The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 12 Chase (For Subscription)

"Get out of here first, I'll go down and have a look!" After saying that, Bai Hao was about to jump down, but suddenly felt a force pulling him back.

Bai Hao turned his head and looked at Hermione suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

Hermione tugged at his clothes: "You tell me what this is first."

" troublesome!" Bai Hao rolled his eyes, "I don't have time to explain to you now, you will know when I come back."

Then, without any explanation, Hermione was transferred away by magic.

"Ouch!" Hermione touched her sore buttocks, and Rihao transferred her to the guild.

"Bastard Wu..."

Bai Hao looked at the dark hole, jumped down, and sealed the entrance with rock magic to prevent the basilisk from running out.

The environment at the bottom of the cave is very humid and dark, and the crisp clicking sound of the feet is very abrupt here.

"It stinks!" As soon as he got down to the bottom of the cave, Bai Hao quickly covered his nose, and then cast a bubble head curse on himself.

The smell down here was terrible, a mixture of Japanese ammonia and rancidity.

"Lumos LumosMaximum!"

Bai Hao released the magic, and a ball of light floated out, illuminating the dim environment brightly.

He lowered his head and looked at his feet. There were all fish and mouse bones. The clicking sound just now was the sound of bones being broken.

"Is the intestinal system of this basilisk so weird? After eating it, it will come out as a complete bone?!"

Then he looked up and looked around, he was in the middle of the intersection of pipelines, four pipelines in different directions lead to unknown places.

Bai Hao took a look with [Hawkeye Eye], the entrance of Secret Room 24 is not far away, go through the pipe on the left and walk through an underground cave.

"Hey! What a big snake skin!" Bai Hao had just walked to the middle of the cave when he saw a huge snake skin lying on the ground, which must have been cast off by a basilisk.

Adhering to the principle of passing by, don't miss it, go shopping in the wild, and don't grow any grass, this snake skin was put into Bai Hao's pocket.

Should be very valuable.

When we came to the entrance of the secret room, it was a circular metal door, a bit similar to the door of a bank vault, revealing the heavy metal feeling everywhere.

It is locked by seven snakes biting the edge of the door, and there are some unknown runes on the edge of the door.

The door must be opened by someone saying "open" in Parseltongue.

Bai Hao doesn't know Parseltongue, so he can only use the old method...

A blazing flame burst out of Bai Hao's right hand, and he punched out: "DragonIronFist!"

The entire cave reverberated with violent explosions and the faint sound of dragon chant.

After a while, the smoke dissipated...

"Fuck! It's useless?!" Bai Hao saw that the door of the secret room hadn't even moved.

He knocked forward curiously, to see if the color of the metal might not be made by alchemy.

It may be that Slytherin was also worried that someone would stumble in by mistake and break into the door violently, so they used alchemy to create this door.

But it doesn't matter, your gate was made with alchemy, so the stone that fixes the gate next to it can't also be made with alchemy?!

"Decompose!" The white magic circle of shattering magic lit up, and a stone next to the door of the secret room was broken down into powder, forming an entrance more than two meters high.

Bai Hao walked in, and the first thing he saw was a long and flat stone road, and on both sides of the road were seven snake-headed stone statues grinning their fangs, revealing their letter.

Walk along the cobblestone road to the end and you will see a huge stone statue of Salazar Slytherin.

Bai Hao walked up to the statue and looked around, but there was no sign of any living creatures moving.

This was not unexpected to Bai Hao, he had already thought that the basilisk might not be in the secret room before he came.

So he poured a large bucket of dead fish that he had prepared in advance on the ground, and the strong fishy smell should attract the basilisk.

Bai Hao found a hiding place on the top of the cave, silently waiting for the arrival of the basilisk.


Sure enough, within 10 minutes, Bai Hao heard a rustling sound, and a huge basilisk crawled out from a dark place.

But the basilisk did not eat the bait immediately, but waited and watched not far away.

"The IQ of this basilisk is not low, do you feel that I added something to the bait?" Bai Hao found that the basilisk was very vigilant, and he added a powerful sleeping potion to the bait.

According to Snape, this kind of potion, not to mention the basilisk, would have to lie down for two days when the dragon came.

Bai Hao didn't act rashly, seeing the basilisk's eyes would kill him instantly, he didn't know if he could withstand this ability.

Be careful with the Wannian Ship, he still wants to wait for the basilisk to swallow the bait before doing it.

As time went by, the basilisk finally seemed unable to bear the temptation of food and slowly approached the bait.

But just when the basilisk's tongue was about to touch the fish, it suddenly raised its head, as if it felt something.

"Leave~ This is a trap~~"

The basilisk turned its head and began to crawl quickly into the pipe.

"Voldemort! I fuck you!" Bai Wu breathed out.

As soon as he saw the basilisk move, he guessed that the basilisk must have received the order from the Parseltongue. "Now the only thing that can command the basilisk in Hogwarts is Voldemort's Horcrux.

Although the body of the basilisk is so huge, its crawling speed is very fast, and it quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Bai Wu hurriedly followed, if he couldn't catch it this time, it would be more troublesome, Voldemort would hide it.

The pipes of Hogwarts are criss-crossed and extend in all directions, which is the home field of the basilisk.

The basilisk is constantly switching escape routes, and Bai Hao who is chasing after it can usually only see the basilisk's tail.

He couldn't increase the speed of pursuit, just when he was turning a corner, he didn't react and broke a stalactite.


A faint blue figure flew out from Baimei's chest.

"Stop it for me!!!"

You Ye flapped its wings and flew towards the basilisk quickly. In this place, its speed was faster than the basilisk.

Soon, You Ye flew in front of the basilisk, and instantly became bigger, blocking the way forward of the basilisk.

The basilisk was forced to stop.

"Dragon Emperor roars【DragonEmperorroars】"

A huge pillar of fire rushed towards the basilisk along the pipe.


At this time, the young wizards dining in the Hogwarts cafeteria felt the first shock.

The pillar of fire missed the basilisk, which fled upwards.

Bai Hao and You Ye hurriedly chased after them, one person and one Winged Demon were chasing parallel along the pipeline.

You Ye spouted a breath, which brushed against the basilisk's tail, and the rest of the breath hit a stone wall.


At this time, the little wizard in the cafeteria felt the second shock.

"Zero Freezing!" The blue magic circle lit up, and the severe cold instantly filled the pipe, freezing the basilisk that was running away.

"Run?! Let me see where you are going!"

Bai Hao looked at the long ice sculpture at the other end of the pipe, and touched his head. Just now, he flew too fast and hit the wall several times, scratching his clothes.


"Huh? What the hell?!" Bai Hao suddenly heard the sound of ice cracking.

Looking up, I saw the ice on the basilisk began to petrify and fall off.

"Dragon Emperor roars [Dragon Emperor roars]!"

Seeing this, Bai Hao immediately activated his magic, even if he roasted the basilisk today, he couldn't let it escape, otherwise he would really lose his life!


At this time, Professor McGonagall began to organize the evacuation of the students.


The basilisk screamed. Although the high temperature of the flame made it very painful, the stones covering its body greatly reduced the damage of the flame to it.

"*You banana sow head!"

"No one said before that the petrification ability of the basilisk can actively act on matter!"

Bai Hao's face turned black, this is different from the basilisk he knew!

"Fire Cold Tide 【IceTide】!" Bai Hao didn't hold back, and directly launched super magic.

The severe cold instantly froze the pipes of the entire Hogwarts.

And this is a terrible time for the little wizard who is going to the toilet. Can you imagine being suddenly frozen while urinating?

Not to mention some plus-sized ones!

The basilisk was frozen again, but it was beginning to fear.

It is urging the greatest natural ability, and the ice on its body begins to petrify again.

But Bai Hao won't give him another chance. 367 He rushed up so violently that he hit the iron fist of the fire dragon, and directly blasted the snake and the wall away.

A huge hole was punched in the pipe wall, and suddenly dazzling sunlight shot into the dim pipe.

Bai Hao twisted his neck: "Good guy! This thing can really run!"

"Mr. Felkes?" Professor McGonagall's voice came from outside the cave.

Bai Hao walked through the smoke and dust: "Excuse me, Professor McGonagall."

"Surprised everyone."

"'d better explain it to me!" Professor McGonagall felt her blood pressure rise rapidly, and she really couldn't forgive the problem student in front of her this time.

In the past, no matter how good Bai Hao was, he still had a sense of proportion when making troubles.

But this time is different!

Not only did it cause serious damage to the school, but it even recruited a basilisk to come out.

"Professor, now doesn't seem like a good time to explain things." Bai Hao pointed to the basilisk rolling on the lawn not far away and screaming in pain.

Let's talk about this basilisk at least once we've dealt with it.

"You wait for me!" Professor McGonagall was furious, and after finishing speaking, he wanted to go up to deal with the basilisk.

"Professor, you can just protect the students." Bai Hao smiled and held Professor McGonagall, "I'll take care of this basilisk.

Before Professor McGonagall could react, Bai Hao rushed forward.

"Crazy growth [OverGrowth]!" A green magic circle lit up under the basilisk, and thick vines rose from the ground, instantly binding the basilisk to the ground.

The basilisk struggled wildly and activated its petrification ability, and the vines began to break.

"Giant Hand [RiantHand]!" Bai Hao launched his magic again.

A giant rock hand drilled out through the brown magic circle, and punched the basilisk seven inches in the face.

hiss ha ha ha!!!

The basilisk let out a scream, but the giant rock hand smashed down again.


This time, the force was so great that the basilisk was smashed into the soil, and the monster finally passed out.

Thirty seconds to resolve the battle.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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