The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 49 An Annoying Portrait (Please Subscribe!)

Regarding the question of the curse on Dumbledore, Bai Hao suddenly had some inspiration.

So he looked up at the two people who were waiting for an answer and said, "To be honest, cursing is not my field of expertise."

"But I think there is another way, but before that, can I ask the two professors to introduce in detail, what type of death curse is cast by Voldemort?"

As a branch of power in the magical world, curses also exist in many types.

【Death Curse】: Also called Death Curse, a type of curse.

This kind of curse is very rare, and one must die, without exception.

The death curse is subdivided into two types, one is the curse on the physical life, and the other is on the soul.

Common death curses against the body will cause the victim's body to gradually rot or gradually reduce the victim's vitality.

This type of death curse usually makes the victim very painful. You can imagine the situation of a person who was exposed to tens of thousands of millisieverts of nuclear radiation for one minute.

But the death curse for the soul is relatively easy, and even compared with some vicious magic, this curse is more like euthanasia.

This curse only eats away at the soul of the victim.

Except for some impulsive and irritable behaviors in life, the cursed person is no different from ordinary people.

It's just that as the curse deepens, the cursed person will become unconscious intermittently, and each time the unconsciousness will be longer and longer, until finally he will never wake up and become a soulless shell

"The Death Curse on him is constantly eroding his vitality!" Snape's words were short, but he also directly answered Bai Hao's question.

"Oh, that's okay!" Bai Hao said lightly, "If it's a soul-type curse, I really can't do anything about it.

"But if it's like this now, there should be some help."

"But yes, this method may only be accomplished by the Dumbledore family..."

Only the Dumbledore family can complete it?

Dumbledore couldn't help showing a trace of doubt in his eyes when he heard this sentence. He didn't expect his family to be special for a moment.

But Bai Hao ignored Dumbledore's strange look.

The corner of his mouth was raised, and he put on a harmless look, then looked at Dumbledore with a smile and said, "So can the professor ask you to die first?!"

Snape or Dumbledore: "??!!!!......"

the next day.

[The Black family The Black family]: It is one of the largest, oldest, noblest, and richest pure-blood wizarding families in the UK, and it is also one of the twenty-eight sacred families.

Many British wizarding families are closely or distantly related to them.

Like the Malfoy and Lestrange families, the Black family is synonymous with status and wealth.

Their family motto is: always pure.

Members of the Black family are traditionally sorted into the Slytherin House of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But somehow, just a few decades ago, this proud tradition of the Black family was weirdly broken by one person.

Sirius Black was assigned to Slytherin College's arch-enemy --- Gryffindor College.

At this moment, in Grimmauld Square in London, England.

Two figures, one big and one small, stood upright on a street, and behind them were neat houses made of red bricks.

"Harry, are you really not thinking about coming to my place anymore?" Sirius asked Harry with a face of reluctance.

The charges against him were completely cleared a month ago under Dumbledore's operation.

When the Daily Prophet published this news, it caused quite a stir.

For this reason, the Ministry of Magic also endured a lot of pressure from public opinion, and also compensated Sirius with a good amount of compensation.

After all, you have imprisoned people in Azkaban by mistake for so many years, it is really unreasonable not to pay some compensation.

After Sirius was released from house arrest by the Ministry of Magic, the first thing he did when he came out was to find Harry.

He wanted to take Harry into his home to live with him, so as to make up for the responsibility and care of being a godfather for more than ten years.

But obviously, Harry didn't agree to his request.

Harry smiled wryly, and shook his head helplessly: "Sirius, I've said it many times, I'm living quite well in the guild now, there's no need to move to your place."

"And Professor Dumbledore also said that Voldemort has not been completely wiped out now. If I don't stay with Aunt Petunia, I must stay in the guild. This is the safest thing for me!"

"Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, it will only cause trouble for Professor Dumbledore and the president..."

"Okay, I respect your choice!" Sirius nodded unwillingly, but judging from his appearance, he still didn't completely give up his inner thoughts.

Harry sighed helplessly seeing him like this.

I don't know how many times similar conversations have been held in the past month or so.

Sirius would ask him every now and then that he wanted to take him home, hoping he could change his mind.

But the current situation is completely unacceptable!

Just when Harry was having a headache, a voice broke the somewhat awkward atmosphere between the two.

"Harry, Sirius!" Bai Hao came.

Ha (ceaj) raised his head and hurried forward, saying hello cordially: "President, you are here!

Bai Hao nodded with a smile: "Sorry for being late."

"There was some accident with the old bee, and I had to help him to get over."

"Accident? What accident?!" Harry asked curiously.

But before Bai Hao could answer, a figure next to him suddenly stepped up and interrupted their conversation.

I saw Sirius, who is usually arrogant, walked up to Bai Hao and stretched out his hand, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Felkes."

The reason why Sirius did this was because during the days when he was under house arrest in the Ministry of Magic, he gradually learned through various channels what kind of person this little wizard Bai Hao Felkes was. .

The inheritor of Royna La Wen Claw, the Eagle Lord of the contemporary Hogwarts La Wen Claw Academy, and the president of the Fairy Tail guild.

Under his leadership, Lawen Crow Academy has become the top of the four Hogwarts colleges in terms of academic performance, Quidditch, and Defense Against the Dark Arts courses.

The Fairy Tail guild he created defeated four academies in the first wizarding competition, swept the audience, and won both the group arena and the team competition.

In the eyes of many people, powerful and mysterious will always be synonymous with him.

Even Dumbledore once told him that Bai Hao Felkes' power is unfathomable and even stronger than him.

Although he couldn't believe it in his heart, these words came from Dumbledore's mouth, which made him have to seriously evaluate Bai Hao's status in his heart.

Facing such a person, Sirius must maintain enough respect no matter how arrogant he is.

"Hello, Sirius." Bai Hao smiled and shook Sirius' hand, "How does it feel to be free?"

"I have to say, it's very wonderful!" Sirius sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Compared with him who lived in Azkaban for fifteen years, his current life is simply a paradise.

Sleep well, eat well, and feel great!

In Azkaban before, let alone two or three pieces of tasteless rye bread to fill one's stomach every day.

Just talking about the dementor will keep people from sleeping forever.

Withdrawing his slightly intoxicated look, Sirius also started today's business: "Mr. Felkes, you haven't told me why you came to the old man of our Black family.

"Huh?! You don't know?" Hearing Sirius' question, Bai Hao frowned suspiciously, "Didn't Harry tell you what it was?"

As soon as the words fell, the two looked at Harry in unison.

Harry blinked his eyes and glanced at the two of them, and immediately began to scream: "President, you are wronged!"

"You sent me a letter yesterday, just asking me where the ancestral home of Sirius Black's family is, but you didn't say anything specific!"

Seeing Harry's aggrieved face, Bai Hao recalled the process of delivering the letter yesterday, and then slapped his forehead: "Oh! I remembered, it's all the old bee's delay!"

He just remembered.

Because he didn't know the exact address of the Black family's old house, he thought about asking Harry to ask Sirius.

But yesterday, in order to help Dumbledore deal with the curse on his body, he was delayed for a while, and he didn't go to Harry to explain the situation in person.

At that time, he just summoned a light and shadow owl to deliver a letter to Harry, without explaining the specific reason.

Thinking of these, I realized that it was my own negligence.

Bai Hao scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's okay, it's the same if you say it sooner or later, let's go in and talk about it!"

After finishing speaking, he walked straight to Black's old house.

Sirius nodded with a strange expression on his face, and then he and Harry followed.

"By the way, Harry, do you know who the old bee he mentioned just now?" Looking at Bai Hao's handsome back, Sirius lowered his head and asked softly in Harry's ear curiously

"Oh, Zhang Zifeng's nickname..." Harry replied bluntly.

Sirius suddenly understood after hearing Harry's explanation.

I have to say, it's pretty awesome!

No. 12 Grimmauld Place is the old house of the Black family.

The house was invisible to all but a handful of people, although the Muggles next door didn't even know he existed.

The house was inherited by Sirius upon the death of its mistress, Sirius' mother, Mrs Walburga Black in 1985.

Even though he was in Azkaban at the time.

This is also the place where the wizarding world is sometimes incredible.

If Sirius was not wronged, he could only be imprisoned in Azkaban forever until he died.

And for such a ostensibly dead person, is it necessary for the house to be inherited?

Looking up from the street, Black's ancestral house is dirty and messy, and the windows are even more filthy.

The entrance to the house has a scratched, black-painted door with a silver doorknob in the shape of a coiled snake.

There is no keyhole or mailbox on the door, the door can only be opened by magic, but there is a doorbell.

This doorbell will wake up the portrait of Mrs. Walburga Black inside the house.

And to be honest, that last item is kind of annoying...

"Dirty bastard, defile my ancestors!"

As the doorbell rang, the three of them heard vicious and piercing curses as soon as they entered Black's ancestral house.

Both Bai Hao and Harry who were walking in front were startled by the sudden scolding.

Harry pointed to a portrait on the wall hidden behind a musty curtain with some horror: "Sirius, this is..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is my annoying mother..." After finishing speaking, Sirius rushed over angrily and wanted to take off the portrait, but found that it was impossible.

"You rebellious son!"

"Werewolves, mudbloods,

See who he brought with him..."

The portrait of Walburga Black continued to utter harsh curses, which at the same time awakened the surrounding portraits.

So in the long and dark corridor, more and more Blacks began to cast the most vicious spells on the three people in the corridor, and the whole corridor was filled with chaotic curses

"You annoying guys, shut up!! Shut up!!!" Sirius shouted angrily at the surrounding portraits.

But obviously, how could his Gryffindor be more vicious than a dozen Slytherins by himself.

So he actively played his Gryffindor characteristics.

He took out his wand and pointed it at the closest portrait, and shouted, "Reducto!"

A spell hit the portrait, but alas, it had no effect.

It seems that the portraits of the Black family were all created through alchemy, and ordinary spells cannot destroy them at all.

I have to say, this is pure blood!

Seeing that his spell was useless, Sirius raised his wand and thought about using a more advanced spell.

And at this moment...


With a snap of the fingers, the entire corridor suddenly fell silent.

This kind of quietness even makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Actually, to deal with this situation, all you need is a silent spell, don't you think so?" Bai Hao said handsomely in mid-air with a pocket ensemble in one hand.

Wow knock! It was installed by him!

For some reason, Sirius and Harry suddenly had such a sentence in their hearts.

Bai Hao put down his hands, leisurely walked to the portrait that he scolded the most, and lifted the red cloth covered with mildew.

I saw an old lady with sallow skin in the portrait.

She was drooling, wearing a black pointed hat, her mouth was constantly moving, and her eyes were staring fiercely in the direction of Sirius.

"With all due respect, Sirius.

"You are really an outlier in your family!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Felkes!" Sirius stroked his somewhat messy curly hair, not paying any attention to Bai Hao's presumptuous words, "Can it be different from these

Disgusting guy is the luckiest thing in my life!"

"Actually, if it wasn't for Harry, I really don't want to come to this ghost place. Only with these guys, this house will not be peaceful for a day."

"Then do you need my help?" Bai Hao said with a smile, "I can take down all these portraits for you.

"Huh?! Can these portraits be taken down?!" Sirius looked up at Bai Hao in surprise, "I tried many methods before I was imprisoned in Azkaban but couldn't take it down!"

"Small! It's just a permanent sticking spell, it's not too difficult for me!" Bai Hao waved his hand in the ear easily, and then slapped again just like before

refer to.

Just hearing a crisp voice, an invisible magic power reverberated in the corridor of the Black family.

"Okay, it's solved!" Bai Hao put his hand down randomly, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Seeing that the person in front of him solved the problems that had troubled him for many years so easily, Sirius gave Bai Hao a suspicious look, then turned around and grabbed his mother's painting.

Yu photo frame.

With a jerk of both hands, Mrs. Walburga Black's portrait was easily taken down from the wall.

Sirius clutched the frame in disbelief.

He stared hard at his mother in the portrait, and gradually he showed a pleasant smile.



"It's so nice to never have to hear your nasty old woman's voice again!"

Sirius started laughing happily, and even the mustache under his nose curved into a beautiful smile.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Felkes!" Sirius suddenly rushed over and gave Bai Hao a big hug, then turned around and excitedly put the painting of the Black family in the corridor

Like - take it down!

"Is this... Sirius need to be so excited?" Harry walked to Bai Hao's side.

For him, he just saw his godfather successfully cleared some annoying portraits in the house, so it seems that there is nothing to be excited about!

Bai Hao squinted at Harry beside him, sighed Harry's simplicity in his heart, and said in his mouth: "If one day you can really empathize with him through magic,

Then you won't be surprised at the behavior of your godfather at this very moment!"

(Trying to squeeze time to update...).

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