The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 2 New System (Please Subscribe!)

The scorching sun sets in the west, and the bright moon rises in the east.

With the background music of Hedwig's Variations playing, the 1992 Hogwarts freshmen, led by Professor McGonagall, walked into the auditorium, preparing for the solemn and solemn sorting ceremony.

"How time flies!" On the long table of La Wen Keluo, Bai Wu looked at this year's freshmen with puffed cheeks and couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

The scene when he attended the sorting ceremony last year is still vivid in his memory, as if everything happened yesterday.

After Professor McGonagall said a few words, the sorting ceremony began...

"Ginny Weasley!" Professor McGonagall read a name.

"Huh?! That's right! She also enrolled this year." The name caught Bai Hao's attention.

He glanced in the direction of Gryffindor and smiled strangely, "Harry, your wife is here."

"Master Eagle, I heard that many people want to enter La Wen Keluo this year." Lisa Dupin who was sitting next to Bai Wu suddenly said in a low voice.

"It's not surprising, it's expected." Bai Hao looked at the freshman team with great interest, "But I estimate that there will be relatively few freshmen entering La Wen Keluo this year, but one of them will definitely enter."

"Is that the weird girl on the train?"

Bai Wu nodded with a smile: "That's right, she is definitely a La Wen Keluo."

"You have to be careful, she is different from many La Wen Keluo, she is a very different talent.

"Luna Lovegood!" Professor McGonagall read Luna's name.

24 Luna skipped up the steps, and Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on her head.

In just a second, Jiong shouted: "La Wen Keluo!"

There was warm applause from the long table of Rawen Klau.

"Master Eagle, you are right!" Lisa Dupin looked at Luna who was bouncing over, she did not doubt what Bai Hao said just now.

Luna naturally sat next to Bai Hao: "We meet again, Bai Hao Felix."

Still that ethereal voice.

Bai Hao smiled: "Welcome to La Wen Keluo."

Luna tilted her head and didn't speak. She seemed to feel something, and her hand touched Bai Hao's chest naturally.


The sound of something breaking came from the Gryffindor table.

Both Harry and Ron looked in the direction of the source of the sound with horror on their faces.

Ginny patted her big brother on the shoulder: "What's wrong with her?"

Ron shook his head and whispered, "We don't know, she's been like this since we met today.

"I don't know who provoked her!"

La Wen Croau here...

"What is this? I can feel the beating of a heart inside." Luna put her hand on You Ye on Bai Hao's chest.

Bai Wu looked down: "This is You Ye, my pet."

"what is it?"

"A crouching demon."

"Is it a girl or a boy?"


"Can I get to know her?"

Bai Hao nodded with a smile: "Of course!"

Luna is an incredible witch, she is the first one to know that You Ye is a Winged Demon but she is not timid.

Even Hagrid, who loves magical animals so much, was so scared that he put the iron pot on his head when he saw You Ye for the first time.

The dinner party is drawing to a close.

As usual, Dumbledore began announcing this year's school dos and don'ts and Hogwarts' annual Defense Against the Dark Arts professor title winner.

"Good evening, students."

"The new school year has begun, and we have welcomed a new batch of Hogwarts freshmen."

"Now let me announce the precautions for this semester."

"Because of careful consideration, the selection of the Academy Cup has been suspended."

"This year, we will be piloting a new system in schools."

"Starting from this year, each college will implement the professor and dean responsibility system, and each professor and dean will be directly responsible for the disciplines and colleges they are responsible for."

"At the end of the school year, the school will rate each professor and dean separately. The professor who ranks first in the subject will win the best professor award of the year, and the dean who ranks first in the college will win the title of the best dean of the year."

Bai Hao raised his eyebrows when he heard this, the more he heard it, the more strange it became, what is this sense of familiarity coming from?!

Dumbledore continued.

"The school will hold two midterm and final exams in each semester, six times in one academic year, and the students' grades will determine the evaluation of each subject professor at the end of the academic year.

"After the end of the school year, each subject professor will rate the overall performance of each college for the year, each dean will rate the overall performance of the other three schools, and each dean will rate the other three deans. "

"The comprehensive performance of the college includes students' subject scores, Quidditch competition points, the number of students who violate school rules in a year, etc.

"The sum of these three scores will directly determine the selection of the outstanding dean of the year."

"So here, I hope that every student can encourage each other to achieve priority performance in the new school year.

The corners of Bai Hao's eyes twitched, black lines all over his head.

He said how could there be a sense of familiarity!

One day before Dumbledore approached him and asked him to give some opinions on the school's new competition system, and he told him about the subject responsibility teaching system for later generations.

But I didn't expect this old bee to copy it!

The Academy Cup was originally a collective honor award for students, so relative to the students, the deans of each academy did not pay much attention to this trophy in the past.

But it's different now.

An award, a title.

This is the honor of the professor.

The four deans of Hogwarts are all excellent wizards, and they all have their own pride, otherwise they would not be the deans of the four major colleges.

Well now, as soon as Dumbledore finished announcing, the four deans had already started fighting in secret.

Bai Hao looked in the direction of the professor's seat [the eyes of the four deans started to fire.

Especially Snape, with that look, he wished he could kill the other deans right away!

Bai Hao shuddered suddenly.

But don't let the students know that he came up with this thing, he can already imagine the difficult campus life of young wizards in the future.

At the same time, most of the little wizards sitting below still don't quite understand what happened.

But some of these clever little wizards are already getting chills.

They don't know whether this new system can form a good competition, but it is certain that the fight between gods will affect them.

One of these professors counts as one, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. I am afraid that going to class in the future will be like fighting a war, and every minute and every second will be trembling.

"Did you propose this system?" Luna suddenly asked from the side.

"What?" Bai Hao couldn't hear what Luna was saying just now, and the surrounding environment was really noisy.

"This new system was proposed by you." This time Luna used a declarative sentence.

Bai Hao immediately covered her mouth in horror.

Crack! It seems that something is broken again.

"How do you know?" Bai Hao looked around and let go of Luna's hand after making sure no one had heard what he said just now.

"You told me." Luna's eyes drifted, as if she had inadvertently activated her instigating ability, "Are you afraid that others will cause you trouble if they find out?"

"Don't worry too much about adults' affairs and children, you must never tell others about this!"

"You know the harassing gadfly? I thought I saw it just now."

Uh! Bai Hao scratched his head.

Why did he talk about Harassing Gadfly again? It seems that he really needs a while to get used to this little witch's way of communicating.

Dumbledore on the stage pressed his hands down to signal the students to be quiet.

"After announcing the new scoring system, I will announce another thing."

"Our renowned novelist, OBE, Gilderoy Lockhart, 3rd Class, will be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year.

"That's all I have to say, thank you all!"

Oh oh!!! YES!!!!!!

When 653 heard the news, there was a burst of excited screams from the crowd.

I have to say that Lockhart's charm is really great, and many little witches are his fans.

And Bai Hao is certainly not his fan. Although his novels are indeed well written, it still cannot hide the fact that he is a liar.

How come the professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts for two consecutive terms are all graduates of La Wen Keluo, and they are all weird people.

"Lian!" Bai Hao called back the name of a La Wen Keluo student, who is the prefect leading the first-year students tonight.

"Eagle Lord, what are your orders?" Ryan Malik hurried over.

"After going back to the lounge, let the freshmen answer the question of the Nine Crows, and then let everyone go to the lounge. I have something to say to everyone.

Ryan nodded seriously: "Okay!"

At the end of the dinner, the freshmen were taken away by the seniors of each college, and other students also left one after another.

"Mr. Felkes, please stay."

Just as Bai Hao was about to leave, Dumbledore stopped him suddenly.

"You guys go back first!" Bai Hao ordered the little hawks clustered around him.

"What's the matter? Professor Dumbledore."

"This is Cornelius Fudge, the current Minister of Magic, he wants to meet you." Dumbledore introduced a person beside him.

Fudge stepped forward and held Bai Hao's hand very excitedly: "Hi, Mr. Felkes, I've known you for a long time on the "Daily Prophet", but it's a pity I haven't seen you until now."

"Hi, Minister Connelly." Bai Hao greeted him with a smile, "Welcome to Hogwarts.

Then the two began to chat in an official way, and Bai Hao was able to get away after chatting for half an hour. Before leaving, Fudge even took him to take a photo.

I have to say, it is really tiring to deal with the official people!!!

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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