The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 63 Snape's Home (Subscribe!)

"It's so boring!!!" Bai Hao was moaning at home at this time.

Today is a working day, only Bai Hao stays at home in the whole family.

It has been more than a month since the wizard duel with Dumbledore, and Bai Hao has also been a salted fish at home for more than a month.

In addition to eating, sleeping and reading every day, I also eat, sleep and read.

Bai Wu felt more and more that people would really stink after being treated as a salted fish for a long time!

In this age, the Internet is underdeveloped, and there are too few ways to entertain.

In the past, when he was bored in Aslante, he could bully his younger brothers and sisters in the guild, or go out to find a monster to fight.

But here, there are very few powerful magical creatures, even the most powerful fifth-level (XXXXX) magical creatures are not very resistant to *!

Do you practice when you are bored?

Little did he know that the recent deconstruction magic almost made him vomit, and he even drank the brain cleanser.

Wait! Brain Cleanser?!

That's right! Why don't you go to Snape's house and get some potions?!

Just do it!

"Fina!" Bai Hao called out to his snowy owl, and Fina flapped her wings and flew to his side.

"Please give this letter to Professor Snape." Bai Hao first fed Fina a small dried fish, and then gave Fina the visiting letter conjured by magic.

Fina happily swallowed the dried fish and happily flew out of the window with the envelope in her mouth.


"Dean? What's the matter?!" After Fina flew away, another brown owl from 043 at home also flew to his side.

Dean stared at the big round eyes, looked out the window, and looked at Bai Hao's hand.

"Oh! You also want dried fish, right?!" Bai Hao understood what he meant in an instant, so he also gave it a dried fish, "Here you are!"

Dean threw his head back and quickly settled one, then whined again.

"No way! Fina only has one to eat when she goes out to deliver letters. Why can you eat an extra one if you don't work!"

woo woo woo???

"What did you say? What do you mean I can eat and drink at home as a salted fish?!"

"You're an owl! I'm a human! There's a big difference!"

huh? woo!!!

"Huh? You have the power of a hammer eagle! Don't work, just eat and wear. If you have the ability, you can go to the Owl Conservation Association and sue me!"

? woo woo woo!!!

"Ah! How dare you peck me, you fat bird!" Bai Hao angrily took off something from his chest and threw it at Dean.

Dean caught it with one paw, and looked down suspiciously. It was a round ball covered with small thorns.

Immediately, the fur all over its body exploded, and it quickly threw the ball out, flying out of the house at the fastest speed.

Bai Hao thought it had never flown so fast in its entire life.

"Hmph! Fight with me?!" Bai Hao proudly picked up You Ye and hung it around his neck again.

Snape's home is in Spider's End, Cokeworth.

Cokeworth: This is a large town in the Midlands of England with many streets lined with houses made of the same brick.

It is located on the edge of a dirty river, the river is meandering, weeds are overgrown on both sides, garbage is piled up, unknown fog is floating on the river, and people passing by can even hear the dark river whimpering.

There is also an abandoned mill with an old chimney standing tall, gloomy, ominous and dead.

It's like the boundary between the world and hell.

Bai Hao came here and looked around, it was strange, maybe because of the rain, he was the only one on the street.

He pinched his nose, trying to block out the strange smell in the air: "My God! Why does Snape live here?"

"Or do all Slytherins like this kind of spooky place?"

Walk along Spider's End all the way to the end, Snape's home is here, a two-story house.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bai Hao knocked on the door of Snape's house. For some reason, the usual knock on the door seemed unusually abrupt here.


The door swung open by itself.

Bai Hao didn't feel the suddenness and went straight in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a dark and small living room with shabby furniture, a candle-lit lamp hanging from the ceiling, and books on the surrounding walls.

And Snape was sitting under a bookshelf, holding a newspaper in his hand, which was the brightest place in the living room.

"Professor Snape, hello!" Bai Hao greeted with a smile.

"Felix, I didn't allow you to come to my house." Snape still looked cold as usual.

"Don't be so alien, Professor." Bai Hao put down the umbrella in his hand very familiarly, "I am also your excellent student anyway."

"Haha!" Snape sneered, "You only got an A in Potions this semester."

Bai Hao shrugged: "At least I passed, didn't I (ceab)?!"

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm bored during the summer vacation, so I suddenly want to visit you." Bai Hao took out a thick book from his arms, "By the way, I'll give you this as a gift. It's a waste to keep this thing in my warehouse."

Snape took the book, roughly flipped through a few pages, his eyes fluctuated slightly: "This is..."

Bai Hao nodded: "That's right, this is the entire inheritance of Royna La Wen Ke Lao about potions."

Thousands of years have passed, and the records on potions written by Raven Klaus back then are too simple compared to the present. The contents of many potions recorded above are usually only the names of raw materials and approximate weights, and even the unit of grams It is necessary to continue to convert, how can we even tell us the number of stirring circles in the textbook. "

"To be honest, it's really difficult to understand what's inside with my potion talent, and I don't want to die young while experimenting with potions.

"So I think it's a good idea to give this stuff to a Potions Master.

Snape closed the book, looked at Bai Hao blankly and thought for a while: "What do you want?"

"Hey!" Bai Wu showed a happy smile, took out a large bottle of You Ye's venom and put it on the table, "It's the potion you made for me last time, I finished it."

Snape stood up, opened the bottle and sniffed it, making sure it was genuine: "I'll have the owl mailed to you in two weeks."

After speaking, he turned around and prepared to go upstairs.

But seeing that Bai Hao was still standing there, he frowned: "What are you still doing here?"

Bai Hao scratched his head embarrassingly: "Professor, do you have food here? I forgot to eat before going out!"

The veins on Snape's forehead seemed to twitch: "There is bread in the refrigerator, get out of here immediately after eating."

Bai Hao nodded: "Thank you, Professor."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Snape open a secret door on the bookshelf and walk up to the second floor, not paying any attention to the fact that there was still a guest at home.

"Oh! Dead Tsundere!"

Bai Hao walked into the narrow kitchen, where a refrigerator about one meter high was embedded in the cabinet.

He opened it to see, good guy! It's full of bread!

No wonder Snape was usually so thin and his face was so pale. Eating these things every day would make even ghosts think they were not nutritious.

"Why don't you give him a bottle of Laoganma next time?" Bai Hao, who was sitting on the Knights bus, thought while eating bread, which might unlock the taste buds for this gloomy professor.

In this way, time flies, and finally it is the day when the annual school starts again. The Hogwarts Express train is spouting white steam and running on the endless grassland.

At this time, a little witch was running hurriedly along the corridor of the train.

"Bai Hao! Finally found you!" Hermione suddenly opened a compartment of the car.

Bai Hao was sitting inside reading a book, and was suddenly startled by her cry.

"Eagle Lord, I'm sorry, but we can't stop her as she keeps coming towards me." A student of La Wen Crow stood behind Hermione and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Now the whole Raven Klaus respects Bai Hao very much, and Eagle Lord is what the students of Raven Klaus call Bai Hao now.

After getting in the car, they all knew that Bai Hao was reading in a compartment, so they all spontaneously prevented anyone from disturbing him.

"It's okay, let her in." Bai Hao waved his hand, "Also, I said you don't have to stay by my side all the time. Although I am the heir of La Wen Keluo, I am still a student!"

The student who pulled Wen Keluo nodded: "Okay!"

But it's hard to say whether he will do it. After all, Raven Klaw is notoriously persistent.

(The background data has hardly changed today. To be honest, I am less and less confident in this book.)

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