The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter Thirteen Afterwards (Please Subscribe!)

Bai Hao waved back with a smile: "Professor McGonagall, it's all right!"

Professor McGonagall stepped forward cautiously, and saw the battered basilisk.

She turned her head and looked at Bai Hao angrily: "Mr. Felkes, is it time to explain?"

"Ahahaha!!!" Bai Wu scratched his head in embarrassment, and began to talk about what happened.

On the other side, the students hiding in the distance heard nothing, and a few bold students began to return to the scene of the incident quietly.

"That's Bai Hao Felkes and Professor McGonagall?" A Gryffindor looked over from a distance, "It seems to be all right."

"Shall we go up and have a look?"

"Wait, what do you see next to the professor?"

"It looks like a snake, but is the snake that big? What kind of magical creature?"

"I don't know, but it looks like it has been resolved, go back and let everyone know."

"it is good!"

The two Gryffindors then returned to inform the students that they were all right.

"Balaba...that's how things happened." Bai Hao said things quickly and briefly.

And now Professor McGonagall not only feels high blood pressure, but also has a splitting headache.

"You mean you magically froze the drains in Hogwarts in order to prevent the basilisk from escaping?"

Bai Hao nodded proudly: "Yes!"

Professor McGonagall suddenly felt his blood rising, and he staggered a bit.

"Oh, Professor! What's wrong with you?!" Bai Hao quickly supported Professor McGonagall.

"Filks! What's going on?!"

At this time Snape and the other two headmasters also rushed over, followed by the little wizards, all stretching their necks, their eyes full of curiosity.

"Oh! It's a basilisk!" Professor Feliway jumped up in surprise when he saw the basilisk beside him.

"Could this be the basilisk that attacked the students yesterday?" Professor Sprout also heard Bai Hao's words in the corridor on the fourth floor yesterday.

"Severus, I'll leave this to you, I think I have to go to Madam Pomfrey." Professor McGonagall pressed his temples after speaking, and was supported by several Gryffindor girls sent to the infirmary.

It seems that this time Bai Hao's actions made Professor McGonagall very angry.

"Mr. Felkes?" Snape also looked at Bai Hao with a slightly horrified expression. This time the incident was too big.

Who would have thought that he said to deal with the basilisk, but then directly beat the basilisk out of the castle.

So many students have seen the news that there are extremely dangerous magical creatures in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The news will spread all over the sky tomorrow, and they don't know how many troubles there will be.

"I have to explain again!" Bai Hao sighed, and quickly explained the matter again.

And the little wizards standing behind gradually began to commotion

"Oh my God, Felkes actually solved a XXXXX-level magical creature by himself.

"Professor McGonagall won't solve this by himself, and then Felkes will take the credit for himself?"

"That Slytherin over there, do you dare to question our Eagle Lord again?! Think about it with your troll brain, this kind of credit can be claimed~"?"

"Suck~~ Can this magical creature called a basilisk be eaten?"

After a while, several professors fell silent after hearing Hao's words.

Although things are making a lot of noise now, the original intention is good, after all, the threat of the basilisk has been eliminated.

Snape walked up to the basilisk, touched the scales with his hand, and then attached his ears to the basilisk's body.

"Professor Snape, what are you doing?" Bai Hao asked strangely.

Snape stood up: "Just to make sure, it's dying."


Hearing Snape's words, Bai Huang became anxious, and ran to the basilisk like a fly, and opened the [Hawkeye] to observe the inside of the basilisk.

I saw that the heart of the basilisk had burst, and a lot of blood flowed out from the heart.

Finished the ball! Those two hits just now were too hard! He didn't expect to kill the basilisk!

"Wow! Don't die!" Bai Hao stretched out his hand and began to cast sky healing magic, and the blue magic circle covered the entire basilisk.

"You are the final exam I prepared for the little eagles! Such a good material, if you die, you have to wait until the exam is over before you die!"

The little wizards not far away heard Bai Hao's screams, and most of them didn't understand why.

"Kitty Eagle? Do you mean La Wen Keluo?"

Everyone looked at Raven Klau in unison.

I saw that all the Little Eagles had turned white, and they froze in place as if they had been petrified, as if they had been looked at by a basilisk through a mirror.

What did the Eagle Lord just say?

Is this huge monster preparing for our final exam?

Is the Eagle Lord joking?!

Must be joking, right?!

You basilisk die quickly! Don't let this beast come back!!!

The above is the common aspiration of all the little eagles.

But at this moment, a phoenix cry sounded in the air, and Fox brought Dumbledore back from the Ministry of Magic.

Just now he received news from the Ministry of Magic that the basilisk had appeared at Hogwarts, and he immediately set off and rushed back.

Fortunately, he brought Fox with him, so he could be a little faster than the people from the Ministry of Magic who came later.

"Everyone, go back to the dormitory immediately, and can't leave the lounge without the professor's instructions.

The students looked at each other.

Although they are very curious now, but listening to the principal's tone, it seems that it is not good to stay here!

So they went to their lounge one after another, while the little eagles were dragged away by the little badgers.

"Huh~~ Fortunately, he didn't die!" Bai Hao let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was rescued in time, otherwise he might not be able to save him if he was a minute late.

Dumbledore pressed his brows to soothe his aching head: "Bai Hao, you have caused me a lot of trouble!"

"People from the Ministry of Magic are coming, and they will arrive in a few minutes. We must deal with this basilisk before they arrive."

"Otherwise the Ministry of Magic will ask Hogwarts to suspend classes in the name of various "dangerous". When the time comes to reopen classes, I don't know how many conditions we have to agree to the Ministry of Magic."

"You know they've been trying to meddle in the administration of Hogwarts for a long time."

Bai Hao suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this! It's easy to do! I just cast an Imperius Curse on each of them."

What kind of shocking statement is this?

Is it really okay to use the Unforgivable Curse in front of us?

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall was not here. If she heard this sentence, she might not have to go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness.

It was also difficult for Dumbledore to maintain calm now: "Bai Hao, now is not the time to joke."

"Even if you cast the Imperius Curse on the people of the Ministry of Magic, so many people saw this incident today, and it is impossible to hide it.

"Hogwarts must have an answer to the Ministry of Magic and the students' parents."

"Okay!" Bai Hao scratched his head in embarrassment, he also understood that this time the accident was a bit big, "Are there any Boggarts in the school?"

Dumbledore's eyes lit up.

Boggart? This might be a good way to fool people!

"Where's the basilisk?"

"Where's the basilisk?"

A few minutes later, Fudge arrived at Hogwarts with a dozen or so Aurors, but all around them were intact.

Dumbledore calmly pointed to the "basilisk" beside him.

"That's it, but I'm going to tell you it's a Borg!"

"Boggart?" Fudge looked suspicious, "Didn't you mean the basilisk?"

Dumbledore nodded without changing his expression: "~Yes, Boggart."

"Actually, it's all a misunderstanding."

"A student of magical biology was terrified of creatures like basilisks when a boggart hiding in the school came out and ran into him.

"Then since it's a Boggart, why hasn't it changed now?" asked Foo.

"Mr. Felkes just happened upon this incident, and he cast a special magic to stun the Boggart, so the Boggart won't change shape until he wakes up."

"Special magic?" Fudge looked at Bai Hao who was standing aside.

Bai Hao nodded solemnly: "Yes, there is this kind of magic in the inheritance of La Wen Keluo."

"Where is the student who is proficient in magical biology, and what is his name?" Fudge was still insistent.

Dumbledore: "This student is in the school infirmary, a child of the Scamander family."

"Minister, I'm sure!" an Auror who was in charge of the inspection suddenly leaned into Fudge's ear and whispered, "It's indeed a Boggart, maybe it's got some kind of spell so that it can only maintain the form of a basilisk now. "

Hearing this, Fudge gritted his teeth, such a good opportunity would be gone.

He took a deep breath: "Since this is the case, it's fine."

"Albus, I hope that Hogwarts will strengthen the management of magical creatures in the future."

"Although biological dangers like Boggarts are not high, they may cause some trouble after all, just like this time."

"Please Hogwarts write a clear report to the Ministry of Magic, so that we can give everyone a reasonable explanation (Li Le's)."

Dumbledore nodded: "Okay! Okay!"

Fudge left with people, and Dumbledore and several professors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bai Hao, I hope you won't be so Zhang Yang next time." Dumbledore pressed his temple, "If similar incidents happen a few more times, I'm afraid I'm going to see Merlin.

"Oh! Got it!" Bai Hao nodded.

Then Dumbledore left to deal with the follow-up matters. He just heard that many students were frightened when they went to the toilet, and he didn't know what was going on.

Bai Hao stretched his waist, and pulled out the basilisk that was buried in the ground and poured the sleeping potion.

He is going to find a place to raise it in captivity, he is very experienced in raising magical creatures!

You can see that You Ye is well cared for by him. Buy it!

By the way... how about the dark night?

Where did You Ye go?

Bai Hao suddenly realized that his little pet was gone, and it disappeared after coming out of the pipe.

Could it be...

Bai Hao looked at the big hole that had just been repaired in embarrassment.

He remembered that when he cast [Ice Tide], he froze Night in the pipe together.

At this time, You Ye had already broken free from the ice, and was looking for a way out in the pipes of Hogwarts alone.

(The status is better today and I have coded some more words. I am asking for a subscription, a monthly ticket, and flowers with tears in my eyes. Thank you for your support!!!).

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