The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 27 Reason (Please Subscribe!)

"Oh! That's it..." Bai Hao picked up a fragment of a stone, with obvious signs of weathering and man-made chisel marks, "I just found this in the ruins, and here There are scattered around."

Dumbledore took the stone and looked at it carefully: "This is the forbidden magic stone!"

He recognized what this stone was at a glance.

DevilSealingStone: It is a kind of stone that is not too rare but not too common, its appearance is no different from that of ordinary stones, you may encounter it anywhere in the natural world.

There is a small colored crystal in the forbidden magic stone, which has the effect of almost completely isolating magic power

It is often used in the field of alchemy and the production of various magic props in the magic world [the three puppet targets in the Fairy Tail practice area are made of this stone.

If the number of forbidden magic stones is large enough, it will form a magic forbidden field, making the wizards in it unable to use magic.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of stone that ordinary people who do not know magic have an advantage in the eradication of witches in the Middle Ages.

It is precisely because of the existence of this stone that the "International Federation of Wizards' Secrecy Law" was born.

Otherwise, you think that why wizards have mysterious but powerful power but try to hide themselves is because of the characteristics of the forbidden magic stone and its non-rareness.

"This looks like a fragment of a building. Looking at the patterns on it, it looks like a church!" Snape saw the corner of the stone with angel wings. Usually only teaching would engrave angels on buildings.

Dumbledore pondered for a while, then looked at Bai Hao: "Bai Hao, can you restore the whole town?"

Bai Hao nodded: "It's fine, but what do you want to do?"

"I want to figure out the cause of the silence in that child, if I don't figure it out, I'm afraid that a new silencer will be born in the future.

Dumbledore's concern was not unreasonable.

The small town of Beddgelert is a relatively famous tourist attraction in England, and it is impossible to maintain the surrounding spells.

The Ministry of Magic will definitely need to repair this place in the future, and then erase the memory of all those who are still alive in St. Mungo's and send them back.

Otherwise, once there are more and more people going here to play or visit relatives, and these people can't find the small town of Beddgelert in their memory, then the Muggle government will definitely be alarmed and a lot of trouble will arise.

After all, it is impossible for the Ministry of Magic to really erase the memory of all people, because they simply cannot do so with so many people.

And they couldn't do it even if they could, because that would be a serious violation of the International Statute of Secrecy.

For the sake of the stability of the two worlds, the people who formulated the "International Statute of Secrecy" added some clauses to protect Muggles, one of which is that the Ministry of Magic of each country will not use various reasons to punish Muggles with more than 50 people related to the same accident. The melon group casts a spell with aftereffects.

One of them is the Forgetting Charm, which can cause memory loss.

And now a powerful silent creature appeared inexplicably in the small town of Beddgelert, and this silent creature escaped the detection of the Hogwarts student roster, and the Ministry of Magic hadn't found anything strange here before. It's a bit intriguing.

After the restoration of Baobuqi Town, another one appeared silently after a few years. When the time comes, there will be another battle like today. Who can stand it?

Not everyone is a monster like Dumbledore and Bai Hao, who can suppress Momo by raising their hands.

"Okay, I get it, and I'm also very curious about how Momoran was born!" Bai Hao took out his magic wand and pointed at the ground, the arc of time—ContraFlow!"

A huge silver magic circle instantly covered most of the town, and the stream in the distance began to flow backwards, and the fish in the water were wagging their tails and reversing in the water.

The houses that had already collapsed were gradually built up, and a large amount of soil and stones filled the huge crater formed by the explosion.

Because the coverage of Bai Hao's arc of time is limited, it took Bai Hao about ten minutes to restore the entire town of Beddgelert.

Someone asked why the arc of time can affect the magic stone?

Please, the magic stone blocks the magic power flowing on it or forms a magic power field, while the arc of time acts on time, the two cannot be compared at all.

Bai Hao pointed to a small church in the distance, the stained glass on it glistened against the bottom line of the sun.

"That seems to be a church made of magic stones. I observed it just now. Most of the surrounding pieces of the magic stones flew towards this building. The remaining ones formed the only bridge in the whole town. There are some stone pavements."

"Let's go over and have a look!" Dumbledore walked over first, and Snape followed behind him.

As for Bai Wu, he teleported to the front of the church, and he clearly felt that the magic power around him had froze a bit.

Bai Hao touched the walls of the church, looking at the traces of the weathering of the Temperance Stone, which was at least two or three hundred years old.

Pushing open the slightly heavy door of the church and walking in, the inside is completely different from the outside.

Bai Hao could clearly feel that there was no magic power in the air in the church, and the magic power in his body seemed to have turned into a thick syrup, flowing very slowly.

He saw a shelf next to the door with some brochures on it.

Obviously, this church may be regarded as one of the tourist attractions of this small town.

Bai Hao opened the brochure, and saw some pictures of the church and the introduction of the church appeared in front of him.

From the introduction in the manual, we can know that this church was built in the middle of the fifteenth century, and it is said that people built it to avoid the witches.

At that time, the Black Death was raging across the European continent, and the popes of those religions saw that God was useless, so they could only blame the witch for the Black Death in order to maintain the authority of religion.

"Bai Hao, did you find anything?" Dumbledore walked in with Snape.

Snape frowned as soon as he stepped through the church door.

To be honest, not only him, but all other wizards will feel very uncomfortable when they come to this teaching.

"This church has a history of hundreds of years. It is very old. It is a product of the era of extermination of witches." Bai Hao raised the brochure in his hand and said, "If a child with the ability of wizards stays in this place, he will be silent. It's not surprising either."

As soon as Bai Hao's words fell, Snape walked into the depths of the church on his own.

There are only some chairs for people to worship outside, and nothing can be seen.

There is a statue of Jesus tied to the cross at the innermost part of the church. It looks like a modern handicraft product. How could the refugees have such great thoughts to build a marble statue more than two meters high!

...asking for flowers...‥

There was a dilapidated wooden door on the right side of the statue, Snape pushed it open and walked in, and saw that the inside was very simple.

The two small wooden beds are covered with already washed blue covers and quilts,

A few dilapidated tables and chairs were put together, and some bread and a photo were messily placed on them.

There is also a hanger in the room, with several clothes hanging on it, two of which are old and small, which should belong to the little girl of the obscurity.

Bai Hao and Dumbledore also walked in.

Bai Hao looked around, picked up the photo frame on the table, and saw an elderly nun and a little girl who might only be two or three years old.

The nun's expression was not very good, and the girl lowered her head, unable to see what she looked like.

"Is this the child?!" Bai Hao handed the photo to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took it over and looked at it: "Yes, it's her!"

"It seems that this is where the child lives!"

"But from the layout of the room, this child doesn't look like he's been abused." Bai Hao frowned and said, "And the magic-forbidden field here alone can't form such a powerful silence, let alone Besides, this child can't stay here from birth?!"

"Filks, can you identify what kind of medicine this is?" At this moment, Snape brought over a bottle of medicine.

Bai Hao took the medicine bottle and looked at the instructions on it, and then showed an expression of sudden understanding: "So that's it, I probably know it, so it's autism!"

"What is autism?" Snape asked.

"Autism is also known as autism, which is a name for a mental illness in the Muggle world." Bai Hao explained, "This kind of disease is not uncommon, and it is all born, and it mostly occurs in children who are only a few years old. .”

"Mainly manifested as social interaction impairment, communication impairment, narrow interests, and stereotyped and repetitive behaviors.

"And this bottle of medicine in my hand is called an antagonist, which can slow down the behaviors and symptoms I just mentioned!"

"To be honest, people who suffer from this disease are very painful, not only for themselves, but also for the people around them. You can tell by looking at the nun's expression in that photo."

"I guess that child should be an autistic patient. She was born with a mental illness, coupled with the lack of guidance, it is inevitable that she will be silent!"

"So that's the case, then the matter is probably clear now!" Dumbledore nodded, "I didn't expect so many coincidences to add up to create a powerful dark creature

Snape held the photo thoughtfully

Now that everything has been investigated, the three of them walked out of the church.

Outside, in the small town of Beddgelert, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and the small river is trickling, but there is no trace of strangers.

"Then I'll go back to Hogwarts if there's nothing else to do." Bai Hao stretched his waist, "Goodbye, two professors!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Hao disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant.

"I'm going back too!" Snape also disappeared in an apparition, leaving only Dumbledore standing at the door of the church.

"Alas~~" Dumbledore sighed sadly, "What a troubled time..."

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