The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter Eight Teachings On The Train

"Did anyone see a toad, a Neville lost one."

While Bai Hao was building the Great Wall of Thought, the door of the carriage was suddenly slammed open.

Bai Hao opened his eyes, and saw a fiery little witch standing at the door of the carriage, with a shawl and fluffy brown hair, proudly raising her little head.

"Ma'am, has anyone ever told you to say 'please' when you need help?" Bai Hao pressed his brows, building the Great Wall of Thought requires a high degree of concentration, and being suddenly interrupted by this My head hurts a little.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was too anxious just now. A student named Neville was crying because he lost his toad." The little witch also realized her gaffe, and put away her previous haughty expression.

"Forget it, you are also here to help your classmates." Bai Hao waved his hand, "Tell that classmate named Neville not to worry, the wizard's pet will find its owner by itself, and his toad will return to him by itself."

"Is that so?! That's great! Thank you for your help, I'll go back and tell Neville now." After hearing Bai Hao's words, the little witch immediately planned to run back and tell Neville the news.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Hermione Granger, and I'm a first-year student at Hogwarts."

After walking a few steps, Hermione turned back and introduced herself, then ran away quickly.

"What a passionate and arrogant little girl." This is Bai Hao's evaluation of Hermione when they met for the first time.

Bai Hao got up and closed the compartment door that Hermione hadn't closed just now, then closed his eyes and continued to do his own thing.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger, may I come in?" Hermione knocked on the door lightly.

After Hermione returned to her compartment, she told Neville what she had heard from Bai Hao.

After Neville was reassured, Hermione had been wanting to get to know the boy she had just met. It's not because of anything else, it's simply because of her own stubbornness.

"I've read so many books about magic in the past month, why didn't I know that the wizard's pet will automatically find the owner, no, I need to know how he knows." This is Hermione's inner thoughts, and this This thought also drove her back to Bai Hao's compartment.

"come in."

Hermione heard the response from inside and opened the door, only to see Bai Hao sitting there looking at her.

"Please sit down, Miss Granger." Bai Hao made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you, just call me Hermione." Hermione entered the carriage and closed the door, and sat opposite Bai Hao.

"So, Miss Hermione, what can I do for you?" Bai Hao asked.

"Actually, it's nothing, I just want to ask, how do you know that a wizard's pet will automatically find an owner?" Hermione asked straight to the point.

Not twitchy, quite in line with her straight-forward character in the original book.

"Miss Hermione."

"Just call me Hermione." Hermione corrected again, she seemed a little concerned about what others called her.

"Well, Hermione, before answering your question, please tell me why Hogwarts requires us to only bring owls, cats or toads as pets in the admission letter?" Bai Hao asked.

He didn't mind answering Hermione's questions. In the guild, he helped those brothers and sisters solve the problems of magic practice.

"I don't know about that." Hermione shook her head.

"That's because these three are the animals that most resonate with wizards besides magical animals," Bai Hao said.

"Echoing? What is echoing." He was full of doubts, she had never heard of this concept.

"Let me give you an example. Neville's toad is not a magical animal, so it has no magical power." Bai Hao took out his wand and tapped it in the void, and a light and shadow toad appeared between the two of them.

"Wow! What kind of magic is this." Hermione's eyes lit up.

"Light and shadow magic, pay attention!" Bai Hao tapped Hermione's head with his wand.

Bai Hao's teacher became energetic, and he was like this when he was helping Naz and the others to train in the guild.

"However, when Neville got his pet, his toad began to be stained with Neville's magic power." Bai Hao waved his wand, and the original light and shadow toad transformed into a person holding the toad in his arms.

"Hermione, you have to remember that the magic power of everyone is like the fingerprints on the hand, they are all unique, because Neville and his toad have the same magic power, so the two sides gradually echoed, Even if Neville's toad runs away, it can return to its owner by itself." The light and shadow between the two became a person and a toad connected by a thread, and then the toad found its owner again along the thread.

"So that's it! I understand!" Looking at the vivid teaching in front of her, if Hermione still couldn't understand it, she wouldn't be the top student in the original book.

"Thank you,..." Hermione wanted to express her gratitude, but she suddenly found that she didn't seem to ask the name of the boy in front of her.

"My name is Bai Hao Felkes, just call me Bai Hao." Bai Hao said with a smile.

"Thank you, Bai Hao." Hermione smiled a little awkwardly, showing her cute little rabbit teeth.

Huh! Huh~~huh! Huh~~, at this moment, the sound of the train whistle suddenly sounded

"Attention all students, the train is coming to the station, everyone get ready." It seems that a college senior is shouting outside, "Especially the first-year freshmen, put on your robes, don't run around after getting off the train, yours! Luggage will be sent to your dormitory."

"We're about to get off the bus." Bai Hao stood up, stretched his arms and legs, and stretched himself.

"Then, dear Miss Hermione, you don't want to stand here and watch a man change clothes, do you?" Bai Hao looked at Hermione with teasing eyes.

Hermione blushed after hearing this, then lowered her head and whispered, "Who would look at you." After speaking, she ran away.

"Hahaha, it's so cute, it's exactly the same as the original Mira." Bai Hao recalled the days when he molested Mira when he was a child.

Bai Hao collected his thoughts, locked the door of the carriage, and was about to start changing clothes.

Huh! Huh~~, Huh! Huh~~ The flute sounded, and the train stopped near the platform.

The door opened, and the students in the car rushed out of the car. Among them, the first-year wizards all looked around curiously after getting out of the car.

"Okay, first-year little wizard, please go this way." After getting out of the car, I saw a tall figure walking over holding a lamp.

He is the keykeeper and gamekeeper of Hogwarts - Rubeus Hagrid, a half-blood giant wearing an oversized moleskin coat with all kinds of strange clothes hanging around his waist. stuff.

"Quick! Don't be shy first graders, hurry up! Quick!" Hagrid continued to urge.

"Hi! Hagrid." A boy stepped forward and greeted Hagrid. He had a pair of bright green eyes, and a thin lightning-shaped scar on his forehead could be vaguely seen through the dark and tousled hair.

With such obvious features, there is no doubt that this person is the protagonist of the HP world, Harry Potter.

"Hi! Harry." Hagrid responded happily, smiling.

Bai Hao was the last person left on the train, and just as he was about to get off, he caught sight of a trolley out of the corner of his eye.


So Bai Hao turned back again, and when he got out of the car again, he saw a frog leg struggling frantically in his mouth, which smelled like chocolate.

"Okay, first graders, please come with me, and get on the boat here, each boat can only accommodate four people." Hagrid led the little wizards to a pier.

After getting on the boat, Bai Hao found that because Hagrid was too big, he could only take a boat and walk in the front.

Bai Hao was sitting on the last boat. Besides him and Hermione, there was another boy on board, who seemed to be the blasting genius in the original book—Seamus Finnigan.

"Bow your head!" Hagrid, who was walking in the front, suddenly shouted. It turned out that the fleet was about to pass through a cave.

But this cave is very strange. After entering the cave, the boat in front of it disappeared instantly, and the surrounding area was pitch black. Combined with the dim light of the magic lamp on the boat, Bai Hao's boat is like a lonely ship in the endless black sea. Like a boat, it is quite Cthulhu style.

Suddenly plunged into endless darkness, how could the newly recruited little wizards bear such a shock, many people began to shout, and the loudest one was a young master named Dellaco Malfoy (refer to Master Halloween What it looks like when you hear the troll).

"Don't be afraid, the stones in the cave will absorb the light, and you'll be fine once you get out." Hearing the noisy voice behind him, Hagrid could not know what happened, so he comforted him in his rough voice.

"Really, it's like this every year." Hagrid helped his forehead helplessly. It seemed that every year there were freshmen who were frightened here.

At the back of the fleet, Hermione was holding Bai Hao's robe tightly. When she entered the cave just now, perhaps because of her inexplicable strong heart, Hermione refrained from screaming, but her eyes were still full of fear and panic.

As for the other person on the boat, Simo, he didn't shout just now, but kept repeating: Iwantmymom! ! ! I want to go home! ! ! That's all.

After a few minutes, the fleet drove out of the cave one after another, and after turning around a bay, a huge castle appeared in front of them under the night sky.

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