The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 26 The Little Girl (Please Subscribe!)

"finally come…………"


Seeing that the reinforcements they had been dreaming of had finally arrived, the Aurors breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone collapsed to the ground instantly.

Just a few minutes ago, because the location of the small town of Beddgelert was a bit remote, it took a little time for Bai Hao and Dumbledore to come here.

Under the leadership of Williamson, the two first arrived at the Snowdonia branch of the Ministry of Magic through the Floo network of St. The small town of Gretel.

And just when they were about to reach the small town, several people suddenly saw a huge black shadow flying towards them.

Bai Hao responded with a conditioned reflex and punched Mo Ran away, which is why the scene Auror saw just now happened.

At this time, Dumbledore also joined Professor McGonagall.

"Albus, you are finally here!" Professor McGonagall stepped forward quickly, "This silently caused a great disaster, the entire Muggle town was destroyed, and the Ministry of Magic suffered heavy casualties."

"I see!" Dumbledore nodded solemnly, "Williamson, organize those who can still move, rescue the wounded and send them to St. Mungo's as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Williamson quickly launched Apparatus to organize rescue.

"Minerva, Severus, Felius, please go help Williamson too, I can deal with this silently alone!" Dumbledore turned his head and said to Professor McGonagall.

"Albus, this silent force is very powerful, are you sure?" Professor McGonagall looked at the mess around her, and she still had lingering fears about the explosion just now.

"Don't worry, it's all right!" said Dumbledore calmly, "It's not the first time I've faced such a creature.

"Well, be careful with everything!"

After finishing speaking, Professor McGonagall and others also went to save people.

And on the other side...

At this time, Bai Hao was standing on a huge piece of gravel, looking at Mo Ran embedded in the ground with great interest: "Is this Mo Ran, it feels good to be beaten!" 790

The punch he punched just now was a bit like hitting a harder latex pillow, to be honest, it felt great.

"Bai Hao!" Dumbledore Apparated to Bai Hao's side: "What's going on with this silent?"

Bai Hao shrugged: "I don't know either. It's the first time I've seen this creature in reality. My knowledge of it is limited to the records in books."

"By the way, didn't you say that you have dealt with this thing before, why are you asking me?!"

"And... I'll fuck you!"


While looking at Dumbledore with disdain, Bai Hao beat back Momoran again.

"This kind of creature itself is very mysterious, and their characteristics are materialized magic power and powerful destruction.

"Although I have encountered an obscurity several decades ago, I actually know little about this creature, and the destructive power of the obscurity in front of me is obviously more than the one I encountered decades ago."

While Dumbledore was talking, he raised his hand to block the silent black substance attacking him.

The two monsters, the old one and the young one, were chatting here, suppressed without a magic wand, and could not move silently.

"Then how do we deal with this guy now, can we turn him back?" Bai Hao stimulated his magic power, and a golden magic circle slowly rotated under Mo Ran.

The celestial magic [Wan Zhan Starlight Prison] was silently and instantly imprisoned in a golden cage.

It struggled frantically, but it couldn't shake the power of the stars at all.

"The Obscure will slowly calm down when he meets someone worthy of his trust, and gradually return to a human state." Dumbledore gave an answer.

"Trust people?!" Bai Hao squinted his eyes and looked around, as if he had just experienced a high-intensity war, "I said, professor, in the current situation, where can you find someone who is worthy of silent trust? ?”

"Saint Mungo's or the Underworld?"

"Actually, there is another way!" Dumbledore began to give the second answer, "Although Moran is special and powerful, it still belongs to the ranks of magical creatures.

"Since it is a living thing, it will have physical limitations!"

"Okay, I understand!" Bai Hao rolled up his sleeves silently while watching the prisoner, "Are you coming or me?"

"Let me do it, the Obscure usually doesn't live to be 10 years old, he may still be a child!" Dumbledore took out the Elder Wand, "You are not serious, I'm afraid you will beat him to BE!"

"How can I be so scary!" Bai Hao retorted unhappily. He was still thinking about getting addicted to his hands, and he would have done it without asking.

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, and began to deal with the silent one in front of him.

And Bai Hao felt bored watching by the side, so he turned around and went to help save others!

On the edge of the radiation of the explosion, Professor McGonagall and the others were using the Levitation Charm to dig out the Auror buried under the soil.

"I said how long will I have to do this? People are almost suffocated and have not dug it out yet!" Bai Hao couldn't help complaining while watching this scene.

In fact, it's not that Professor McGonagall and the others don't want to save people quickly. It's because the search and rescue area is large, the search and rescue personnel are few, and the target they are looking for is also very small.

Bai Hao sighed.

Forget it, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, please help!

He stomped his feet violently, and a huge blue magic circle covered the entire ruins.

A powerful updraft flew all the gravel and soil into the air, and the Auror buried underneath was instantly exposed.

"This...this is..." An Auror looked at the scene in front of him in shock, he had never seen such magic before!

Like this Auror, many other Aurors were stunned by the white sky magic.

"I said, what are you doing?!" Bai Wu frowned seeing many people standing there indifferently, "Hurry up and save people!!!"

Everyone woke up immediately after being scolded by Bai Hao, and everyone hurriedly rescued their closest companion and sent them to St. Mungo's.

Thanks to Bai Hao's help (ceaj), all 29 people buried in the ground were found, of which 8 were confirmed dead, 12 were seriously injured, and 9 were in good condition.

Of the eight Aurors who died, only the remains of the bodies were recovered for three.

And Fudge didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky, unlucky because he was one of the 12 seriously injured, fortunately his arm was still there.

The explosion silently made didn't completely blow his arm away, and some flesh was still attached to it.

In this case, St. Mungo's therapist can cure it, but the treatment process is a bit painful, but he is already relatively lucky compared to those Aurors who lack arms and legs.

"Mr. Felkes!" Professor McGonagall came over after finishing everything, and Snape was beside her, "Where is Albus, and how is Momoran?"

Bai Hao looked at the huge crater in the distance: "Silently imprisoned me, Professor Dumbledore is trying to restore him to his original state."

"By the way, why is Professor Flitwick missing?"

"Felius sent those Aurors to St. Mungo's!" Professor McGonagall looked towards the direction of the huge crater, where a white light was faintly shining, "I'll go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, she quickly walked towards the direction where Mo Ran was.

"Professor Snape, are you also very interested in creatures like Obscurity?" Bai Hao looked at Snape with a smile.

This old bat has already left this place long ago, so he will not continue to participate in the affairs here.

Now that he actually followed Professor McGonagall, it was obvious that he had become interested in Mo Ran.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs, Mr. Felkes!" Snape looked at Bai Hao coldly, "If you think you are free, you can try to restore this town

That way you could be on the Daily Prophet tomorrow and be in the spotlight once again. "

After finishing speaking, he dragged his long black robe and walked towards Professor McGonagall.

"Oh...fuck!" Bai Hao looked at Snape's back in shock, "Does this mean that I love vanity?"

"Old Bat is starting to learn irony!"

Professor McGonagall came to Dumbledore and saw him casting magic on Silence in the cage.

The Elder Wand was emitting a silver-white light covering Mo Ran's body, and it could be seen that the black substance on Mo Ran's body was gradually sinking.

"Albus..." Professor McGonagall called out.

Dumbledore turned his head: "Oh! Minerva, how are Fudge and the Aurors doing?"

"Most people have been sent to St. Mungo's." Professor McGonagall cast his eyes on Moran in the cage, "How is it?"

"It should be soon...

I saw that with the output of Dumbledore's magic power, he gradually retracted silently, and a little girl appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh! My God!" Professor McGonagall covered his mouth.

The little girl in front of me was very thin, ragged, and obviously in a state of long-term malnutrition.

At this moment, Bai Hao also came over, and he saw the little girl in the cage at first sight: "Professor Dumbledore, I found some... huh?! How is it a little guy?

He didn't expect that there was such a thin and weak child under Mo Moran who leveled the entire town!

"Bai Hao, please remove the magic!" said Dumbledore.

[Wan Zhan Starlight Prison] is still there, they can't go up to check on this child.

"Oh!" Bai Wu waved his hand, and the golden cage dissipated instantly.

Professor McGonagall quickly stepped forward and hugged the little girl: "It's so light! What has this child experienced?"

It has to be said that silence itself is the product of tragedy, and the lives of silent people are usually not much better!

"Minerva, take her back to Hogwarts first, and put her in my office." Dumbledore told Professor McGonagall, "If the Ministry of Magic wants someone, find a reason to send them away." When go back.

"You must not give this child to them, especially those guys from the Department of Mysteries!"

Professor McGonagall nodded: "Okay, but..."

"Don't worry, the silence in her body won't break out in a short time, everything will be discussed when I go back!"

"I see!"

After speaking, Professor McGonagall took the little obscurant girl and left, but Professor Snape was still standing there.

"Bai Hao, what did you say you found?" Dumbledore turned and asked Bai Hao, who had just heard Bai Hao say that he found something.

"Oh! This is it..."

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!!).

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