The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 28 Fuck? ! (Please Subscribe!)

On the second day of the Moran incident, such a big event happened that the "Daily Prophet" remained silent, and the headline on the front page still published the arrest warrant for Sirius Black.

The Ministry of Magic must have suppressed the matter.

After all, in this silent incident, 26 Muggles have been killed and hundreds of Muggles have been injured according to preliminary statistics. St. Mungo's is still busy jumping up and down

This is already a very serious magic exposure accident.

Moreover, according to statistics, 13 Aurors were killed by the Ministry of Magic, and 6 Aurors had lost most of their combat effectiveness due to serious injuries and permanent disabilities, so they regretted to retire early.

Such a large casualty is relatively rare even in wartime.

Therefore, the "Daily Prophet", as the largest official media in the British magic world, has no reason to step on its own feet.

At Hogwarts at this time, Dumbledore went to help the Ministry of Magic deal with the follow-up matters of Obscurity. Because of fear of accidents, the little girl of Obscurity was temporarily transferred from the principal's office to Fairy Tail.

"Hermione, come here!" Hermione had just returned to the guild when she was dragged directly to her room by Bai Hao.

"What's wrong with "One Five Seven", mysterious?!" Hermione entered the room and looked at Bai Hao strangely.

"You come here first!" Bai Hao took Hermione's hand and walked towards the bathroom.

Seeing this, Hermione seemed to have misunderstood something, and immediately her blood surged, her skin was flushed, and steam rose from her head.

She grabbed Bai Hao's wrist and slammed it on the brakes, her eyes were drawn in circles, and she began to stammer nonsense: " do you want?!"

"No... no... it's okay! We are still students, so things like this are not allowed..."

"Absolutely not!!!"

Bai Hao waited for the dead fish to look at Hermione who was already in a daze, and stretched out his hands to pinch her cheeks: "I said, what are you thinking, "I just want you to help me take a bath!"

"Wash.....shower..." Hermione was about to faint.

Bai Hao clutched his forehead, seeing that he couldn't explain clearly, he directly dragged Hermione into the bathroom, pointed to a child inside and said, "Help me clean this child!"

"Child? What child?!" Hermione opened her eyes dazedly, only to see a ragged child lying on a chair in the bathroom.

"Pervert!" Hermione recovered instantly, and looked at Bai Hao with a look of extreme contempt.

"Where are you thinking!" Bai Hao raised his hand and patted Hermione's head lightly, "Her name is Fran Feniro, and she is the ten silent ones."

"The Obscure?! Obscure?!" When Hermione heard the term "The Obscure", the word "Obscurity" immediately appeared in Hermione's mind.

Bai Hao nodded: "That's right, the silent eruption in her body yesterday caused heavy casualties to the Ministry of Magic and destroyed a small town at the same time."

"Professor Dumbledore brought her back to Hogwarts, but he is now helping the Ministry of Magic to deal with the aftermath, so just in case, he temporarily placed Fran with me

"I see..." Hermione looked at Fran who was lying on the chair, "Then why has she been asleep?"

"I drank some sleeping potion for her. She is probably an autistic patient. I am afraid that she will lose control of her emotions when she is awake, and run out silently!"

"Okay then, I got it!" Hermione took off the wizard robe she was wearing and handed it to Bai Hao, "You go out first, I'll give this child a bath first."

Bai Hao took the clothes: "Okay, I'll wait for you outside, her clothes are on the shelf......"

And ten minutes later, the bathroom door was finally opened, and Hermione walked out from inside.

She held Flan in her arms, with a look of hesitation: "Bai Hao, look at this child..."

"Huh?! What's wrong with this kid?!" Bai Hao looked up and was immediately shocked, "Damn...fuck?!"

On the other side, on the first floor of the guild castle, members came to the guild one after another.

At this time, in front of the bar, Ron was holding Harry's shoulder: "Harry, how is your shattering magic going?"

"Oh~~Don't mention it, I've got a big head now!" Harry shook his head sadly, and just wanted to pick up the water glass in his hand to drink.

With a bang, the water glass was divided into several square pieces!

"Hey, that's it!"

[Crushing Magic] There are extremely high requirements for practitioners. If the control of magic power is not up to standard, it will be like Harry is now, unintentionally smashing the objects around him.

"This........." Ron had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, "Didn't you ask the president what to do?"

"Yes!" Harry took out an embroidery needle and a thin thread, "The president asked me to use magic power for needle threading training. It is best to use magic power instead of doing all the things that hands can do in daily life. .”

"Training like this day after day until I can control the magic power to replace my hands and feet at will, and then I will pass!"

Hearing Harry's words, Ron shivered immediately: "Fortunately, I didn't have the brains to choose [Smash Magic] with you, otherwise my mother would definitely beat me to death when I got home.

This kind of uncontrolled magic will destroy the surrounding objects, Mrs. Molly will definitely let him go to heaven.

"Harry, come to my room!"

And just when Harry and Ron wanted to continue discussing the issue of magic cultivation, a light and shadow owl suddenly appeared in front of the two of them and turned into a paragraph.

"Huh?! Why did the president ask you to go to his room?!" Ron looked at Harry strangely, "You didn't do something that made the president angry again?!"

"This.....No!" Harry thought for a while, with a look of uncertainty on his face: "I've been looking up things about Sirius these days, so I don't have time to do other things!

"Then maybe I just need something for you, go!" Ron patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Okay, I'm going up!" Harry quickly went upstairs and came to Bai Hao's room.

"President, what are you looking for me..... Damn it!" Harry wanted to ask Bai Hao what he was looking for as soon as he entered the door, but he saw an unbelievable scene.

A thin little girl in white pajamas was lying quietly in Hermione's arms, looking a bit dazed.

But what surprised him was not because there was suddenly such a person in the guild, but because this little girl...

Red hair, green eyes, beautiful.

Isn't this what his mother, Lily Evans, was like when she was a child?!

"Harry, you're here..." Bai Hao looked at Harry teasingly, "Come and see your sister!"

"Sister?!!!" Harry stared blankly at Bai Hao, his head was completely confused by the word "sister"......

"Don't scare him!" Hermione glared at Bai Hao, and then began to explain to Harry, "Harry, the thing is actually like this...

ten minutes ago.....

Hermione came out of the bathroom with Fran in her arms, looking shocked.

So Bai Hao looked up and found that for some reason Fran had woken up, but her eyes were still dim.

But these are not the point, the point is that he found that Fran's child looks like Harry.

"Damn...fuck?!" Bai Hao couldn't help Ye Guocui when he saw Fulan's green eyes and red hair.

Before, Fran was dirty, her hair was full of dirt, and her eyes were always closed, so he didn't pay much attention to what she looked like.

But looking at it now, it shocked me for a whole year!

"I said it's no wonder the old bat was acting weird yesterday, wouldn't he have discovered Fran's problem a long time ago?!" Bai Hao thought to himself.

"Wouldn't she be Harry's sister?!" Hermione asked strangely holding Fran.

It was so similar that she had to wonder if Mi-ran had any family connection with Harry.

"Impossible!" Bai Hao shook his head in a daze, "Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort not long after he was born, how could they crawl out of the grave and give birth to Harry's younger sister? They are not zombies !"

"I remember Harry had an aunt?!"

"The Dursleys don't have such good genes!"

"Then do you want to tell Harry about this?"

"Harry...." Bai Hao thought for a while, and suddenly showed a playful smile, "Ah! Of course!"

"Not only Harry, but also someone else!!!"

Bai Wu waved the two light and shadow owls out.

Hermione rolled her eyes when she saw him like this, she knew that Bai Hao's mischief had started again!

"That's the way it is!" Hermione took a few minutes to explain the ins and outs to Harry. 3.2 "So, she really isn't mine..." Harry felt as if his mind was suddenly stuffed with unparseable information, and the CPU was stuck!

"Of course not, it just happens to look alike!" Hermione shook her head, and then glared at Bai Hao, "Bai Hao, just say something, didn't you see that Harry is already stupid?!"

"Pfft!" Bai Hao couldn't help laughing when he saw Harry's embarrassment, "Harry, this person is really not your sister."

"Oh~~" Harry still stood there in a daze.

To be honest, it happened so suddenly that he didn't know how to face such a child.

At this moment, the door of Bai Hao's room was suddenly pushed open.


Snape came in dragging his black robe: "What are you looking for... Lily?!!!"

Snape's eyes widened suddenly when he saw Fran's appearance, and he froze in place at a loss for words.

"Hey~~ That's the expression!" Bai Hao immediately took a photo of Snape.

The appearance of the old bat's gaffe is a rare treasure, so it must be preserved!

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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