The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 17 Guild Daily And Animagus (Please Subscribe!)

The two hours of free activities have arrived, and the guild members have returned to the guild castle one after another.

Bai Hao first engraved the guild seal on the members, and then introduced the magic circle to everyone.

"This is the magic circle." Bai Hao dragged a small red magic circle in his hand, and a fireball was suspended on it, "This is a benefit that can only be obtained by joining Fairy Tail.

"If you want to learn, you can go to the library, where there are all the basics about magic circles."

"Of course, the magic circle is more difficult to learn, so everyone must integrate it with reality, and at the same time, you must not miss the Hogwarts courses."

"You can ask Hermione and Cedric the specific questions in the process of learning the magic circle, they have already started."

"And you can ask me about the spell anytime."

"President!" At this time, a petite and lovely girl raised her hand, "Excuse me, besides doing the things we like, what else do we need to do in the guild?"

This girl is Blanca Zoe from Hufflepuff, a quirky and naughty girl.

When she was in the illusion, even if she was about to faint from hunger, she always comforted her friends optimistically, and told stories about the stars to encourage herself and others.

Heard from Cedric that she loves astronomy.

Bai Hao pointed to the bulletin board with a smile and said: "To put it bluntly, the guild is a place for everyone to improve their studies. Sometimes I will post some tasks on the bulletin board. You can get certain rewards after completing the tasks. The simplest reward It's Jin Gallon."

24 Oh!!! There is pocket money to earn!

"Of course, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me. As long as it meets the requirements, I will turn your requests into tasks and post them on the bulletin board.

Zhang Qiu raised his hand: "Then will our guild continue to recruit people in the future?"

Bai Hao nodded: "Of course, but the guild will not take the initiative to recruit members in the future."

"If anyone wants to join, just pass the guild test."

After answering a few questions, the members began to surround Hermione and Cedric and ask about the magic circle.

Except for one person....

Luna walked up to Bai Hao with a porcini in her arms and a baby piggie on her head.

"Can I post quests?" Luna said briskly, "I want to find them."

She handed Bai Hao a list with the names of all sorts of weird magical animals: Moon Frog, Bubble Snot, Crooked Snork, Heliopa, Aguashijit

Gnat hook, trembling maggot, harassing horsefly, big mouth color ball fish.

The above are some magical creatures that only exist in folklore. Many people do not believe in their existence, and usually treat them as daily talk and jokes.

Bai Hao smiled: "Of course?"

But who's to say that these animals don't exist?

Luna touched Bai Hao's chest: "I don't know her yet."

"Ow!" Ron jumped up in pain at this moment, "Hermione, why are you stepping on me?"

But Hermione ignored him, just looked straight in one direction, her eyes full of resentment.

Bai Hao looked down at You Ye hanging on his chest: "Come out with me, I will show you to know it."

After the two left, those who stayed in the guild castle suddenly felt that the surrounding environment was inexplicably a few degrees lower, and the few people who were closer to Hermione shuddered inadvertently.

Time passed quickly, and a week passed without knowing it, and everyone in the guild has begun to adapt to the life of the guild.

Especially Zoe, a Hufflepuff who likes to go crazy with Luna to find magical creatures.

It is said that with unremitting efforts, the two of them really found the trace of the hook.

The Weasley twins stayed in the magic practice area, and the three of them were a wonderful combination.

Combining pranks and potions, Bai Hao was a little worried that Neville was being misled by the twins.

The Gryffindors headed by Harry like to practice magic in the magic practice area, and they often like to experiment with magic with the "Magic Circle Basics".

Sometimes Bai Hao could still see magic beams flying all over the sky.

Dellake is a bit weirder, and he often likes to provoke Harry, so he and Harry are the people who go to the war zone the most.

But one thing is very strange, for some reason, Bai Hao found that Della seems to be a little afraid of Hermione.

Cedric was the head of the trio of Hufflepuff boys, and he often wandered between the library and the kitchen with Justin Finch Fletcher and Ianth Stanley.

They are indeed unique in cooking with magic.

The Ravenclaws, on the other hand, like to stay in the library and have a Hufflepuff.

Viola Birch's talent is extremely high. She comprehended the basic magic circle of the ice system by herself. To be honest, she is the little eagle among the little badgers.

Bai Hao once wondered if the Sorting Hat was under the Imperius Curse, and even assigned a person who likes to read and study to Hufflepuff.

"Hey! Done!" Bai Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Tonight was a night of thunder and lightning, and he set up a temporary magic gathering circle in a place not far from Hogwarts.

There is something important that must be done tonight.

"Professor McGonagall!" Bai Hao suddenly appeared in the Gryffindor dean's office.

"Mr. Felkes, I've told you many times." Professor McGonagall was having a headache, "Please go through the main entrance when entering the office.

"Okay!" Bai Hao nodded.

He has always been proactive in admitting his mistakes, but he is determined not to correct them!

"Professor, I need your help with something..."

"What?!" Professor McGonagall stood up in shock, "Are you trying to become an Animagus tonight?"

Bai Hao nodded: "Yes, there will be a storm coming tonight, this is the best time.

"Although I have great confidence in becoming an Animagus, just in case, I still hope to ask the professor to protect me by my side."

"Once there is an accident during my transformation, please ask me to take it back."

Professor McGonagall pondered for a while: "Okay! Tell me the time and place."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall."

Time came to night in a blink of an eye.

"Professor McGonagall, good evening!"

"Good evening, Mr. Felkes!" Professor McGonagall arrived as promised.

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore!" Bai Hao also greeted the figure behind Professor McGonagall, "I think so, Professor McGonagall will definitely call you too.

"Just curious to take a look." Dumbledore looked towards the sky, "The time is almost up."


As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky.

Bai Hao raised his hand, and a bottle of red potion suddenly appeared in his hand, with some mud sticking to the bottle.

Professor McGonagall saw that it was time, so he hurried forward:

"Mr. Felkes, I still have to remind you."

"Animagus is a very dangerous form of shapeshifting magic."

"It is important to keep in mind that you must stay awake at all times during the transformation process, otherwise you will become a monster without consciousness.

"This is the experience and lesson of many who want to become Animagus wizards."

Bai Hao nodded with a smile: "I see, Professor."

He walked to the center of the magic circle, placed the magic stone on it, and began to activate the magic circle.

The magic stone gradually glowed red, and the dazzling blue light of the magic circle illuminated the surrounding dark environment.

"Albus, what is he doing?" Professor McGonagall was very puzzled when she saw Bai Hao's operation, which she didn't have when she became an Animagus.

Dumbledore felt the magic power coming from everywhere, and he seemed to understand what Bai Hao wanted to do.

His expression became serious: "I guess he wants to do something that people couldn't do before."

Yes, Bai Hao wanted to complete the transformation of the first magical creature Animagus by gathering a lot of magic power.

It is generally believed in the current magical world that Animagus cannot turn into any animal at will, and the animal it changes is related to the personality and weight of the wizard.

Generally, each person can only become one kind of animal (there have been some natural Animagus who can turn into two kinds of animals in the past).

At the same time, the transformation of Animagus is limited to non-magical creatures, and the transformation of magical creatures (such as phoenix, fire dragon, hippogriff, etc.) will bring unpredictable consequences.

It is thought that this may be due to the fundamental difference in the way magic works for wizards and magical creatures.

But Bai Hao doesn't think so.

He discovered it by studying previous cases of failed transfiguration magic creatures.

These wizards have already shown the characteristics of magical creatures during the transformation process, but they often fall into a state of stagnation when the transformation is less than half.

And because the wizard will continue to be influenced by the instinct of the deformed creature from the moment he starts to transform, so after a long period of freezing, the wizard's consciousness will be gradually replaced by the creature's consciousness, and then become a monster that is neither human nor beast.

Bai Hao speculates that this may be because the wizard's own magic power cannot sustain the transformation of magical creatures.

Magical creatures themselves have powerful power, so if you want to become them, you need to have enough magic power to support the transformation, just like a dragon egg needs enough heat to successfully hatch.

That's why Bai Hao arranged the magic gathering array in advance.

Although Animagus can't decide what creature to transform into by himself, he hopes that the huge magic power can further transform his transformation.

Bai Hao took a deep breath, holding the wand to his heart: "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus.

Then he uncorked the bottle and quickly drank the potion.

The moment the potion flowed into his throat, Bai Hao suddenly felt intense pain and two intense heartbeats.

A creature began to appear in his mind, a bird with bright black plumage.

(I hope that the friends of this book will give a lot of support, please subscribe, ask for monthly tickets, ask for flowers, thank you everyone!!!).

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