The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 31 The Action Begins! (Please Subscribe!)

"So I can only say that it's a bit of karma..."

"He sent Sirius into Azkaban without investigation and trial, and God also made a big joke with him, his proud son turned out to be a Death Eater

Bai Hao feels that no matter which world you are in, the power of cause and effect affects everyone in the dark, and you will eventually have to take responsibility for what you have done, even if you don't know whether you have done it or not.

"So that's the case, so why did you ask me to come here?" Hermione asked, "And asked me to take Crookshanks with me."

"Dumbledore wanted to clear Sirius' grievances, and I agreed to help him as a reward for opening the Dumbledore family library to Fairy Tail." Bai Hao smiled and brought Crookshanks from Hermione's arms. Li hugged him, "But this will require Crookshanks..."

Today's weather is very gloomy, I don't know why, the crows in the Forbidden Forest like to quack at this time.

"Hermione, do you want to go back to the guild?"

It was already noon, and Harry, who had just finished his lunch, asked Hermione.

His attention was always attracted by Crookshanks in Hermione's arms, he wondered why Hermione would bring it to dinner today, usually she would only put it in the dormitory

"Oh...I still have some things to do, I'll go back later!" Hermione looked casual, her eyes were actually looking at Ron not far away and eating potato chips on the table spotted.

Because she brought Crookshanks with her today, Ron kept Scabbers at her distance.

"Really, I still want you to accompany me to see Hagrid." Harry looked sad, "Buckbeak will be executed by the Ministry of Magic today, and Hagrid has been in a bad mood these days.

650 "But if you have something to do, I'll just go with Ron..."

But Hermione didn't seem to hear Harry's words, her attention was always on Scabbers and the hour hand of the pocket watch in her hand.

As the hour and minute hands coincide, noon has arrived, and the action begins...

Hermione turned around and patted Harry's arm, "Harry, wait a moment to attract Ron's attention and make him take his attention away from Scabbers!"

Harry was confused by Hermione's words: "Why... why?!"

"Don't ask, you'll know when everything is over!" Hermione said with a serious face, and then added, "This is Bai Hao's order!"

"Oh.....I see!" Harry heard that the president of his family wanted to do something, so he agreed to the matter in a daze.

Harry glanced at Ron, pursed his lips, and looked very embarrassed.

He really doesn't know how to lie!

But under the urging of Hermione's sharp eyes, he stood up slowly and walked to Ron's side: "Ron!"

"Hi, Harry!" Ron looked up, and then showed a puzzled expression, "What's going on? Your face looks so weird!"

"'s nothing." Harry smiled stiffly, "I just want to discuss the cultivation of the magic circle with you."

"Magic circle?!" Ron was even more confused, "Aren't we going to Hagrid's place later? We can discuss the matter of the magic circle when we return to the guild in the afternoon!"

"Haha... just some small problems, soon!" Seeing that he couldn't make it up, Harry put his hands on Ron's shoulders and forcibly twisted Ron's body so that he was facing the food he was eating. spotted.

Not far away (ceah), Hermione saw that Harry had succeeded, so she whispered in Crookshanks' ear: "Crookshanks, drive him to Hagrid, if he succeeds, I'll give you Open 5 cans!"

When Crookshanks heard that there was canned food, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly stared sharply at Scabbers not far away, ready to move.

Hermione stroked Crookshanks' bristling hair like a brush, and loosened her hands: "Go!"

Crookshanks accelerated on the spot and rushed towards Banban.

Banban, who was eating, suddenly felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and the alarm bells in his head rang crazily.

It turned its head and saw a huge yellow monster rushing towards it.

chirp chirp!!!!

Banban uttered a terrified cry, turned around and ran out of the cafeteria, which caught Ron's attention instantly.

Ron turned his head and found that Crookshanks, who he had been carrying all the time, was running after his pet.

"Scabbets!!!" Ron stood up immediately, and then angrily looked in the direction where Hermione was just now, "Hermione, your...

But before Ron could finish his sentence, he suddenly froze, because he noticed that Hermione, who was sitting there a minute ago, was gone.

This made him who wanted to attack Hermione feel like he was punching the cotton, and he couldn't use his strength everywhere.

He could only turn around and chase outside anxiously: "Ban Ban, don't be afraid!!! I'm coming..."

"Crookshanks, shut up!!!"

Harry blinked his eyes as he watched Ron's receding back, and then reacted: "Ron, wait for me!!!"

He yelled and ran out of the cafeteria...

The little wizards in the cafeteria looked at each other, what happened to this Fairy Tail man, he was so nervous!

On the other side, Fudge, who had just recovered, brought Buckbeak's executioner to Hogwarts.

"Albus!" Fudge walked over with heavy steps.

Hello, Connelly!" Dumbledore said calmly, "I see you are recovering well!"

"It's okay, but there are still some side effects. Now my body is swollen. According to St. Mungo's, it will take at least half a month to go away." Fudge patted his big belly, "But it's okay , does not affect walking."

Dumbledore glanced at the executioner behind him holding a huge axe: "Come with me, end this matter as soon as possible!"

At this time, Crookshanks was chasing after Scabbers, and finally drove him in the direction of Hagrid's cabin.

"Minister Fudge, Professor Dumbledore, you are..."

On the way Dumbledore took Fudge and the executioner to Hagrid's cabin, they encountered White Stink.

"Oh! Hello, Mr. Felkes, long time no see!" Fudge hurried up to say hello.

He is now less and less afraid to underestimate the little wizard in front of him, not only because of his status as the successor of Wen Keluo, but also because of an incident not long ago.

After he was discharged from the hospital, the director of the Department of Mysteries reported to him that the few people they wanted to secretly capture the Obscure were all hanged at the entrance of the Magic Department.

Also attached a message:

These people sneaked into Hogwarts, suspected of being dark wizards [Please investigate and deal with the Ministry of Magic seriously!

by: Bai Hao·Filks

After questioning, the members of the Department of Mysteries had no idea what had happened.

At that time, as soon as they slipped into Hogwarts, their eyes went dark, and the first thing they saw after waking up was their boss.

You must know that everyone in the Department of Mysteries is not weaker than the top Aurors, but these few people were sent back in such a muddled way.

Fudge knew then that this was a warning, and a very serious one at that.

If they dare to send someone to secretly capture the Obscure, then next time these people will disappear forever.

"Long time no see, Minister Fuji!" Bai Hao shook hands with Fuji, then looked him up and down, "You seem to have gained a lot of weight, and it seems that your body is recovering well."

"Oh...everyone says that, but it's just a side effect of some medicine!" Fudge looked depressed.

"Then congratulations on your discharge from the hospital. What are you going to do?" Bai Hao glanced at the executioner behind him, "He also brought a big axe."

"We've come to deal with the hippogriff!" replied Fudge, "it's been dragging on for too long, and it must be done today.

"Hehe..." Bai Hao laughed softly, "I'm just here to deal with a magical animal. Do you need to come to Hogwarts yourself?"

Nonsense, of course I don't want to! Fudge complained wildly in his heart...

If it wasn't for the fear that Dumbledore would get in the way and cause unnecessary trouble, wouldn't it be necessary for me to come to Hogwarts instead of recuperating at home?

He feels wronged, the position of Minister of Magic is getting worse and worse.

"It's all within the responsibility, there is no personal or personal..." Fudge laughed, of course it was impossible for him to speak out what was in his heart.

"Well, I happen to have nothing to do, so I'll go and have a look with you too!"

So Bai Hao and his party walked towards Hagrid's cabin.

At this moment, Harry and Ron followed Scabbers and Crookshanks to Hagrid's cabin.

Ron knocked on the door anxiously: "Hagrid! Hagrid! Are you there?!"

He had just seen Crookshanks chasing Scabbers into Hagrid's cabin from a distance.

"Here we come!" Hagrid's rough voice came from inside the door, and he opened the door, "Oh, it's you, I was going to find you, Ron!"

"It looks like your pet has come to me!"

I saw Hagrid holding Scabbers with one hand and Crookshanks with the other.

He was taken aback when they broke into the house just now!

"Scabbets!" Ron rushed up and carefully hugged Scabbers from Hagrid's hand, "It's good that you're fine, I thought you were going to be eaten by that stupid woman's stupid cat!

call out!

"Ow!" Ron had just finished speaking when he felt a sudden blow to the back of his head.

He scratched his head and turned to look at Harry behind him: "Harry, why did you hit me?"

Harry looked innocent: "Huh?! I didn't do anything!"

"Then who hit me on the head just now?!"

"Then how would I know!"

"I feel like it's you, you're the only one behind me, who else is there besides you?!"


"I said what are you doing here?"

Just when Ron and Harry started bickering, Bai Hao and Dumbledore's party came to Hagrid's cabin....

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!!).

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