The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 959 Behind the scenes (7k+!)

"Happy cooperation, Boss Sakagi."

"Those who have never fought Deoxys, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Five Islands.

Chi Hong pushed away Qing Lu who came to comfort him.

Losing to Deoxys, and it was a disastrous defeat for all members. Looking at the injured and suffering elves in the elf ball, Crimson's heart was full of guilt and self-blame.

Qinglu can also feel the pain and guilt in Chihong's heart.

He hurried forward and said comfortingly, "I know that it is difficult for you to fight alone, but this time we all act together, and we will definitely be able to subdue Deoxys!"

Crimson drooped her eyes.

"Don't you understand? The number of people has no effect in front of Deoxys. The more people go, the more sacrifices will be brought."

His six main elves all entered the field, but they were defeated badly, and all the elves were seriously injured.

In the face of the terrifying attack of Deoxys, does the number have any meaning?

Say it.

He broke free from Qinglu's hand again, turned and left.

Qinglu froze in place.

Looking at the red back, after a brief silence, he roared.

"Chi Hong, are you going to be a coward?!"

Crimson's footsteps followed suit.

Turning around slowly, his face was full of self-deprecating, "Hmph. Coward? Maybe. Otherwise... Dr. Oki wouldn't have taken away the illustration book."


It wasn't until this time that Qinglu finally understood what was the reason for Chihong's slumped look.

After all, it is the illustrated book of elves.

In this world, the identity represented by the elf illustrated book is too important.

Crimson has long been used to analyzing the opponent's abilities and tactics with the help of the wizard illustration book to formulate a strategy when fighting the opponent.

But in the battle with Deoxys just now.

He was unable to analyze and obtain Deoxys' ability because the illustrated book was recovered, which led to a serious lack of tactics and information, which led to his disastrous defeat.

"Dr. Oki reclaimed the illustrated book because he was aware of the over-reliance on the ability of the illustrated book?"

Crimson murmured.

Not only in combat.

Even in ordinary life.

Only when people see the illustrations in their hands will they recognize their identities and strengths.

After the three beast warriors Chakra announced that they would hand over the images of the three of them, the people of the Seven Islands saw them as if they were seeing the God of Plague. The look and behavior that wished to hand them over immediately made Chi Hong feeling bad.

He wanted to prove his identity, but he couldn't do it because he didn't have an illustrated book.

The two encounters made Chi Hong finally realize the importance of the illustrated book to him.

"From the beginning of the matter, I was thinking. Why did Dr. Oki recycle the illustrated book? I couldn't figure it out, but just now, I understood! It's me now, and I don't deserve the illustrated book at all!"

The red-faced rout.

"Tsk tsk, it's the young Chi Ye after all."

Humans are always improving a little bit.

Chiye can't become the strongest person without experiencing several setbacks.

Just look.

This time Deoxys put a lot of pressure on Crimson.

At this time.

Xia Yan, who smacked his mouth, quietly appeared on Wu Zhidao while talking to himself, and landed beside Xiao Lan.

"Huh?" Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, but couldn't hear what she was muttering clearly.

But after seeing Xia Yan, surprise burst out in his eyes, "Teacher Xia Yan!"

Xia Yan patted her on the head with a smile, messing up her hairstyle.

Provoking Xiaolan's dissatisfaction for a while.

He quickly straightened his hat and muttered.

"Teacher Xia Yan?"

Only then did Chi Hong and Qing Lu notice Xia Yan's appearance.

Xia Yan ignored them, just looked at Xiao Lan and asked softly: "Why did the illustrated book be recalled, didn't you tell that guy Chi Hong?"

heard the words.

Xiaolan froze for a moment, then stuck out her tongue.

"I'm busy talking to my parents, I"

Xia Yan shook his head, a little helplessness appeared on his face.

Can't blame Xiaolan either.

Chi Hong had never expressed such doubts before.

He just silently pondered why.

But two encounters.

Especially after the fiasco to Deoxys.

Only then did Chi Hong get into the horns of the bull.

Is it basically an illustrated book of elves?


It's Chi Hong's unyielding heart!

He just subconsciously made an excuse for his failure that he could barely accept.

Xia Yan stepped forward slowly, and walked in front of Chi Hong.

"Teacher Xia Yan"

Boom! !

Without hesitation, a chestnut hit Chi Hong's head.

The severe pain made Chi Hong almost unable to hold back tears.


Xia Yan let out a long breath.


I beat up the "man of battle" Chi Hong violently!

And it's still a frontal beating!

Crimson covered her head and looked at Xia Yan in disbelief.

"Scared? Scared? Don't dare to face the power of Deoxys?" Xia Yan squinted at him and said slowly.

heard the words.

Red pursed her lips and clenched her fists.

"Heh—" Xia Yan chuckled lightly, "Then why aren't you afraid of me?"

"Huh?" Chi Hong didn't understand what Xia Yan meant.

But the next second.

His expression, and the expressions of Qinglu, Xiaolan, Zhenghui and the others beside him froze instantly.

Boundless black air spread from Xia Yan's body, and the pressure brought by the terrifying aura suddenly descended, which actually gave Chi Hong a sense of oppression that was almost exactly the same as when facing Deoxys.

Darkley in the shadow pouted.

Use it again as a pretense.

Looking at Xia Yan blankly, Chi Hong was a little at a loss.

Reining in Darkley's strength, Xia Yan patted the red shoulder.

"Dr. Oki recycled the illustrated book because he wanted to upgrade the illustrated book."


"Computers need to be upgraded, and of course the elves' illustrated books also need to be upgraded. Haven't you noticed that more and more elves that you don't know and can't understand in the illustrated books appear?"


Xia Yan turned around and hugged Qinglu's shoulder.

"Walk around, what plan do you have, tell me."

Immediately, Qinglu, Xiaolan and others were pulled together.

"Teacher Xia Yan, is Chi Hong okay?"

Xia Yan shrugged, and said calmly:

"He's a man of battle."

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is being knocked down by failure.

But is Chi Hong the kind of person who is afraid of failure?

He just got into the horns.

Just pull it out.

"Come on, summon all the injured elves." Xia Yan greeted several people.

Qinglu and Xiaolan didn't know what he was going to do, but they still summoned their own elves.

Xia Yan wiped his waist with his palm.


Almost a doll appeared beside him.

"Qianqi doll, I'll leave it to you." Xia Yan smiled and rubbed almost doll's head.


It is said that the doll wrinkled its nose, which is what it is best at.

Coupled with Xia Yan's energy cube and special massage methods.

Although it is impossible to restore all the elves to their best condition like the elf center, it is still possible to restore their combat effectiveness.

"Well, very strong muscles, and the recovery speed is also very fast."

The turquoise fire-breathing dragon held its head proudly.

It's just that the fire-breathing dragon, who never wanted to be touched by others, leaned against Xia Yan while looking arrogant, so that he could massage better.

Seeing this, Xia Yan just smiled.

But Qinglu was surprised.

It was the first time he had seen his charizard close to another trainer.

"The armor is very hard. After applying some metal plating, it will be completely restored after a while."

The giant pincer mantis with several deep marks on its body also stood obediently and obediently beside Xia Yan, silently watching Xia Yan repairing its metal armor carefully.

On elf cultivation.

Qinglu is the top one among the three of them.

The cultivation of all his elves is almost accurate to the amount of food that each meal needs to eat.

This point is incomparable to both Crimson and Little Blue.

But in terms of emotional interaction with elves, green is not as good as red.

And often this kind of emotional interaction, the more critical it is, the more it can play a huge role.

That's why blue and green always lose when they encounter red.

"Oh, the Water Arrow Turtle's movements are very flexible."

Xia Yan couldn't help sighing when he restored Xiaolan's water arrow tortoise.

heard the words.

Xiaolan smiled and stood on tiptoe, bending her eyes.

"Ka ambiguous~~"

The Water Arrow Turtle raised its arms and raised its biceps innocently, looking strong.

This caused Xia Yan and Xiaolan to laugh even more.

"Teacher Xia Yan, please help me restore my elf state!"

At this time.

Chi Hong, whose "inner struggle" was over, also came to Xia Yan with six elf balls in her hand, bowed and bowed with a respectful attitude.

"Figured out?"

Red nodded with a straight face.

"Mr. Xia Yan and I still have an agreed battle! If you can't even overcome the hurdle of Deoxys, how can you fight against you, teacher?"


Is that how you understand it?


It seems that there is no soothing effect brought by Chaomeng.

But Xia Yan set up a new goal for Chi Hong.

It can be regarded as pulling the scarlet out of the horns.

The result is about the same.

"Come on." Xia Yan nodded.

Under his suggestion.

Chi Hong still summoned all his elves with a guilty face.

Seeing the miserable state of the six elves, Qinglu and Xiaolan looked serious.

At this moment.

They finally vaguely understood why Chi Hong behaved like that.

It's too awful!

After the six crimson elves fought Deoxys, it was indeed too miserable.

The wings of the fossilized pterosaur were pierced directly by the arm of Deoxys.

The flowers on the back of Miaowahua not only withered, but also lost two petals.

The soft hair on the Snorlax's belly was scorched black, and it was still emitting black smoke.

Large scales on the Gyarados' body shattered, and blood continued to overflow from them.

The fast-swimming frogs and Pikachu also wrinkled their eyes tightly and looked in pain.

Such a tragedy.

Qinglu and Xiaolan unconsciously assumed the identity of Chihong.

They suddenly realized.


They couldn't do better than Red.

The elves who were partners were injured like this, the deeper the bond between Scarlet and the elves, the deeper the pain she could feel.

Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering.

Maybe that's the reason.

At this time, they understood Chi Hong a little bit.

Xia Yan's expression also became a little serious.

As far as the state of the red elves is concerned, even if they recover, it will be difficult to exert much fighting power in a short time.

What they need more is rest.

"Please, Teacher Xia Yan!" Chi Hong clenched her fists tightly and bowed again.

Patting him on the shoulder, Xia Yan said solemnly, "Don't worry."

Seven Islands.

The towering Team Rocket base tower.

As the door slowly opened.

After adjusting their condition, Xia Yan and others rushed here immediately.

A group of people looked around vigilantly.

"Chaomeng hasn't come yet, so he must have lost his way?" Xia Yan muttered softly.

In the plot.

What Chi Hong and the others really relied on to defeat Sakagi was Chaomeng.

If there is no super dream.

Take the head to fight Deoxys with a race value of 910?


Ke Na, who was supported by Xia Yan, couldn't hear what Xia Yan was muttering clearly.

Kona lost to Sage at the Seven Islands.

no way.

This is the home court of the Rockets, and Saatchi has so many tricks, it is normal for Kona to be tricked.


Saqi also used the backhand of the Seven Islands to summon a large number of unknown totems.

"I said, you should wait and rest on the boat."

But Ke Na gritted his teeth and said, "Then wait for that bastard Du to come over and see the joke?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but slapped his mouth.


Losing to Saqi, the one with the highest hatred value was Du.

"It stands to reason that he should have arrived." Xia Yan said again.

Kona shook his head.

"Perhaps he was caught up in something else."

It's not impossible.

The development of the plot, because of Xia Yan's intervention, has already undergone some changes.


"Dr. Oki!"

While Xia Yan was communicating with Kona, the three of Chi Hong finally saw Dr. Oki who was bound in a special instrument.

"Giant Pincer Mantis!"

With a wave of the green hand, a fiery red figure flew out from his side, and rushed towards the glass container where Dr. Oki was imprisoned.

Boom! !


The giant pincer mantis' attack with terrifying power, when it touched the container, had no effect except for a dull sound.

"Green, red, and blue."

inside the container.

Dr. Oki opened his eyes with difficulty when he heard the movement.

"it's useless."

At this time.

Suddenly a mechanical sound sounded.

A huge mechanical eye slowly opened on the container holding Dr. Oki, and the sound echoed in the huge room.

The unbelieving Qinglu ordered the fire-breathing dragon to attack.

But it also had no effect.

This result made the three of them extremely astonished.

"I said it's useless."

The mechanical voice was full of sarcasm.

"I am 'R', an existence born from the data of the three of you elf illustrations. I can respond and change accordingly according to all your attacks."

During the conversation.

A series of mechanical arms spread out from all around the wall, carrying a large number of offensive weapons.

This is a product of technology.

It is also one of the functions of reflecting the value of the elf illustrated book.

"It's not right."

Kona, supported by Xia Yan, said in a low voice.


I saw Kona took out a small instrument.

"Although I was calculated to lose to Saqi, I also asked Miss Lips to attach a stream of frost to Saqi's feet, so that I could determine her position."

Kona explained, frowning more and more.

"But I found out that Saatchi is not in this building! They are moving away at a very fast speed!"

heard the words.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Originally, Sakagi should have stayed to communicate with Chihong.

But because of his intervention, Sakagi's choice was more straightforward and decisive, and he left directly.

"Let's rescue Dr. Oki first."

Xia Yan said.

The elf ball at the waist opened.

"Heh - I said you can't save anything?!"

The artificial intelligence 'R' was only halfway through when he suddenly exclaimed.

An inexplicable data invaded its core at an extremely fast speed.

Polygon Z!

The information of the elf illustrated book.

Naturally, Xia Yan would not let it go.


The chains that bound Dr. Oki and the barrier that imprisoned him were opened.


In this case.

Everyone froze for a moment.

Including Dr. Oki.

"Chihong, quickly rescue Dr. Oki." Xia Yan reminded.

"oh oh!"

Chi Hong reacted, and quickly helped Dr. Oki up.

"How can it be"

Artificial intelligence 'R' comes fast and goes fast.

It might be able to hold off the encroachment of the green Plagodon II.

But it can't stop Xia Yan's Polygon Z.

It is still the king-level polygonal beast Z.

The database, is quickly scanned.

"Who is this"

Only then did Dr. Oki notice that Xia Yan, who was standing with Chi Hong and others, was supporting Kona.

"This is Teacher Xia Yan. Was it your polygonal beast just now?"

After Qinglu introduced the sentence, she also explained the reason for the collapse of artificial intelligence.

He also owns a polygonal beast, and originally wanted to summon it, but Xia Yan took the lead, so he roughly guessed it.

Xia Yan smiled without saying a word, just looked at Dr. Oki and said hello.

"Dr. Oki."

Dr. Oki from another world, Xia Yan also felt somewhat kind.


Dr. Oki looked at Chi Hong, Qing Lu, and Xiao Lan who all looked very respectful to Xia Yan, and at the same time he was puzzled, he forced a smile and nodded slightly to Xia Yan.



With the opening of Dr. Wood's cage, the final procedures of Team Rocket's tower are set in motion.


Xiaolan exclaimed, commanding the water arrow turtle to appear behind Dr. Oki, the thick turtle shell blocked a fierce attack.

next second.

The scene that appeared shocked Chi Hong and the others.

Dozens of black shadows appeared out of thin air, and while connecting with each other, the black shadows enveloped them.

Along with it, there is a strong sense of oppression.



There are still dozens of Deoxys!

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, secretly dumbfounded.

With so many copies of Deoxys, how many cosmic viruses have been sucked away by individual one?

It is used to make so many replicas, it is a miracle that the individual is still alive, how could it still have the ability to change form.

"They're all copies of Deoxys!" Qinglu said in a deep voice.

"The real Deoxys is not here?"

Chi Hong had a serious expression, her eyes flicked back and forth.

They also heard what Kona said just now.

at this time.

Sakagi should have left with Deoxys.

And the copy that stays here.

Just to entangle them.

But it's useless to figure it out.

There are so many copies of Deoxys, if one is not handled well, they will all explain it here.

They have all seen how strong Deoxys' clone is.

The appearance of Deoxys clones is not only to stop them and solve them, but also to destroy the base tower of the entire Rocket team to prevent information leakage.

"Oops! Illustration book!"

At this moment.

Dr. Oki remembered the illustrated book used by the Rockets.

"Leave it to me here, you guys go after the Rockets first, and I'll be there later."

Xia Yan glanced in the direction outside the Seven Islands, and several elf balls appeared in his hand.

Mewtwo is finally here.

"Teacher Xia Yan"

Chi Hong and the others looked at Xia Yan who walked to the front, facing dozens of copies of Deoxys.

Xia Yan turned his head slowly, bent his eyes and said, "Don't die."

"This time, I will never lose again!"

Chi Hong nodded vigorously, turned around and left with big strides.

Since Xia Yan said to leave it to him, there is absolutely no problem here!

This is the trust they cultivated during their time with Xia Yan.

Qinglu looked at Dr. Oki hesitantly.

"I will protect the doctor." Xia Yan comforted.

Only then did Qinglu make up her mind, bowed towards Xia Yan, and ran out with Chihong.

Xiaolan bit her lip, looked at Xia Yan worriedly, and followed after receiving the encouraging look.

"I'm going to ask that bastard!"

Kona gritted his teeth and stood up.

Although she was very reluctant, it seemed that she had to ask about Du's situation.

After everyone left, Xia Yan looked at Dr. Oki.

"Doctor, where is the illustration book?"

Dr. Oki also had worry on his face, "They."

Wouldn't it be a problem to just chase the Rockets like this?

"Trust them, doctor." Xia Yan seemed very confident.

Although there were some twists and turns and accidents in the middle.

But the general direction of things has been developing in the direction he planned.

And his main purpose has already been half completed.

Not only contacted Sakagi.

Now I have also come into contact with Dr. Oki.

The way has been paved for his further investigation.

It depends on how things develop later.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

I always feel that after coming to this world, Xia Yan has a feeling of becoming a "behind the scenes".

Throw the poke ball.

Big Needle Bee, Duolong Baruto, Hu Di and other elves appeared beside him one after another.

So many replicas.

The cosmic virus should be able to completely wake up the meteorite, right?

"Let's go, Dr. Oki."

Xia Yan opened the way.

The two quickly ran to the depths of the tower.

In a Team Rocket ship speeding towards Vikiwa City in the Kanto region.

Standing in the control room, Sakagi had his hands behind his back, and Deoxys, who had fully recovered, stood beside him, looking into the distance, letting the clouds flash away quickly.

Sakagi has never been so eager to do something.

just now.

Searching from Deoxys' ability, Sakagi locked the location of his son Xiaoyin.

Right here in Tokiwa City!

"Boss, the self-destruct procedure in the base tower has been activated." Saatchi reported the situation respectfully.

"Yeah." Sakagi responded softly.

Xia Yan's confident smile flashed before his eyes.

Because of the appearance of this person.

Everything seems to be getting more interesting.

"Also, Yulongdu, the Dragon King of Kanto, seems to know about us and is on his way to the Seven Islands." After a short pause, Saqi added: "But I stopped him."

heard the words.

Sakagi let out a smile.

"very good."

And in the corner.

After Saqi finished reporting the situation, Chakra pulled her over.

He whispered: "Saqi, do you know what Boss Sakagi's actions are for this time?!"

Saqi's smile remained unchanged, looking at Chakra, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Without Sachi's answer, the veins on Chakra's forehead bulged.

"It's for his son! Sakagi's son!"

"Wouldn't that be nice?" Sage still smiled.

"What's the matter?! He clearly promised us that the next leader of the Rockets will be selected from our three beast warriors. I'm so desperate! But now? Sakagi has a son! How could the Rockets hand it over to me? hand?"

Saqi no longer concealed her sarcasm, jokingly said: "Even if the leader has no son, the next leader will not be you, Chakra."


Before Chakra exploded, the attack from Deoxys directly defeated him.

"Throw it into the warehouse."

Sakagi's faint voice came.

"Yes! Leader!"

Thatch bowed respectfully.

Sakagi continued to look out the window.

‘The other traitor you mentioned is Chakra, right? Then what you said can be cured.’

"How could there be three divine birds here!"

Squeezing his temples, Du, who was on his way here, saw the three god birds appearing in front of him, and his head ached.

And he didn't understand why the three god birds would have such hostility towards him.

"Fast Dragon! Super Speed!"

But anyway.

It seems that you have to pass them first before you can reach the Seven Islands.


After Kuailong launched the attack, Du quickly discovered the abnormality.

Parts of the three god birds hit by Kuailong turned into dark unknown totems.

Although quickly recovered.

But Du finally realized that they were deliberately trying to stop him.

It was his communicator that also rang.

"old woman."

It's Kona's phone number.

"Big needle bee, lethal needle sting!"

"Hu Di, strong mind!"

Bang bang——! !

With the assistance of Darkrai's "Dark Hole", the threat posed by these Deoxys clones is not great.

With the collapse of Deoxys clones one by one.

More and more cosmic viruses merged into the meteorite in Xia Yan's arms.


Under Xia Yan's protection, Dr. Oki happily held up the brand-new illustration book in his hand while sweat was dripping from his forehead.

It has been upgraded to the national version!

Immediately looked at Xia Yan gratefully.

"Xia Yan, you've worked hard."

And after he finished updating the illustrated book, Xia Yan also successfully defeated the last copy of Deoxys.

"Doctor, now that things here are over, I'm going to help Chi Hong and the others. You find Kona, and she will keep you safe."

Say it.

Xia Yan was about to leave.

"Wait!" Dr. Oki called Xia Yan, "This! Please bring Chi Hong, it should be able to provide some help!"

With that said, he handed over the brand new illustrated book.


After receiving the illustrated book, Xia Yan no longer hesitated, put away the elves and rode on Latios, and chased in the direction of Scarlet and the others.

Rockets, League.


at the same time.

In the meteorite in Xia Yan's arms, a weak heartbeat suddenly jumped.


PS: Can everyone understand this writing? Should I write in more detail? (I'm afraid some friends haven't read the special article.)

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