The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 960 Extra, Hu Yulinjie 4

Chapter 960 Extra, Hu Yulinjie 4

"Okay, you go to school and listen carefully. If you don't understand anything, come back and ask."

Hu Yu said with a smile.

Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue went down.

Hu Yu has nothing to do, but if she wants to run a skin care product business, she has to purchase the raw materials herself. This level must be controlled by herself. The extraction technology in ancient times was poor, so Hu Yu plans to use herbs to make herbal essence emulsion for skin care.

After some shopping, it was already noon when we returned to the general's mansion.

At noon, one dish after another of chicken was served on the table.

Hu Yu tasted it carefully. It was delicious, but it always felt that the taste was a little lacking.

Hu Yu sighed, some people, once separated, probably say goodbye forever.

Back then, she thought she would get to know him well and watch his wedding night when he got married, but who knew that she would never see her again after he ascended.

Now Hu Yu has already looked past love affairs.

What she cared more about was that it didn't matter whether she was in love or not. She should have asked Lin Jie for a cooking recipe at that time, so that she wouldn't be unable to eat when she wanted to. When she ate chicken, she would think of Lin Jie making it. What it tasted like, that taste, she had thought about for many years.

The more I think about it, these fragrant things become tasteless.

Hu Yu put down the chopsticks.

Xuemei looked worried: "Madam, is it not to your liking?"

Hu Yu nodded: "Don't eat chicken tonight. Let's do it normally, five meat dishes, two vegetarian dishes and one soup. This will be the arrangement from now on."

Xuemei nodded and immediately went down to give instructions.

In this world, Hu Yu didn't find aloe vera, but there was cucumber, so in the afternoon, when Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue came back, they made an exquisite face wash together, and then wet compressed cucumber slices.

The two sisters were very uncomfortable with it at first, but after a few days, they slowly adapted to it.

When the relationship between the two sisters and Hu Yu became closer and closer.

A fast horse galloped into the capital, holding an emergency report high in its hand, which alerted the eyes of all forces in the capital.

In less than a morning, the entire capital was discussing whether the border war was tight or something.

Hu Yu ate snacks and listened to Xuemei talk about the war. Because Hu Yu changed his mind, the maid Xuemei also changed her mind. She no longer thought about helping the master to please the prince's concubine, but prayed that the general would soon Click back.

Hu Yu nodded slightly. She knew that the news of Ouyang Mingde's death had probably reached the capital. A rising star of a generation, a newly promoted noble, died after less than two years of glory.

Apart from anything else, Ouyang Mingde was a fierce general. His death was a great loss to the current government.

The emperor was both distressed and helpless.

In the afternoon, people came to the palace in a hurry, and they asked with serious faces to let Hu Yu enter the palace.

Xuemei was a little nervous: "Madam."

Hu Yu looked dignified. She accepted the order and said calmly: "If the Holy One wants to see me, there must be something going on. Make preparations and follow me into the palace to meet the Holy One."

Hu Yu changed into a set of plain clothes, took Xuemei with her, and went into the palace together.

The majestic and majestic palace exudes heavy prosperity everywhere.

Along the way into the palace, many people looked sideways at Hu Yu, with either pity or sympathy in their eyes.

Xuemei's legs were trembling, but she knew she could not lose her master's face, so she followed Hu Yu steadily.

Arriving at the center of the hall, on the dragon throne above, the emperor who was over fifty years old was quite sad and his posture was slightly decadent. The father-in-law beside him bent over and reminded the emperor: "Your Majesty, the Ouyang Chu family is here."

A married woman has her husband's surname before her surname.

Hu Yu knelt down and saluted: "My wife Ouyang Chu is here to see the Emperor."

The emperor quickly raised his hand: "Mrs. Ouyang, please get up quickly."

Hu Yu stood up.

The emperor sighed: "Eunuch Liu, declare it."

Eunuch Liu seemed to have choked up and said sadly: "Mrs. Ouyang obeyed your order. Today I received an urgent report from the border. General Ming had fallen into an enemy trap and died on the battlefield half a month ago. His body was not found. I am heartbroken. "Come on, General Ming has dedicated his life for our Han Dynasty, and General Ming has several last wishes. I will make General Ming's wish come true to comfort the general's spirit in heaven. I have three wishes, and I hope Mrs. Ouyang will listen to them."

Everyone looked at Hu Yu, who lowered his head and said, "My wife, I am all ears."

Only then did Eunuch Liu say in a low voice, shouting with sorrow: "The great general of the Ming Dynasty made one of his blood wishes. My wife, Mrs. Ouyang Chu, is the mistress of the Ouyang family. She is not allowed to marry anyone else in her life.

Secondly, I have two younger sisters who share the same mother as me. After I die, my wife should take care of my younger sisters and find a husband for them.

Thirdly, my wife will inherit all my glory and wealth in my life. When my wife passes away a hundred years later, she will be buried in the same cave with me, fulfilling my wish that she will die in the same cave. "

A woman who is less than 20 years old will spend her whole life observing the festival of a dead man.

Eunuch Liu glanced at Hu Yu and continued to read: "The above is actually the blood wish of General Ming. General Ming sacrificed his life for the country. I am very heartbroken. Women are the first and women should train women. I order Ouyang Chu to obey Therefore, with the heroic spirit of General Wei Ming, Ouyang Chu, can you obey my orders?"

The officially announced decree has been read out, and everyone is waiting for Hu Yu's answer.

Xuemei was stunned and covered her mouth tightly to prevent herself from crying.

Hu Yu's eyes were full of tears. She gritted her teeth and raised her eyes to look at the emperor above. Tears rolled down like beads. She knelt down, her voice was extremely painful, and she spoke with a trembling voice: "My wife wishes To keep my husband's integrity, I am willing to fulfill my husband's last wish and hope that he can rest in peace under the Nine Springs."

The emperor was very satisfied and sighed happily: "Master Chu has raised a good daughter, a good woman with love and righteousness. General Ming Jiuquan will also feel gratified. From now on, Mrs. Ouyang will be granted the title of second-grade imperial edict." Madam, you can live in the General's Mansion forever, General Ming's two sisters are also gifted, and Mrs. Chu has a good way of educating her daughter, and she is also specially named the second-grade imperial wife."

Men take it as an honor to be the leader, and women take it as an honor to win the title.

Although it is not the first rank, the status has advanced to several levels, and the special seal is even different.

If Hu Yu keeps his composure in these decades, when the new emperor succeeds to the throne, he will naturally pull out these loyal people and reward them. By then, the first rank will be certain, and even if he dies, he will bring glory to future generations. .

Father Chu glanced at Hu Yu a few more times, and finally let go of his worries. His daughter cared about the prince, and he was really afraid that she would say something fatal in the hall. Fortunately, she was sensible.

After all, you will become sensible after getting married. How can you be a general's wife when you are a concubine? Unfortunately, life is not good. Who knew that Ouyang Mingde was short-lived. Although he had suffered for his daughter for decades, he had to pay for it. A dead man observes the festival, but with a reward, the festival is not in vain. When he returns home, let his wife go and talk to his daughter.

ps: Double update, good afternoon.

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