The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 50 Slytherin's Locket (Please Subscribe!)

"If one day you can really empathize with yourself through magic, then you won't be surprised at the behavior of your godfather at this moment!"

People usually say to those who have experienced suffering: I can understand your feelings.

But is it really understandable?

In fact, this is just a rhetoric that people like to use when comforting others!

If people can really understand each other, then there won't be so many sad things in this world...

Looking at the excited Sirius in front of him, Bai Hao couldn't help sighing in his heart. Compared with the dilapidated, dusty old house behind him, he looked obviously out of place.

And just as Sirius was about to take down all the portraits on the wall, an unpleasant voice suddenly came from one side.

"Oh~~ I saw it, it is the person who was called a wimp by the hostess who came back..."

The three of them turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, and saw a short figure suddenly appearing in the shadow of the stairs~.

Seeing this, Sirius squinted his eyes, stood up slowly, and the joy of being able to clear the portraits in the old house just now was swept away in an instant.

"Kecheri, you're still alive!" Sirius' tone was full of sarcasm.

As the voice fell, an ugly house elf slowly walked out of the shadows while supporting the railing of the stairs.

Like many house-elves, this one was barely naked except for a dirty rag.

Its head is bald, its eyes are bloodshot, it is gray, its big fleshy nose is like a pig's nose, and there are a lot of white hairs growing out of its two big bat-like ears.

And it even gives people a feeling that its skin is several times more than what its own body actually needs.

"Kecheri still has a master, Kechari can't die." Kechari said in his hoarse and low voice like a bullfrog, while staring at Sirius, but it's a pity that Kechari's master is a . …

It said the last three words in a very low voice, but in the extremely narrow and quiet surroundings, the three of them still heard what it was saying.

Apparently, the house-elf named Kechley hated Sirius, even now that he was his master.

The corners of Sirius' eyes twitched.

At this moment, he really wanted to rush up and kick this disgusting guy away, but because Harry was still there, he had to restrain himself in order not to spoil the children and maintain a good impression of himself as a parent.

"Oh~~ My master also brought two strangers." Keqieli turned his gaze from Sirius to Bai Hao and Harry at the side, not hiding the hatred on his face at all.

"The portraits of the masters have been taken down, and the carpets of Black's house have been defiled by outsiders. The master will be very sad when he finds out."

"Oh! It's all Kechley's fault!"

"Keqieli was wrong, Keqieli didn't protect the owner's things well, woo~~~~.

As he spoke, Keqieli became more and more agitated, and then began to cry for no reason.

It picked up the poker next to it and beat its own head vigorously, and at the same time wiped its snot and tears with the dirty and worn rags on its body, making it feel like a strange creature with an abnormal brain .

"Enough, useless trash, shut up immediately!"

"Go back to where you should be!"

The veins on Sirius' forehead popped out, and whenever he saw this elf, he would think of the family he hated, so he didn't have any good feelings for Keqieli, even though Keqieli never did anything to hurt him.

After hearing Sirius' order, Keqieli immediately became quiet.

Although it hates Sirius, it cannot disobey Sirius' orders.

So unable to resist the master's order, Keqieli hunched his back, scanned the three people in the room with vicious eyes, and slowly turned around and walked towards the second floor.

Its lips were moving all the time, and some words such as "scum" and "scum" could be vaguely heard.

"and many more!"

But at this moment, a voice broke the communication between the master and the servant.

Bai Wu took a few steps forward, and looked at Keqili who was still climbing the stairs with a flat look: "It can't walk, I want it because of my coming here today!"

"Mr. Felkes?!" Sirius immediately looked at Bai Hao with a puzzled look. He really didn't expect that the purpose of Bai Hao's visit to Black's old house today would have anything to do with Kechley.

He had always guessed that it was some kind of Black family possession that attracted Bai Hao.

"Come here together, you will know the details later..."

So, Sirius dragged Ke Qili back, and the three of them and one elf came to the living room of Black's old house.

The living room is located on the second floor of Black's old house, and it is the most important place in the whole house.

It can be seen that this place used to be gorgeous and exquisite.

There was a large window overlooking the street in front of the house, a large fireplace flanked by two ornate glass cabinets, and one wall was covered in a tapestry of the Blake family tree.

Between the large windows and glass cabinets, there are two exquisite sofas with gold flower patterns, and an old grand piano, which looks like a very precious cultural relic.

But now because of the long-term vacancy and lack of maintenance, the living room of Black's old house is already dilapidated.

The sofa was a bit faded and dusty, and when one sat on it, there was a burst of dust.

The condition of the grand piano is not bad, but the large white leather piano stool has turned black and aged, and the golden python skin wrapped on it is full of cracks.

The chandelier on the ceiling was also full of cobwebs, the curtains were full of foxes, there was a Boggart in the desk, and a nest of dead pufflings in the sofa.

The glass cabinet doors on either side of the fireplace were filthy, and the dark magic objects inside were even more grotesque and didn't look like they wanted to leave the shelves they were on.

These include: a rusty short sword, animal claws, coiled snake skin, a decorative crystal vial filled with blood, a biting silver rhinitis box containing sarcoid powder, and hypnotic music box, and a souvenir box that no one can open, etc...

Bai Hao waved his hand, and a "clean up a new Scourgify" [sat on the sofa after cleaning the living room.

"I'm not going around anymore, I'm here today for Voldemort's Horcrux!"

Sirius and Harry said in unison: "Horcrux?!"

The two were startled immediately, Bai Hao's words were beyond their expectations.

Bai Hao nodded affirmatively: "That's right, Horcruxes!"

"Mr. Felkes, are you saying that the dark lord's soul is hidden in this mansion?" Sirius looked serious.

He had already known about the Horcrux from Harry, but he never expected that there would be a Horcrux hidden in Black's old house.

But it's not surprising when you think about it, after all, the Black family back then was pure-blooded except for Sirius who was a maverick.

Although not all Blacks became Death Eaters, it is reasonable for Voldemort to hide the Horcrux here.

But Bai Hao shook his head at this time.

"Whether it's here or not I'm not sure, but I know it's related to a person."


"Your brother, Regulus Black Regulus Arcturus Black!"

Bai Hao's answer made Sirius' head buzz for a moment.

Yes, why didn't he think of that!

Back then, he was the Dark Lord's loyal apostle!

Bai Hao ignored Sirius' strangeness, but turned his head to look at Keqieli who lowered his head and continued: "I used magic to detect it when I first entered this house, and I didn't feel the uniqueness of the Horcrux. magic.

"Either it is not here, or it was hidden by some special means."

"I have to say that the elf in your family is really special, and my insanity is useless to it."

"Does a house-elf know Occlumency in order to avoid Voldemort's prying eyes on your heart, so you must know where Regulus hid the Horcrux?! 11

Bai Hao didn't pay too much attention to this annoying elf in front of him, but the appearance of Keqieli showed him the direction to find the Horcrux.

Although he knew that the clue of the Horcrux was in Black's old house, he had forgotten where the Horcrux was.

And an elf who knows Occlumency has to make people think.


Hearing Bai Hao's words, Sirius suddenly jumped up from the sofa, rushed to Keqieli before he could stand still, and staggered a bit in the middle.

He firmly grabbed Keqieli's slender arm, stared at it fiercely and said, "Tell me, where is the Dark Lord's Horcrux hidden!"

"I command you to tell the truth!"

"Okay, master." Kreacher replied respectfully with his head down.

But Harry who was beside him noticed that its lips were moving silently, as if it was saying some insulting words.

"It's right there!" Kechley pointed to the glass cabinet by the wall with his thin fingers with long gray nails.

Everyone followed the direction of its fingers and found that it was a very ordinary dusty box lying quietly in the cabinet.

Bai Hao reached into the void and took the box into his hand, ignoring the space.

It was an octagonal golden box, connected to a silver necklace, only the size of a palm, a bit heavy, and the two crystals were fixed with silver bars on the edge.

The crystal is dusty, but the pattern inside can still be seen.

On a golden background, a green S-shaped poisonous snake is grinning with two fangs, surrounded by many unknown black symbols.

That's right, this is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, Slytherin's locket!

After confirming that the box in his hand was a Horcrux, Bai Hao felt it and found that there was a special magic power wrapped on the box to prevent some kind of breath from leaking.

"You used your power to hide the breath of the Horcrux!" Bai Hao turned to look at Keqieli and said, "No wonder I couldn't detect the magic power of the Horcrux when I entered the house."

"Don't touch Master Regulus' things with your dirty hands!" Keqieli suddenly raised his hand and aimed at Bai Hao, "It was given to Kecheli by Master Regulus, and Keqieli returned it to Bai Hao." Did not complete the order given by the master!"

After speaking, I wanted to attack.

Bai Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this, a thought flashed through his mind, and Cherry suddenly fell to the ground and cried out in pain.



"It hurts! It hurts! Kechley's dying! It hurts!!!!"

Sirius looked at Keqili rolling on the ground in shock, he didn't care about its life or death.

He was surprised that Bai Wu didn't make any spell-casting movements from the beginning to the end, but made a house-elf miserable.

At this moment, a chill unavoidably rose in his heart...

He used to have limited knowledge of Bai Hao, but now he is very sure that Bai Hao Felkes is an extremely dangerous person!

after a minute

Bai Hao stopped torturing Keqieli.


Looking at Keqieli who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath with a flat face: "To be honest, I have a good temper, but it doesn't mean that I can accept someone scolding me for no reason!"

"Next time, if I hear you say something rude again, I will let you experience the unforgivable power again!"

As he spoke, Bai Hao shook the locket with his hand, and the blue-purple flame instantly illuminated the entire living room.

Voldemort's soul was the same as before, roaring and turning into a black mist, running out and dissipating in mid-air.

"Okay, it's over!" Bai Hao spread his palms, and the locket that had been broken into several pieces fell to the ground.

At the same time, Harry suddenly felt a burning pain from the scar on his forehead, and a tingling sensation went straight to his temple.

"Hiss~~~It hurts!" Harry yelled, clutching his forehead.

"Harry!?" Sirius was still immersed in the shock of the Horcrux being easily destroyed, but Harry's painful cry called him back from his trance.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?!" Sirius hurriedly grabbed Harry's shoulder and asked worriedly.

Harry was in so much pain that he couldn't answer, he could only curl up on the sofa with cold sweat on his head, trying to relieve the pain in his head.

And Bai Hao sat on the other side of the sofa, crossed his legs and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's just a normal phenomenon, and it will be fine after a while!"

"What the hell is going on, Mr. Felkes?!"

"Didn't Harry tell you that he was also one of Voldemort's Horcruxes?"


On the other side...

Keqieli, who had gradually regained his breath, slowly opened his eyes, and he almost fainted from the excruciating pain just now.

Even though the terrifying human wizard stopped casting spells on it, the severe, unbearable pain still made it lie on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

Ke Qie supported his thin body with his hands, slowly sat up from the ground, shook his aching head, and through his blurred vision, a familiar object instantly appeared

It caught its eyelids and instantly woke it up.

"Ah~~~Uh~~~~" Keqieli's throat sounded like a bullfrog.

It kept moving its skinny legs, slowly crawling to the fragments of the locket.

It picked up a fragment in each of its two hands, and looked at it carefully with unbelievable eyes, as if it was determining something.

in a while.......

On the other side, Sirius, who had just finished listening to Bai Hao's explanation, suddenly heard bursts of mournful cries.

He turned his head to look, and it turned out that it was his own elf who was crying loudly with his head bowed.

"What are you crazy about!" Sirius yelled at Keqieli.

Having just learned that his godson is a Horcrux, he is very irritable now, and Keqieli's crying is now tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

So he rushed over and kicked Kechley away, and when he was thinking of continuing to reprimand him, he saw the fragments of the Slytherin locket in Kechley's hand.

Sirius sneered and said, "Heh! So you did it for this!"

"Are you that sad that the Dark Lord's Horcrux was destroyed?"

"But it's not surprising, after all, it's something that my younger brother gave you to protect."

After the ridicule, Sirius turned around and wanted to check on Harry's situation, but Ke Qili's words made him stop in an instant.

"Kecheri has completed, Kecheli has finally completed Master Regulus' order!"

"The box is broken at last, Kechley is not a bad elf, a bad elf..."

While crying, Keqieli hammered his head with the fragments of the locket.

It seemed to hate itself for not being able to fulfill Regulus' orders.

"Kecheri, what did you say?!" Sirius turned around and stared at Kechley with wide eyes, "You just said that Regulus ordered you to destroy the Horcrux?!"

"Bad elf.....bad elf..."

"Enough, Kecelli, answer my question!"

So under the order of Sirius, Keqieli stopped crying, and slowly revealed Regulus's secret before he died.

(Trying to squeeze the time code word is being updated...).

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