Chapter 511 Collapse 2

Xu Ran's eyes narrowed: "No matter what method she uses to steal Qi Luo's fortune, she must return it."

Xu Qing nodded: "Yes."

He and Xu Ran thought of one thing, they never recognized Liu Sanniang's identity, because they already had a suitable candidate in their hearts, Xia Qiluo, who was born with a spiritual body, should be the chosen one.

The reason why she didn't become the chosen one was also very simple, she was snatched away.

Since it was snatched away, it must be taken back.

Xu Ran said coldly: "Go and see."

Xu Qing and Xu Ran quickly followed Wu Changxian, and Yuan Hui was quickly brought up to the execution room.

His expression was extremely flat.

Seeing Liu Sanniang did not change at all.

Wu Changxian said, "Master Yuan Hui, Mrs. Xu committed suicide in Jing'en Temple and died. Don't you have anything to explain?"

Yuan Hui said lightly: "I don't know why Mrs. Xu made such a resolute thing. Her death has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with Jing'en Temple."

Wu Changxian frowned: "Since it has nothing to do with it, why did you ask to stay with Mrs. Xu's body for a while?"

Yuan Hui said indifferently: "I just can't figure out why Mrs. Xu would do such a thing, so I made such a request for a while."

They are all dead, and the guilt and burden in his heart are gone. The man has passed away, and he doesn't have many years to live. He doesn't want that matter to be known, so no matter what, he will never let go.

Wu Changxian was dumbfounded by Yuan Hui's words. It was clear that Yuan Hui was guilty before, but now she refuses to admit it, which is simply shameless.

It's all this time, and I still don't admit it, which makes me angry.

Yuan Hui looked at Liu Sanniang calmly: "Miss Liu can say that Mrs. Xu and I had an affair, and even gave birth to an evil child. I can also say that the deaths of Mrs. Xu and Mr. Xu were all planned by Miss Liu. escaped the death penalty."

He has a high level of cultivation, so he might not have no chance of winning against Liu Sanniang.

The Jing'en Temple has been established for hundreds of years. In the past, the incense was mediocre. After he went, the incense gradually flourished. Those beliefs are the best rewards.

Liu Sanniang opened her palms, revealing the black bead in her palms, she said, "Master has practiced Taoism for many years, do you know what it is?"

Both Xuran and Xuqing's faces changed.

Yuan Hui looked calm, his eyes looked at the black bead in Liu Sanniang's palm, and he said, "This is evil, the evil of sin."

Liu Sanniang looked at the two black beads in the palm of her hand: "Master Yuan Hui knows that this is a sinful evil, so he naturally understands that their existence is caused by cause and effect, and whoever belongs to it is whoever it is, right?"

Yuan Hui looked at Liu Sanniang, and said a word heavily: "Yes."

As soon as Liu Sanniang raised her hand, the two beads flew towards Yuan Hui at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yuan Hui wanted to dodge, he could dodge all attacks, but he couldn't dodge the cause and effect, let alone take action, because it was not easy to cut off the cause and effect, if he did it, he would admit the evil he committed .

Whether he does it or not, it is not good.

It is unpredictable to what extent the evil will be counteracted when it enters the body.

Yuan Hui almost resisted with all his strength, trying to use his strength to wrap and suppress this evil, but his spiritual consciousness seemed to be polluted, and he couldn't suppress it at all.

He looked at Liu Sanniang coldly, collapsing like a huge mountain collapsing.

His expression was no longer calm, and his face became ferocious: "I want you to die!"

Yuan Hui threw his Buddhist beads at Liu Sanniang, the beads broke, and a surge of black air flooded towards Liu Sanniang.

Xuran Xuqing has already retreated quickly, those black qi are all evil, they can't even touch them, and they didn't expect that Yuan Hui suddenly tore off the mask, with the determination to die.

Wu Changxian retreated quickly, it was a kind of crisis instinct to retreat.

Seeing that Chu Yan was still motionless, Wu Changxian couldn't help saying: "Young Master Chu..."

But Chu Yan didn't seem to hear it, he stood quietly beside Liu Sanniang, and was soon overwhelmed by the thick black air.

The black air quickly filled the entire torture chamber, and Wu Changxian had to retreat outside.

He looked at Xuran Xuqing, Xuran Xuqing's face was cold.

The black air filled the entire torture chamber and did not spread out. No one could clearly see what was going on inside.

Yuan Hui couldn't suppress the evil. The evil devoured him and eroded his internal organs. He would die, but he was unwilling to die like this. He hated Liu Sanniang.

He has no way out, since both left and right are dead, he will fight hard, and before he dies, he will seriously injure Liu Sanniang, such a crime, if he gets involved, Liu Sanniang will feel like him.

It's not easy to get rid of it, even if Liu Sanniang can't die, she will still experience the pain of decay.

It won't make her feel better anyway.

Yuan Hui had already fallen to the ground powerlessly, and the thick black air was expelled from his body. When his wrist was grabbed, Yuan Hui was startled.

Liu Sanniang unleashed her strength and attacked Yuan Hui's defense forcefully.

Yuan Hui's eyes were full of hatred: "Why? Why?"

Why is Liu Sanniang not as tainted by sin as you? He could feel that her strength was majestic and powerful, and he was powerless to resist.

If it wasn't for this crime, he might still be able to resist Liu Sanniang. Liu Sanniang might not be able to crush him so easily, but now, she is extremely powerful, but he is like an ant on the ground.

Yuan Hui's eyes widened suddenly, he understood everything, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "You knew it a long time ago, you already made a plan, didn't you?"

He thought he was using Liu Sanniang to get rid of his shame, but in fact Liu Sanniang knew about it a long time ago, and she knew how to deal with him.

Yuan Hui only felt a gust of blood in his throat, and he swallowed it viciously.

Yuan Hui's death made him vigilant. He had never done any evil in his life, but he did one thing wrong. A moment of greed created a mistake that could never be made up for.

If it wasn't for Xu Lin, he wouldn't have paid for it, Mrs. Xu would never know about that.

Yuan Hui gritted her teeth, extremely unwilling.

Liu Sanniang said slowly, "You were wrong from the beginning."

Liu Sanniang sensed all of Yuan Hui's memories, and she could also feel that a force was devouring Yuan Hui's memories.

The black figure has gradually blurred, and the small figure looked at him eagerly, and said with a hopeful expression: "I also want to become a god, and I will devote myself to cultivating the Tao, escaping into Buddhism, and the four elements are all empty, I beg you to grant me unlimited love." Power, cut off all cause and effect in the world, and made me a god."

"Okay, stretch out your hand. If you escape into Buddhism, you will definitely become a high-ranking monk."

Heiying stretched out his hand, and the little figure immediately stretched out his hand. He felt an extremely pure power, and he opened a sacred door like a spiritual creature that had just opened up his spiritual wisdom.

Escaping into Buddhism and cutting off the roots of the world, he thought he was a born Buddha, until she appeared in front of him, the roots of lust he cut off seemed to come alive, distracting thoughts and desires came alive one after another.

ps: The third watch is over, good night everyone.

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