The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 8 Ilvermorny School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry (Please Subscribe!)

"You're all right, Carlos." Dumbledore held out his hand to the man with the goatee before him.

"I'm fine, Albus. I've never imagined that I'm feeling better now in more than ten years." Carloff held Dumbledore's hand with a smug look on his face.

This is completely different from his usual indifferent and sharp appearance.

This is because he discovered two months ago that the Dark Mark on his arm suddenly disappeared.

This meant that the horrible Dark Lord would not be coming back, which made him happy until now.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Dumbledore continued to run onto the stage and continued the welcoming ceremony.

"Next, let's invite our friends from the land of Africa, the envoy of the Waggadu Magic School, and their principal: Bajid Akinbad!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was no one, but a group of large and small animals rushed into the auditorium from outside the door.

They include eagles, elephants, lions, cheetahs, porcupines, gerbils, etc., without exception, are common animals on the African savannah.

This stunned the little wizards present.

"Minerva, is that an Animagus?" Professor Flitwick, who was sitting in the professor's seat, couldn't help being curious when he saw this, and asked the transfiguration master sitting next to him.

"No, Felius."

Professor McGonagall looked at the Waggadu students who had just transformed from animals into adults with a serious look.

"I've heard before that Waggadu has mastered a very advanced self-transformation technique, and can turn into an animal at will like an Animagus."

"But unlike Animagus, their transfiguration can be noticed, at least they can't hide it from me."

Speaking of this, Professor McGonagall showed a proud expression.

The students in Ouagadou are not like the previous two schools. They come in a mixed team of boys and girls, and the leader is a boy named Gato Barnetta.

All of them are black, wearing traditional African colorful robes, traditional Ugandan bark clothes on their shoulders, and strings of small animal parts around their necks and wrists.

I heard that people in this school don't use wands very often, and are often good at casting spells without wands.

There used to be some people with racial discrimination who spoke badly to the students of Ouagadou. They either had their tongues dropped silently, their jaws were broken, or even their necks were wiped.

But because no one has ever seen the people of Wajiadu make a move, so this matter can only be left alone in the end.

Bai Hao's evaluation of this school is: very wild!

"Long time no see, Bakid!" Dumbledore walked forward with his arms open.

Bajid Akinbad is a very kind-faced black man with thinning and white hair and a thick beard that is also white. He seems to be quite old.

But he looks very energetic, his eyes are bright, and he looks like a very advanced wise man.

"Long time no see, Albus!" Bakid patted Dumbledore's back lightly, and asked a question in a low voice, "Is it true about Voldemort?"

Dumbledore nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes!"

After getting the answer he wanted, Bakid nodded with a smile, turned around and took his students to their seats.

"At last, let us welcome the strong men of the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and their headmaster: Serafina Piccolo!"

Oh hoo, Hogwarts' nemesis is here.

Bai Hao looked in the direction of the gate with great interest.

It is different from the three magic schools in Europe.

Beauxbaton, Armstrong, and Hogwarts, there is a very pure competitive relationship between them, and there is no enmity.

But Ilvermorny has a proper and natural opposition to Hogwarts.

First, one of its founders was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin.

Second, it also has four houses, four representing animals, and even the sorting ceremony is more or less the same.

There are four houses in the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Longhorn College, Cat Leopard College, Thunderbird College and Goblin College.

Longhorn Water Snake Academy: Represents the wisdom of wizards and wizards, and prefers to accept those who love to read. The characteristics of this house correspond to Hogwarts between "Lawen Crow" and "Slytherin".

Thunderbird Academy: Represents the souls of witches and wizards, and most of the students are adventurous. This house feature corresponds to Hogwarts between "Gryffindor" and "Hufflepuff".

Cat Leopard Academy: Represents the body of witches and wizards who may worship warriors. This house feature corresponds to Hogwarts' "Gryffindor" and "Slytherin"|between the two.

Goblin Academy: Also known as Pukeqi Academy, it represents the hearts of witches and wizards, and most of the students are kind-hearted healers. The characteristics of this house correspond to Hogwarts' "Raven Claw" and "Hufflepuff".

Ilvermorny Sorting Ceremony:

When a student enters the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their education, they are first taken into the rotunda at the entrance to the castle, where there are four engravings representing the four houses.

As new students file into the rotunda, the rest of the faculty and students watch from the circular terrace above.

The freshmen stood in a circle against the wall, and were called one by one to stand on the Gordian Knot carved in the center of the stone floor of the hall (an item in Western legend, whoever can untie this knot, Can become king of Asia), four statues with magical powers will consider whether to want the student to enroll in their academy.

But everything has special circumstances.

There have been instances in Ilvermorny of more than one house statue expressing a willingness to recruit students.

At this time, the right to choose falls on the student himself, which is very similar to the sorting hat.

But this situation is also very rare, maybe only once in ten years.

The current headmaster of Ilvermorny, Serafina Piccoli, encountered a situation where all four colleges wanted to recruit her, and finally she chose Longhorn Water Serpent College.

In the 1920s, Serafina Piccolo served as the chairman of the Magic Congress of the Beacon Country for several years, and she was the most prestigious witch at that time.

Shortly after Grindelwald's defeat by Dumbledore in 1945, she became the Headmaster of the Dharma and Magic School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to this day.

Maybe it's because it was the last wizarding school to be established, or maybe one of its founders was a No-Maj.

The establishment and development of Ilvermorny closely followed the development of the modern Western world.

This has led to their teaching concepts being more open and advanced than many magic schools in the world[Gradually becoming the third of the world's most democratic, most teaching great magic schools.

In this way, a stone hut built by a Slytherin Hou Yi and a No-Maj completed the development achievements of other magic schools for thousands of years in just over three hundred years, and gradually became the best in the world. Signs of a magic school, but its operating structure is almost exactly the same as Hogwarts.

Do you think this is acceptable to Hogwarts?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

The Ilvermorny student delegation was also a mix of men and women, but it was unclear who was leading the charge.

The boys and girls wore blue and raspberry robes respectively, and walked in in two rows with their heads held high.

Following them are four huge representative animal lights and shadows: horned water snake, thunderbird, cat leopard, goblin.

They flew in from the gate, hovered over the four long tables in the auditorium, and made their own unique calls.

Much more outrageous and blatantly provocative than Armstrong's!

What the hell?!

Seeing this, the little wizards of Hogwarts were very indignant, wishing they could immediately take out their wands and say: You fucking come and practice!

But Dumbledore didn't have any dissatisfaction, he happily walked towards his old friend.

"~ Welcome, Serafina, you are still the same, I forgot when was the last time the two of us saw each other!"

"Twenty-one years ago, Albus, you were at the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards, but you were worrying about a very troublesome student at that time, and it seemed (Li Lihao) didn't pay attention to me." Seraphina replied with a smile.

She seems like a very dignified person.

He has regular facial features, wheat-colored skin, a black gold-plated scarf on his head, and two pieces of light-blond hair protruding from his head by his ears, forming two perfect legs.

Even though she is very old now, it can be seen from her face that she is a very capable person.

"Oh, that's really embarrassing..." Dumbledore smiled, and didn't feel any discomfort because of Serafina's teasing, "Then please let me make up for that rudeness."

"I am looking forward!"

Serafina nodded, and led her students to her seat.

After the welcoming ceremony, Dumbledore couldn't wait to walk back to the podium.

He has been staring at the ice cream on the table for a long time, if he doesn't eat it, it will melt!

"The guests have already taken their seats, so I announce that the dinner party will begin!"

The candles in the auditorium suddenly lit up a little bit, and delicious food filled with aroma appeared on the dining table.

Everyone found that this year's entrance banquet was richer than previous years, and it had a lot of local characteristics.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! level).

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