The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 64: Luna Lovegood (Subscribe!)

Hermione closed the door of the carriage, and said to Bai Hao, "Harry and Ron are gone! I searched the whole train and couldn't find them.

"If I didn't find it, I didn't find it. Maybe I was late. You also know the two of them. It's a traditional craft." Bai Hao replied while flipping through the book.

He was referring to the fact that Harry and Ron were often late for class.

Originally Harry was better, but gradually he was brought down by Ron, and Ron was brought up by his two big brothers.

"Oh! That's not the reason!" Hermione grabbed Bai Hao's hand and closed the book.

"Ron invited me and Harry to their house this holiday, but found that the letter we sent to Harry has not been answered."

"Then Fred went straight to Harry, and it turned out that his aunt had locked him in his room all this holiday.

"Fred then secretly rescued Harry, and Harry stayed at the Weasleys' house this holiday season."

Speaking of this, Bai Hao suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Hermione's little face: "Get to the point!!!"

Hermione blushed and slapped Bai Hao's hand off: "The point is, Harry told us after he came out that he met a strange house-elf at home."

"The elf warned Harry that it would be dangerous to go back to Hogwarts, and persuaded Harry not to go back to school."

"But at this time they missed the train, do you think something will happen to them?!"

"Hey! Are you listening to me?!"

As Hermione was talking, she found that Bai Hao had been staring out the window, seemingly not listening to what she had just said.

Bai Hao propped his face on one hand, and looked out the window with interest: "I'm 100% sure that they are fine for the time being, but it's hard to say later."

Hermione frowned: "How do you know? And why are you looking out the window?"

"Look for yourself!" Bai Wu gave up the window.

Hermione moved her butt and leaned against the window to look outside, her eyes widened in shock at the scene outside the window.

I saw a Ford Anglia 105E luxury version of the speeding car flying in mid-air, competing with the Hogwarts Express.

She recognized this car, and when she was a guest at Weasley's house, Ron's father, Mr. Arthur, took her to introduce him to this proud work.

"How are they there?!!!" exclaimed Hermione.

"Haha! Regardless of whether they are okay or not, anyway, I think Ron is going to have a big accident." Bai Hao smiled and stood up happily.

"How can you still laugh?!"

But Bai Hao ignored her, and Hermione saw him open the door of the carriage compartment, and then shouted outside: "La Wen Keluo!!!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of more than a dozen doors opening immediately echoed throughout the corridor of the carriage, and the kittens swarmed out.

"The car outside, try to rescue the people inside before reaching Hogwarts, but don't hurt the car!"

"If someone can do it, I can answer any question he wants!"

"Any comments?"

"No problem!!!" As soon as the voice fell, all the little eagles began to discuss the rescue plan.

Under Hermione's stunned expression, Bai Hao closed the compartment door again, and continued to look down at the book.

Hermione looked at him blankly: "Why are you doing this? You can solve this matter with a wave of your hand."

Bai Hao raised his head and looked out the window with a smile: "That's right, in fact, this matter can be solved very simply, very simple!"

For a moment Hermione felt that his smile was a bit evil.

As time passed, the Kitty Eagles came up with several plans one after another.

Rescue plan 1: Send out several players from the La Wen Keluo Quidditch team to pick up Harry and Ron directly, and then send a person who can drive the car directly to the top of the train and fix it with magic .

But when the little eagles were about to put this plan into practice, they found that there was no one in the whole school who could drive, let alone drive a modified magic speed car.

So this plan PASS!

Rescue plan 2, use transfiguration to create a strong rope, send Quidditch players to link it with the speeding car to fix the direction, and then gather and use the flying spell to slowly pull them back.

But this plan has a big problem, because it is a group of people casting the spell, the speed is difficult to control, once the force is too strong, the speeding car will crash into the train, and the car will be destroyed and people will die

So this plan is also PASS!

Rescue plan 3: After dispatching Quidditch players to rescue the person, use the transfiguration technique to turn the car into a small toy for recycling, which is simple and rude.

But this plan also has two problems. One is that no one in the academy can guarantee that they can completely transform the speeding car, and the second problem is that no one can guarantee that the speeding car can be perfectly transformed back to its original shape after being completely deformed.

In the transformation class, there have been many cases where things have been perfectly transformed but cannot be transformed back.

So this plan finally passed!

So, as the train got closer and closer to Hogwarts, the Kitty Eagles didn't come up with a perfect plan.

Looking at the students of La Wen Keluo who were busy in a group in each compartment, suddenly an ethereal and somewhat erratic voice broke the noise here.

"Why don't you go to Bai Hao Felix?"

All the little hawks stopped immediately when they heard the sound, and they all turned their heads to look at a strange girl standing in the corridor.

She has silver eyes, dark blonde hair, protruding eyes, a pale complexion, and very light eyebrows.

He wears a pair of turnip-shaped earrings in his ears and a necklace made of a butterbeer cork around his neck.

The whole person looks weird and in a trance, but he has a temperament and charm that can be trusted and talked to.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" A little eagle asked, and he was the one who proposed the second plan just now.

"Why don't you go to Bai Hao Felix? He should be able to do it." The girl's erratic voice sounded again.

All the little hawks glanced at each other, understood something in an instant, and immediately ran to the compartment where Bai Hao was.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Come in!" Bai Hao's voice came from inside.

The door was opened, and the outside was full of students of Rawen Klau.

"Any other plans?" Bai Hao asked with a smile.

"Master Eagle, can you rescue them and keep the flying car?"

Bai Hao nodded, "The case is even more brilliant: "Of course!"

"Then we ask you to act now!"

Bai Hao closed the book and stood up, walked out of the compartment, and glanced at the little hawks in the corridor: "Who thought of that?"

...asking for flowers...

The little hawks looked back and gradually gave way to a passage, and the strange girl just now appeared in front of them.

The girl ignored the gazes of the crowd around her, and bouncing past the flock of hawks with a stack of books that should be magazines in her hands, ran to White Nose.

She raised her head and stared at Bai Hao's eyes erratically, a faint blue light emanated from the silver pupils.

Bai Hao frowned suddenly and inadvertently: "Inspiritualization?"

The Great Wall of Thought in his mind was touched just now

"Hello, Bai Hao Felix, Lord of Rawen Claw." The girl spoke first, "You are different from others, your eyes are very clean."

Bai Hao looked her up and down: "What's your name?"

"Luna Lovegood, do you want to read "The Quibbler"? It records the thing about the horned snoring beast." Luna took out a magazine from her arms and handed it to Bai Hao.

Bai Hao took it over, a knowing smile gradually appeared on his face, and he nodded: "Okay, thank you!"

Luna also smiled, turned her head and bounced away without saying a word.

Bai Hao looked at Luna who was gradually disappearing from sight, and squinted his eyes: "So it's her! A born Dementor?"

"Keep watching!" Hermione watched Bai Hao staring at the direction the girl left just now, and kicked Bai Hao's calf angrily.

"Look if it doesn't work!" Bai Hao rolled his eyes and put away the "Quieter" he just got.

"Did you forget something?" Hermione pointed out the window.

"Oh! By the way! Save lives!"

Bai Hao looked at the flying car outside the window, threw a space coordinate in the past, and flashed into Junzi in an instant.

"Bai Hao!!!" Harry and Ron shouted excitedly at the same time, because they were saved!

"Good afternoon, two warriors." Bai Hao patted the shoulders of the two, "Go back to the train and wait!"

"What?" Harry and Ron didn't understand the meaning of Bai Hao's words, what is "first"?

But before they could react, they were teleported back to the train by Bai Hao.

"Harry! Ron!" Hermione ran over when she saw the two people who suddenly appeared on the train, "Are you two okay?

"Where's Bai Hao?"

Harry touched his aching head from the knock just now, pointed out the window and said, "Bai Hao is still inside."

At this time, in the speeding car, Bai Hao was sitting in the driver's seat, eager to try.

Speeding car! One of my childhood dreams!

Is it rare to meet and experience it for yourself?

So he threw Harry and Ron, who were in the way, back on the train first.

For the next part of the journey, I will come!!!

Bai Hao stepped on the accelerator, then overtook the Hogwarts Express under the exclamation of the Hogwarts wizards, and gradually drove into the distance.

The competition was won by the Ford Anglia 105E luxury version of the speeding car!!!

(It has been on the shelves for almost a week, but the grades are really bad. Today, I don’t want to type for a moment. "I hope all friends who like this book will support you.)

(Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly ticket, please ask for flowers, thank you for your support!!! Ding).

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