Chapter 512 Collapse 3

His cultivation base no longer improved, and completely stopped.

He knew that if he didn't take that step, he would never pass this level.

He thought that taking that step would completely cut off the troubles of the world, but he never thought that Mrs. Xu's wish was so strong. The promise he couldn't hold back for a while came true, and Mrs. Xu was pregnant with his child.

Taking this step, I thought it was the only way for him to become a god. He cut off the cause and effect of this dewy relationship, but Mrs. Xu became pregnant.

This child shouldn't have been born at all. His existence is a stain that he can't wash off for the rest of his life. No matter how difficult it is to improve his cultivation, the idea of ​​killing him has long been more than once.

He wanted Xu Lin to die countless times. He had seen Xu Lin before. Mrs. Xu took him to offer incense in Jing'en Temple. He did it himself, but he felt a force against him. He is weak, but he can always seize a chance to keep Xu Lin alive.

Mrs. Xu is not a spiritual being, but she prays for Xu Lin's safety wholeheartedly. Her desire for Xu Lin to live far exceeds his desire for Xu Lin to die.

He went to Liu Sanniang, thinking that he could get rid of the entanglement he had had for many years. Xu Lin died, Mrs. Xu died, and all the sins he committed were paid back to him. With a voice, he opened his mouth, and rotten black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth: "Why?"

He worked so hard to cultivate the Tao, but he did one thing wrong, why was it wrong.

The thick sin engulfed his internal organs, all senses became dull and numb, it seemed that there was darkness in front of him and he couldn't see anything clearly, but gradually, a little light gradually expanded, swallowing all the black energy, Yuan Hui opened his eyes wide Closing his eyes, he swallowed his last breath in disbelief and unwillingness.

It wasn't until the last moment that he really realized that his whole life was wrong, whether he or Huizhen, no matter who they were, they should die in Xuanzhenzong.

In this world, only the Buddha's light can dispel the evil. They refused to admit Liu Sanniang's identity, and they refused to admit that they were the evil, but the reality couldn't deceive anyone.

Liu Sanniang's whole body was shrouded in golden light, expanding bit by bit, swallowing all the black energy.

Liu Sanniang did not answer Yuan Hui, because Yuan Hui was dead and his spiritual consciousness gradually dissipated. He exhausted all his strength just to seriously injure Liu Sanniang, but he did not expect that Liu Sanniang was the nemesis of sin.

She let go.

The black energy in the punishment room dissipated, Xu Ran and Xu Qing came in immediately, they looked at Liu Sanniang coldly, Xu Ran said coldly: "What did you do?"

Liu Sanniang said lightly: "I did what I should do."

Xu Ran's expression was cold: "How did you get into Taoism? Do you know that you took away things that don't belong to you."

Liu Sanniang looked at Xuran, with a cold sarcasm on the corner of her mouth: "If it doesn't belong to me, why is it me? Why not you?"

Xu Ran felt a pain in his throat, and pointed at Liu Sanniang: "You are making too much sense, hand over the things!"

Xu Ran looked cold, raised his hand and raised the red flag, the flag flew towards Liu Sanniang and stood on top of Liu Sanniang, a burst of red light enveloped Liu Sanniang in an instant.

Wu Changxian didn't even have time to stop him, he was taken aback, he didn't expect that Xu Ran would attack suddenly, the case was cleared up, why did Xu Ran attack Miss Liu.

Xu Ran's expression was cold, he formed a seal with his right hand, and shouted loudly: "Shut up—"

Liu Sanniang looked up at the red flag above her head. In her ears, there were countless howling ghosts and howling wolves. They were extremely ferocious, as if they wanted to divide her into pieces. Liu Sanniang stretched out her hand and grabbed the flag.

The chess piece in her hand turned bright red.

Wu Changxian shouted anxiously: "Miss Liu, stop, that flag is sucking your blood."

Xuran's horcrux was sucking Liu Sanniang's blood.

Xu Ran formed a seal with one hand, his expression was cold, Xu Qing immediately patted Xu Ran's shoulder with one hand, the red light of the chess piece became bigger and bigger, covering Liu Sanniang and almost drowning her.

Wu Changxian became nervous, he was afraid that Liu Sanniang would be taken away by this flag.

But one hand grabbed the flag, and all the red light disappeared in an instant. Liu Sanniang slowly leaned against Chu Yan. Chu Yan looked cold and threw the flag away in disgust. However, in his hand, if the previous flag was red, now it is red with black, and there are even golden and red lines on the flag.

Xu Ran looked at Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan coldly: "No matter what monsters you are, I, Poyun Sect, will subdue you and protect the righteous way to protect the common people! Junior brother, let's go."

Wu Changxian frowned: "You hurt Miss Liu? Why do you say she is a monster?"

Xu Ran gave Wu Changxian a cold look: "What do mere mortals know, how can you look at the surface of everything."

They believed that Liu Sanniang was an evildoer, and Wu Changxian was just an ordinary mortal in their eyes. Speaking of which, Wu Changxian didn't even have the qualifications to talk to them.

Not to mention Wu Changxian, even the emperor, in front of them, he should be respectful. Ordinary people, even the emperor, are also ordinary people.

Xuran Xuqing left quickly.

Wu Changxian frowned, saying that he is not angry is a lie, but he is a mere mortal, and he is indeed incapable of being an enemy of Taoist spirits.

Looking at the pale Liu Sanniang, Wu Changxian couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Miss Liu, are you okay?"

Xuran Xuqing came from a famous orthodox family, but in Wu Changxian's eyes, Liu Sanniang was more like an orthodox one. Looking at such a weak Liu Sanniang, Wu Changxian was a little worried.

Liu Sanniang shook her head: "No problem."

It takes a while to cultivate.

Yuan Hui's body had been decomposing slowly, and for a while, the stench was unbearable.

Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan went out from the Ministry of War and returned to the courtyard.

Wu Changxian wrote down the matter in detail and entered the palace, and Xia Bingguang quickly issued an order to punish Jing'en Temple.

A person like Yuan Hui who insulted Buddhism was not even worthy of being buried in the ground. His rotting corpse was thrown into a mass grave, and he didn't even eat wild dogs.

All the monks in Jing'en Temple fell silent after learning the truth. Yuan Hui's fault would not implicate them, but they would not stay in Jing'en Temple either.

The Jing'en Temple, where incense was at its peak, quickly became a forbidden place and was cast aside by others.

Xia Bingguang didn't pursue Xuran Xuqing's attack on Liu Sanniang, so he just pretended that there was no such thing. He let Liu Sanniang go without reward or punishment. For a while, people couldn't understand the emperor's thoughts.

Back in the yard, Chu Yan hugged Liu Sanniang horizontally. He didn't speak, but Liu Sanniang could feel his emotion: Chu Yan was upset.

Chu Yan pushed open the door and entered the room, put Liu Sanniang on the bed, he suddenly approached, his warm lips pressed against Liu Sanniang's forehead, and kissed lightly: "Sleep."

Liu Sanniang responded softly: "Yes."

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