huo Xing murmured.

"Don't be distracted!"

Zhen Xing couldn't help but reminded him that the attack of Kuailong and Liebite Lu Shark was very important to him, whether it was the opponent or himself.

But he turned around inadvertently.

But also stunned.

Ma Yula, lost?

By the needle bee?


The two Galaxy team cadres fell into a brief trance.

And what made them happen.

But it is.

Just a big needle bee!

Boom—boom—! !

At the same time, the attacks of Kuailong and Biting Land Shark followed one after another.

The horn that belonged to Xia Yan and the three of them to counterattack sounded!


PS: 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass!

A book "Trainer Starts from Undercover" written by the friends in the group, if you are interested, you can read it, it is still a seedling~~

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