The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 959 Extra, Hu Yulinjie 3

Chapter 959 Extra, Hu Yulinjie 3

When he opened his eyes, it was already dawn. Hu Yu swallowed his saliva and hammered the pillow on the bed angrily.

It would be nice to give her a bite a little longer.

In her countless dreams, there was one person she often dreamed of. However, she and Lin Jie never saw each other again after their ascension.

The chicken leg when she ascended was the most delicious thing Hu Yu had ever eaten. She really wanted to eat it again, but every time she dreamed, Lin Jie would always take the chicken leg and either walk away or let her drool. Ci Qiong walked away in the end, anyway, just not giving her a bite to eat.

Not even in a dream.

Hu Yu smacked her mouth, got up, and had a maid to wash herself.

Because I ordered a whole chicken feast last night, I ate shredded chicken porridge and stewed chicken in the morning.

Hu Yu said while eating: "Let Mingzhu and Mingyue come to see me."

Xuemei nodded: "Okay."

Xuemei went out, and Hu Yu ate slowly. Although it was delicious, she always felt that something was missing, so she only stopped eating when she was half full.

Soon, Ouyang Mingyue and Ouyang Mingzhu arrived.

The two sisters are only one year apart, and are of similar build and height. One is thirteen and the other is twelve, both are timid little girls.

Ouyang Mingzhu, the elder, led Ouyang Mingyue to salute: "Mingzhu (Mingyue) has met the elder sister-in-law."

Hu Yu raised his hand: "Get up, how are your studies lately?"

Women from wealthy families have learned knowledge since childhood, and have various talents in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but Ouyang Mingde is a new rich man. He was born a commoner, as were his two sisters. Their parents died early, and Ouyang Mingde When they were in the army, the two younger sisters were still entrusted to relatives. They had to live under the shelter of others since they were young, and they suffered a lot.

Now that things are getting better, the water in the capital is very deep, and the two of them cannot read or write. Ouyang Mingde hopes that they can learn to read, so he sends them to a women's school. Hu Yu takes the opportunity to pay attention, because she is really looking for Not much else to say.

The original person didn't like the two sisters either. She felt that they were not even as good as her girls. They were not beautiful and illiterate. They were vulgar villagers and did not deserve to be called eldest sister-in-law.

But who knows that when you are alive, you look down on it, but after you die, you regret it, and you don't hesitate to use your merits to make up for this mistake.

Hu Yu showed a gentle smile. Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue were nervous when asked. They didn't know how to answer. They secretly looked at Hu Yu's expression. Seeing her smile, they both knelt down immediately: "Please punish me, sister-in-law." .”

When they came to the capital, their elder brother who could support them went to the outside world, and their eldest sister-in-law took charge of the family. Their life was difficult.

The two of them are not young anymore. They have passed the age to adapt to study, so their grades are naturally very poor. No matter how many complaints they have in their hearts, they cannot resist as their eldest sister-in-law is a mother.

Hu Yu reached out and rubbed his forehead, feeling a deep sense of guilt suddenly welling up in his heart. Hu Yu didn't speak for a while.

If it was the original person, it would definitely be a punishment and cold insult.

Officially because the original person did that, the two sisters knelt down to admit their mistake and asked for punishment.

After a moment of silence, Hu Yu sighed and said: "Your brother has been away for several months, and the border is dangerous and he has not been able to return for a while. He entrusted me to take good care of you. He hopes that I can choose a good man for you, but you should know that a talented man with knowledge can be a good man." People don't like illiterate women. If you are past school age, I will inevitably be a little harsh."

Hu Yu felt that people in ancient times were very polite in their speech. If we put it in modern times, it would be just one sentence, take a pee and look at yourself. If you don't know how to do it, you still want to marry well. You want to eat shit.

That woman doesn't want to marry her husband.

Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue looked up at Hu Yu, with tears in their eyes. It turned out that the elder sister-in-law was too harsh on them for their own good, but they were too short-sighted. Not only did they fail to understand the elder sister-in-law's painstaking efforts, but they also It's really not appropriate to be resentful.

For a moment, guilt and self-blame swept over the two young and ignorant girls.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, we have let down your hard work. My sister and I will definitely study hard in the future and we will not embarrass you and my brother."

Ouyang Mingzhu said to Hu Yu with tears in her eyes.

Hu Yu thought that the road to clearing her name would be a bit torturous, but she didn't expect these two young girls to be so careless.

Hu Yu stepped forward and said earnestly: "It's my fault for not thinking carefully. Knowledge is accumulated over time. It's okay to take your time."


Ouyang Mingzhu leaned on Hu Yu's shoulder and started crying.

Hu Yu also pulled Ouyang Mingyue over, and the two hugged her and took pictures together.

There is no pressure at all. They are just two little girls with no scheming intentions. No matter how bad they were in the past, they can be forgiven by just two kind words.

Hu Yu didn't even need to explain. The two girls made up the story of the elder sister-in-law's well-intentioned education, and voluntarily cleared the past of what they had done.

It’s not that our eldest sister-in-law treats us badly, it’s because she has high hopes for us that she is harsh.

After comforting her for a while, Hu Yu said: "Go to school as usual from now on. Come to my yard after returning home. If you don't understand anything, I will teach you. Girls, in addition to having some knowledge, this face is also very important. Yes, starting from tomorrow, the afternoon will be our maintenance time."

Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue obediently agreed, but with tear-stained faces and dreamy expressions, everything seemed like a dream.

If it is a dream, then this dream is too beautiful.

Hu Yu looked at the ordinary clothes of the two of them, and then ordered the maid to make new clothes for them.

Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue seemed to be suddenly soaked in a honey jar. Their little hearts were beating wildly, but there was also a slight smile on their faces. How could they not be happy to be loved by others.

Hu Yu's eyes were gentle: "When your brother comes back, he will be very happy to see you."

In this boring life, Hu Yu decided to start a business. While making money, he could also earn faith, which are both good things.

As for women, the most important thing is a figure and a face. As long as the method is used correctly, there will be no shortage of gold, silver and money. If you use these to do good things, won't faith come with it?

Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue were naturally ostracized and ridiculed in the school. Originally, the women's school was filled with officials and ministers, no matter how bad they were, they were still literate. If two bumpkins suddenly came here, wouldn't they be bullied?

It's really pitiful to be bullied by others outside and bullied by your elder sister-in-law when you return home.

Hu Yu stretched out her hand and pinched their cheeks: "I will definitely dress you up beautifully so that no one will dare to dislike you again."

Ouyang Mingzhu and Ouyang Mingyue felt panic in their hearts. Today's eldest sister-in-law was so different. She was so kind to them. It made them a little scared, but they didn't know what to do.

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