The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 25 I Can't Stop It! (Please Subscribe!)

In the small town of Beddgelert, all kinds of magical light beams were flying in the sky, and without exception, their targets were the huge black shadow in the sky.

Moran wanted to rush out of the town countless times, but was stopped by Auror desperately.


Silently let out a dull and piercing cry like a wild beast, and rushed towards one direction carrying a huge amount of earth, rock and rubble. Its powerful force formed a deep and long gully on the ground.

Professor McGonagall waved his wand, and used Transfiguration to create a stone statue more than ten meters high, blocking the silent way forward.

Next to her, Professor Flitwick pointed his wand at the stone statue: "All protect Protegototalum!"

The body of the stone statue was instantly enveloped by a burst of white light, and its hands were crossed in a defensive posture.

Silently rushed straight over, collided with the stone statue, and made a loud noise.


The stone statue instantly shattered into pieces, but Mo Ran was also forced to change direction and fly towards the sky.

"Thank you, Minerva!" Fudge thanked Professor McGonagall disheartened.

To be honest, if several professors from Hogwarts hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Moran would have run out from the small town of Beddgelert long ago.

"Connelly, let's say thank you after we deal with this Momoran!" Professor McGonagall looked at the sky solemnly, "It's coming again!"

After silently jumping around in the sky for a few times, he began to try to fly outside again.


A hoarse voice came, and a part of Moran's body was shattered. It turned out that Snape used his unique spell.

Sectumsempra: It is a powerful black magic created by Snape. It is cursed. The place damaged by this spell cannot be regenerated and restored, unless the caster uses a counter-curse to heal it.

But the curse of Shen Feng Wu Ying's curse is only for most creatures, and now it is obviously not effective for Moran, and Snape's spell seems to have angered it

I saw that Moran didn't jump around like before, but was suspended in one place, and the matter on his body was frantically agitated.

It turned into a sphere covered with spikes for a while, and turned into an irregular mist for a while, with a faint golden-red light emitting from all over its body.

Seeing this, the Aurors around him thought that the opportunity had come, and even planned to use magic to imprison it.

One of the Aurors, who appeared to be the leader, yelled, "Use the Binding Curse EVERYONE!!!"

When all the Aurors heard the order, they quickly raised their wands and pointed them at Moran in midair: "Quickly imprison Incarcerous!"

All the Auror's magic wands extended a silver-white light, forming a translucent barrier and sealing it silently.

The Aurors didn't want to take the opportunity to destroy it, because it was an unrealistic fantasy.

Their number and strength are not enough at all, they just need to maintain the enchantment and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Silently imprisoned above a mountain peak more than ten meters high, the black matter on its body was constantly tumbling, and the speed was obviously getting faster and faster.

And at that moment, Mo Ran suddenly shrunk into a sphere the size of a basketball, and before everyone could figure out what was going on, the black substance on Mo Ran's body suddenly exploded, and a huge human face appeared In front of everyone.


Silently let out a shrill and crazy cry.

The enchantment that imprisoned magic was instantly covered with cracks, and the Aurors gritted their teeth and tried their best to maintain it.

Seeing this, several Hogwarts professors rushed to help.

"Protect Protegototalum"]!"

Super Armor Body Protection Protego Horribillis!"

“Immense FlantoDuai!”

Under the blessing of several powerful spells, the enchantment temporarily stabilized, but Momoran obviously didn't want to let it go.

The huge human face shrank back in an instant, and silently re-transformed into an irregular sphere, the black substance on its body was frantically agitated.

The mountain below it seemed to be disintegrating under the influence of its huge power, countless huge mud and stones were attracted into the midair and gradually formed a storm.

Seeing this, Fudge suddenly felt his hand holding the wand tremble involuntarily.

With cold sweat all over his body, he shouted to the Aurors under him: "Everyone hold on!"

Everyone gritted their teeth desperately and persisted, but in the end they were still unable to do what they wanted.

I saw the storm in the enchantment suddenly exploded under the blessing of silent power, and the enchantment shattered instantly.

The huge impact knocked all the surrounding Aurors and Fudge away.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, who were far away, were a little caught off guard when they suddenly saw countless huge pieces of earth and rock flying towards them.

At this moment, Snape suddenly changed shape and flew in front of Professor McGonagall, with the magic war in his hand pointing straight ahead to form a blue protective shield.

Ten seconds later, the momentum of the explosion finally stopped.

The entire town of Beddgelert was razed to the ground. At this time, it was in the place where it was silently imprisoned by the enchantment just now. There was smoke and dust everywhere, and nothing could be seen.

Snape put down his wand with lingering fear. In front of him was a pile of powder as high as a person. It was the powder of earth and rock fragments that had just been flying towards them.

"Severus, are you okay?" Professor McGonagall hurried over to ask.

"I'm fine!" Severus looked seriously at the place where he was silently in the distance just now.

"Where are the others?" Professor Flitwick looked around, because he was too short to see what was going on around him.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not much better!" Snape said, "Just now I vaguely saw Fudge and the Aurors flying out."

"With such great power, it is the best result to keep your life alive."

"By the way, where did Moran go? We should..."

But before Professor McGonagall could finish speaking, a gust of wind blew in, and the smoke and dust covering the ruins of the small town of Beddgelert gradually dissipated.

I saw that the ten-meter-high mountain peak had long since disappeared, and a huge pit with a diameter of tens of meters appeared there in a blink of an eye. It was obvious that the shock wave of the explosion just now spread out from the center of the giant pit and knocked everything out. Razed to the ground.

The whole scene is as if someone drove a bomber and dropped a 3-ton heavy aerial bomb here.

To be honest, this kind of scene is relatively rare in countries at war.

At the edge of the radiation explosion, many Aurors were lying on the ground unknown, their bodies still covered with mud and gravel.

Some people who can still make wailing sounds are not optimistic. Most of them are missing arms and legs.

But there are still some standing [they just launched the defense in time.

But less than half of the Aurors who still have the ability to fight are left, and some of them have to be assigned to deal with the wounded, so they don't know how to deal with the powerful Mo Ran next.

At this time, Moran was floating in the center of the huge pit, and the black substance on his body was still rolling. Although he was not as restless as before, he still exuded a violent aura.

"~ If this continues, everyone here will die!" Snape said with a livid face.

He wasn't kidding, this silently didn't know what was going on, completely beyond their understanding of this dark creature.

Now the Ministry of Magic has more than half of its casualties. With so many people working together just now, they couldn't even imprison this silently, let alone stop it from running away now.

"It's coming again!" Professor McGonagall was on the alert, and when she saw Moran began to move again.

I saw Moran in the huge pit started the riot just now again, the matter on his body was tumbling crazily, and the ground around it began to crack again.

Suddenly, there was an ear-piercing roar silently, and the whole body was wrapped in a large amount of soil and gravel and flew in one direction.

The Aurors who still had combat power quickly wanted to step forward to stop them, but after the battle just now, the magic power on all of them was empty, and they couldn't even use the shape-shifting, so they could only watch silently gradually Fly away.

And Professor McGonagall wanted to stop her, but the shield she made with the Transfiguration Curse was torn into pieces in an instant as if it was made of tofu, and became Moran's body

a member of

"Merlin bless us!" Professor Flitwick prayed.

They have been powerless to stop Momo from running away. Once it runs into a Muggle city, judging from the situation just now, it will definitely cause serious disasters.

And at that time, could the Ministry of Magic really be able to deal with such a serious and large-scale magic exposure accident?

The world of magic will be exposed to (Li Hao) the world, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Ordinary people are usually not in awe of the power beyond common sense, but fear. This kind of human nature has been fully reflected in the Middle Ages.

Among them, the witch-killing operation is the most representative, and it was also an era with the largest number of silent creatures.

And just when everyone looked desperate, everyone seemed to see Mo Ran who had gone away suddenly fly back at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.


A loud sound came, and the smoke and dust rose again, silently returning to the huge pit it created just now.

"F... what happened?!" An Auror looked at all this dully, and he seemed to be a little bit wrong when he saw Moran flying back just now.

"The silent look just now seems to have been blown back by a force!" Another Auror also noticed something strange, but he was not sure.

Because to be honest, how could such a powerful Mo Ran be knocked back, how much strength would it need?!

"No, Mo Ran might really have been beaten back!"


"Look there!"

Several Aurors looked in one direction, and suddenly there were a few more people around Professor McGonagall.

"finally come..………"


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