The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter Thirty-Two: Identity Exposed (Please Subscribe!)

"I said, what are you doing here?" Bai Hao came over suddenly, "Come to Hagrid's place to play pet fight?"



Seeing Bai Hao's sudden appearance, Ron immediately stopped arguing with Harry, and started complaining about Hermione and Crookshanks' evil deeds instead.

"President, we're not playing!" Ron looked aggrieved, and then raised Scabbers, "Can you please take care of Hermione, her cat wants to eat Scabbers every time she sees it!"

"Puff..." Bai Hao laughed happily, "Isn't it normal for a cat to chase a mouse?"


Ron wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Bai Hao......

"Okay, let's talk about something, you can't let Professor Dumbledore and Minister Fudge stand at the door all the time!"

Bai Hao winked behind him.

Only then did Harry and Ron see Bai Hao followed by two big Buddhas and a man who didn't look like a good person.

"Oh, sorry, Professor Dumbledore, Minister Fudge!"

The two immediately put away their playful emotions. They could release them at will in front of Bai Hao, but they had to restrain themselves a little in front of these two.

"Professor Dumbledore, Minister Fudge, come and have a cup of tea first!" Hagrid greeted standing at the door, "It's not time yet, is it?!"

He was depressed, and he was trying his best to delay Buckbeak's life time.

Bai Wu followed Hagrid into the house.

And Dumbledore walked to the door and looked at Harry and Ron with a questioning look: "Mr. Weasley, don't you go in?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other: "Come in!"

After speaking, the two hurried into the house in a hurry.

Hagrid's hut was originally small, but with so many people suddenly coming in, it seemed extremely crowded now.

Hagrid poured everyone a cup of tea: "Sorry, I have nothing to entertain here, only these tea leaves I picked in the Forbidden Forest, please enjoy them slowly.

"Oh, it's okay, it tastes pretty good!" Fudge took a sip, although the taste was a bit bitter, but he felt very sober.

Bai Hao leaned his back against the threshold, and looked at the two people who were extremely cramped in the room teasingly: "Tell me, what are you doing here if you don't go to lunch break?"

"It's not Hermione, she didn't pay attention to her stupid cat!..." Ron began to tell the whole story, "She knew that Crookshanks wanted to eat Scabbers, but she still brought Scabbers Come to the cafeteria to eat with it, I think she did it on purpose!"

"Crookshanks?! Is it this half-breed kitty?" Hagrid looked at the big yellow cat lying in his arms.

"That's it! Every time I see Scabbers, I jump up." Ron gave Crookshanks a vicious look, "I don't understand, the whole Hogwarts isn't just Scabbers, why is it Keep an eye on Banban!"

Hagrid frowned after hearing Ron's words, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

As an expert on magical animals, he is very aware of the abilities of cat raccoons. Cat raccoons usually don't eat mice, they only attack people with malicious intentions.

So he looked down at Crookshanks, and found that its orange-yellow eyes had been fixed on Scabbers in Ron's hand, and his eyes hadn't shifted from the beginning to the end.

This had to make him suspicious of the fat mouse.

And the next time, Scabbers seemed to feel Hagrid's strange gaze, and suddenly began to feel a little restless.

"Hahaha... Maybe it's because Banban is too fat, that's why Crookshanks keeps staring at him!" Bai Hao smiled, "I remember when he was in the first grade, he was still very big. It's normal, but after Percy gave it to you, it got fatter every year!"

"I think Crookshanks must be focusing on the fat on Scabbers' body. After all, with Scabbers' body size, Crookshanks should be able to starve for a week after eating it."

"President, why do you say that!" Ron stroked Banban's hair aggrievedly, now he felt that the whole world was bullying his pet.

"Ron, is Banban your big brother's pet?" After hearing Bai Hao's words, Hagrid's suspicion deepened.

"That's right, Percy wore Scabbers when he entered Hogwarts, it has lived in our family for more than ten years, and it is an indispensable member of our Weasley family!" Ron replied proudly .

"Oh... Really!" Hagrid showed a thoughtful expression, and then looked at Dumbledore, "Professor, can you come out with me? There are some things I want to talk to you about! "

Dumbledore nodded, and followed Hagrid out of the house.

At this time, Bai Hao hugged Crookshanks who had just been put down by Hagrid, and then showed a mysterious smile.

Ron looked suspiciously at the two people who were whispering outside the door: "What's the matter, why do I feel that Hagrid is a bit weird?"

Harry shrugged: "I don't know, but I feel

Harry glanced at Scabbers who was trembling indiscriminately, and his intuition told him that there was something wrong with the big fat mouse in front of him, and it was a big problem.

He thought for a while, and then took out the notebook he carried with him.

He carefully reviewed the contents of the notebook: Pettigrew Peter..... The missing finger..... The mouse in the gutter...Professor Lupine's evaluation and abnormal reaction to Pettigrew Peter, etc. Wait.

Combined with Hermione's strangeness in the cafeteria just now, and looking at Scabbers in Ron's hand, one of its hands is missing a finger

At this moment, Harry understood everything!

His breathing suddenly became rapid, his guess was correct, Peter Pettigrew was still alive, and he was right in front of him.


Confirming his guess, Harry wanted to immediately rush forward to reveal Peter's true identity, but suddenly felt a powerful force pulling him back.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Ron looked up.

"No... nothing!" Harry shook his head stiffly, shivering all over.

He felt a chill rushing up his back.

I saw Bai Hao squinting his eyes and stretching out a hand to rest on Harry's shoulder, with a flabbergasted smile on his face.

Ron was full of question marks, why was everyone acting weird from just now?

At this moment, Peter couldn't bear it any longer. He felt that his identity must have been exposed. If he didn't run away, he might enter Azkaban to be with the dementors.


"Ow!" Ron felt a sharp pain in his hand.

Banban broke away from his embrace, then jumped up and jumped out of the window.

"What's going on?! Banban suddenly bit me!" Ron covered his fingers in disbelief, "It never bites!"

And just then Hagrid and Dumbledore walked in from the door.

Hagrid looked around: "Ron, where's your pet?!"

"It just bit me and jumped out the window!" Ron was at a loss for words now.

He didn't understand what was going on, why all of a sudden everyone held so much hostility towards his Banban.

"Oops! He must have found out!" Hagrid frowned, and he didn't expect Scabbers to run away in a blink of an eye.

"What's the matter with you all? It's just a mouse, why are you so nervous?" Fudge looked at Hagrid and Dumbledore with serious faces suspiciously, not knowing why.

"There's something wrong with that mouse, it could be an Animagus!" said Dumbledore.

"Pfft!" Fudge was so startled by Dumbledore's words that he spit out the tea he just drank, "Animagus?! Are you sure? Albus..."

"Not sure, but very possible!" Dumbledore said, "Hagrid discovered the anomaly just now, and the two of us were discussing it outside."

"A raccoon is not a cat, even if it's half-breed, it doesn't like to eat mice and it doesn't have the habit of chasing them!" Hagrid began to explain why he suspected Scabbers, "I just heard Ron say that Crewe I realized something was wrong when Keshan kept chasing Banban!"

……ask for flowers……

"Then I heard Ron say that Banban had lived in the Weasleys' house for more than ten years, which further deepened my suspicion.

"How can a mouse live for more than ten years!"

"Connelly, an illegal Animagus who has been hiding in the Weasleys' house for more than ten years, then who is he most likely..." At this moment, Dumbledore looked at him with an intriguing look. To Fudge.

Fudge immediately realized, who else could this be, either a black wizard or a villain!

He quickly stood up: "Let's go after him, he is very likely to be a vicious criminal!"

"But it has been running away for a few minutes, and we don't know in which direction it is going!" Harry said anxiously.

Thinking of this question, everyone looked at Crookshanks who was lying in Bai Hao's arms.

Crookshanks tilted his head: "Meow~~~~" - must add canned food!

On the other side, after Peter escaped from Hagrid's hut, he has been running to the depths of the Forbidden Forest at an extremely fast speed.

Later, in order to speed up its escape, it changed back into a human form and ran forward desperately.

He didn't dare to stop at all, because he always felt that people were chasing him!

And actually he felt right!

Peter was running, and suddenly felt a black shadow rushing towards him.


A black dog rushed over and bit his calf forcefully, and he fell to the ground in an instant,

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH felt like his legs were going to break.

But even so, he was still thinking about running away, and he crawled forward with all his hands and feet.

But the black dog bites very tightly and doesn't let go at all.

As a last resort, Peter transformed himself back into his Animagus state.

Sirius felt his mouth was empty, and when he looked up, he saw a limping mouse staggering towards a hole in the ground.

He immediately rushed up and grabbed Peter, and flung him in the air.

chirp chirp!!!!

Peter screamed again.

Sirius twisted his neck and flung Peter out of the way.

Peter slammed into a tree hard, changed back into human form again and fell to the ground.

"Peter Pettigrew!!!!" Sirius also changed back into a human form, and threw a stone directly at Peter's leg.


Pettigrew Peter's leg is broken...

"AH!!!!!!" Pettigrew howled in pain, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sirius, stop hitting!!!"

Sirius didn't care that much, and didn't stop until he smashed Peter's leg to a bloody mess.

He threw the blood-stained stone aside, and then laughed wildly: "Hahahahahaha...

"Twelve years! Twelve years!"

"Didn't expect it, Peter, I can come out of Azkaban to find you!"

Pettigrew Peter huddled himself into a ball trembling in fear, he looked at Sirius with horror: "I don't want to...I don't want to fight..."

"The Dark Lord, you can't even imagine how he tortured me!"

"He locked me in a dungeon, made me food for dementors, and tortured me with the Cruciatus Curse. …

"I couldn't take it anymore, so I revealed where James and Lily were hiding."

"If... If it was you, you would do the same..."

Sirius stared angrily when he heard Peter's words, and he stepped on Peter's broken leg.

"AHH!!!!" Peter screamed again.

"You are not worthy to be named James and Lily, and you are not worthy to be compared with me. I would rather be tortured to death by the Dark Lord than betray my friends!!!" Sirius roared.

"Oh....It seems that we have learned some terrible secrets by accident..."

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! Son).

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