The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 6 La Wen Keluo's Defense Against The Dark Arts Lesson (Please Subscribe!)

"Stand up quickly! I'm almost dead, so I don't care about my shoes!"

"And you, what are you doing climbing up a tree?! Being a sloth?"

"As soon as it jumps up, your feet are gone!"

On Requirement Ula Wen Keluo Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, more than 20 third-grade little eagles are taking turns to be tortured by Bai Hao.

Half an hour ago, after being abused for more than ten minutes, Aslan's confidence was severely hit, and he is now resting off the court.

In order to get closer to actual combat, Bai Hao cast an infinite stretching spell on the entire room, expanding the class space to about 1,000 square meters, which is the equivalent of two and a half standard basketball courts.

Then he went to the Forbidden Forest and cut down a few more trees, combined with [Crazy Growth] to turn the whole room into a small forest simulation environment, with fog and black Yeyue light.

Every group of six the eagles take turns to enter the misty forest for actual combat training. In this class, their training object is a wetland werewolf, the purpose is to cultivate their reaction ability and combat thinking.

"Zhang Qiu! What are you doing?!"

"You actually ran up to fight at close quarters without authorization, thinking you didn't die fast enough, right?!"

Bai Hao yelled at a girl with an oriental face like himself on July 17.

Just now, in order to increase the hit rate of his magic, Zhang Qiu ran to the center line of the battlefield not long after the battle started.

Due to the lack of early communication and the cover of grass, a teammate's magic behind her almost hit her.

"Forget what I just said?"

"Threesomes! Threesomes!"

"Be aware of where you and your teammates are at all times."

"Since you are now on the defensive, one will defend and attack, one will cover, and one will interfere!"

"Werewolves are fast, and you need to constantly move around to find opportunities to kill with one blow."

"The two groups have to cooperate with each other, what's the matter with you rushing up alone!!!"

Zhang Qiu was about to be scolded by Bai Shou and cried, his eyes were watery.

Although she feels very upset and wronged now, she can't find any reason to refute, so she can only quickly adjust to deal with the werewolf who is getting closer to her.

However, after 5 minutes, the six Eagles in this round collapsed due to the death of a teammate.

When teammates died, it brought them fear, and the fear would make them panic and run around, only to be chased and killed by werewolves one by one.

Zhang Qiu and the other six walked back to the preparation area with drooping faces.

What a shame!

They were defeated in 5 minutes, and the tactics they discussed before going on the field could not be used in actual combat.

"Six people beat one, and six were counter-killed, do you know how to play?"

"Which six are the next group? Give it to me!"

"If you come down in 5 minutes like them, I guarantee you will dream of werewolves tonight!!!"

Hearing Bai Hao's shout, everyone's faces turned pale. They really didn't expect that Eagle Master, who is usually very nice and friendly, would be so scary when he was taking Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

They are only in the third grade, and they are only fourteen or fifteen-year-old kittens. They don't have that much ability to fight against werewolves!

"Master Yingying..." A little eagle raised his hand tremblingly.

Bai Hao glared at him, his aura was extremely strong: "What's the matter?"

"That is, can you show us a demonstration? We still have to deal with werewolves." Xiaoying plucked up the courage to say what everyone thought.

Looking at the simulated foggy forest, and the blood-red eyes of the werewolf hiding inside, with a humanized and fierce smile on his face, everyone's scalps are numb

Even if we know that this werewolf is fake, who wouldn't mind this scene?!

In fact, this is not their fault. The Hogwarts students of the class of 1990 actually only took a serious Defense Against the Dark Arts class for one school year.

Last year, although Quirrell was not as good as Lockhart, he pretended to stutter, and he couldn't talk much in a class!

So the old bee always finds people who mislead their children as professors.

"Okay! Show me everything!" Bai Hao entered the forest without saying a word.

The werewolf hid in the mist and shuttled through the grass, and suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Bai Hao.

Bai Hao didn't move a step, and raised his magic wand: "Reducto!"

The werewolf was instantly knocked down.

Bai Hao calmly pointed to the dregs on the ground: "Wow! That's it!"

"Are you kidding me!!!" The little eagles went crazy, if they had such a strong strength, would they still need to fight six against one?

But there is no way, the little eagles dare not speak out, anyway, you know you can't die.

The werewolf refreshed and returned to its place.

The six eaglets forcibly suppressed the fear in their hearts, and tremblingly walked into the forest.

The minute hand surpassed the hour hand and stopped at 12, but the hour hand lagged behind the 10 behind.

In the common room of La Wen Keluo, in the middle of the night, there are still more than a dozen little eagles reading and thinking about the raven.

But suddenly a dazzling white light flashed in the lounge, scaring them enough for an instant.

"What... what?!" Rian rubbed his eyes, and suddenly found dozens of people in the lounge, "Eagle...Eagle Lord?"

Yes, after two and a half hours of Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Bai Hao returned to the common room with all the eaglets.

Bai Hao nodded: "Good evening!"

"Good evening!" Li En nodded mechanically, and he looked behind Bai Hao again, "What's the matter with... Eagle Lord?"

I saw that the third-year Xiaoying who came back all looked like they were about to be sucked dry, and everyone was listless, and their souls were about to go out of their bodies.

Bai Wu turned his head and looked: "It's nothing, I just gave them a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Can defense against the dark arts become like this?

Although Ryan was very curious, he didn't dare to ask too many questions.

"Okay, everyone disbands on the spot, and hurry up to learn [Mirror Mirror Shape]."

"I don't want to take you to class at night every time!"

Bai Hao stretched his waist and then disappeared. This evening was really cool.

He's going to the kitchen to treat himself, abuse of food really makes people happy physically and mentally.

Seeing Bai Hao leave, Lean patted Aslan on the shoulder lightly: "Aslan, what happened?"

"Why did the last class become like this?"

Aslan raised his head and smirked, patted Ryan on the shoulder, and left without saying anything...

The same happened to several other curious eaglets.

The people waiting in the lounge looked at each other, with countless question marks on their heads.

So two weeks passed in a blink of an eye, and all the students in Lawen Keluo were tortured by Bai Hao one after another, except for the first graders.

Because they have just entered school and can't spell many spells, it is impossible for Bai Hao to frantically let them face the werewolf.

So Bai Hao's task for them is to study, pass exams and take exams.

Fortunately, there are no fans of Lockhart among the first-year Kitty Eagles, otherwise this would be a very headache.

"Mirror image CreateImage!" The voice of practicing magic came from time to time in La Wen Keluo's common room.

After a period of practice, most of the students in La Wen Keluo College have mastered 【Mirror Isoform CreateImage】.

And the purpose of practicing this magic is very simple, to skip class!

The little eagles who have already taken a Defense Against the Dark Arts class said that whoever falls in love with this class will take it, anyway, they should not be stupid.

At this time, Bai Hao was sitting at a table, struggling to write something.

"What are you doing?"

Luna suddenly appeared and sat next to Bai Hao, looking at what he was writing in his hands like a dream.

"I'm writing the guild's recruitment announcement." Bai Hao continued to write without looking up. He heard that it was Luna, after all, her ethereal and erratic voice was so distinctive.

"What is a guild?"

"A place where people can rely on each other." When Bai Hao said this, memories flashed in his eyes.

"Fairy Tail?" Luna noticed the words "FAIRYTAIL" on the bulletin written by Bai Hao, "Why is it called this name?"

"A lot of people don't like them in 2.1."

Bai Hao stopped writing: "For me, goblins are a kind of legendary elves. They are not ugly, but a kind of creature that symbolizes beauty."

"But whether the goblins have tails, whether they exist themselves, is a mystery.

"Because of this, Fairy Tail represents eternal unknown and adventure."

Luna tilted her head, staring at Bai Hao's eyes erratically: "Is it like a horned snoring beast?"

Bai Hao suddenly showed a puzzled expression: "The horned snoring beast? Is it the kind of magical creature written in "The Quibbler"?"

He had read this magazine carefully, and the content in it was very novel, but also very absurd.

"It's very shy, and like the chrysalis, it often likes to hide where people can't see it.

Bai Hao smiled, stood up and touched Luna's little head: "You will find them.

Luna tilted her head and watched Bai Hao leave, with her hands in her ears as if trying to drive away something.

It seemed to her that there were harassing flies flying around.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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