The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter Seven Conjectures About The New World And Platform Nine And Three-Quarters

After returning to the room to pack his things, the first thing Bai Hao did was to take a shower.

Although the magical world here is magical, the hygienic situation is really worrying. Every store he went to in Diagon Alley today has a common characteristic: smelly, dirty, and old.

He was very surprised, it shouldn't be difficult to use magic to clean up.

After washing himself nicely, Bai Hao lay on the bed, turned on the bedside lamp, picked up "Standard Spell Elementary" and read it. He wanted to have a preliminary understanding of the simplest magic in this world.

Two hours later, Bai Hao closed the book, tried the magic in the book one by one, then closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Ever since he knew that this world was HP's world, he began to search for all the memories hidden deep in his mind about this world. After reading the "Standard Spell Elementary" just now, he now has some guesses in his mind.

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the current known information, Bai Hao can crush 99.9% of wizards in this world if he only uses magic to fight. After all, in Aslante, the power of magic is for fighting.

Of course, I dare not say it to Grindelwald and Dumbledore. Devore's Dumbledore can definitely do it too.

As for Voldemort, let him die, Bai Hao, who knows the Horcruxes, is very easy to kill him, let alone a big melon, Bai Hao has plenty of ways to deal with it.

In addition, it is speculated that the magic in the HP world is completely different from that of Aslante. The magic here has a characteristic, that is, it is extremely idealistic.

Judging from the memories and the magic that Professor McGonagall broke up today, the magic in the HP world can be summarized as: guided by human desires, bridged by the power of magic, and influenced by reality as a result.

That is to say, the spell is only a suggestion to strengthen one's own mind or desire when casting the spell. The spell is not important, what matters is how much you desire to affect reality when casting the spell.

For example, Wingardim Leviosa-Levitation Spell is one of the most basic spells in the HP world. In the original book, Hermione was able to use it for the first time, probably because she was confident enough to use Feathers float up.

Looking at Ron, he failed to cast spells in class. There are two possible reasons: one is his lack of self-confidence since he was a child; Of course, the feathers will not float up.

But later on Halloween, in order to save Hermione from the troll, Ron's powerful desire to save people made him successfully use the Levitation Charm.

As another example, Mad-Eye Moody (actually Barty Crouch Jr.) once said that the Killing Curse cast by the little wizards might just give him a nosebleed, after all, he was still in school. A simple little wizard is unlikely to have a strong killing intent.

So, in the world of HP, in theory, as long as your desire and will are strong enough, you can say what you want and control everything.

But now this is just a guess. Bai Hao is still using the [World Tree] to analyze all the magics he tried just now. As for the problem of the traces and magic fluctuations in the wand being monitored, a matter of banning magic spells is very simple.

After thinking, Bai Hao opened his eyes and turned to look at the alarm clock beside the bed. It was already 9:20 in the evening.

"Let's read another one." Then he picked up another "Magic Theory" and read it.

Time is still passing, at this moment, only the ticking of the alarm clock and the turning of the pages of the book are left in Bai Hao's room.

The admission time is getting closer!

Time passed day by day like a revolving lantern, and on August 31, the day of enrollment arrived as scheduled.

In the past half a month, Bai Hao probably read all the books on magic that he could get temporarily, and had a new thinking about the magic in this world.

To be honest, Bai Hao never expected that with the [World Tree] skill, all the spells that a first-year little wizard needs to learn would be completed in the first two days of his enrollment.

But fortunately, the result of the spell analysis was almost the same as his previous guess. The magic strength in the HP world was directly proportional to the mind and will of the wizard.

Now he can manipulate the power of the spells in the book at will, for example, releasing fluorescent flashes can release a blinding sun; releasing the floating spell can make a heavy stone fly.

But there are still exceptions among them, the one or two that are almost indistinguishable from the ten is Transfiguration.

Transfiguration is a magic that can change the nature of things. Not only can feathers be turned into apples, but umbrellas can also be turned into pigs, which are alive and able to bark. Bai Hao said that this is unscientific, not scientific at all.

Turning feathers into apples, Bai Hao can also understand it as a simple alchemy maintained by magic power, which means that the essence of feathers has not changed, but its existing form in reality has changed due to magic power.

But what the hell is a dead thing turning into a living thing? The pig can run, scream, and eat. When [World Tree] analyzed this thing, it said that it would pay more, otherwise it would go on strike.

So in the end, the analysis of Transfiguration is basically completed, and if you want to continue digging into its essence, you have to wait until you enter Hogwarts.

Although it proved that most of his guesses were correct, Bai Hao still felt that something was missing after thinking about it. In the end, he felt that the problem was still in the soul.

Soul magic is one of the magic in the HP world that is higher than that of Aslante.

Leaving aside Voldemort's horcruxes, there are a large number of souls in Hogwarts, one of whom is a professor. The existence of ghosts seems to have special significance to Hogwarts and the entire wizarding world.

In Aslant, only Jeref has research on the magic involving the soul. Fairy Tail’s first president Mebis is the soul body, but Bai Hao traveled again before seeing her, so he has no contact with her at all. And the opportunity to study soul magic.

Thinking about it, Bai Hao and the Felkes family have arrived at King's Cross Station by car.

"Platform Nine and Three Quarters, is there such a platform at King's Cross Station?" Sitaya stretched her neck and looked around, asking puzzledly.

"Xitaya, I have taken you to Diagon Alley several times in the past half a month, and you should know that it is impossible for things in the magical world to exist in the world of ordinary people openly." Bai Hao patted Sitaya on the back helplessly. "Come with me, I know how to get to the platform."

So Bai Hao led the crowd to the third pillar on the ninth platform and the tenth platform.

"It's here." Bai Hao pointed to the stone pillar in front of him, "Go through this pillar and you will reach the platform."

In fact, he didn't know where the entrance to the platform was at all, but the magic power wrapped in this pillar was a bit too strong, and there was nothing else besides it.

"Ha, so it turns out that the third pillar of the ninth platform and the tenth platform is nine and three quarters." Bolas said upon seeing this.

"Let's go! You close your eyes, grab me, and I'll take you in." After hearing Bai Hao's words, Xitaya and Mrs. Mary each took one of Bai Hao's arms, while Mr. Locke and Mr. Bolas took his. shoulder, and then Bai Hao led them through the entrance.

Everyone in Felkes felt a gust of cool wind blowing over their bodies, and then smelled a strong smell of engine oil.

"We're here." Bai Hao said.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a very old-fashioned steam train lined up on the track. The smoke exhaust pipe on the top was spouting hot white steam. The Hogwarts Express No. 5972 train was written impressively on the locomotive.

The train station platform was bustling with students and parents, each carrying a trolley of luggage. Looking up, a 9? sign was hanging on the wall.

"Finally we have come to the legendary platform nine and three quarters." Bai Hao said in his heart a little excitedly.

The scene in front of me has only been seen through movies before, but now I am standing in this place for real, I don’t know why Bai Hao has a desire to explore.

Ding! Ding! Ding! As soon as he came in, he heard a rapid ringing of the bell.

"Attention Hogwarts students, there is still half an hour before the train departs. Students who have not boarded the train, please hurry up and prepare." A loud voice sounded, and a conductor pointed at himself with a wand The position of the vocal cords shouted.

"Bolas Uncle, Mary Aunt, just send them here, and then I can do it by myself." Bai Hao said with a smile.

"Honey, you have to be careful about what you do after you go to school, don't take risks and do dangerous things, study hard, and you can write back if you have anything to do." Mrs. Mary pinched Bai Hao's face and said.

"Bai Hao, if you can't stay there any longer, just send a letter back, and I guarantee that you can enter the best school at any time after you come back." Bolas patted Bai Hao's shoulder.

"Bai Hao, you must write letters frequently so that we can know about your situation at school." Xitaya also patted his head.

"Could you bring me some Quidditch-related gifts, if you can?"

Everyone rolled their eyes and said in their hearts: "Lock, you are really a sight."

After waving goodbye to the Philks family, Bai Hao got into the car with his refurbished small suitcase.

After getting on the train, Bai Hao realized that the aisle of the train was very narrow, and the little wizards were crowded to walk back and forth on it, so he picked up the ability to squeeze the train when he went home during the Spring Festival, and spent a lot of effort to find a Empty carriages.

"Clean it up! The fragrance of flowers is overflowing!" After entering the carriage, Bai Hao waved his hand casually and cast two magic wands, and the carriage immediately became very clean and filled with the fresh fragrance of flowers.

Cleaning up is a simple spell in "Standard Spells Elementary", and the fragrance of flowers is a new magic created by Bai Hao at the strong request of Mrs. Mary.

After cleaning, Bai Hao closed the door of the carriage and cast a silent spell to block out the noise outside, then sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

It is better to say that he closed his eyes and rested his mind, than he was building a Great Wall of Thought to guard against Dumbledore's Legilimency.

In fact, for Bai Hao, there are many ways to deal with Legilimency, but they are all active skills. Whether it is avoiding looking directly into the caster's eyes, Occlumency, or the various mind-blocking magics learned in Aslante, Bai Hao needs to take the initiative to cast them.

It is difficult for him to guarantee that he will not be mentally slack and cause the secrets in his mind to leak out.

So Bai Hao thought of using [World Tree] to create a skill that can passively defend against Legilimency, called the Great Wall of Thought.

The construction of the Great Wall of Thought takes a long time. Bai Hao started from the first time he came back from Diagon Alley. Until now, it is estimated that it will be 100% completed before reaching Hogwarts.

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