The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 42 Fiercefire Curse (Ask For Flowers And Monthly Tickets!)

On the other side, the three little Gryffindors had already returned to the lounge, and they were discussing what happened tonight by the fire.

"You said the Dark Lord is in the Forbidden Forest?" Ron looked terrified, he had just recovered from Harry's story of what happened tonight.

Harry paced back and forth in front of the fireplace: "Yes, but he's weak and can only live on the blood of unicorns."

"We were all wrong before. Snape stole the Philosopher's Stone not for himself, but for the Dark Lord."

"The Sorcerer's Stone can create an elixir of life, which Snape can use to restore his strength so that he can come back."

Harry slammed his butt on the sofa, looking worried.

Ron pursed his lips, and looked at his friend in front of him worriedly: "If he really comes back, do you think he...will come to kill you?"

Harry kept rubbing his fingers to hide his uneasiness, he turned to look at Ron, "Bai Hao once told me that as long as he didn't completely die, I would always be in danger."

"If Bai Hao hadn't beaten him away today, he would have come to kill me tonight."

Ron swallowed after hearing this: "I'm still worried about the final exam of Potions class."

"Wait, have you guys forgotten something?" Hermione, who had been sitting next to her, began to speak, "Who is the wizard the Dark Lord fears the most?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other and shook their heads.

Hermione looked angry, "It's Dumbledore!"

"Harry, as long as Dumbledore is here, you will be safe and no one will be able to hurt you."

"Also, Bai Hao..."


It's past midnight now at the La Wen Klau student dormitory.

Bai Hao was lying on the bed, staring intently at the goblin ball that sealed Fiendfire in front of him.

More than an hour ago, he tried to use the [World Tree] to deconstruct the Fiendfire inside, but there was no response, which meant that the Fiendfire Curse was not magic.

what is it Bai Hao lay on the bed thinking for a long time.

He speculated: Fiendflame itself may have always existed in a certain mysterious place. The wizard only needs to use magic to open a passage leading to this place, release Fiendflame through this passage, and control it with powerful magic power. Known Fiercefire Curse.

Why do you say that?

First, the inventor of the Fiercefire Curse is unknown, the specific spell is unknown, and even the time when it first appeared is unknown, so where did it come from?

In the world of HP, except for the lost spells, the invention of all new spells will have a record of the corresponding research and development process. This is because the invention of spells will definitely have a process of trial and error, and the experience of failure and success in these processes will be recorded. It is an indispensable link in the final formation of a new spell.

This is especially true for powerful spells like Fiercefire. But there was nothing for the Fiendfyre Curse, Bai Hao searched all the information recorded in his mind, but found no clues about the source of the Fiercefyre Curse.

So he boldly speculated that Fiendfire might have been summoned by a certain spell master in history by mistake. When Fiendfire first appeared in the world, its powerful destructive power caused all the surrounding matter and life (including the master of spells) to disappear into nothingness.

The most likely time of that disaster was the Great Fire of London in 1666. According to historical records, the fire lasted for 4 days. 87 churches, 44 companies, and more than 13,000 private houses in London were burned down, and nearly 1/6 of the urban area was burned down, causing heavy losses.

And it may be at that time that the wizard who rushed over noticed the source of Fiercefire while putting out the fire, and then got the current Fiendfire Curse by mistake. Later, it may be because Fiendfire is too powerful and only stays in word of mouth, or there may be other reasons, so now there is no record of the Fiendfire Curse's historical origin.

The second reason is that Fiendfire will keep chasing and killing all flammable objects regardless of enemy or friend, and has the characteristic of curse. But judging from today's battle, Fiendfire can not only burn objects.

The Fiend in [Fiendfire] refers to "the devil of hell, of the devil", which is combined with the word "fire" for flame, which means the flame from the devil of hell.

According to limited records, this name first appeared in the 18th century. The original words are: They sold themselves to the devil. When we are about to win, the flame [Fiendfire] from hell will expel us...

This passage comes from a very ordinary manuscript.

This book is very ordinary. When Bai Hao reached out to find this book in the restricted area, he saw a few black stains on the old black book cover. When he opened it, there were all the words of the fairy family, and many words were blurred. It’s not clear, the things recorded are fragmentary, but the author’s name is clearly visible on the last page of the book: 【Zuel Cayo】

According to the time and content described in the book, Bai Hao deduced that this handwritten book was probably written by a goblin named Zuel Kayo after the last goblin rebellion. It took the Fiercefire Curse to suppress the Goblin's rebellion.

It is impossible for ordinary flames to cause harm to goblins. Combined with the religious background at that time and the history and magical power of goblins that are unique to human wizards, the surviving goblins may have sensed the particularity of Fiendfyre, so they defeated their flames The flame called hell [Fiendfire]

Based on the above, Bai Hao came to a conclusion: there may be an unknown space in the HP world, and Fiendfire came from there.

Although these are all his own temporary conjectures, Bai Hao still thought: "Find a chance to experiment in the future, sleep!"


"Good morning, Professor Dumbledore." The next day, because there was no class in the morning, Bai Hao teleported to the principal's office after breakfast. He asked Dumbledore to learn the Fiercefire Curse.

"Oh...good morning, Bai Hao, would you like some cherry pie?" Dumbledore was eating breakfast when Bai Hao's sudden appearance startled him suddenly.

"Thank you Professor, no need." Bai Hao shook his head, "I'm sorry to disturb you so early, but I actually want to learn the Dievalfire Curse from you."

Dumbledore stopped chewing suddenly when he heard Bai Hao's words, and he put down the knife and fork in his hand: "I have to say, it was unexpected, but it was also expected."

"Did you discover anything from the battle last night?"

Bai Hao nodded: "That's right..." He told Dumbledore about his analysis of Fiendfire before going to bed last night.

Dumbledore patiently listened to Bai Hao's words, with a look of reminiscence on his face: "Genius idea, Bai Hao, you are the second wizard who can notice the difference between Fiendfyre."

Bai Hao raised his eyebrows: "The second one?" He was curious about who the first one was.

Dumbledore picked up the knife and fork again and slowly cut the cherry pie on the plate: "Yes, the second one, an old friend of mine..."

"How should I put it, he may be the most powerful Fiendfire user ever, even I can't compare to him."

"He could even destroy a large city with Fiendfire in a matter of minutes if he wanted to."

When Bai Hao heard this, a name flashed in his mind: "Gellert Grindelwald."

Dumbledore took a bite of the cherry pie and said vaguely: "Yes, he once told me something about Fiercefire, and his guess is almost exactly the same as what you just said, but he didn't go like you Tracing the origin of Fiendfire."

"Then did he say anything else about Fiendfire's secret?"

Dumbledore pondered for a while, then shook his head: "I don't think so, but both you and him are right, Fiercefire itself is not magic, but a summoning object."

"The Fiendfire Curse is not difficult to learn, the hard part is how to control the Fiendfire that is released."

"Its destructive power is too powerful. The only key that can close the passage of Fiendfyre is [Finite Incantatem], so you must be careful when learning this spell."

Dumbledore waved one hand, and two pieces of parchment suddenly appeared and slowly floated in front of Bai Hao.

Bai Hao took it over and looked at it, which recorded the learning method of [Fiendfire Curse] [Finite Incantatem].

Bai Hao looked up at Dumbledore suspiciously: "Professor, to be honest, I'm very surprised. I thought it would take a lot of effort to get Fiendfyre's cultivation method from you."

Dumbledore smiled: "Thank you for your straightforwardness, Bai Hao."

"Now I am not as suspicious as you imagined. Compared with the one sitting in the Ministry of Magic, I think you make me more trustworthy."

"At least, everyone can confess to Xiangcheng."

Bai Hao smiled, he understood what Dumbledore meant.

The current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, has been stumbling Dumbledore since he took office last year, for fear that the White Lord in front of him would take away his power in the name of destroying Voldemort. A politician of his own.

Therefore, for Dumbledore, Bai Hao's generous character is more worthy of his trust than Cornelius Foggy, who talks about people and talks nonsense.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore." Bai Hao left only one sentence, and then disappeared into the principal's office. It turned out that there was a brand new book lying on the place where he was standing.

Dumbledore bent down and picked up the book, only to see "Basic Knowledge of the Magic Circle" written on the cover of the book: "Oh, it seems that Nick's hair should not fall out."

Since the first meeting and conversation with Bai Hao last time, he and Nick Flamel were so worried that their hair almost fell out in order to study the magic circle in the past few months.

Especially Nick, as a master of alchemy, he is extremely obsessed with the power of the magic circle.

Because of his decaying body, Nick didn't have much hair at first, but in order to study the magic circle, he even drank a few more bottles of elixir, and now there are only a few wisps of white hair like withered grass hanging tenaciously on the head, to preserve the last dignity.

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