The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 41 The End (Seeking Flowers And Monthly Tickets!)

"Professor Dumbledore?!" Harry and Hermione approached cautiously from a distance and asked tentatively.

Dumbledore turned around, showing his stern face through the remaining firelight around him: "Good evening, Harry."

"It's really you, Professor Dumbledore!" After confirming that it was Dumbledore himself, Harry and Hermione ran over quickly.

"I'm really sorry that I put you in danger." Dumbledore really didn't expect Harry to be in danger in the Forbidden Forest tonight, which was his negligence.

"Don't worry, Professor. We didn't..." Harry wanted to say that he was fine, but the hot breath under his feet caught his attention.

Harry looked down, stunned by the sight in front of him, which was beyond his knowledge of magic.

"Ohmygod! Did Bai Hao do this?" Hermione also stared dumbfounded at the big crater under her feet. She knew that Bai Hao was powerful, but she didn't expect him to be a humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb!

"Huh?! Where's Bai Hao?" Hermione looked around but didn't see Bai Hao.

"Oh...he has gone back first." Dumbledore looked in the direction of Hogwarts, "It's really troublesome, I think many students will doze off tomorrow."

Wang! Wang! Wang! At this moment, Fang came running from a distance, followed by Hagrid and the three.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore, I... oh! My God! What the hell happened?!" Hagrid was also stunned by the horror in front of him, followed by Della and Ron. With demented expressions, none of the three could imagine what happened to the explosion just now.

"Good evening, Hagrid." Dumbledore looked at Hagrid with deep eyes. "Something happened. Tonight's confinement has been cancelled. Send the children back first."

Hagrid, who was staring at the huge crater, suddenly froze for a moment: "Aren't you going to tell me what happened?"

Then he turned his gaze to Dumbledore, just one look at him and he knew, don't ask too much: "Oh... yes! Okay! Professor, I'll take them back right away."

Hagrid waved to the confinement four, "Come with me, we're going back."

Harry and Hermione followed, but Ron and Dellaco stood still, still stunned by the shock of the giant pit.

"Ron, let's go!" Harry patted Ron's shoulder several times vigorously, but Ron was unmoved.

So Harry began to pull Ron away forcefully, and in the process, he could still see him looking back every three steps with a look of reluctance.

And Della next to him is exactly the same as Ron, except that he was dragged away by Hagrid.

Watching everyone in Hagrid gradually disappear from sight, Dumbledore waved the Elder Wand: "It's back to normal..."

I saw the surrounding wreckage began to shake, large and small grass and debris and gravel slowly lifted into the air, and gradually filled up the huge crater created by Bai Hao.

For a few minutes, nothing seemed to happen.

The grass on the ground is still the elegant grass, and the tree is still the tree that has been soaked by the years.

Dumbledore looked at the Forbidden Forest, which had been restored to its original appearance, with mixed feelings in his heart. Bai Hao's combat power has far exceeded his imagination. Although he can do it himself in terms of destructive power, but at such a young age, he suddenly meets such a person who is completely beyond his understanding, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Albus, something seems to have happened in the Forbidden Forest..." Just as Dumbledore returned to his office from the Forbidden Forest, Professor McGonagall rushed in anxiously, "Oh... I think you already know. "

She looked at Dumbledore's clothes, obviously just came back from the outside.

"Good evening, Minerva." Dumbledore remained calm as always, "How are the students?"

"It's nothing, just a little scared by the explosion just now." Professor McGonagall looked worried, "How are Harry and the others?"

She knew that four little wizards were locked up in the Forbidden Forest tonight.

"They're all right, I asked Hagrid to take them home."

"That's good." Professor McGonagall patted her heart. She was worried all the way from the dormitory to the principal's office, for fear that her punishment would cause accidents to the students. "Albus, what happened?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment: "Tom has appeared in the Forbidden Forest..."

On the other side...

"Hagrid, I'm sure I heard correctly, Bai Hao did say that that person is Vol..." On the way Hagrid sent the four of them back to the castle, Harry couldn't wait to tell what happened to him just now , "Hermione heard it too!"

Hermione nodded: "Yes, I heard that too, we found him sucking the blood of unicorns when we met him."

Hagrid looked at the two little wizards in front of him with complicated eyes, and he knew they were not lying. But according to what they said just now, Bai Hao Felkes, a little wizard in the first grade, actually repelled Voldemort forcefully, and at the same time blasted the Forbidden Forest out of a huge pit with lava?

To be honest, Hagrid had reservations about that. It's not that he doesn't want to believe it, even if you call all wizards from all over the world, you won't believe this Arabian Nights story.

But then again, what did Hermione say that Voldemort was doing?

Hagrid fiddled with the crossbow in his hand, and he chose to believe what Harry said for the time being: "Hermione, you said just now that he was drinking the blood of unicorns?"

Hermione nodded: "Yes." That horrifying picture has been lingering in her mind.

"Hagrid, do you know why he did that?" Harry asked.

Hagrid sighed a little sadly: "Unicorns are extremely pure and noble magical creatures, drinking their blood can delay the life of dying people."

Harry's eyes lit up, and his tone was a little excited: "So, volt...he's dying?!"

"Not sure, but the situation is definitely not much better." Hagrid shook his head, "Harry, you know, it is a very serious crime to slaughter such a noble creature as a unicorn, and when his lips are stained with unicorn blood From that moment on, he will be cursed forever."


"So, Tom is really still alive, but he can only sustain life with unicorn blood?" Professor McGonagall just heard Dumbledore tell some things that happened in the Forbidden Forest tonight, and his heart trembled with fear.

Although she had heard Dumbledore say that Voldemort was still alive, she had always been skeptical.

Because she doesn't quite believe that anyone can survive the death curse. The whole world only knew that Harry Potter was a hero, the only one who survived the Killing Curse. But what people don't know is that Harry's mother, Lily Potter, earned the title of "hero" desperately.

In 1980, at the height of Voldemort's power, Sybill Trelawney, descendant of the famous seer, prophesied that a man "born into a family that had thrice defy the Dark Lord" would "be born at the end of the seventh month ", the boy with "powers unknown to the Dark Lord" will appear and defeat Voldemort.

Not long after, Voldemort heard about the prophecy from Snape and began plotting the murder. Only two newborn boys met the prophecy, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom.

At that time, Dumbledore believed that Harry's mixed-blood background made Voldemort see his past self, so Voldemort chose Harry as the prophesied old enemy and began to hunt down the Potter family.

On October 31, 1981, on the eve of Halloween, Voldemort came to Godric's Hollow where the Potter family was hiding, first killed James Potter, and then attempted to kill Harry, who was only 15 months old, because Voldemort had previously promised Snap Pu spared Lily's life, so he asked Lily to leave.

But in order to protect her young child, Lily's strong maternal love realized the ultimate protection curse. The Avada Kedavra curse released by Voldemort was rebounded when it hit Harry, which eventually led to Voldemort's form of destroying the gods.

"Minerva, as I told you, he's still alive, but he's too weak to make trouble." Dumbledore stared at the bright fire in the fireplace with deep eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Then where is Tom now?" Professor McGonagall worried that Voldemort would harm the students in the castle.

"I'm not sure, Bai Hao severely injured him, he released Fiendfire and ran away in the chaos." Dumbledore shook his head, "But you don't have to worry, he was already dying, Now that he is seriously injured, he should no longer be able to carry out his plot."

"The Philosopher's Stone..."

"I'll take care of this."

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