The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 5 Guild Residents And Devil Professors (Please Subscribe!)

"The wizarding hero Harry Potter and his classmate Ron Weasley, who defeated the Dark Lord, caused the world's worst magical exposure in fifty years.

"This has to make people wonder whether Harry Potter is acting recklessly with his hero status."

Bai Wu just got the newspaper, smiled and read the important content to Harry and Ron.

"Hogwarts is just that big, you two got into such a big trouble, you can go home and burn incense and pay homage to Merlin before you get expelled.

Ron took the "Daily Prophet" that Bai Hao handed him with a look of horror: "My mother will definitely kill me."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione also appeared at this time, holding a thick book in her hand.

Bai Hao smiled heartlessly: "Talk about whether the two of them are qualified to enter Azkaban.

Harry and Ron's faces turned blue instantly.

Ron's Adam's apple slid up and down: "It won't be as serious as entering Azkaban, right?!"

Bai Hao narrowed his eyes and smiled even brighter: "Who knows?"

"After all, the person who caused such a serious magic exposure accident last time was beaten by dozens of Aurors."

Hermione patted Bai Hao beside her: "Don't scare them! If they want to enter Azkaban, people from the Ministry of Magic would have already come to Hogwarts."

"The sitting next to Dumbledore at the dinner yesterday is the current Minister of Magic!"

Harry and Ron were completely terrified this time.

Wouldn't really send them to Azkaban?! Then they'd rather be expelled from school!


Just then, the hooting of an owl interrupted Bai Hao's ensuing mental torture for the two.

Errol bumped headfirst into Ron's face, but still had a letter hanging from his mouth.

The Weasley family's only owl seemed to have poor eyesight.

"Ahh!" Bai Hao gave Ron a pitying look.

"What's this?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I advise you to cover your ears."

Ron gulped, and tremblingly picked up the Howler letter, knowing what was due would come.

He took a deep breath and lifted the sealing wax.

"Ron Weasley!"

The roaring letter instantly turned into a flaming red lips grinning, and the huge curse formed an echo in the entire cafeteria.

Hermione immediately covered her ears.

"You dare to steal that car, I'm really going to be mad at you!"

"It's all your fault that you brought your father into the Ministry of Magic's scrutiny, and you brought Harry with you!"

"If you continue to break the rules and do outrageous things, we will take you home directly.

Ron kept nodding mechanically, nothing but fear in his eyes.

Hou Houxin changed the topic, and his tone became gentle again.

"Thank you! Bai Hao.

"Ron is giving you trouble!"

"And baby Ginny, congratulations on entering Gryffindor, your father and I are proud of you."

After finishing speaking, Roaring Letter stuck out his tongue at Ron, and it automatically tore itself.

Very personal letter!

At this moment, there was a dead silence in the cafeteria, and everyone looked at Ron sitting there dumbfounded.

This Howler letter should be the talk of Hogwarts for the next few days.

Bai Hao returned to the Room of Requirement after eating. It had been burning for more than an hour including lunch time, and everything should have been burnt.

When you open the Room of Requirement, you will immediately be greeted with a smell of burning and smoke.

When I walked in, everything was burnt clean, and the radiance of the end of the curse was still flowing on the wall.

Bai Hao pinched his nose: "It stinks, there's no window here for ventilation."

Scattered all curses, opened the door, and the blue magic circle lit up.

The tornado formed by sky magic rolled up the remaining ashes and sent them outside the door along with the smell in the room.

The rubbish outside is cleaned up by the house elves.

Bai Hao looked at this room which was comparable to a Quidditch pitch, such a large place was enough for the guild to live in.

In the beginning, the 500-square-meter room was used as a defense against the dark arts class for Raven Krow's eaglets.

The venue is settled, and the rest is the equipment.

During the summer vacation, he went to Knockturn Alley for a stroll. After selling the acromantula venom on his body at the market price, he also robbed a few bad wizards who wanted to rob him.

A total of about 2W of Galleons were obtained.

Before using these, he purchased a lot of furniture and equipment, such as: basic tables, chairs, sofas, beds and bedding, some commonly used magic potions, various magic books, anti-magic dolls for practicing magic, fitness equipment, kitchen facilities and more.

The entire guild resident is divided into: magic practice area, battle area, library, construction room, medical room, lounge, kitchen, material storage area, etc.

It took Bai Hao an hour or so to put everything in its place, and the room finally looked a little decent.

But Bai Hao frowned again: "It seems too empty, there is no private space!"

A total of eight areas are all empty at first glance, and there is no material separation between each area, which makes the entire resident look a bit nondescript.

Bai Hao thought for a while, then activated his magic and teleported to Li Mu's side.

So, the Hogwarts students who were taking a lunch break suddenly saw a few huge fir trees floating into the air from the Forbidden Forest, and then disappeared after a while.

three hours later......

Bai Hao hung up the last "FAIRYTAIL" signboard, clapped his palms, and wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead: "Huh~~ It's finally done!"

Sacrificing the lunch break, I used magic to make a few fir trees from the Forbidden Forest into various wooden components

All right.

"The next thing is to recruit members, but this matter can't be rushed."

After finishing the matter of the guild station, Bai Hao returned to the lounge.

"Eagle Lord~~~"

"Damn it! Are you like this?"

As soon as he returned to the lounge, Bai Hao saw the third-grade little eagles lying in the lounge collectively, their bodies were in a mess.

"Eagle Master~~" Aslan spoke wearily first, "You are right, we have Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon."

"Lockhart actually tested us for two consecutive classes..."

"What's Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?"

"What are Gilderoy Lockhart's ambitions?"

"When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what would be his ideal birthday present."

"My God! This is torture!"

...asking for flowers......

"After one hour of these two classes, all he asked was about himself."

"What Defense Against the Dark Arts has nothing to do with it!!!"

Bai Hao sighed knowingly: "That's why I told you not to ask why last night.

"As long as anyone who has taken a class with him knows that he is a parallel importer, except for his brainless fans."

Aslan stood up weakly: "Master Eagle, when are you going to teach us?"

"We don't want to take Lockhart's class again. It's a waste of time."

Bai Hao lowered his head and thought for a while: "Just tonight, I've found a place."

So it was night in a blink of an eye.

"Master Eagle, shall we have class in the lounge?"

After dinner, the third graders all gathered in the lounge.

"Of course not! You'll find out later." Bai Hao took out his wand, "Everyone put their shoulders together, or make sure they have enough contact with the people around them."

"I don't want someone missing an arm or a leg when I teleport later."

The eaglets all gathered together obediently.


A white magic circle lit up, and the space teleportation magic transported Bai Hao and twenty little eagles to the Room of Requirement.


All the eaglets exclaimed, it was the first time they had seen such a magical magic that could lead so many people to move together.

"Okay, here is our classroom." Bai Hao stood on a stone battle platform he prepared, "My class is mainly practical, but today I won't teach you any magic

"Does anyone know what to do the first time you encounter a dark wizard?"

One eaglet raised his hand: "Get your wand and prepare to fight or flee."

"Correct!" Bai Hao walked to the end of the battle stage, "Aslan, come up and cooperate with me."

Aslan jumped onto the opposite platform and stood opposite Bai Hao.

"Aslan, you treat me like a dark wizard right now, and stalk me at will.

"What?!" Aslan froze for a moment.

Is it so sudden? Just start doing it right away?!

"Expelliarmus!" Bai Hao caught off guard with a spell that knocked Aslan's wand to the ground.

"You are already dead in actual combat." Bai Hao looked at Aslan seriously, "Come again!"

Aslan quickly picked up the wand, but just as he stood still, Bai Hao knocked the wand away again.

"You could have attacked me while picking up the wand, but you chose to stand?"

"Come again!"

Ever since, the third grader Xiaoying has another impression of Bai Hao: Professor Devil!!!

In fact, Bai Hao has another name in Fairy Tail: Devil Trainer.

All the mages in the guild who have experienced his training are miserable. Although the effect of training is very good, Yuguo's training method from the body to the mind is so simple that life is worse than death.

Naz had tried.

He challenged Bai Hao without fear of death, but after losing, Bai Hao was dragged into the deep mountains and old forests for special training.

When people in the guild saw him again a month later, they found that he was completely pale.

(I hope all friends who like this book will raise their hands high, please subscribe, ask for monthly tickets, ask for flowers, thank you for your support!!! 9).

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