The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 961 Extra, Hu Yulinjie 5

Chapter 961 Extra, Hu Yulinjie 5

"My wife thanks the Emperor for his kindness."

Hu Yu thanked her, saying that with such honors, life would be easier in the future. She almost couldn't cry. If she hadn't pinched herself several times, she wouldn't have shed so many tears.

Her voice was trembling and filled with pain. Hu Yu also made a show of doing it and staggered into unconsciousness when he stood up.

The matters in the court had nothing to do with her. As for Ouyang Mingde, whom she had never met before, she was still alive as his wife, and she had nothing to lose by giving him a pretty face.

When he returned to his hometown, he was carried back to his hometown in a sedan chair.

The news has spread, and white sails have been hoisted at the General's Mansion.

Ouyang Mingde's body was not found in the capital, so what was sent back was only his tomb.

Hu Yu was not really sad, but when Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue heard the news, they were really sad and cried until they fainted.

Hu Yu rushed to comfort the two of them. She didn't want to cry at first, but seeing Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue so sad, she remembered that she had never eaten delicious chicken since her ascension, and she immediately became extremely sad. The three of them hugged each other and cried until they died.

Holding a funeral is a very tedious process. The funeral will not officially begin until Ouyang Mingde's coffin comes back.

After losing the powerful general, almost everyone in the capital mourned Ouyang Mingde.

Ouyang Mingde has no parents, so Chu's father has asked Chu's mother to come over and help him take care of it.

Although Ouyang Mingde died, the Chu family had benefited, and they were happy in their hearts, but they were still wailing on their faces, wiping non-existent tears with a handkerchief.

It was a rare time to have some free time to rest, so Chu's mother quickly pulled Hu Yu and asked, "Daughter, tell me honestly what kind of thoughts you have towards the prince now."

Hu Yu said honestly to Chu's mother: "Mother of dissatisfaction said that I have given up and will live my life guarding this general's mansion from now on."

Hu Yu told the truth. Chu Wanyu really wanted to be with the prince, but she regretted it after her death, so it is impossible to think about the prince now.

Chu's mother began to cry: "Daughter, mother knows that your life is hard, but now, your life is still tied to our family. You listen to mother. Don't even think about that prince. If anyone finds out, But it will cost you your head."

"Your father told your mother that he regretted it. At first, he only valued Ouyang Mingde as a person who valued love and justice. How could he have expected that he would die young? He was so short-sighted that he would ruin you with a blood wish after death. a lifetime.”

"Now it's the emperor's order. Even if we don't recognize it, we have to recognize it. My poor daughter, mother can't wait to bear the bitter consequences for you. Just listen to mother and stop thinking about the prince, okay?"

Chu's mother cried sadly, trying to use her true feelings to dispel Hu Yu's unwanted thoughts.

Hu Yu frowned. She was telling the truth, but Chu's mother didn't believe it.

Hu Yu sighed: "I admit that I just told a lie, but I know in my heart that I want to go to the prince. That is a dishonorable woman. The prince will definitely sneer at an unfaithful woman. She has no chance in this life." We’re divided, so I’ll be sensible.”

Chu's mother wiped her tears and said, "My good daughter, it's just that God has no eyes for you."

Listening to Hu Yu say this, Chu's mother felt relieved. This was something she could understand and believe.

After finally finishing the funeral, Hu Yu lived a closed-door life.

During this period, she naturally had to be sad, otherwise she would be too glamorous, and outsiders would say that she had no conscience, and she would not be sad even if her husband died.

For three whole months, Hu Yu stayed behind closed doors. Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue also went to school in trepidation. When they were bullied, they just refrained from crying. When the two sisters went home, they comforted each other and cried.

Everyone has lost weight several times and looks haggard.

Hu Yu also lost some weight. It was hard work to lose weight by fasting, but it would be unjustifiable if she didn't lose weight.

Because I stayed behind closed doors, summer passed.

Autumn is cool, and Hu Yu goes out for the first time to pick up the Ouyang sisters from Tongyan Hall. Although she is thin, her skin is extremely good. In the sun, it seems to glow. As soon as she gets off the carriage, people come out one after another. The people in the college were stunned.

These are all women aged thirty-four, who pay the most attention to their appearance. They usually like to compare with each other. Now seeing the condition of the skin on Hu Yu's face, it has completely refreshed a new understanding.

It turns out that women's skin can be so delicate and beautiful.

Hu Yu smiled slightly and stepped forward: "Hello everyone, may I ask when my sisters will come out. They are Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue."

People suddenly realized and understood Hu Yu's identity. It turned out that she was the wife of the late General Ouyang Mingde.

Looking closer, looking at Hu Yu's face as white and tender as an egg after peeling off the shell, this gentle look made people couldn't help but whisper softly: "They are cleaning, they should be out soon."

Hu Yu smiled: "Okay, thank you."

Hu Yu didn't wait long before Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue came out. They looked sad and didn't recognize Hu Yu at all. They hadn't seen each other for several months, so they naturally became estranged. The eldest brother died. The two seemed to have grown up overnight and understood. My situation is no different from that of my relatives who once stayed at home.

It might even be worse, because this eldest sister-in-law still has the right to marry them.

So if you don’t look for her or meet her, you will have a peaceful life.

Hu Yu knew that the two of them didn't take her seriously, so when they were about to miss her, she grabbed Ouyang Mingzhu's hand: "Mingzhu Mingyue, I'm here to take you home."

Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue were stunned for a moment before they recognized Hu Yu. Their hearts sank and they couldn't even maintain a forced smile.

Hu Yu pulled the two of them towards the carriage.

When they got on the carriage, the two sisters were very nervous and scared. Ouyang Mingzhu asked in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, you can do anything you want me and Mingyue to do, but can you not marry us off?"

This is what they fear most. After their eldest brother died, their bullies said many such things.

Her eldest brother is dead, so why should she ask others not to marry another person? This makes Chu Wanyu, a beautiful woman, spend her whole life guarding a dead man. Can she not feel resentful in her heart?

Chu Wanyu wants revenge, and Ouyang Mingzhu and Mingyue are the best targets.

Hu Yu sighed: "During this period, I have been immersed in pain and failed to take into account your emotions. It is autumn now, and I can finally accept the news of the general's death. He will never come back. , but the living people still have to live a good life. You are the general’s only relatives, how can I be harsh to you? Have you forgotten what I said three months ago? "

Ouyang Mingzhu raised her eyes to look at Hu Yu.

Hu Yu looked sincere.

"Even if you don't have an eldest brother, you still have a eldest sister-in-law. I will definitely raise you beautifully so that everyone in the capital will envy you, and no one will bully you again." Hu Yu said sincerely. .

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