The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 9 The Ministry Of Magic Was Overthrown! (Please Subscribe!)

The dinner ended in a lively discussion.

After Dumbledore wiped his sugar-stained mouth and hands with a handkerchief, he walked to the podium again.

"Please pay attention, here I have something to say to my classmates.

"Eternal glory, he is waiting for the student who won the five-wizard competition, but that student must first complete five tasks, five extremely dangerous and difficult tasks.

"So in view of the above reasons, after deliberation, the Ministry of Magic has issued a new regulation."

"Now, I would like to ask Barty Crouch, director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, to explain further."

The voice just fell......

A stiff-looking man with short gray hair in 80s and 20s stood up from the professor's seat.

"Is he the one Bai Hao said he lost his position as Minister of Magic because his son was a Death Eater?!"

Hermione suddenly felt that the name was very familiar.

She gradually remembered that she had heard the name when she was dating Bai Hao in Hogsmeade last year.

And just as Barty Crouch was walking towards the podium in a serious manner, the entire auditorium suddenly thundered and thundered, and bursts of huge thunder came from above the head, startling the people sitting below.

The simulacra spell on the ceiling of the Great Hall is out of control again!

Bai Hao sighed helplessly.

The charm of this ceiling was left by the four founders when they established Hogwarts. It has not been maintained by anyone for so many years, so things like thunderstorms often happen...

But the thunder did not last long.

A magic spell suddenly shot out from a corner of the auditorium, ripples appeared on the chaotic ceiling, and it fell silent instantly.

"Wow! It's Mad-Eye Alastor Moody!" Ron recognized the 297 people standing in the dark corner at a glance, "I heard that half of the prisoners in Azkaban were captured by him."

Listening to Ron's explanation, Harry also looked curiously.

From the look of this person, it seems that he is not easy to mess with.

Alastor Moody, nicknamed Mad-Eye Madeyes, is known by many dark wizards as a vengeful devil.

To be honest, he looks very ugly.

Possibly from his years as an Auror against Dark wizards, a chunk of flesh on his nose is missing and his face is bruised.

Coupled with his rough dark gray hair, it gives people a feeling of old and rotten wood.

Moody has a moving magic eye that can see through, which is where his nickname comes from.

His right leg was also broken due to an injury and replaced by a wooden prosthetic leg, so he always walks with a limp.

Bai Hao took a closer look at it from a distance, and he was sure it was genuine!

To be honest, he was really afraid that Barty Crouch Jr. would come out.

It's no big deal to say the man, but the flies are always annoying.

He killed Voldemort, and the will of the world can even create a terrorist attack on him after the Quidditch World Cup, what else is impossible?!

Moody limped out of the dark corner, leaning on a cane.

Dumbledore stepped forward and took his hand: "Thank you for coming, old friend!"

"This ceiling is still the same after so many years, it's so stupid!" Moody complained for a while.

The ceiling was like this when he was studying at Hogwarts, and he didn't know how to find someone to fix it!

In this regard, Bai Hao said that heroes see the same thing!

"It seems that this semester, Mr. Magic Eye will be our professor of defense against the black arts (cecf) class." Luna's tone was very soft, but with certainty, do you know where Professor Lupine has gone?"

Bai Hao shrugged: "I don't know, but I heard that his werewolf identity was discovered by some Slytherin students, so he had to resign as a professor

"That's such a pity, he is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor I've ever seen!" Luna glanced at Mad-Eye not far away, "As a werewolf, if he loses his job, he will become a very sad."

She remembered the first time she'd met Lupine, he'd come to class in old, tattered clothes, obviously living a rough life.

"Don't worry about him, Sirius should help him..."

The ceiling fell silent, and Barty Crouch continued with his work.

I saw him standing on the podium with a serious expression, and began to announce the decision of the magic one by one.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after careful consideration, the Ministry of Magic has finally decided."

"For the sake of safety, all students under the age of 17 are not allowed to sign up for this five-wild competition!"

As soon as these two sentences were finished, it aroused fierce opposition from the young wizards in the audience.

"What, no one under 17?! It's so unfair!"

"What kind of bullshit decision! We also want to participate in this competition!"

"That's right, why can't you participate! You must know that the final winner can get 2,000 Gold Galleons!"

The little wizards quarreled, and put Barty Crouch, who hadn't finished speaking, directly on the stage.

Upon seeing this, Dumbledore uttered a loud voice [Sonorus]: "Quiet!!!"

The audience fell silent in an instant.

"Crouch, I'm sorry, please continue!"

Crouch's face was livid, and his whole body was as stiff as a robot.

He turned his head and continued to say to the students: "The Five Powers Tournament is a very dangerous event for students, so the above decision has been strictly discussed by the Ministry of Magic and has been changed!"

"However, there are exceptions!"

"The Ministry of Magic has decided that members of the Fairy Tail Guild can make an exception to participate in this event."

"And if students under the age of 17 want to participate in this five-wizard hegemony, the prerequisite is that you can defeat any member of the Fairy Tail guild in the wizard duel.

As soon as this sentence came out, all the students turned their attention to the long table of Raven Klau.

I saw Bai Hao sitting there in a daze, with the question mark on his head pointing to the ceiling.

What the hell!? What the hell is going on with my guild?!

No one discussed it with me in advance!

Bai Hao's face turned black, and he slapped the table angrily: "No, when did this TND decide, why didn't I know?!"

"What's the matter?! Want to use Fairy Tail as a weapon?! If you don't explain clearly today, I'll blow up your Ministry of Magic!"

As he spoke, lightning and flames came out of his hands, as if he wanted to blow up the school together.

"Wow! Calm down, calm down! Eagle Lord!!!"

"This is still at school, if we blow up here, we will have nowhere to eat!"

Seeing this, the eaglets around immediately rushed to grab Bai Hao.

They knew that if they didn't step forward to stop it, their eagle master would definitely blow Crouch and the auditorium to the sky.

"Crouch, what's going on?!" Dumbledore also frowned and stepped forward to question.

He had no knowledge of the decision of the Ministry of Magic.

What does the Ministry of Magic want to do?

What's the benefit of pissing off Bai Hao, the evil star?!

"Wait a minute, Albus." Crouch raised his hand and pressed on his chest, and then walked up to Bai Hao with an envelope.

"Mr. Fudge, here is a letter from Secretary Fudge."

Looking at the letter with the seal of the Ministry of Magic in front of him, Bai Hao took the letter with a dark face.

Open the envelope, there is an ordinary letter inside, and a piece of parchment.

Bai Hao first started to read the contents of the letter.

All the wizards around Hogwarts, including students and professors, did not dare to make the slightest sound, as if they were afraid of disturbing him.

This made the students and principals of the four magic schools who had just arrived feel a little unbelievable.

After reading the contents of the letter, and looking at the parchment in the other hand, Bai Hao's face became a little better, but he was still very angry.

He squeezed the letter in his hand, and a passive fire ignited.

"Tell Fudge, I promise, but not as an example!"

"Next time the Ministry of Magic dares to make its own decisions, don't blame me for being rude!"

The corners of Crouch's eyes twitched, and he nodded: "I will tell the truth."

If it wasn't for Fudge telling him repeatedly not to run into Bai Hao Felix before he came, he would have had an attack just now.

Even if you are a descendant of Raven Klaw and Slytherin, you are too arrogant!

Threat to the Ministry of Magic?!

Simply unheard of!

This was not only what Crouch was thinking at this time, but also the thoughts of the students and principals of the four wizarding schools present except Hogwarts.

But it's not their fault. A lack of understanding of Bai Hao will lead people to make wrong judgments.

After announcing all the rules, Crouch sat back in his seat.

He wanted to go, he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

But no, he's here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, and he can't leave until it's all over.

Dumbledore took out the Elder Wand, and began the last agenda item for the evening.

With a wave of his hand, a cup half as tall as a person suddenly appeared in front of everyone, blazing blue flames.

"This is the Goblet of Fire!"

"Students who want to sign up for this competition, please remember that you need to throw the parchment with your name on it into the fire before Thursday night this week."

"At that time, the Goblet of Fire will select five warriors to participate in this competition."

"I'm here to remind everyone again, please be careful when registering, because once you are selected, you will have no way out!"

So far, everything tonight is over.

The young wizards began to return to their dormitories, and the guests also went to their resting places.

However, just as the students were walking towards the gate one after another, a voice made everyone stop.

"Mr. Felix, please stay!"

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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