
Day 1: The two spend their days as normal.

The next day: The two caught two palm-sized fish, making up for the shortage of food.

Day 3: Captain Jack has a fever, probably from being dragged overboard or washed ashore, and the wound is now infected.

Day 4: Captain Jack is unconscious. Cedric's best efforts have failed to make him better. Food is almost gone.

Day 5: Captain Jack is still groggy, the food has been eaten, and there is still a bottle of wine and 2 coconuts left. Cedric gave Jack both coconuts, hoping that he will get better.

Day 6: With no food, Captain Jack couldn't hold it anymore. He wanted to drink a few sips of wine before he died. Cedric gave him the remaining half bottle of wine.

Day 7: Captain Jack died. Cedric felt extremely lonely and irritable. The intense hunger was attacking his sanity, but fortunately, it rained a little at night, which made him wake up a little bit.

Day 8: Cedric couldn't hold on any longer. Now he could see things in a blur. He looked at Captain Jack's corpse. The strong sense of hunger was driving him to do something against human nature.

Day 9: Cedric has not eaten for five days and four nights. After waking up in a daze, he had hallucinations and thought that Captain Jack was food, but when his lips were about to touch Captain Jack’s body, He regained his senses and jumped into the sea, drinking a few mouthfuls of sea water to keep himself awake.

Day Ten: Cedric is saved.

In the canteen, except for Bai Hao, everyone looked at Cedric nervously, fearing that something might happen to him.

Finally, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Cedric slowly woke up, and he looked around in a daze before he could get out of the illusion.

The friend on the side shook him worriedly: "Cedric, how are you? Are you all right?"

Cedric frowned and patted his forehead: "What's wrong with me? I remember that I was on a small island just now and was about to die."

"That's just an illusion created by me, you've passed." Bai Hao looked at Cedric with a smile, with a sense of appreciation in his heart, "Digory, you are a real Hufflepuff, your Hufflepuff The Academy should be proud to have you."

Bai Hao watched the whole process of Cedric in the illusion. This is just a very simple test of human nature. In fact, Cedric had already passed the test on the sixth day, but Bai Hao wanted to see him To what extent can it be achieved.

Apart from other things, Bai Hao has seen Cedric's kindness enough, knowing that there are still a few days before he can be rescued and he is already in a state of extreme hunger and thirst, he still gives up the living supplies to a dying Man, this is not something anyone can do.

"Hermione, give me the book." Bai Hao looked at Hermione.

Hermione handed over the book she just got from Bai Hao, and it said "Basic Knowledge of Magic Circle" on the cover.

Bai Hao tapped it with his wand: GeminoCurse, an exact copy of the book was copied.

Handed the book to Cedric: "Come to me after learning this book."


Hermione watched Cedric, who was still a little confused, leave, and turned to Bai Hao who continued to fight with the food and asked, "Bai Hao, are you going to hand the book to him like this? Are you afraid that he will leak your magic?" ?”

Bai Hao was gnawing on a roasted pig's trotter: "It's okay, I took a hair from him when he entered the illusion, and the book was blank for anyone but him, and he couldn't read the contents of the book." Write it elsewhere."

Hermione picked up the "Magic Circle Basics" in her hand: "What about my book?"

"Wow!" Bai Hao gnawed off a large piece of meat from the pig's trotters, looked at Harry and Ron, "You two really don't want to learn?"

The two shook their heads. They knew their own business, so let's learn what the professors said in class first.

Bai Hao shrugged: "Okay, since you don't want to learn, Hermione, give me one of your hair."

Hermione abruptly pulled out one of her hairs: "Hey! Here you are!"

It hurts to look at it, why didn't I feel that this girl was so tiger before? !

Bai Hao took over the hair: "Rule magic—law of cause and effect."

Hermione's hair turned into a golden light and melted into the book, and then a golden magic circle flashed across the cover.

Rule Magic—Law of Karma: Bai Hao's self-created magic is derived from contract magic. It can establish a strong causal link between two lives or objects. The two parties who have established causality can only limit each other to sense themselves, but as long as the cause is triggered, the effect will definitely occur.

For example: Hermione has established causality with "Basic Knowledge of the Magic Circle", and the book can only present the contents of the book when there is an induction with Hermione. If Hermione wants to copy the contents of the book to other places, it will definitely trigger the cause of "cannot reveal the magic secret" in the book, and then there will be the effect of Hermione "forgetting the contents of the book".

After explaining about learning the magic circle, Bai Hao left the cafeteria after eating and drinking.

Harry looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to their side, so he said furtively to Hermione and Ron, "I saw Snape was injured yesterday."

"Injured? What's going on?" Ron was doing his homework when he looked up at Harry's words.

"Ron, do you remember that Snape wasn't there when we met the professors that night?"

"I don't remember." Ron shook his head, sometimes he couldn't even remember what he had to do for homework, let alone who he met that day.

"I remember that Professor Snape was the last to arrive in the basement that day, but what's the problem?" Hermione also raised her head. She was just studying the book Bai Hao gave him. knowledge is completely different.

"I saw Snape limping around yesterday, apparently with a broken leg, and I figured it was Halloween the other day, and Snape smuggled the troll in and whacked around, and then he managed to Pass the three-headed dog," Harry said in a low voice.

Hermione frowned and looked at Harry: "Three-headed dog? The three of us saw that one in the corridor on the fourth floor that day?"

Harry nodded: "Yes, didn't you say that the three-headed dog was guarding something? I guess it must be the thing that Hagrid and I went to Gringotts to retrieve. Snape wanted him."

Hermione rolled her eyes, but she didn't quite believe what Harry said, thinking it was a preconception caused by his dislike of Snape: "Okay, Harry, questioning the professor is not what we should do, what you should be thinking about right now How you played your first Quidditch game of the afternoon."

Although she usually doesn't like Snape very much, this cold professor likes to deduct her points in class for various reasons, but I have to say that his Potions class is really good, so she I still respect Snape as a professor.


At this moment, an owl courier flew in, glides for a certain distance and threw a long item in front of Harry.

Harry was startled: "What is this?" He thought he hadn't bought anything recently, and he didn't think anyone would give him a gift.

"It looks like a broomstick!" The Gryffindors who discovered the situation surrounded them curiously.

"Harry, take it apart!" Ron said.

Harry unpacked it, only to see a brand new broomstick in front of him.

"My God! It's the newly published Nimbus 2000!" Someone discovered the words "Nimbus2000" marked on the top of the broom.

"Who is it..." Harry looked around in surprise, and saw that the owl that had just delivered the courier stopped in front of Professor McGonagall, and she was stroking the owl while nodding to Harry with a smile.

Harry was very touched. He expressed his gratitude with a bright smile. No one except Hagrid had ever given him a gift since he was a child.

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