"Excuse me, may I also learn magic from you?" Just then, a voice sounded from the side.

Several people turned their heads and looked, and several students with the Hufflepuff emblem on their school uniforms appeared in front of them. Among them, a handsome boy with fair skin was particularly eye-catching, and he was the one who spoke just now.

"You are..." Bai Hao frowned, he always felt as if he had seen this boy somewhere.

"You're Cedric Diggory, captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team?" Harry recognized Cedric first, after Gryffindor and Hufflepuff played several Quidditch games before. During scrims, he was impressed with the Hufflepuff Seeker.

"Oh... so he is Cedric!" Bai Hao remembered who the boy in front of him was, and he still had a little impression of Cedric, after all, he is a rare unlucky ghost in the seven parts of the HP world.

"Hello, my name is Cedric Diggory, a third-year student at Hufflepuff College." Cedric smiled shyly, and he also felt that he was a bit awkward just now.

"You said just now that you want to learn magic from me?" Bai Hao raised his eyebrows. It's not that he doesn't want to teach it, but that his magic can't be taught to everyone.

Judging from the original book, Cedric, as a Hufflepuff, is an upright, kind, brave, and excellent young wizard.

But for Bai Hao, his knowledge of Cedric is limited to the blurred movie clips in his memory. If Cedric learns the magic circle and goes out to misbehave, then Bai Hao will have to wipe his own ass.

"Yes, it may be presumptuous, but I really want to learn magic with you." Cedric nodded seriously.

Cedric had heard of Bai Hao's reputation since the beginning of school, and thought it was an excellent freshman who had mastered the magic of flying.

But after Halloween, the horror game activities designed by Bai Hao and the killing of trolls caused a sensation in the school, and then he realized that this little wizard who swept the school was not simple.

In fact, it was nothing, until today when he came to the cafeteria with his friends to eat as usual, he happened to pass by the four of Bai Hao and unconsciously heard their speech, so he suddenly had the idea of ​​learning magic from Bai Hao.

"Then why do you want to learn magic with me? You know I'm only a first-year student." Bai Hao asked tentatively.

Cedric smiled wryly: "My friends and I have participated in the game you designed on Halloween. It is very powerful magic. If the first-year students at Hogwarts are like you, I am afraid we will have to go home to drink milk." gone."

Thinking of his experience in the game that day, he shivered all over. In the past few days, when he fell asleep, he could dream of several people with knives chasing him.

"Well... how about it, I can teach you magic, but you need to go through my experiments first." Bai Hao thought for a while, and planned to conduct some simple experiments on Cedric.

"Of course, I..." Before Cedric could finish speaking, Bai Hao drew out his wand and tapped it on his forehead: [Illusion Magic—Skyscraper] activated.

Then Cedric just froze there, eyes closed and motionless.

"Hey! What did you do to him?" Cedric's friend next to him said angrily when he saw Bai Hao cast magic on Cedric suddenly.

"Don't worry, it's the same magic as on Halloween, he will wake up in about ten minutes." Bai Hao waved his hand.

As long as Cedric passes the test of illusion, Bai Hao is willing to teach him the magic circle.

In the illusion...

Cedric opened his eyes and suddenly found himself lying on a small island.

This island is very small, and you can walk from one end of the island to the other in a dozen steps, and there is a stranger who I don't know lying next to him.

Looking around, there is a coconut tree and a box on the island, but there is nothing else.

"Why am I here?" was Cedric's first thought.

Bai Hao temporarily sealed the memory of magic for him when he entered the illusion, so now Cedric is just an ordinary person.

Cedric looked at the person lying next to him. It was a man with dark skin, sloppy clothes, long hair and beard, and black eyeshadow.

"Sir, wake up!" Cedric pushed the man hard, but there was no movement. After pushing again a few times, the man still didn't seem to wake up at all.

So Cedric searched around, picked up a coconut shell, scooped up a few shells of seawater and splashed it on the man's face, and the man slowly woke up.

"Huh? What's going on? Where am I?" The man woke up and looked around suspiciously, and then saw Cedric, "Who are you?"

"You finally woke up, sir." Cedric smiled happily, "I don't know where this is, I only know that we are trapped on this small island now."

The man sat up and looked around: "Oh! So it's here."

Cedric's eyes widened excitedly: "Do you know where this is?"

The man nodded: "I know, this is a small sandbar on a commercial route of the Great Airway. There used to be a big island here, but for some reason, most of the land sank to the bottom of the sea. All that remains is this sandbar and a coconut tree on it."

Great route? Where did it come from?

Cedric didn't know why, but now he couldn't think so much: "Then do you know how we can leave this island?"

The man sighed: "There will be a fixed fleet passing by here every ten days, but there was already a fleet yesterday, and we can only be rescued after ten days."

Cedric frowned: "How did you know that a fleet passed by here yesterday?"

The man stood up: "Because I am the captain of one of the ships in the fleet. I was fishing when I passed by here last night. I was dragged into the sea by a fish without paying attention, and then I saw you when I woke up." .”

The man looked at Cedric with hope, and guessed what he was thinking: "Boy, don't expect a ship to pass here ten days ago. I have traveled this route for more than ten years without exception."

Cedric lowered his head in frustration: "Then what should we do now?"

The man didn't speak. He went straight to the box that was washed ashore and opened it. There were two bottles of wine and some food in it, but some of them were soaked in the sea and I don't know if they could still be eaten.

Jack packed up the supplies in the box: "My name is Jack, and I am the captain of the Black Pearl Merchant Ship."

"I took a look just now, and the food and coconuts in it can last up to 3 days for the two of us."

"If we're lucky, a few fish should last us another two days."

"But don't worry, kid, I'll get you out."

Cedric nodded: "Thank you, Captain Jack!"


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