The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 1 A Magical Accident (Please Subscribe!)

Inside Hogwarts Castle, all the professors and staff were busy preparing for tonight's freshman orientation dinner and sorting ceremony.

But at this time, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were not happy, because some unexpected guests came to the school.

The current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, came to Hogwarts with a few staff from the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, and took out a stack of photos.

"Look, it's sent by Auror."

"We have verified that this car was illegally modified by Arthur Weasley, and it is Hogwarts students Harry Potter and Ron Weasley on it, and they are driving this car."

"Did you know that they exposed the car to the Muggles so openly that almost thousands of people saw a Moffat flying across the sky."

"In order to deal with this sudden incident, all the wizards in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters are busy eliminating the impact of this magic exposure accident, which has brought great trouble to me and the entire Ministry of Magic."

"Dumbledore, 'four eight three' you... Hogwarts must give an explanation."

Fudge originally wanted to ask Dumbledore to give an explanation, but due to the coercion of the White Devil, he changed his words to Hogwarts.

He is now full of thoughts on how to minimize the impact of this matter, and he can already predict the headline on the front page of tomorrow's "Daily Prophet": Serious Magic Exposure Accident, Worst Minister of Magic Ever ?

It may be even worse, that woman likes to make small things out of nothing and big things out of small things.

"Connelly, don't be impatient." Dumbledore stretched out his hand to appease the excited Minister of Magic in front of him, "Maybe there was some accident, they should have returned to school by train, and all reasons have to wait for them We won't know for sure until we get back to school."

"Albus!" Professor McGonagall next to him suddenly patted Dumbledore's arm, looking worriedly into the distance.

Everyone followed Professor McGonagall's gaze, only to see a black spot enlarged against the background of the setting sun, and something was coming towards them.

At this time, Bai Hao was happily driving the car in the sky, screaming.

He had just crossed the last mountain before reaching Hogwarts, and the iconic Black Lake appeared in front of him.

Because it was already evening, the setting sun reflected on the lake, turning the whole black lake into golden red.

The speeding car was driving on the surface of the Black Lake, the tires kept brushing and splashing water, and there were unknown aquatic magical creatures jumping out of the water and following behind the car, it was so pleasant!

It's so cool!!!" Bai Hao opened the car window and poked his head out of the window, yelling as he watched the ever-enlarged castle in the distance.

This speeding car is much better than riding a broomstick, at least sitting on a chair will not hurt your buttocks.

So, after nearly an hour of air racing, White Nose parked the speeding car safely at the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

By the way, what is the power of this thing, gasoline?

"Hello! Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall!" Bai got out of the car and greeted the two standing not far away. He saw the two professors here in the sky just now.

Professor McGonagall hurried forward: "Mr. Fairks, why are you? Where are Potter and Weasley?"

"Oh! They were in the car, but I threw it back on the Hogwarts Express halfway through."

"Then why are you driving this car again?"

"Professor, you asked that question." Bai Hao patted the speeding car next to him, "The way back is in the wilderness, I can't throw the car halfway, this car is a good thing, if it can be remodeled It will be more comfortable if you look at the interior.”

"Felix, you..." Professor McGonagall was annoyed by Bai Hao's playful attitude.

"Minerva!" Dumbledore interrupted Professor McGonagall's continued questioning, and then looked at Bai Hao, "Did something happen?"

Bai Wu shrugged: "I don't know the details, you have to ask the two little lions."

"Okay!" Dumbledore nodded, "Thank you for saving Harry."

"It's just a little effort!" Bai Wu waved his hand, "Okay! I'll go find something to cushion my stomach first. The train will arrive in about an hour. If you have any questions, you can ask them yourself."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the school, and before leaving, he muttered in a low voice: "Thank you for saving Harry? Feeling Ron is not human."

The sound is not loud, but just enough to be faintly heard.

Dumbledore stroked his beard embarrassingly: "Connelly, we will report this matter to the Ministry of Magic after we understand it clearly.

"If there is nothing else, you can also stay and attend the dinner tonight."

"There's no need for the dinner party, I have to go back to solve this speeding accident as soon as possible." Fudge frowned and looked in the direction Bai Hao left, "Who is he? He should also be a student of Hogwarts."

Fudge felt that Dumbledore's attitude towards the little wizard was very different just now, as if he was talking to his peers.

"Oh, his name is Bai Hao Ferrex." Dumbledore also looked towards the direction of the castle, "I think you all should have heard of his name.

"What?! He just got the Bai Hao Felix from La Wen Keluo's inheritance?!" Fudge suddenly yelled.

No wonder he heard this name so familiar just now, he should take the initiative to get acquainted with this inheritor.

"You guys go back first, and deal with this accident as soon as possible." Fudge suddenly said to the staff of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters who had been standing by.

Then he turned to Dumbledore again: "As a graduate of Hogwarts, I think I'll be free to attend the dinner tonight..."

Dumbledore nodded as expected, "Welcome! Welcome!"


On the other side, after about an hour of driving, the Hogwarts Express train blew its whistle as it entered the station.

"Ron, don't worry, I think the car will be fine." Harry got out of the car and said to Ron who was walking beside him.

He tried to comfort Ron along the way, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

Ron looked devastated, and looked in the direction of Hogwarts with empty eyes: "Harry, you don't need to comfort me, it's useless!"

"I drove the family's car out without permission. Let alone other things, my mother must have thought of killing me the first time she found out about this."

"You don't even know how scary she is when she gets angry!"

Harry didn't know what to say at this time, after all, he couldn't get away with this matter.

Hermione glared at Ron sharply: "What's the use of regretting now, why did you go earlier?!"

"Why didn't you owl the school in the first place, since you knew Mrs. Molly was going to kill you?"

"Is the school going to expel you because you can't get on the bus?"

"Also, since you've all returned to Weasley's cabin, why don't you know how to wait for someone at home, as long as Mr. Arthur or Mrs. Molly come home, they will definitely have a way to send you back to school."

"And you are so lucky that you dare to think of driving back to Hogwarts by yourself!"

"Can you drive? Can you reach the gas pedal with your legs in the seat? Can you see the road ahead?"

"Still chasing the train, your brains may have been eaten by giant monsters!"

"If Bai Hao wasn't here today, you might have caused a lot of trouble in 2.4!"

Harry and Ron were completely stunned by her sudden series of venomous tongues, even the fear and nervousness disappeared suddenly.

Ron tugged at Harry's robes: "What's wrong with her? Gunpowder or Snape? It feels like she's been like this since we got in the car."

Harry took a furtive glance at Hermione to make sure she hadn't heard them.

"I don't know either, but it doesn't feel like our problem."

"I heard from people in Lawen Keluo that she only behaved like this after Bai Hao left, and it should have something to do with Bai Hao."

Just then Hermione gave them another sharp look, and Harry and Ron quickly pretended to be okay.

I'm afraid this is the dimensionality reduction blow of the bully to the scumbags. If the grades are crushed, they will be inferior in the aura.

(Sorry, the update is late today, because I am going to attend an elder's birthday banquet, I just got home, and there will be another chapter later.)

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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