The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 960 The next leader? (5.2k+!)

Sakagi, who was standing at the window of the spaceship, looked at the vast forest that appeared in front of him.

This is where it all began for him, where all his ambitions were first empowered.

The largest forest in the Kanto region.

Viridian Forest!

And next to the Viridian Forest, it is the city where Sakagi used to be the head of the gymnasium, and it is also his hometown, Viridian City!

buzz buzz --

With the continuous rotation of the propeller and the slow descent of the spaceship, the forest leaves in a large area began to overwhelm uncontrollably in pieces.

Team Rocket's spaceship is still very fast.

How long has it been.

I have already arrived at Tokiwa City in Kanto from the Seven Islands.


Sakagi, who was still smiling all over his face, suddenly tensed up, full of pain.

Beads of sweat oozed and slid down his forehead and cheeks, and he squatted on the ground like a lobster.


Seeing this, Saqi and Oka were shocked, and hurried forward to help.

But he was stopped by Sakamoto's hand.

"Bring him up."

heard the words.

Saqi and Oka looked at each other with serious expressions, and nodded slightly: "Yes!"

Afterwards, the two immediately descended in a small airship.

And there.

At the junction of Viridian City and Viridian Forest, at the gate of Viridian Gym, two figures were standing there, staring seriously at the Rocket Team spaceship that suddenly appeared.

These two people.

One is Xiao Huang, the owner of the illustration book, who is originally from Tokiwa City.

And the other is Xiaoyin who came to Tokipan City to find his "root", that is, Sakagi's son, Xiaoyin who was taken away by a masked man when he was a child and whose memory was washed away!

Because of Xiao Huang's Perpetual Power, in the mind of Huan La, who had been with Xiao Yin since she was a child, she read some of Xiao Yin and Huan La's childhood memories.

The one who impressed me the most was Sakagi, the leader of the Rockets!


When seeing the Rockets appear, instead of shrinking, Xiao Yin wanted to challenge Sakagi and get some information about himself from him.

"They are coming!"

Xiao Huang was holding down his straw hat or it would blow away, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

She was well aware of the strength of the Rockets, but Xiaoyin put on a posture that she would rather fight Sakagi fiercely than obtain information.

With the fall of the small airship.

Sage and Oka were ordered to appear in front of them.

They bowed slightly towards Little Silver.

"Master, we are here to take you home."

"Young master?"

"come yet?"

Sakagi, who recovered from the pain, looked into the distance with Deoxys, and several figures quickly enlarged.

He didn't show any irritability, but instead showed a smile.

"As expected of Xia Yan, so many copies of Deoxys can be easily stopped, buying time for these little guys."

Sakagi didn't seem surprised at all by the arrival of Chi Hong and the others.


There is also the posture of deliberately waiting here.

"Sure enough." Sakagi raised his eyebrows, "And Chaomeng. This is a great gift for me."


Sakagi pressed the button next to him.

The huge hatch of the airship slowly opened, and a standard air battle field appeared in the sight of Chi Hong and the others.

And Sakagi.

Then he slowly rose from the center of the battle field with Deoxys, looking at the galloping red from a distance.

"What happened five years ago happened to be resolved together today."

Although he also wanted to see his son very much now, he also wanted to resolve the matter with Chi Hong.


When Chaomeng saw Sakagi, he was extremely jealous.

rushed up directly.

And the crimson fossil pterosaur couldn't fly because its wings were pierced by Deoxys, so it relied on Chaomeng to fly along the way.


In this way, Chaomeng separated from Qinglu and Xiaolan.

The moment Chaomeng and Chihong entered the open-air battle field.

The enchantment barrier unfolds.

Qinglu and Xiaolan were directly blocked outside.


The expressions of Qinglu and Xiaolan suddenly changed.


"Green! Little Blue!"

Chi Hong was also surprised.

"You are finally here, winner." Sakagi ignored their communication, and slowly unscrewed the opening of his jacket and suit.

Just throw it aside.

Wearing a tight vest and a body of muscular muscles were revealed.

The clothes inside alone are enough to show that Sakagi attaches great importance to this battle.

With a serious and serious expression, Chi Hong also took off her coat, leaving only a vest.

"This time, I must win!"

Only by crossing the hurdle of Deoxys can he truly have the qualifications to fight against Teacher Xia Yan.

"The momentum is good." Sakagi said with a smile.

For Sakagi, he lost to Chihong five years ago.

Although it was because he released the water, it was also because he didn't use his full strength.

But for Sakagi, losing is losing.

So now he has corrected his attitude, taking the attitude of a challenger.

But for Crimson.

Not long ago, he just lost to Deoxys, and this time he brought Chaomeng to find his way back.

No matter what, neither of them wanted to lose.

"bring it on!"

Chi Hong let out a low snort.

Chaomeng held a huge spoon completely condensed by superpowers and looked directly at Deoxys.

From Deoxys, it can feel a huge threat.

A threat from cosmic forces.



As the voices of Chi Hong and Sakagi sounded at the same time, the figures of the two elves disappeared almost at the same time.

boom! !

next second.

The entire spaceship shook violently.

Right in the middle of the battlefield, the figures of Mewtwo and Deoxys appeared at the same time.

And Chaomeng was waving at Deoxys with a spoon in both hands.

However, Deoxys turned into a "defensive form" and stopped him with strong arms like crawlers.

Deoxys, who can freely switch form and change, is not inferior to Mewtwo in terms of combat effectiveness.


Even better!

Switch to the speed form to avoid the attack from Chaomeng, and switch to the defensive form when it is really unavoidable.

You can also start with the speed form, change into an attack form after approaching Mewtwo, and then attack with the strongest force.

As long as the form switching is fast enough.

Deoxys is a terrifying elf with a race value of 910 points!

The battle has only just begun.

Chihong and Chaomeng fell into a bitter battle.

And the only advantage Crimson has.

It was he who fought Deoxys once, and knew Deoxys' weaknesses better.

"Mew! Target, the crystal on its chest!"

the other side.

Even though she was around the Viridian Forest, Xiao Huang's Viridian Power gave her elf strength a huge boost.

But even so.

Together with Xiaoyin, it is impossible for her to be the opponent of Saqi and Oka.

in particular.

When Saqi used some small means to cooperate with Oka's shuttlecock cotton to implement large-scale seeding for hypnosis, paralysis, and poisoning.

Add to that the deceptive command of Sach and her cursed doll.

In the end, Xiao Yin and Xiao Huang still fell into a deep sleep.

"Aerial battlefield. And those two little ghosts, Qinglu and Xiaolan."

Saqi, who had completed the task, looked up and saw the two green and green people who were about to enter from the side of the spaceship.

He smiled and said to Oka: "It seems that we can have more opportunities to pass the time before the leader enjoys the battle and the father and son recognize each other."

Tears welled up in Oka's eyes.

"Father and son recognize each other, this scene must be very touching."

Seeing Oka's moved posture, even Sage, who had long been accustomed to Oka's character, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Speaking up.

Oka's ability is actually very special.

He has only two elves.

Kettle and shuttlecock cotton.

And no matter how you look at it, it's not a very strong elf.


Oka seems simple and honest, but he has the ability to communicate with elves, and even control elves to a certain extent.

It is precisely through this ability that Oka can use the pots and shuttlecocks in his hand to control all the pots and shuttlecocks in the surrounding range.

Of course, it is also limited to pots and shuttlecock cotton.

It is said that Oka is not really a traditional human being, but more of a modified human in genetic engineering, or Frankenstein.

There may be a combination of the genes of the two elves, the pot pot and the shuttlecock cotton, in the body.

"Let's go. Change our young master's clothes, and then go entertain our guests."

Taking the aircraft, Saqi and Oka took Xiao Yin and Xiao Huang back to Team Rocket's spaceship.

"Looks like I've caught up."

Xia Yan, who was riding Latios, quietly appeared above the Viridian Forest.

Looking at the rocket team spaceship in the distance, he said something with a smile.

"Quack? (Want me to play?)"

Riding on the back of Latios with Xia Yan, the onion ranger who was responsible for helping to clean up the wild elves along the way, held the green onion long sword and was eager to try.

Hearing this, Xia Yan had a weird expression.

"Gah? (What's wrong?)"

Onion Youbing looked puzzled.

"Oss. (Get a good feel.)" Latios rolled his eyes angrily.

finished listening.

Onion Youbing slowly closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly.

see through!

A little trick learned from the red fast swimming frog's flexible use of the "eye of the heart".

Let the Onion Rangers see what kind of elves are fighting on the spaceship's air battle field.

Onion Rangers: (ω)

Silently put the scallions behind him, and whistled at 45 degrees to the sky.

A true warrior can often bend and stretch.

And never fight a battle that has no chance of winning, that is not called a warrior, that is called a reckless man.

Onion Ranger considers himself not a reckless man, but an excellent knight.

Ignoring the bickering of the two little guys, Xia Yan slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Boss Sakagi, because you stand up from where you fall, you choose to fight only with Deoxys?"

After a short pause, Xia Yan felt that his next words were more likely.

"Or is it because you are so ill that increasing the number of command elves will increase the burden on your body?"

Want to command elves at the level of Deoxys to fight.

The requirements for trainers must be very high.

Not only because Deoxys is strong, but also because Deoxys has four forms.

How to flexibly use its various forms in the battle and fully display the true strength of Deoxys requires extremely high spirit and will of Sakagi.

Its difficulty is no less than that of Xia Yan commanding his "unlimited defense" system to fight.


Deoxys is just an elf that Sakagi has just conquered, and there is almost no tacit understanding between them.

I want to use it to its full potential.

Or to maximize its strength.

Sakagi needs to be absolutely focused.


His physical condition is not very ideal.

as well as.

The message sent to Xia Yan by Gonoshima, Zhenghui and others after discovering Team Rocket's secret.

They found a way to destroy Deoxys' two form-changing abilities!

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

Then spit it out slowly.

His eyes gradually became serious and serious.

He whispered: "In this case, then follow the agreement and give the leader a decent exit!"


Xia Yan said to Lattios, "Let's go."

heard the words.

Lattios didn't hesitate for a moment, and approached quickly while leaving a white "track cloud" behind him.

at the same time.

Xia Yan said to Cong Youbing again: "Duck duck, sword dance!"

"Gah?! (Super power system restrains fighting system!)"

Onion Youbing wept mournfully.

You don't really want to fight those two guys, do you?

Although he yelled, but let's not talk about the degree of running-in with Xia Yan, who has been with Xia Yan for a while, at least one thing is well implemented.

Follow orders.

The clangs and sharp sounds rose in bursts, and the surrounding sword array brought a great boost to the aura of the Cong Youbing.

There was a blush in the eye sockets.

"Meteor Assault!"

With the help of the impact force brought by Latios galloping, when approaching the spaceship, the onion rangers jumped down in inertia.

The tip of the green onion long sword glowed with a golden light, and then slowly rubbed out a red halo like a flame.

The light of these two colors quickly blends, interweaves, and spreads until it completely envelops the Onion Ranger.

"what is that?!"

Inside the spaceship, Saqi and Oka, who had just changed their clothes with Xiaoyin, were looking for the figures of Qinglu and Xiaolan in the surveillance, and saw this scene of golden and red light beams like shooting stars.

next second.

Saqi, who realized something, suddenly reacted, and his expression changed suddenly.

Roared: "Maximize the energy output of the barrier in the air to the battlefield! Quick!"


The members of the console who were in a panic obviously couldn't keep up with Saqi's reaction speed.

In addition, the onion ranger's assault was extremely fast.

see you.

The golden-red meteor slammed into the air barrier against the battlefield.

A metal beam shot up into the sky.

Ka Ka Ka——

On the solid energy barrier, fine cracks unexpectedly appeared.

The next moment.


Latios, who was bathed in the "dragon wave", charged straight down, and slammed down on the weak point created by the onion rangers.

boom! !

The entire solid barrier was shattered.

Although this enchantment is reinforced by Team Rocket, it is difficult to break it.

But one thing is unavoidable.

That is, breaking from the outside is always much easier than splitting from the inside.

In addition, Onion Ranger's "Meteor Assault" is the ultimate single-point blasting, and he learned a method of condensing energy at one point from the big needle bee. Combined with the impact of Latios, he successfully broke through this path. protection.


Xia Yan fell from Latios's back and stepped firmly on the ground.

And his sudden appearance also successfully interrupted the battle between Chi Hong and Sakagi, and interrupted the collision between Mewtwo and Deoxys.

"Teacher Xia Yan?" Chi Hong was surprised.

Seeing this, Sakamoto narrowed his eyes.

Xia Yan didn't answer Chi Hong's words, and ignored Sakagi's gaze, his eyes swept around.


Although in the battle between Deoxys and Chaomeng, Deoxys had the upper hand from the beginning.


Because the ability of this Deoxys to change form is inherently unstable.

It is the ability to temporarily recover by relying on the aura released by Team Rocket's "Ruby" and "Sapphire".

And this time.

Zhenghui and others far away in the Seven Islands destroyed the catalytic converters of the two gem auras placed by the Rockets on the Five Islands.

The two forms that Deoxys finally obtained were lost again.

The pain of the loss of inner ability, coupled with the pain of external Mewtwo blows, Deoxys has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

Confirm the situation.

Xia Yan looked at Sakagi.

Some superpowers appeared in the eye sockets.

Telepathically said: "It's time to leave, Boss Sakagi."

A thick black mist spread wildly from Xia Yan's body.

Feeling the power emerging from Xia Yan's shadow, Deoxys and Chaomeng, who were almost exhausted, looked over at the same time in surprise.

And their performance is surprisingly the same at this moment.

Deoxys felt the subtle heartbeat of "dong dong" from Xia Yan.

From Xia Yan's superpower, Chaomeng smelled Hu Di's superpower, which was very similar to his.

heard the words.

Sakagi grinned, half-kneeled on the ground, his face suddenly turned pale while clutching his chest.


Because of the movement brought by Xia Yan, Saqi and Oka rushed over immediately.

I saw Sakagi with a pale face.

He quickly supported him.

"Oka, quickly take the leader to rest!"

With Oka's support, Sakagi took a deep look at Xia Yan who was shrouded in black mist.

That look seemed to say.

'The rest depends on your own ability. '

Compared to really losing.

In the battle interrupted by Xia Yan, it's still hard to say who will win and who will lose.

It's just a pity that I couldn't finish it.

But Sakagi knew.

His body, Deoxys' body, could no longer hold on.

It can only be said that the timing of Xia Yan's appearance is just right.

"Are you that teacher Xia Yan?" Saqi looked at Xia Yan with a full face of wariness.

From Xia Yan, she felt great pressure.

The kind of pressure that if one is not good, one may die!

But at this moment.


The rocket team's spaceship, which was flying smoothly, suddenly moved, and fell downward at an extremely fast speed.

The sudden sense of weightlessness surprised everyone except Xia Yan.

"It was Chuck LS Qi who reacted first!

Control room.

The short Chakra was manipulating the joystick of the plane, and it fell straight down.

The face is full of madness.

"Hahahaha——Go to hell! Leader, young master, Chi Hong, Saqi... all die! The next leader of Team Rocket is me!"

his voice.

echoed on the radio.

"Idiot!" Sage cursed angrily.

And when they were in a hurry to protect themselves, Xia Yan, who had predicted that things would develop like this, glanced at Sa Qi, who had an ugly expression but calm eyes.


Chakra inadvertently saw the photo of Sakagi holding Xiaoyin when he was a child. If there is no accident, it was Sachi who deliberately showed him.

in order.

It is to let Chakra, an idiot, do things that others dare not do.

Xia Yan couldn't help chuckling.

He murmured in a voice only he could hear:

"Sorry. The next leader of the Rockets, I'm afraid it will be me."


I added another sentence in my heart.

'Is the ferry coming soon? It's time to close the net. '


PS: Today's portion is 1.2w+! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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